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Founder of Beyond
Influencer Marketing

Cloris Kylie, Marketing MBA, helps consultants and coaches build

authority and get ideal clients by collaborating with influencers. She
has helped over 350 consultants and coaches build a successful
business by applying her proven Beyond Influencer Marketing

The bestselling author of Beyond Influencer Marketing, Cloris has

been featured on network television, and on top-ranked podcasts and
YouTube shows, including the #1 podcast for entrepreneurs,
"Entrepreneur On Fire." Cloris's articles have been published on
websites with millions of followers, such as TinyBuddha,
MindBodyGreen, and Addicted2Success.

The host of "Beyond Influencer Marketing Podcast" and "Magnificent

Time for Entrepreneurs," she has interviewed best-selling authors and
world-class entrepreneurs such as Jack Canfield, Chris Brogan, Bob
Burg, Dorie Clark, Dov Baron, Neil Patel, Mel Abraham, and Serena,
Saje and Skye Dyer, the 3 daughters of Dr. Wayne W. Dyer.

Cloris's unique background Industrial Engineering and marketing

allows her to design efficient and effective solutions for her clients,
but Cloris knows you need more than tactics to succeed. That's why
she also empowers you to, as she says, “Reveal your magnificence.”


“Cloris's wisdom resulted in numerous 'aha'

moments that will greatly reduce my trial and
error time”
“I highly recommend working with Cloris Kylie if you want to grow your business and
expand your network. Her insights into how I can grow my business by forming
relationships with key market influencers have been extremely helpful to me. In
addition, Cloris provided me with numerous ideas about how I can create simple, but
profitable product funnels in my business to increase my royalty income. Her wisdom
resulted in numerous 'aha' moments that will greatly reduce my trial and error time.
Cloris is a wonderful, caring person – and I am proud to provide her with this

Casey Demchak
Award-Winning Direct Response Copywriter and Consultant

"Cloris helped me transition from being a

freelancer to building a 6-figure consulting
"It was a pleasure being coached by Cloris and exceptionally valuable as she helped me
transition from being a freelancer to building a 6-figure consulting business. She is very
professional, knowledgeable and personable and I would highly recommend her

Tom Palmer
Founder & CEO
The Continuous Learning Company


"A one-person shop to take me to the next level in

terms of attracting clients, boosting revenue, and
streamlining my business processes"
Cloris was truly the perfect consulting coach for me! I am a one-person shop who was
looking for steps to take me to the next level in terms of attracting clients, boosting
revenue, and streamlining my business processes. She was such a calm voice of reason,
and a real cheerleader for my success! My work with her has allowed me to achieve all
three of the goals I had set out.

A.J. Steinberg, CFRE

Consultant helping nonprofits create engaging and profitable events

“A distinctive approach to marketing by helping

you implement strategies that really work"
"If you are looking for someone to help you build your business through strategic
marketing, Cloris Kylie is the right person for you. She has a distinctive approach to
marketing by helping you implement strategies that really work. Her coaching and
teaching style inspires action. Cloris and I started working together earlier this year.
Thanks to her guidance, I finally finished writing the book and created the webinar
that's been on my goals list for over 3 years. She is very patient and gives you all the
tools you need to succeed. No fluff, no empty promises. You will get results if you do
the work. "

Therese Nicklas
Financial Advisor, Certified Financial Planner, Certified Money Coach

Why collaborating with influencers is key to grow your business................. 6

Benefits of building a network of influencers............................................. 8

The Beyond Influencer Marketing Blueprint............................................... 11

Key Factors to Get Ideal Clients by Collaborating with Influencers.............. 12

Action 1: Be Clear About Who You Help and What You Do......................... 13

Action 2: Show That You Want To Create a Relationship, Not a Transaction.. 15

The Four Ways You Can Deliver Value To Influencers.................... 17

Help Them Expand Their Reach.................................................. 18

Help Them Build Their Brand...................................................... 19

Let Them Know They’re Making an Impact................................... 21

Help Them Grow Their Business................................................. 22

Action 3: Prove That You Care When You Propose an Idea to Collaborate.... 25

Your Next Steps..................................................................................... 27

Thank you for downloading this guide. Use it to get a head start when it
comes to collaborating with influencers to build authority and get ideal

You might be wondering why I became so passionate about influencer


It all started with a personal development book I wrote in 2013. Back then,
I learned about the importance of building a “writer’s platform,” so I started
to blog like there was no tomorrow.

I also started an online radio show, “Magnificent Time,” where I explored

anything related to self-empowerment. My first radio show episodes were
monologues, based on my personal interpretation of self-help books.

I thought the blog and the show would help me bring awareness to my
recently published book, and grow my new coaching business.

However, I quickly realized that it wasn’t that easy to be noticed. It

seemed that I was shouting my message into an empty room.

I knew I had expertise and value to offer.

I was working harder than ever.

And yet, I felt invisible…

Thousands of dollars on ads didn’t make a difference.

People would opt-in to download my lead magnet, and quickly

unsubscribe. I had little social proof to show, so this “cold” audience didn’t
trust me…

My a-ha! moment...
One day, I realized that most podcasts weren’t monologues. Instead, they were
interview-based. I didn’t know how it hadn’t occurred to me to have guests who
could help me spread the word about my show.

Even better, I could become a guest on other people’s shows and reach their
captive audiences with my message!

Around the same time, I heard about “guest blogging.” Brilliant! Someone with
an existing readership would publish my articles. No more struggling for
hours on end to attract readers.

That’s when my perspective about how to position myself as an expert and build
an audience entirely changed.

I realized I only needed to find people who already reached my ideal audience
(influencers) to help me position myself as an expert, build positive momentum,
and get over the hump.

That’s part of what influencer marketing is all about: Reaching existing (ideal)
audiences with your message.

Fast forward a few years, and I have been able to create a positive impact on
thousands of consultants, coaches, and other expertise-based entrepreneurs
through my best-selling book, Beyond Influencer Marketing, my courses
and private programs.

I have been featured on blogs with millions of readers, podcasts and YouTube
channels with millions of followers, television, local organizations, and
conferences attended by my ideal clients. I’m recognized as a top expert in my
field. The overwhelm that used to keep me awake at night has been replaced
with confidence and ease.

My influencer connections have become long-term referral and partners,

helping me grow my business with ideal clients.

I feel blessed to experience the satisfaction of making a difference in other

people’s lives.

That’s what I want for you!

And that’s why I’m so excited to share this guide with you.

When you build a powerful network of influencer connections you will have
the opportunity to:

1 | Change your own beliefs about what’s possible for you.

You’ll realize that if you follow in the influencers’ footsteps,
you’ll have the opportunity to achieve and exceed your highest

2 | Position yourself as the go-to expert in your field and

guide your ideal clients to reach their goals.
Connecting with influencers will help you experience:
A consistent flow of ideal clients through referrals and
Support through a network of like-minded people
Authority positioning
Empowerment and personal growth

Influencer marketing has often been seen as a transactional kind of

marketing, where you reach out to somebody with a big platform and pay
them to give you a shout-out or promote you. Then, you have to find new
influencers to promote you next. You rarely get to create long-term
relationships with these influencers.

If that's what you want to get out of influencer marketing, I respect your
decision, but this guide isn't for you.

The Beyond Influencer Marketing mindset isn’t about one-sided
transactions where one approaches influencers with a “what’s-in-it-
for-me” attitude.

Also, it isn't about one-time promotions.

Instead, the Beyond Influencer Marketing philosophy is about creating

win-win relationships with influencers that lead to long-term

Long-term collaboration results in sustained business growth, one of

the reasons I wrote my international best-selling book, Beyond Influencer

When you join the Beyond Influencer Marketing movement, you will
grow your business with ideal clients AND feel great about it because
you’ll be delivering value to the influencers and their audiences, too.

Are you in?

The Beyond Influencer
Marketing Blueprint to Get
Ideal Clients by Collaborating
with Influencers
In a nutshell, the Beyond Influencer Marketing blueprint to collaborate with
influencers consists of three key pillars:

Prep for consistent growth. This is all about having the right
mindset and the foundational elements within your marketing
engine so that when you have the opportunity to be connected
with the audiences of influencers, you’ll have a clear path for
your new connections to become clients.

Plan for success. This phase will ensure that you select only the
right influencers to collaborate with, and design a clear plan for
successful collaboration with each influencer. You will ensure
you have the systems for outreach, follow-up, and tracking so
you can do more of what works.

Partner for long-term collaboration. In the third phase of the

system, you will launch the system you created in Phase 2,
resulting in invaluable opportunities to collaborate with
influential people in your industry. Collaboration can vary from a
simple interview on a relevant podcast to highly qualified
referrals. Everything depends on the plan you define in phase 2.

There are multiple key actions to get ideal clients by
collaborating with influencers. In this quick guide, we will go
deeper into one key action from each of the three pillars within
the Beyond Influencer Marketing blueprint. You’ll also discover
practical ideas to build relationships with influencers, which will
spark new ideas in your mind.


ACTION 1 Be clear about who you help and what you do

As an expert in your field, you must have a compelling value proposition. Your
title or the fact that you are the founder of your company don't really matter
much when it comes to attracting influencers and ideal clients.

This is part of the foundational work (PREP phase) within the Beyond
Influencer Marketing blueprint.

In order to stand out and attract influencers, you need a value proposition that

Who you help

What you help your ideal clients achieve
Why you can help in a special way.

If you have a weak or too-general value proposition, or intend to serve

everyone, it'll be extremely difficult for you to successfully collaborate with

Notice how you can go from general to specific and unique…

Original value proposition: I help business owners grow their revenue

Notice how “business owners” is too general.

Let’s niche down first...

I help sushi restaurant owners grow their revenue

Notice how “grow their revenue” is very broad and vague.

Let’s make the second part of the value proposition more specific. In order
to do this, you will have to go back to your work with past clients and figure
out if you can add more details to the results you get for them.

Focus on the results that are top of mind for your ideal clients.

Also, if you have developed a proprietary framework to help your clients,

you can leverage it to make your value proposition even more unique.

Here’s what it would look like in this situation:

Who you help: Sushi restaurant owners

What you help your ideal clients achieve: Double their revenue and cut
operational costs by 30% in 90 days
Why you can help in a special way: proven Sushi-win method

New value proposition: I help sushi restaurant owners double their

revenue and cut operational costs by 30% in 90 days with our proven
Sushi-win method.

Write your new value proposition here:

Once you have a very specific and compelling value proposition, check the

Is this value proposition on your website homepage?

Is it on your social media profiles?
Is it on all of your marketing materials?
Have you tested this to make sure it resonates with ideal clients?

ACTION 2 Show that you want to create a relationship, not a transaction

The second pillar within the Beyond Influencer Marketing blueprint (PLAN
phase) requires you to select the ideal influences to connect with. And
once you have selected the key players to connect with, you must start to
build a relationship before you ask for anything from them.

If you reach out to influencers with a what’s-in-it-for-me mindset, it’s

very likely that they will see right through it and you will not even be able
to start a relationship. If you have already connected with influencers, and
all you care about is how they will help you, you will probably not develop
the kind of long-term relationship needed to grow a thriving business.

Instead, you must approach influencers with the primary desire to help.
The key question to decide how to approach influencers is “how may I

Bob Burg and John David Mann write in one of my favorite books, The
Go-Giver, “Your influence is determined by how abundantly you place
other people’s interests first.” So true! On my podcast, Beyond Influencer
Marketing, Bob Burg explained how the “Go-Giver” philosophy works, so
I invite you to check out the interview.

Whenever I approach people of influence, I ask myself, “What’s the best

way to deliver value to them? What’s going on in their lives right now that
I can help them with?”

If you adopt a philosophy of giving, reciprocity is likely to kick in.

However, it's important that you be detached, because some influencers
will not reciprocate right away. That's okay. You’re in this for the long-

Ready to deliver value to influencers?

Here are four approaches to consider


No matter how large their audience or following is, influencers

want to reach more people. If you can help them reach even one
more person, you’ll be delivering value.


Influencers need a consistent flow of social proof to maintain their

influencer status, and you can support them through reviews and


Most influencers aren’t “in it for the money” only. There are purely
money-driven influencers, but why would you want to connect
with them if your goal is to make a difference in the lives of those
around you? Influencers worthy of reaching out to usually have a
mission to change lives and leave a legacy. So if you let them
know they’re fulfilling their highest goals, they’ll appreciate it.


Even though the mission of the influencer might be to bring about

positive change and make the world a better place, contributing to
the influencer’s bottom line is critical, and will be appreciated.
After all, without revenue, it won’t be possible for them to
continue making an impact over the long term.

Help them expand their reach.

Share their posts (and add an insightful comment)

If you’re active on LinkedIn, share the influencers’ most valuable content along with
your own insights on the topic.

I’ve connected with colleagues who supported me on social media in such a

consistent manner that I felt compelled to check out their websites and LinkedIn
profiles. I eventually got to meet them to explore ways to collaborate.

Be sure to tag the influencers when you share their content. Also, always add a
comment that shows your expertise in the subject and benefits the community.
“Nice post” or “Thank you” won’t make an impact.

Write an article inspired by their work and post it on your site

That’s how I connected with an influencer in the survival space, Creek Stewart. I
tweeted an article I had written about his Weather Channel TV show “Fat Guys in
the Woods,” and he immediately took notice.

Creek was so impressed with the article that he shared it across his social networks.
He eventually appeared as a guest on my radio show, and our friendship continues
to grow.

If you write an article inspired by the influencer’s work, select the most appropriate
medium to let them know. If they don’t notice when you tag them on social media,
email them a link to the article. Share the article with your subscribers, too, if you
have an email list.

Have them as guests on your podcast, blog, or virtual summit

Having your own platform, such as a podcast, blog, summit, YouTube channel, or
online group, makes it easier to help an influencer expand their reach. However,
don’t fall into the trap of relying on the influencer to promote the interview or article.
Instead, treat their participation in your community as the main benefit and their
promotional support as a perk.

Go the extra mile to drive people to the influencer’s interview or guest post. For
example, you could write an article about their interview, and then pay to promote it
on social media.

Help them build their brand.

Connect with them on LinkedIn and write a recommendation for them

Most influencers have a LinkedIn profile, and even if they’re not active on the
platform, they’re likely to see the notification about the new recommendation, and
they’ll appreciate your gesture.

Base your recommendation on the influencer’s main message. You’ll need to visit
their website and identify their core mission and vision. For example, if you’re
recommending a leadership expert, mention his or her impact on your leadership

When you let them know you have written a recommendation for them, ask whether
they would like to make an edit, and promptly make the changes if they ask for them.
In most situations, they will simply express appreciation and not ask for revisions.
Best of all, you’ll have paved the path to a growing relationship.

Post a review of their book on Amazon

When I want to connect with an influencer who’s recently written a book, my first
step usually is to write a review on Amazon. Whether the book has five or 500
reviews, a positive review is always appreciated. If you want to make an extra effort,
record a video review.

Email the influencer to let them know you have posted the review, or share a
screenshot of the review on social media and tag them. Give them the opportunity
to let their audience know about the impact their book is making—which is of huge
value to them as they grow their readership.

Post a review of their podcast on iTunes

Podcasters crave iTunes reviews, so yours will certainly be appreciated. Email the
influencer or tag them on social media to let them know about the review and ask
what else you can do to support the show. If they ask for your help sharing the
podcast, then follow through! You’ll be stacking value on top of value, solidifying
your relationship with that influencer.

A word about reviews: It’s easy to write “great podcast” or “great book,” but those
kinds of reviews don’t create an impact. Instead, write an honest review based on a
specific benefit you were able to draw from their content. For example, if the
influencer hosts a podcast about self-publishing, and you were inspired to write
your first book because of it, then mention that when you write your review.

If you have purchased their courses or attended their events and got
positive results, offer to create a video testimonial for them
Video testimonials are the highest form of social proof for a business, so it’s highly
likely that the influencer will eagerly say yes to your proposal.

Here’s a four-part structure I recommend for a powerful testimonial.

1. You. State your name and business information relevant to the course or event.
2. Your “before.” What challenges (related to the course or event) were you
3. Your aha moment. What did you learn from the influencer that changed your
mindset or behavior?
4. Your “after.” What results did you get after implementing the influencer’s
strategy or lesson? How have those results changed your life or business?

Here’s an example:

You. State your name and business information relevant to the course or event.
“Hi, I’m Cloris Kylie. I help consultants and coaches build authority and get ideal
clients by collaborating with influencers in their industry.”

Your “before.” What challenges (related to the course or event) were you facing?
“Before I took “ABC course,” I wasn’t sure how to assemble a virtual team that
would allow me to delegate and focus on what I do best. I had hired VAs that
either didn’t do their job or did a terrible job. Creating a team was becoming more
overwhelming than having no help!”

Your aha moment. What did you learn from the influencer that changed your
mindset or behavior?
“That’s when I joined “ABC course” by “XYZ influencer,” and I understood that I
was hiring the wrong kind of VA. To get better results, I had to be willing to invest
in a technical VA, who wouldn’t have a steep learning curve and who’d be
responsible for more than one task.”

Your “after.” What results did you get after implementing the influencer’s strategy
or lesson? How have those results changed your life or business?
“Now, I’m happy to say that I have a virtual team that allows me to scale my
business and keep it running smoothly even when I can’t be there. I’m more than
happy to recommend “XYZ” and her “ABC Course.”

Creating such a testimonial is one of the most powerful things you can do to initiate
and nurture a relationship with an influencer.

Let them know they’re making an impact.

Most influencers have gotten where they are because of their deep passion to
make an impact on the lives of those around them. If you show them that their
efforts are paying off, they’ll remember you. That’s a perfect way to initiate a
relationship with them. Below are a few ideas to spark your creativity.

Comment on the content they create

This includes:
Blog articles
Podcast show notes

When the influencer publishes new content, be one of the first to comment.
You could mention your #1 takeaway from the content, share a previous
related experience, and—if possible—add a valuable statement that shows
your expertise on the subject.

Subscribe to their list and reply to their emails (if appropriate)

Influencers will sometimes ask their email readers to reply. Often, they
personally read the replies, and they will appreciate your feedback. Also, the
act of replying will help their email deliverability, keeping their messages from
being diverted into spam folders. This tends to be a major issue for those who
have huge mailing lists, such as top influencers.

Also, if the influencers share an exclusive newsletter with their audience, and
the content strongly resonates with you, reply with your feedback. If they
personally check their business email account (which happens more often
than you think), they’ll appreciate your gesture.

Replying to Chris Brogan’s weekly newsletter allowed me to nurture my

relationship with Chris, a top influencer in my space. I found so much value
and inspiration in the newsletter that it felt natural to reply. That’s what you
want. You never want to force yourself to write a reply, or to feign
appreciation for the content of the email or newsletter. In that case, it’s best
to find another way to let the influencers know they’re making an impact.

Help them grow their business.

Would you be appreciative and want to learn more about someone who’s an
advocate of your message and does what it takes to help you grow your business?
“Heck yeah!” you might be thinking. Influencers will feel the same way. That’s why
this is such an effective way to initiate and nurture your influencer connections. Here
are some ideas to get you started.

Send them ideas that will benefit them and their business
This is a commonly overlooked way of delivering value, yet it’s one of the most

Millionaire entrepreneur and author James Altucher calls himself an “idea machine.”
He not only creates a flow of daily ideas for his own business, but also comes up
with ideas to help other people’s businesses. He says that when he submitted his
ideas to Amazon, the company flew him to Amazon headquarters to thank him and to
hear more.

As Altucher says, “Give ideas for free, and then when you meet, give more ideas.
And if someone wants to pay you and your gut feels this is a good fit, then give even
more ideas.”

Remember, however, that influencers are often pressed for time, so be concise
when you share your ideas with the influencer and offer to provide more details if
they’re interested.

What matters most when you approach the influencer is that you clearly express the
idea and how it will help their business. Also, your ideas must be aligned with the
core mission of the influencer, and that’s where your knowledge of their business
comes into play.

What’s the best way to share your ideas? Email might work, but it is often routed to
“gatekeepers” or simply lost in the shuffle. If you want to stand out, mail them a
printed document or a USB drive with your ideas.

Another way to stand out is to send a video card, which allows you to create and
mail a customized greeting card with your video.

I bet you can come up with your own way to deliver your ideas. Be creative, but
never let a lack of creativity keep you from taking action. Once you take the first
step, the next one will usually manifest itself.

Review their websites and notify them if there are broken links
Wouldn’t you appreciate it if someone let you know your site wasn’t working right?
So will the influencers!

From time to time, I get an email from a reader about a website link that isn’t
working. Also, once I received an alert about a typo on one of my pages. Oops!
What’s the first thing I did? After I thanked them and forwarded their email to my
web designer, I checked to see if they had a link to their website on their email
signature so I could learn more about them.

If you use this strategy to connect with an influencer, your next step should be to
continue nurturing the connection by following up with another way to deliver value.
For example, if you’ve alerted influencers about a problem on their site, you could
then post a review of their book (within a week of the initial communication) and
email them to let them know. Next, you could write a comment on their blog, and so

Buy from them

Needless to say, one of the reasons influencers are as successful as they are is that
they take care of their clients and customers.

If the influencer offers a course or program, for example. becoming one of the
participants will allow you to stand out and deepen your knowledge of their
business and expertise.

Influencer in the coaching industry Marc Mawhinney said during his interview on my
virtual summit, “If you want to get my attention, buy one of my programs!”

I’ve connected with top influencers online by signing up for their training programs.
By doing so, I gained knowledge from experts in my industry and created new

Attend their live events and introduce yourself

As powerful as online networking is, there’s nothing like meeting someone in person
to create and deepen a connection.

If a connection with an influencer is of utmost importance to you and your business,

you should attend one of their live events.

Keep in mind that it might not be possible for you to meet them in person, unless it’s
during a book signing. However, you can use what you learned during the event to
create a review that they’ll be more likely to notice.

By having participated in their event, you’ll have a common experience with them
that you can reference when you reach out to them on social media or via email.

If you attend an event led by niche influencers, it will be easier to talk to them during
one of the breaks or socials that usually follow the day’s sessions. When you
introduce yourself, mention what you appreciate the most about them and the
difference they have made in your life and business.

If you have a picture taken with them, tag them when you share the picture on social

Be mindful that the person is under pressure to deliver a high-quality conference,

and he or she is likely to be approached by many people. That means it’s best to not
overextend your time with the influencer. Make it short and substantive.

As you can see, there’s so much value you can bring to influencers that
they’ll be grateful they connected with you! Make sure you’re aware of
that value, and take focused action to deliver it.

Below, list three influencers you want to collaborate with and one
powerful way you can deliver value to them


How I can deliver value to them?


How I can deliver value to them?


How I can deliver value to them?

ACTION 3 Prove that you care when you propose an idea to collaborate

Once you have a strong foundation (PREP), the infrastructure to connect with
the right influencers, and the strategy to build the relationship (PLAN), you
will have to propose a way to collaborate with them.

This is part of the third pillar within the Beyond Influencer Marketing blueprint
(PARTNER phase).

When you propose your idea, you need to be very specific.

Influencers are inundated by generic, mass emailed pitches asking them to do favors
for others.

They immediately tune out to that.

In order to stand out, you must prove that you are reaching out because your
proposal is the perfect fit for their values and mission, their audience, and their

When you approach the influencers, ask yourself:

Have you taken the time to build trust with the influencer before you pitch? Even
if it's something as simple as supporting them on social media?
Have you explained why your proposal might be a perfect fit for them? Will they
be able to tell why you selected them instead of someone else?
Have you explained how your proposal will benefit the influencer? Even if you're
asking to get on a call, explain why the call will be of value to them.

You will find a customizable pitch template to be a guest on podcasts or network

television when you download the Beyond Influencer Marketing book bonus
package. Other forms of collaboration require a much more customized approach.

Remember, the value-based mindset should always guide all your actions!
Below, write down the names of three influencers you would like to collaborate with,
how you would like to collaborate, and why your proposal would be a perfect fit for
the influencers.

Influencer Name Proposal Why the proposal is a fit?

Below, write down what excites you the most when you visualize collaborating with

Below, write down the first step you will take today to reach your goal to collaborate
with influencers

I hope these ideas have inspired you to collaborate with influencers.

However, this is just the beginning.

In order to succeed by collaborating with influencers, all of the elements

within the Beyond Influencer Marketing blueprint must be present.

You must have a solid business foundation, including a referral or list-building
system plus trust building assets such as case studies, testimonials, and the
roadmap for your proprietary system. This way, when influencers feature you, you
will grow your email list and connect with ideal clients.

You also need to connect with the right influencers. Sharing your message
with the wrong audience will be a waste of time for everyone involved.

You need to clearly know your short-term and long-term objectives when
collaborating with influencers. For example, your short-term objective might
be to get on an influencer’s podcast, but your long-term objective will be to
become referral partners. This is key to map out a strategy for success.

You must track your influencer marketing results. The lack of a tracking
system is usually one of the reasons coaches and consultants fail to grow their
audience and get ideal clients when they’re featured by influencers.

You need to find the perfect hook and approach to pitch ideas to
influencers. And once you have connected with them, you need to have a
system to follow up, nurture the connections, and propose new
collaborative opportunities.

You must take consistent, deliberate action.

Doing this on your own can be quite challenging regardless of the stage of your

So, why don’t we talk?

During our conversation, you are welcome to share with me your vision and goals
for your business so I can suggest the most efficient and effective way for you to
collaborate with influencers.

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