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National Council of Education

— PEN 2036 —


WHAT IS the National Educational Project?

• It is the development of State policy on education. As such, it

provides a strategic framework that guides national action (state
and non-state) in educational matters.

• In that sense, it is mandatory for the State to observe it at its

three levels of government.
Educatio • Approved by Supreme Decree 09-2020/MINEDU (07/28/2020).
National PEN 2036
What IS NOT the National Educational

• It is NOT a sectoral national policy

• It is NOT a list of measures that must be implemented by

state agents

Project • It is NOT a strategic plan

nal • It is NOT an inert and static document
PEN 2036
Challenges and trends

Response to challenges and Consideration of

national characteristics global trends

✔ Weakness of democracy;
✔ Weak institutional
✔ New sources of insecurity;
✔ Extended life expectancy;
✔ Corruption and values;
✔ The individual, the local and the
✔ Interculturality seen as a
✔ New technologies,
✔ Productivity and material
✔ Crises / Pandemics
development problems.
Central ideas of the PEN
A. Education as a fundamental Human Right : it places the centrality on PEOPLE , on
the fact that they learn throughout life inside and outside educational institutions,
and on the role of public policy as a universal guarantor of the right.

B. Central concern for inclusion and equity and for the integral development of people
(physical, cognitive, emotional, spiritual) and full citizenship as an aspiration for all

C. It requires changes in people and in the educational system

D. Multi-sector approach .
Components of the formulation process (2017-2020)

— PEN 2036 -

Components of the formulation process (2017-2020)

National Council

20 topics addressed
From 2007- EVALUATION OF THE Assessme Commissions
2017 PROJECT FOR 2021
nt job
PEN 2021

Approx. All departments; all

In ordination
250,000 provinces; about 90% of the districts
people 879 Conferences for education
51 Specialized Dialogues Vision 2 50 AN
Virtual Survey Consult Analysi
17 Ministries / 15 Parties P. Work meetings
ation prospective
7 Macro-regional Meetings 1 /
4 meetings of the Council of National Meeting nationa
Vision 2050
Ministers l
2 Events 2017 (Future Country and Future 5 full ions and
86 CD sessions
1 Event 2018 (National Meeting of Regions)
Inquiries to Plenary National
— PEN 2036 -

The final version of PEN 2036 approved by the CNE Plenary included of the
and CD of MINEDU and
rivers and recommendations 7
commenting CEPLAN CNE
VISION "All people in Peru learn, develop and prosper throughout our lives, responsibly exercising our freedom to
build personal and
It is the image of the people we imagine collectives, living together and dialoguing intergenerationally and interculturally in a democratic, equitable,
in 2036 after their educational egalitarian and inclusive society, which respects and values diversity in all its expressions and ensures
experience. environmental sustainability."
-TO., TO . * Productivity,
Life aV, Inclusion and To Wellbeing ...
4 PURPOSES What should citizen ( equity (e) socio-emotional M prosperity,
education aim to achieve that image?
M Uh, NW / • ° research,

10 3
•9 In
Locking up
- 9 Teachers : 4) gaps
X® W Validating
:0T trajectories of M autonomy
Valuing the

GUIDELINES either " B- learning "3 institutional

— -. : • Financing é Optimizing Recognizing

What changes must occur in the actors In es®ee Ena • with equity -2-, (management 26 and encouraging

and the system to direct us towards the •JL» Managers 7 Society and effectiveness ' 3 State Hr 55 research and
proposed purposes? innovation
conceive the — Ensure that Strengthen — Modify the — Use it

To action 4s " all (22 character TO financing (ñh universal and

2hv2) educational W'e V•]
5 DRIVERS institutions ( public of public of the intensive of

What should we move with more force

Hey since •41V educational The education "OR education - the
from the sector to generate changes in people count on digital
people and in the system? autonomy
The people we imagine

All people in Peru

we learn ,
We develop and prosper throughout our lives,
responsibly exercising our freedom to build
personal and collective projects,
living together and dialoguing intergenerationally and interculturally,
in a democratic, equitable, egalitarian and inclusive society,
that respects and values diversity in all its expressions
and ensures environmental sustainability.
Citizen life What should we aim for to achieve the vision?

Peruvian education contributes to )4 Inclusion and Equity

people live together freely and fairly, in a
Rule of law, with strong institutions that
guarantee equality before the law, security, Peruvian education encourages people
fulfilling our obligations and exercising let us live together recognizing, valuing and including
our individual and collective rights in a our diversity, eliminating all forms of
community where trust prevails. discrimination, guaranteeing equality of
learning and development opportunities, and
prioritizing preferential attention to
Socio-emotional well-being populations that are currently in
biggest disadvantage.
Education enables people to know each other and
value ourselves, self-regulate our Productivity, prosperity, research and
emotions and behaviors, establish relationships sustainability
healthy human beings, identify purposes and meaning Education enables people to perform
in what productively and to develop aligned activities
we do and deal with diverse challenges both to achieve with our aspirations, which generate and take
our personal development as well as for coexistence. advantage
Likewise, take into account that cognition, the state creatively, sustainably and responsibly resources
physical, emotion and spiritual development are social, cultural, natural and economic. With that
aspects we achieve material well-being both for ourselves and
inseparable to develop our full potential collective. Likewise, education favors and is nourished
individual and collective. by
research, innovation and development to enhance
opportunities for national development and prosperity.
Strategic orientations
What changes must occur in the system and in the actors?


For the actors

Families Teachers Directors Society

for the system 8


Closing Trajectories Institutional Financing State Research

gaps autonomy management innovation
Strategic orientations
What changes must occur in the system and in the actors?
For the actors

Families Teachers Managers

It is up to the members of The people who teach throughout the The management teams and other managers and actors
families and homes to educational system are committed to involved in the learning process facilitate and conduct
provide mutual support, their students, understand their educational experiences with professionalism,
create warm, safe and different needs and family, social, commitment and understanding of the needs of students,
healthy environments, and cultural and environmental teachers, administrative staff and their environments.
stimulate the development of environment, contribute effectively to
each of its members without developing their potential, without
any type of discrimination, as any type of discrimination, performing
well as good environmental ethically, integrity and professionalism
practices within the and proactively deploy their leadership
framework of a democratic for social transformation.
society. .
Social organizations, companies, the media and
communities assume their responsibility for the education
of people, contributing with their actions to a democratic
and sustainable coexistence.
Strategic orientations
What changes must occur in the system and in the actors?
for the system

5. 10 .
Closing Trajectories Autonomy Manag Investigation
gaps institutional ement innovation
The educational system The educational All educational institutions Sufficient public state
All State educational The educational system
system promotes operate autonomously financing that management bodies favors and promotes
ensures that all people,
and certifies within an articulated, prioritizes the operate oriented towards scientific inquiry and
particularly the most
learning achieved decentralized, flexible allocation of citizens, in a professional, thinking and is nourished
inside or outside educational system, free resources strategic manner, by innovation and
populations, learn
of schooling and of segregation and according to the planned for the medium technology in interaction
throughout their lives
provides diverse discrimination, with state diversity of needs, and long term, making with a strengthened
thanks to diversified,
and flexible supervision independent guaranteeing intensive use of digital, national system of
relevant, timely,
trajectories of those supervised, which equity, and articulated at all research, innovation and
articulated and inclusive
throughout ensures the right of transparency and levels, with other sectors sustainable development
educational experiences,
people's lives. people to a good accountability. and actors in the to deploy creative
making competent use of
education. community. local, potential and the
available technologies.
national and global. generation of
What should we move with more force from
the sector to generate changes?

Educational action conceived from people and their contexts, throughout

life, producing different trajectories
Guarantee that all IIEE can autonomously deploy their creativity; within
an articulated, decentralized, modern, flexible system.
Strengthen the public nature of education in an educational system that
includes both state and private educational institutions.
Increase public financing so that it is sufficient,
is allocated according to needs and is used effectively and efficiently
Universal and intensive use of digital technologies to enhance learning,
research and management.

National Educational Project to 2036: The challenge of full citizenship

The National Educational Project 2036: The challenge of full citizenship calls for the national effort in the educational field to be linked to the necessary work in different areas of national life to achieve full citizenship; that is, so
that all people, without distinction of any kind, can fully exercise all our rights (among them, the right to education) without any impairment, whether due to deficiencies in the services that contribute to their exercise (such as
an education academically deficient or that neglects the integral development of human potential) or because they reproduce pre-existing social injustices.

This document has four purposes: Citizen Life, which aspires for all people to live together and exercise their freedom and responsibility, so that they can develop and help achieve a more just country; Inclusion and Equity,

which seeks to generate equal educational opportunities without any type of discrimination; Socio-emotional Wellbeing, which aims to contribute to achieving an emotionally healthy life; and Productivity, Prosperity, Research
and Sustainability, which aspires for all educational experiences to provide tools to productively and sustainably develop the tasks we choose to carry out, that contribute to local and national development, and that consider

l Project
the incorporation of research and innovation scientific.

— PEN 2036 —
J. — PEN 2036 —


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