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In the name of God

Microbiology Lab WORK REPORT

Name of course: Microbiology

Field & Education level: Medical Stu. _ Term 3

Bench number (Group members): C4
‫ سید اوختای حسینی‬، ‫محمدحسن خدابنده لو‬

Test title: Laboratory diagnose of bacteria
The purpose of the experiment: Identification of Enterobacteriaceae species
Methods: MacConkey test, Simmons Citrate , EMB ,TSI culture media tests
Test procedure:
_ Identify whether the bacteria are Gram-positive or Gram-negative using the selective medium.
_ MacConkey test: Identify the growth on MacConkey agar and observe the color change. Lactose
fermenters turn red or pink on MacConkey agar, while non-fermenters do not change color.
_ Simmons Citrate test: Color change from green to blue indicates the organism's ability to utilize citrate.
_ EMB: Organisms that ferment lactose appear dark/black or green(D), often with "nucleated colonies"—
colonies with dark centers. Organisms that do not ferment lactose vigorously will appear pink(P i) and
often mucoid(C).
_ TSI: Differentiate color change Yellow (A)/Red (K) - Identify gas production - Observe hydrogen sulfide
production by black color appearing at the bottom of the tube.
Test result:
_ Gram-negative
_ MacConkey test: G/R probable coliform lactose +
_ Simmons Citrate: -
_ EMB: G/D probable coliform
_ TSI: A/A ,gas: + ,H 2S: -

Organism isolated: E. coli

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