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s day

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letter to dad
8 Minutes and 4 Characters. A son writes
a letter to his father for Father's Day in
which he expresses everything he feels
for him.


A living room in a house and dad's favorite sofa to rest on.


16 year old TEENAGER
POSTMAN (Let's try to make the postman a child, with a very large bag, and a letter envelope of the same size; this is to
add a note of humor to the program.)
RAPPORTER (Who speaks hidden with a microphone in his hand.)


(We will see the father sitting reading the newspaper when suddenly there is a knock on the door, he may have soft
music only with instruments.)

MAILMAN. Good morning, Mr. González.

FATHER. Good morning, Mr. Postman. Do you bring something for me?

MAILMAN. Well of course... Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.

FATHER. You are very right... (Laughing.)

MAILMAN. (He exaggerates a little when handing him the envelope.)

It seems like they had a lot to say...

FATHER. Who could write to me? (He turns the envelope over trying to find the sender, which obviously does not come
with it. He gives some coins to the postman and says goodbye.) Good luck, thank you.

MAILMAN. Thank you, it's my job and I do it with great pleasure and love.


(The father, still surprised, will look at the envelope, sit on his sofa, and upon opening the page, the Rapporteur will
begin to read this letter in a very soft voice: for this space very soft music continues, and there will be pauses in which
the father will reflect in your mind. At each pause the father will shake his head, or let a tear come from his eyes. Let's
remember that he is the only one on stage, so it would be a good idea to lower the lights and use a halogen (spotlight)
that illuminates him at this special moment, creating the atmosphere.


Dear Dad:

I want to confess to you that it is not easy for me to tell you everything I think, and what I want. Maybe it's because of
my age; I know that it was difficult for you to talk to my grandfather. (Pause) I want to tell you that you stimulate me
every day, to face a new day, however, for some time now I have wanted to talk to you about what is inside my heart
and mind.

When I was a child I liked that despite the fatigue you had from having worked hard during the day, you sat down and
took me in your arms, to make me feel that I counted on you and that you loved me (pause).

Today is a special day because we all try to make our parents feel happy and content. I would like that even though I am
a teenager and I am beginning to mature, that you would take the same time as when I was a child (pause); You are
important to me and if I often don't tell you, it is not because you are not, it is simply because it is difficult for me to
let go of “The Love” that I feel for you.

When I was a child I liked to hold your hand and look at you, I wanted to become like you. There was no one smarter,
more special than you. (Pause.)

Do you know what I noticed about you in those years? How you shaved, how you laughed; I watched you many times,
head down, sitting on your couch and today I know that you were worried about me, about my future, because I would
achieve everything I dreamed of; Thank you for what I am now, I owe it to you, I have learned to make decisions, thanks
to your advice (pause).

Thank you for understanding my moods, I am never the same. I can't even understand myself. I have not felt defeated
by making a mistake, because you encourage me to keep going (pause).

Today I feel proud of you, to have you and to be able, through my letter, to tell you how much I love you.

Well, my wish will always be that God bless you and do not forget that despite the years my love for you will never
change because you are my dad, and for me there will never be another “equal.”

Receive my greetings and love on this day.


(He finishes reading the letter, his son, a young man of no more than 16, enters the scene.)

SON. (She shyly approaches.) I see you received my letter.

FATHER. (Wiping away tears.) No matter what way you find to tell me everything you want, thank you son. (Sighs.)
Thank you very much… I LOVE YOU.

SON. And I to you, dad. (They give their old greeting that they had when he was a child and then they hug and leave.)
The birthday

10 Minutes and 3 Characters + Extras.

It's a father's birthday and it seems
that his family doesn't remember him at
such a special day

this time.




(The scene takes place in the living room of the house.)

FATHER. (Entering the scene.) Seventy years today! Today I turn seventy years old. I'm already an old man.

MOTHER. (Entering.) What are you talking about? I always find you talking to yourself.

FATHER. I don't talk to myself, I reflect out loud.

MOTHER. Go on, and don't think so much. Better, go to the kitchen. You already have breakfast ready.

FATHER. (With a mischievous smile.) Will it be a good breakfast?

MOTHER. (With a strange face.) It's your usual breakfast: orange juice, milk and cookies.

FATHER. I don't know... Since today is such a special day... I thought...

MOTHER. (Cutting it.) Go on, go, and don't think so much, your orange juice will have already lost all the vitamins.

FATHER. And you're not coming?

MOTHER. No, I've already had breakfast. You took forever in the bathroom today, I was hungry and I didn't wait for you.
Come on, let's go. (She pushes him off stage.) Go to the kitchen. You're late! Every day you get older...

(Once the father is away.)

MOTHER. Thank goodness, I thought he was going to catch me. Now, let's get to work! (Enumerating.) I have to call the
kids to see what time they can come to the party, pick up the cake from the neighbor's house... the confetti, the
ribbons and the paper hats. Ah! And I forgot the bottles of cava. In the meantime, I'm going to make the beds, clean and
organize all this mess a little. (It goes.)

FATHER. (Appearing on scene.) This woman! He lets me have breakfast alone… He has forgotten my birthday. Nothing,
and he starts doing things around the house, as if nothing had happened, like every day... (he remains thoughtful, sits
down and picks up the newspaper, opens it and looks through it.) I understand you. He is preparing everything. And she
pretends to be hidden, so that I don't notice. Okay, I'll help you a little. (He gets up and says out loud.) Maria, Maria! I'm
going to go to the park for a walk. This Sunday was sunny, I'm going to take advantage of it. By the way, I'll have a game
of mus with friends at Anselmo's bar. See you at lunchtime. (He is going to leave when he adds.) You don't want to
come, do you?

MOTHER. (Mother's voice is heard from inside.) No, honey, I have a lot to do at home, have fun!

FATHER. Okay, I'll be back at lunchtime. See you later. (It goes.)

MOTHER. (Appearing with the broom and apron.) How good! I will have time to square everything so that your birthday
party is a success. I'll call the kids first. (She picks up the phone receiver and dials a number she consults in her
phonebook.) Hello, honey, I'm grandma... Is your dad here?... Isn't he?... He went fishing early this morning... How?...
It's okay... Tell mom to get... What's she lying down?... Does she have a headache?... Well, tell him that when he gets
better he can call me... Yes, yes, honey, Grandma María. Goodbye, my life, goodbye. (Hangs up the phone.) Wow, what
a badass! I'll call Esteban. (Dials another number again.)

(The rest of the scene takes place in mime. The mother is on the phone pretending to talk, she is sad. Hang up and
repeat the operation several times. While music is playing in the background.)


(It takes place in the same room, it is decorated for a birthday. On the table is the cake with the candles, the bottles of
cava, the glasses, etc. The father and mother are sitting, both are reading.)

FATHER. They will not come.

MOTHER. Do not be pessimistic. Of course they will come! The thing is that our children have many occupations, they
are important.

FATHER. That's why they won't come. They are important: director of a bank branch, novelist, painter... They are all
famous, they have succeeded in life. They have commitments that they cannot avoid given their situation.

MOTHER. Yes, they are well placed. But…

FATHER. (Cutting her off.) But nothing. They already have their lives made. Who is going to remember poor old people
like us? (Rejoicing.) Well, at least we can be proud of our children. They have reached very high. They are winners.

MOTHER. Jorge!

FATHER. Do not worry about me. But you'll have to excuse me... I'm not in much of a celebration mood. I appreciate the
effort you have made.

MOTHER. Whatever you want.

(They continue reading their books, until little by little the father falls asleep. The mother looks at him tenderly.)

MOTHER. It is a pity. Everything is prepared. I don't want all of this to stay like this. I know it's not good to lie, but he
deserves better. She sacrificed her entire life so that her children could have the best… and they repaid her with this.
This is not going to end like this. I don't want him to suffer. I'll mess this up, I'll give half the cake to the neighbors, I'll
open the bottles of cava, I'll throw out the confetti and I'll put on the party hat. I'll pretend they came, saw him asleep
and didn't want to wake him up. He will be angry when he wakes up, because we haven't woken him up, but at least he
will have the joy that he has not been forgotten.

(He gets to work but with such bad luck that he makes a little noise and the father wakes up, however he hides it by
pretending to be asleep while watching what the mother is doing. She hasn't realized he's awake. He goes to look for his
gifts and names them after his children, as if they were the ones who gave them. When she finishes she sits down, tired
and sad.)

FATHER. (Pretending to wake up, stretching and yawning.) Ahhh, what a good dream!

MOTHER. Jorge, the same thing always happens to you. The children have come and seen you sleeping... They didn't
want to wake you up. Look how many gifts they have brought you.

FATHER. Do not bother yourself. I was awake. I thank you…

MOTHER. Oh, Dad, I didn't want the day to end like this!

(At that moment there is a knock on the door. The sons and daughters enter with their wives, husbands, sons and
daughters. They bring gifts.)


(Everyone congratulates him, gives him gifts. There are hugs, laughter, etc. One of the children comes forward to say.)

SON. We have many occupations in our society, and sometimes we get so entangled that the gears of the world do not
allow us to live. But despite our busyness there is always a place for our father. Because “by honoring your father and
mother, your days will be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.”

CONCLUSION. We, as citizens of this world, have many occupations, jobs, dreams, etc. That keep us busy and take us
away from our heavenly Father. But always, at the last moment, when it seems that we have no solution, we receive
the “call of love that brings us back to the fold.” We meet again with our divine Father, with his love and goodness,
with whom he always welcomes us with open arms. He doesn't reproach us for anything, he just gives us all the love in
the world again so that on this Father's Day, when we celebrate our earthly father, we don't forget that we have an even
greater father who loves us much more.
The example of a father
8 Minutes and 4 Characters. A widowed father with
few resources raises his children with the help of
God. His faith is tested when he is offered a lot of
money to pass drugs but he is aware that this is not
a good example for his children and also dishonors


Margi Toro


SON (teenager)


(The living room of a humble house.)

STORYTELLER. The total love of a father and his dedication to the home are the best example he can give to his
children. In this story based on real events, we can see the proof of this.

(The children enter the room. The son starts studying and the girl starts playing.)

STORYTELLER. Two years have passed since the mother died. The father has dedicated himself completely to his
children and despite his poor economic situation, he has never allowed them to lack what they need.

(The girl starts jumping and jumps a lot.)

SON. Katty, don't jump so much, I don't want you to get hurt! You know that my dad always asks me to take care of you
until he returns.

LITTLE GIRL. Alright! I better finish making this card for my dad (picks up the card he had left on the table.) We made it
in the Church and I just need to finish painting it. I hope you like it! (He gets to work with the card.) You know? I'm
looking forward to my dad arriving soon. (He approaches the brother showing enthusiasm.) Because he promised me he
was going to buy me a doll!

SON. Again with the same thing! Don't bother my dad anymore! You know that he hasn't gotten a job in a while and what
he gets to give us is from the tricks he does out there... And that's not enough for him! We must show him the same
understanding that he always shows us.

LITTLE GIRL. True... (She gets serious.) You're right.

FATHER. (At that moment the father enters, happy and smiling.) Hello my little children! (He approaches them.)

LITTLE GIRL. Daddy daddy! (He runs towards his father, excitedly.) You're finally here! Have, daddy, happy day! (Gives
him the card and hugs him.) By the way, daddy, (hesitant to ask him) Could you buy me the doll?

FATHER. I'm sorry, my little girl! I couldn't, but I'm saving little by little so I can buy it more from you later, what do you

LITTLE GIRL. (He hugs his father lovingly.) It's okay, daddy, it doesn't matter!

FATHER. Well children, I'm going to prepare food, here I brought something delicious to prepare (shows a cover) Are you
hungry yet?

SON. Yes, dad, how delicious!

LITTLE GIRL. Yes and you cook so delicious, daddy!

FATHER. Well then, go finish doing your homework while I prepare the food...


(They all leave the stage.)

STORYTELLER. Five years pass and the love and self-sacrifice of this father have not changed and he has always been a
man concerned about giving the best example to his children by knowing the essentials of a Christ-centered life. The
father, always struggling with his bad situation, still couldn't find a stable job. One day his dedication to God and his
children was put to the test, let's see what happened.

FATHER. (He enters the stage, sits in the living room and reads a newspaper or magazine; the phone rings and the father
answers.) Whoa! Yeah? (…) Yes, with the same speech. (...) How are you? From the times I know about you... How have
you been? (...) Well, I...? Not as well as I would like... My son is already studying at a Higher Institute to prepare and get
a good job. He's looking but he still can't find anything... Me? Well... I still can't get something stable, but God has never
allowed us to lack what we need... How? You have a job for me...!

(He stands up excitedly, turning his back to the door through which the characters enter. The children enter the room
but when they see that the father is busy, they stand waiting for the father to stop talking. The father continues
talking; He has his back to the children and does not see that they are there.)

FATHER. Will I be able to win thousands of dollars? (Admired.)

(The children show admiration.)

FATHER. In that way? What is it about? (Suspicious.) Take a parcel to another country? What kind of assignment? What do
I have to bring? (...) As! You're crazy! I would never do that! (...) I have never even taken drugs in my hands in my life!

(The children look at each other and scared, they put their hands to their mouths and faces.)
FATHER. NEVER! Even if you offer me wealth, goods, cars and to get out of this poverty from one day to the next; I owe
myself to God and my children. What example would you set for them if you did that? I would rather starve to death
than the Lord and my children would see me doing it! Did you know? (Hurrying.) You excuse me but I have to hang up,
goodbye! (hangs up and sits down.)

(The children approach the father excitedly, sit on his sides and hug him.)

SON. (Very happy and excited.) You know? I have good news for you. I already got a job, I signed a contract today!

FATHER. What a joy, son, how good! Congratulations! (Slaps him.)

SON. (Putting his hand on his shoulder.) Thank you, dad! Imagine, now I will be able to help you with household
expenses and our situation will improve. And now I will also be able to help you, ñaña, with whatever you need. (He
looks at her, addressing her.) And I owe everything to God who gave me a father like you. If it weren't for your
dedication and the example you have always given us, I would not be who I am.

FATHER. (Excited.) Thank you son!

DAUGHTER. Yes Dad! I am also proud to have you as a father. Your love and Christian example are the best gift you have
given us in life. (Hugs the father.)

SON. It's true, we are happy that God gave us a father like you.

FATHER. (Recovering from his emotion.) Well, well... Thank you for those words, children, but... I think you guys are
already hungry, right? (It smiles.)

CHILDREN. Yes it's true. (They smile.)

SON. What do you think if I invite you to eat out to celebrate my first job?

Father and daughter. Yeah come on!

(They all leave the stage happily talking.)

STORYTELLER. Blessed is the home where the love of Christ governs the heart of a father and with whose example the
children are guided in the paths of the Lord. His Holy Word says this: "presenting yourself in everything as an example of
good works, in teaching showing integrity, seriousness." God bless parents and their selfless work in our lives!
Human evolution
10 Minutes and 7 Characters. The children
of the parents in the congregation will try to
express their feelings to their parents.



JESUS (very soft music)
CHILD from 4 to 5 years (children's music)
LOLO from 10 to 12 years (music according to age)
YOUNG I from 17 to 20 years (music according to age) YOUNG II from 25 to 30 years (music according to age) MEN from
35 to 40 years (music according to age)


A place with a platform so that everyone can see the characters more closely.

CHILD. (Addressing the Parents.) Daddy, I came today to tell you that I love you very much. (He will stay at the edge of
the platform, waiting for the others.)

LOLO. Dad, it's not easy for me to stand up in front of everyone, to tell you what I think. I know that I am in a difficult
stage, both for me and for you... When I think you don't understand me is when you do it the most; I want to thank you
for your advice, the ones that I often don't understand but that are good for me. Many times I think that I don't need
you, that I can handle myself, but it's a lie.


YOUNG I. Dad, I have had to make many important decisions for myself, and they have not been easy. I remember when
I chose what to study. I wanted to know what things were best for me. If it hadn't been for your prayers and your words I
don't know what I would have done, that helped me. Well, I made the best decision and today I am happy. Maybe I
haven't made you feel how important you are to me, but you are, “You are very important to me and I love you.”
YOUNG II. Old man (dad) my student days have passed, and now I'm working. You know that now I spend it outside the
house and it has made me value your daily efforts to reach this part of the path. You have to know, at work
competitiveness is very common and suffocating; Sometimes I don't think I'm able to continue facing it, but your
tenacity, your strength comes to mind... That encourages me and makes me feel like I can achieve it. “I value your
efforts, today more than ever. Thank you."

MAN. It is difficult now that I am also a father, to stand here and tell you many things that are in my heart, because I
know that this task of being a father is difficult, I have many fears when holding my children in my arms, and thinking
about their future. I have sleepless nights, which I think are very normal for us as parents. Now I know that you had it
with me too. You worked so hard so that I lacked nothing and it is the same thing I do now with my children. I know I
don't want to make the mistakes you inadvertently made with me; but I also know that I am committing others, that my
children will surely reproach me tomorrow. I look at you and into your eyes, “Thank you for your unconditional and
enduring love.”

(After this man, very soft music will be played and Jesus will begin to enter. The men in front will make a space for him
in the center so that he can address all the people.)


JESUS. You are Parents here on earth, and I know that what matters most to you is that your children are and feel
happy. Today my Father who is in heaven has sent me to demonstrate the love he feels for each one of you (he indicates
with his hand to those who are on the platform) since his love is inexhaustible, and his mercy is eternal. Hasn't it been
easy for you to be a dad? Does it seem that children ask for a lot and it is not enough? Does it seem that the help I gave
you as ideal is not so ideal? Does it seem like being a dad and working on the construction site has become very difficult
for you? I know all these questions and much more are on your mind. But “I” am here to refresh your heart, to help you
in this race. Don't be discouraged, take heart, now... (Hugs or hugs those on the platform) they have a little of you; You
have the breath of life that my Father once put in you. (Extends his arms.) “DON'T BE AFRAID, I WILL HELP YOU.”

(The music turns up and everyone comes out with Jesus, the curtain closes.)
The all-consuming bottle

7 Minutes and 3 Characters. Family

problems due to alcohol.


Dramatization of the story by Adolfo Roblero






(A room. There is a table of poor presentation. A bottle placed on the table and also a lamp or a tubular lamp. Stools or
chairs in poor condition. A woman, quite young, but very poorly dressed and sad looking, is sitting next to the table,
with her head lying on the table. After a few moments, he raises his face in front of the audience and speaks almost
between sobs.)

MOTHER. If I had known everything that would happen to me when I married this man, I am sure I would have thought
better of it. But now it's too late... I have to carry this heavy cross. How many women suffer the same misfortune as
mine and how gullible we young people are in not asking for God's direction in a matter as important as love! Poor my
little son! How did he go to
school without drinking coffee! I'll have to go to the store to get some things, so that even when my little boy comes
home from school he can find something to eat. How ungrateful my husband is! Everything you spend in the canteens...
And I've even had to trick my son by telling him that everything he asks for is at the bottom of that damn bottle. Dear
God, have mercy on my ruined home.

(He drops his face on the table. That's where your son from school comes in.)

MOTHER. How little son? And why do you come so early?

SON. Oh, mamacita! Since I left without having coffee I felt very weak. And I was also ashamed that my classmates saw
me with these broken shoes. Mom, where are my new shoes? You told me you had them saved for me? I want to wear

MOTHER. Oh, son! They are there, in that bottle, and not only your shoes, but there also, at the bottom of that bottle,
are your clothes and the bread you need to feed yourself.

SON. And how is that, mom?

(At this moment a harsh voice is heard from inside.)

FATHER. Woman, when will you go to the kitchen to make coffee for me? You live only lazily.

(The boy goes out to get a stone.)

MOTHER. Don't be ungrateful, Alberto. You know very well that you came drunk at one in the morning, and where did
you give me money to shop?

FATHER. (Entering, all disheveled and with the expression of vice on his face.) Go to the store, I'll answer it.

MOTHER. Yes, as you don't realize... If you only knew how much I already owe... I'm even ashamed to continue ordering
food on loan.

FATHER. (Pulling her arm and pushing her in.) I say go get the milk jug.

MOTHER. (Almost crying.) And what milk am I going to find at this hour? (He comes out inside.)

(At once the son enters with a stone in his hand. He takes the bottle and sits on the floor and begins to examine it.)

SON Will the shoes be inside this bottle like mom says? I'm going to realize it. (Then he hits the bottle with the stone
until it breaks. Excitedly he looks to see if he can find the shoes.) And how! My mom cheated on me. There are no shoes
or anything here. (It starts crying.)

(Just then the father leaves the room.)

FATHER. What's that? Who broke the bottle?

SON. (With fear.) It was me, dad.

FATHER. And why did you break it? (In a soft tone.)

SON. I wanted to see if there was a new pair of shoes inside because mine are broken, and my mom can't fix them.

FATHER. How could you imagine that there was a new pair of shoes inside the bottle?

SON. It's mom who told me... Whenever I begged him to buy me a pair of shoes, he told me that my shoes and his
dresses, and the bread and many other things are at the bottom of a bottle... and I thought I found some of these things
inside... But I won't do it anymore, daddy.

FATHER. (Putting his hands on his head and somewhat saddened.) My God, what a situation I have! It's okay, dear son,
this will not happen to you again. Tell your mother that I'm leaving and that I won't come until I'm a new man and can
take care of the needs of my home. Bye bye.

(He leaves with a firm step, while his son is surprised. A few moments later the mother enters from the kitchen with a
jug in her hand.)

MOTHER. And your dad, Alberto?

SON. He just left and says he won't come until he is a good man and brings a lot of money home.

MOTHER. And he didn't leave you to buy the milk?

SON. No, mamacita.

MOTHER. Oh, little son, may God's will be done! We are going to eat our snack even if it is without coffee. But our
Heavenly Father will not forsake us and He will have mercy on us.

(They leave.)


(The same room appears. The mother is sitting and a large open Bible appears on the table and she is reading and
explaining it to her son Alberto, who listens attentively.)

SON. Mom, dad is late coming.

MOTHER. Yes son. But I have confidence that the Lord will transform it, because that is what I have been asking Him for
in my prayers.

FATHER. (He enters suddenly, decently dressed and with a large package in his arms.) Hello, my dear wife and my
beloved son. (He hugs them excitedly.)

MOTHER. Hello Alberto.

SON. Hello daddy. And where were you?

FATHER. Don't ask me, I'll just tell you that I am a new man and from today on I will be a good husband and a good
father. Here is this package that I bring for you. Nothing will go to the bottom of that infamous bottle again.

(The mother and son joyfully open the package and take out shoes, dresses, etc.)

SON. So many things, mom! There are my shoes, how good! Now I won't miss school and I will be able to play with all the
children, mom.

MOTHER. Yes, son, God has answered my prayer. Glory be to his name! Now I believe that we will always be happy, and
that, even if we are poor, there will be no shortage of bread in our home. Isn't that right, Alberto?

FATHER. That's right, my dear wife. With God's help my son will never break another bottle to look for new shoes.
Dead was

15 Minutes and 10 Characters +

Voices. Parable of the prodigal


SIMEON. Elderly father

NATHANAEL. Eldest son
OTHONIEL. youngest son
ABIEL. A young friend of the SERVANT house


(Outside the house is Othniel sitting by the well. He is thoughtful, Abiel enters and brings a jug to the man, he comes to
bring water.)

ABIEL. Good afternoon, Otoniel, it is very strange that you are back at such an early hour, what happened?

OTHONIEL. Nothing bad, Abiel, I just haven't been able to work like I do every day. I've been thinking that it would be
better to go far away... yes, very far away.

ABIEL. What are you saying? Do you have to go far away? But why?

OTHONIEL. Maybe you couldn't understand me but I can't stand being locked inside these four walls for much longer. I
want to follow a life very different from the one my father and my brother Nathanael have lived.

ABIEL. Do you think so? You see Nathanael how he works and takes care of the life of your father who is elderly.
OTHONIEL. (Laughing.) Only he can do it, Abiel, because I couldn't. Imagine the life that awaits me, a respected,
intellectual gentleman, walking everywhere and knowing the mysteries of this life, what do you think?

ABIEL. I think you're making fun. However, all that would be fine, but what I do not believe is that you will achieve
everything you dream of, and I would be very sorry if you ended up like all the young people who have sought only their
pleasures and have abandoned the path of good.

OTHONIEL. Do you think that would happen with me too?

ABIEL. Shut up, here comes your father.

SIMEON. Peace be with you Abiel, and with you, my dear Othniel.

OTHONIEL. And also with you, my father.

SIMEON. Has your brother Nathanael not arrived yet?

OTHONIEL. Not yet, father, but it won't be long. I think it's already coming in. You'll stay with us, right, Abiel? And so we
will eat food together.

ABIEL. I'll go and leave the jug of water that mom is waiting for, and I'll be back soon.

SIMEON. Yes, go, my daughter.

(At that moment Natanel enters.)

NATHANAEL. Peace be upon you father, and upon you Othniel.

SIMON. We were waiting for you son to eat food.

NATHANAEL. Thanks, Dad. And hasn't Abiel come to this house?

OTHONIEL. It arrives precisely at this moment.

NATHANAEL. Come in, dear Abiel and be welcome.

ABIEL. I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long.

SIMEON. No, daughter, we were waiting for Natanel too, but now, let's eat the food. (While he is speaking, the servant
prepares a small table with the dishes and serves.) It seems to me that this year we will have the best harvest, don't you
think, children?

NATHANAEL. I have the same idea as you, father, so much effort and effort will not be in vain.

SIMEON. God grant that this be so, and that we receive his will with joy, as a blessing of his infinite goodness. And
maybe we can make improvements to the farm that needs it so much.

NATHANAEL. Well thought out, father, you miss him very much. And we also need a few animals. I have to work with all
my strength until it is done.

SIMEON. God will reward your efforts... but... we have been so distracted that we have forgotten about your brother.
What do you think of this, Otoniel?

OTHONIEL. Forgive me, father, but this talk doesn't bother me, you always think about your property, but never about
your children...

ABIEL. Be careful, Otoniel, you offend your old father.

SIMEON. Do you wish your father cared more about you, son? When all I have is yours! I have worked day after day to be
able to give it to you and your brother. Is this not enough for you?

OTHONIEL. Well, father, but what about our education, our distractions and pleasures? Your children do not know
anything other than this farm: this is the whole world for your children. When others invite us to their homes, you don't
realize the life they lead. Do you know where our friends are?
SIMEON. Be quiet, Otoniel, you're hurting me... I almost understand what you mean... I'm afraid you're a bad son... what
would others give to possess what you have...!

OTHONIEL. I'm sorry you think that about me, Father. I really don't want to be a bad son. It's just... I just... I want to

ABIEL. (He approaches Othniel and puts his hand on his shoulder.) Think about what you are going to do, Othniel. You
are young and you don't know if you can discover the mysteries that life has and where you will be dragged if you
separate yourself from your home.

OTHONIEL. Yes, Abiel, I know, but let me go. And you, father, do not stop me... and I beg you to give me my share of
the inheritance.

NATHANAEL. Let him go, father. Yes, let him go, let him enjoy, let him suffer! Since he wants it that way...

SIMEON. (He goes out for a bag of coins and puts it in his son's hands.) Here you are, Othniel, and may God (raising his
hands) keep you in your ways.

(Othniel leaves. The father watches him walk away. Then, with deep feeling, he exclaims.)

SIMEON. Othniel, son, return… Othniel… Othniel…!


(This scene takes place in a city where we find Otoniel enjoying with some friends the hacienda that gave him his


OTHONIEL. On my father's estate I could not imagine how much fun one can have and enjoy the pleasures of this world,
but if my father knew that I had not taken advantage of his inheritance to educate me, his curse would fall on me.

FRIEND 1. Why worry, Otoniel? Have we not understood you? Have we not taught you many things that you did not know?

OTHONIEL. That's right, but I'm afraid Abiel was right, my unforgettable Abiel... But you say right, (he takes out his bag
and rattles the coins and takes out some.) As long as there are coins, remember? We must enjoy the pleasures of this

FRIEND 2. The fun we had yesterday, how those women envied us! They must have believed that we were distinguished

OTHONIEL. (Laughing.) My brother would like to be in these places, but he is a fool. On the other hand, I'm here
enjoying myself, since I left home I don't know what it's like to work. The only thing I miss is my dear friend Abiel. (He
addresses the servant who has approached.) Here, charge yourself and give me back what's left.

SERVANT. (Takes the bag and takes out the money.) Sir, this money is not enough to pay what you owe.

OTHONIEL. What are you saying? What is not enough? Well, I'm not going to pay you one more cent... Do you hear? Not a
penny more! But what happened? (He bows and his friends come out.)… They are gone… They have left me, I no longer
have money. Oh! I thought my fortune would last forever, but how much pain this causes me! What will I do now?

BEGGAR. Good afternoon, my master... But what's wrong with you? You were always happy and now… Are you crying?

OTHONIEL. Be silent, do not torment me any more, and go as the others have gone. I don't have any more money, you
hear? I don't have any more money... do you have a coin that you can give me so I can eat?

BEGGAR. You, the rich young man! Begging for alms? I pity you, poor young man, ha, ha, ha! If you want to eat, you will
have to work. Go to a farm on the edge of the town, and maybe there you will be employed to graze pigs and thus earn
your food...

OTHONIEL. (He grabs him by his clothes.) Shut up, you wretch! Get out of here! (Then, speaking to himself.) He has
made fun of me, but I deserve it well. I have been a fool to have been carried away by the vanity and delight of this
world! What will I do, Lord? (Falls on his knees.) God, enlighten me! (He remains thoughtful.) The beggar is gone too... I
have no friends, I have no home, I have no money... he said I could feed pigs, I have never done it... but I am hungry... I
will have to go. (He gets up and leaves.)

RICH. (A good-looking man appears on the scene, very elegantly dressed, speaking in a loud voice.) Who could feed my
pigs? (Pacing.) Nobody wants to work, they prefer to starve. What a pleasure! Where will they have their heads?

OTHONIEL. (Enter.) Sir, I need to work. Would you give me the job of grazing your pigs, for a few coins and a piece of

RICH. Did you say some coins? Do not even think about it! If anything, I would give you a few pieces of bread. Do you
think I'm going to pay you more to take care of my pigs? But tell me, where are you from? Because your clothing seems
to be that of a rich young man... although (touching Otoniel's dress) your clothes are already quite torn and dirty...

OTHONIEL. Lord, please do not torment me anymore, and let me feed your swine.

RICH. Go and try not to eat my animals' food, which is very little. And, take care of your dress, it won't get stained
anymore! (He leaves laughing.)

OTHONIEL. (He sits down very thoughtfully.) How many laborers in my father's house have plenty of bread and here I
perish from hunger. I have been a fool, I let myself be carried away by the vanity and delight of this world. How
miserable is this man! I hope he doesn't also end up in misery... as far as I've come! (Cries.) What will I do, Lord?
Wretched man that I am! (The following voices are heard, while the choir will sing in a very faint voice.)

VOICE. (Read the passage from Isaiah 53:3,5,6) Despised and rejected among men, a man of sorrows...

(Otoniel has remained as if in a dream. The divine message comes to him in the voices.)

VOICES. Crucify him, crucify him! Release Barabbas to us and he will be crucified... Don't say our king... I find no fault
in Him; Will I let him go? No, no, crucify him!

VOICE. For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that whoever believes in him should not perish
but have eternal life.

OTHONIEL. (Falls on his knees, sobs, and then speaks.) Thank you, Lord, for your forgiveness; because I was lost and I
reacted, I was dead and you rescued me. I will go to my father and ask for his forgiveness. Thank my Lord. (Inclines his


(At the hacienda, the old man sits very thoughtful. Abiel enters to greet him, he carries his pitcher.)

ABIEL. Peace be upon you, sir. I came for water, which my mother needs, but I wanted to find out if there is news from

SIMEON. None, my daughter, I think we have to lose all hope of him returning home, what has become of him? (He bows
his head and cries.)

ABIEL. We must not lose our hopes, my heart tells me that he will soon return. I hope it's not like I've dreamed of many

SIMEON. How did you dream it daughter?

ABIEL. Like a beggar, dirty and walking like an old man.

SIMEON. I wouldn't mind, daughter, if that were the case, as long as he came home. But I don't think such a thing will
happen. He is smart and will have put his money to good use.

RAISED. (He runs in.) Lord, a rather dirty man is approaching on the road, but he looks like your son because of the way
he walks...

SIMEON. (With great anguish.) Do you say he looks like my son? (Runs towards a window.) Where? I can't see, my eyes are
blurred... I can't see! Abiel, my daughter, come closer and see if that man coming in the distance is Othniel.

ABIEL. He is already approaching, his step is hesitant... it seems like Otoniel, but no, it can't be him.
SIMEON. (He paces back and forth.) I can't wait any longer, I'll run to meet him.

ABIEL. Wait, sir, run now... It's him! It's Otoniel!

OTHONIEL. (He enters and throws himself at his father's feet.) Father! (Cries.) I have sinned against heaven and against
you, I am no longer worthy of you calling me your son. Just make me like one of your hired hands.

SIMEON. No, son, not that. God has heard my prayers and has returned you to me. You will put on new dresses, and rings
on your fingers and shoes on your feet. (He speaks to his servant.) Go and kill the fat calf, and let's have a party,
because this my son, was dead and has come back to life… he was lost and is found!
Dad, listen
8 Minutes and 2 Characters. A
girl tries to get the attention
of her father who is absorbed in
watching television. She has many
questions about the love of God




(A man sits in a living room to watch television. It's constantly changing channels.)

(The father changes many channels, stops on a sports program, then changes to a comedy and starts laughing, keeps
looking for more channels, listens to a political commentator and gets angry, keeps changing channels going through
different emotions, finally stops on a channel that catches your attention.)

DAUGHTER. (She enters, carrying a doll, absorbed in a dialogue with herself. She plays with her doll, sits near her
father, at his feet.) Dad? Why do dolls close their eyes when we move them like this?

FATHER. (She looks away from the television for a moment, looks at her daughter, looks at the doll, and then looks at
the TV again.) Huh?

DAUGHTER. I said how come dolls close their eyes.

FATHER. (Absorbed by the screen.) Eh, eh, yes, yes.

DAUGHTER. (A little angrily she pulls her father's leg.) How, dad? Hey? That how.

FATHER. (A little exasperated.) Don't you have homework to do?

DAUGHTER. (With amazed eyes.) It's SUMMER, dad, I have NO homework in the summer.

FATHER. (Without looking away from the screen.) I have NO homework in the summer!

DAUGHTER. (Looks at his father with a shocked face) Of course you don't have homework in the summer. You haven't
been to school for a long, long, long time. Were there already schools when you were little?

FATHER. I think your mother is calling you...

DAUGHTER. You must have super-powerful ears because mom is at the mall. (Looks at television.) What are you
watching, dad?

FATHER. (Immediately changes the channel.) Oh! It was a very very boring documentary...

DAUGHTER. But what were those women doing there in their underwear?

FATHER. Ahh! They were talking about the history of… fashion. Hmm! This, what were you telling me? You told me that
your doll had homework on why its eyes close?

DAUGHTER. (Plays with his doll some more.) Dad? You love Me?

FATHER. (Continues changing channels.) Naturally, honey.

DAUGHTER. (Thinking.) Would you ever make me go to a place where there were very bad people who wanted to kill

FATHER. Of course not.

DAUGHTER. (Thinking.) God must not have loved Jesus very much.

FATHER. (Confused, half looking at the TV and thinking.) WHAT did you just say?

(The daughter does not answer, she just continues playing with her doll, but she seems upset.)

FATHER. (She finally focuses her attention completely on her daughter.) Did you say that God didn't love Jesus?

DAUGHTER. (Sad.) It's in the Bible. God sent Jesus here and everyone killed him. You wouldn't send me to a place where
they would kill me because you love me.

FATHER. (Ashamed and feeling guilty.) No, no, honey. Come here… (He takes her by the hand and sits her on his knees.)
That doesn't mean that God doesn't love his son. Know? He is a better father than me. (He looks guiltily at the
television, picks up the remote control and turns it off.) Actually, I'm a very bad father...

DAUGHTER. But why would he send him here to be killed?

FATHER. Jesus WANTED to come here. The greatest and most powerful love in the world is the one who is capable of
giving his life for another person... That is how great the love of Jesus is. This is how God wants us. I'm sure her death
broke God's heart. It was surely the hardest thing he had to do on this earth… and in heaven. That is the great love that
God has for us… we are his children.

DAUGHTER. (Thinking.) So it's like my little brother Lucas was in danger and you let me go save him because he's so
small and defenseless. Would you let me go there and die to save him?

FATHER. (Thinking, very excited.) I don't know if... well, I imagine... I mean... (Thinks and looks squarely at his

DAUGHTER. Would you let me die, dad?

FATHER. (He grabs his daughter and hugs her tightly to him.) Honey, I don't know if I'm such a good father. God is a
better father than me, He is much better than me.
Picotero, the woodpecker
10 Minutes and 2 Characters. Two characters
will serve to represent all the characters
that appear. The story of a woodpecker will
help a father teach his daughter to whom we
owe the glory for the gifts we receive.



(A father and daughter walk hand in hand to the center of the stage. The daughter is angry, they are talking and the
father tries to explain something to her.)

DAUGHTER. (Kicking his feet.) If Cristian can do it, so can I. If Cristian can do it, so can I. If Cristian can do it, so can I.

FATHER. DEAR! One moment! How about I tell you a story?

DAUGHTER. (She stops, looks at her father and suddenly starts jumping excitedly.) Yes! Yeah! Tell me a story! Tell me a
story, dad! (He squeezes it...)

FATHER. (He walks to the side of the stage where he will finally sit on the floor.) Okay, imagine a beautiful forest,
hundreds and hundreds of trees and the sky with big black clouds going from side to side and birds fluttering all over the
place. sites looking for a place to hide from the coming storm. Well, and at that moment a little woodpecker appears
and decides that this is the best time to peck at the most delicious trees.

DAUGHTER. (Interrupting.) What's his name? What is the name of the woodpecker?

FATHER. Hey? Ah! What would you like it to be called?

DAUGHTER. (Thinking.) Hmmmmmmm! How are you... PICOTERO? Pecking and carpentry.

FATHER. Very good, then Picotero was flying towards the biggest, tallest and oldest tree of all. He had always wanted to
go to that tree but other birds, bigger and smarter than him, always arrived first. But NOW, ahhhhhh, now he was just
going to give her a good whack.

DAUGHTER. (Applauding.) Let's go Picotero! Go ahead!

FATHER. (Asks for silence with his fingers on his lips.) Shhhh! (Smiling.) Picotero flew high, higher than he had ever
flown before, straight to the top of the tree. How proud I was! Go figure! Picotero! One of the smallest woodpeckers in
the forest pecking at the biggest, tallest and oldest tree of all!

DAUGHTER. Brilliant!

FATHER. So Picotero leaned back his neck (he takes the paper that his daughter is carrying in her hand and rolls it up as
if it were the bird's beak and puts it on his nose) and pecked it. What a feeling! Fantastic!

DAUGHTER. Yeah! (Throwing his hands high in victory.) Picotero is the biggest. That tree is for Picotero!

FATHER. That's exactly what Picotero was thinking. Again he leaned his neck back to give it a good blow but when he
was approaching the tree, SOMETHING HAPPENED.

DAUGHTER. (Excited.) WHAT? What happened?

FATHER. Oh, (looking at his watch and shaking his head) I have a lot to do, why don't we finish the story tomorrow?

DAUGHTER. (Taking his father's pickaxe and smashing it on his head.) NOOOOOO! Tell me the ending! What happened?
What happened? What happened?

FATHER. (Laughing, putting his hands in a sign of peace.) Okay! OK! (He takes the pickaxe from his daughter's hands and
puts it back to his nose.) At the same moment he touched the trunk, a huge bolt of lightning fell from the sky and hit
the highest point in the forest he found: the tree. that Picotero is pecking. Ahh! The old tree exploded into millions,
billions of sticks and at that very moment it began to rain so hard that it seemed like waterfalls of water were falling
from the sky.

DAUGHTER. (Worried.) What happened to Picotero? What happened to poor Picotero?

FATHER. That's the most incredible thing. As soon as the tree exploded and the lightning bolt went through the trunk
and the rain started to fall, Picotero came out of there flying like a madman... His little woodpecker heart was beating
a mile an hour (he pats his chest quickly imitating the bird ) and flew away to where the other woodpeckers had gone to
take refuge... He was so stunned, the poor thing...! He shook his wings dry and began calling everyone who was there.
All the woodpeckers gathered around him to see what had happened to him and do you know what he told them?

DAUGHTER. That? What did he tell you, dad? Tell me.

FATHER. He told them: "Ugh, in the future I'm going to be more careful. You should have seen what happened.
(Touching his beak) This beak is soooo DANGEROUS. “I almost destroyed the entire forest with a couple of pecks.”

DAUGHTER. (Laughing with father.) I love the story, Dad! It's a very nice story. But, poor Picotero. Picotero was quite
stupid. (Thinking.) He didn't break the tree into pieces. The lightning did it...

FATHER. Yes, but to poor Picotero, it seemed like he was the one who did it. In a way, sometimes something similar
happens in our relationship with God. He gives us wonderful gifts with which we achieve incredible feats but we think
that we have been the ones who have done it and we do not realize that behind all of that is the hand of God.

DAUGHTER. But if Cristian can be a pastor, I can be a pastor too. I'm smarter than him, I beat him at running and soccer,
and besides, his head is very, very big. How can someone with such a big head preach?

FATHER. Well, that's something you have to leave to God. Let Him be the one who decides. If you listen to him and
follow him, he will fill you with wonderful gifts, the Holy Spirit will lift you up and you will serve the Lord with power.
Furthermore, each person has been called to serve God in a different way.

DAUGHTER. And your dad? What has God given you to serve him?

FATHER. (Serious, thinking about the question.) Well... you know... I think that…

(The scene freezes for several seconds as they transform.)

DAUGHTER (She gets up, she has become a mother, she walks around her father, looking at him with affection and
nostalgia, a little sad.) My dad. I still remember that woodpecker. That story has been latent in several episodes of my
life, especially when I think that I am doing things my way or when God has called me to serve Him and I have been
tempted even though the talent I had came from me or to believe that I was someone special. . But, Dad, what were
your spiritual talents? (walks behind him and puts his hands on his men.) You were never a pastor, you never healed
anyone, or traveled the world spreading the gospel... But in truth, you told stories, many stories, and I always learned
something. of them. I still remember them, I still remember the vividness with which you told them, the intonation, the
affection... Dad, you have left a huge mark on my life. I will always remember you. You taught me what faith, hope and
especially LOVE was. And the greatest of all is Love...

FATHER. (He becomes a son. He thaws, turns into an excited little boy.) Mom, mom! Tell me that story, mom! Tell me
the story of Picotero, the woodpecker. Tell me what happened to him in the storm, Mom.

MOTHER. (Hugs him.) Okay, my love. I won't be able to tell it to you as well as Grandpa told it, but Picotero, the
woodpecker, was flying in a forest straight to the tallest tree...

SON. Storm! The storm is coming!

MOTHER. Exact! But he wanted to take the opportunity to peck the tallest tree...

SON. (Jumping.) The biggest tree!

MOTHER. Yeah! The biggest of all! Picotero wanted to serve God, like the other little birds in the forest. When he
pecked at the tree, a lightning bolt fell from the sky and split the huge tree.

SON. Boom! Crash! Boom! Plop! It exploded into a billion toothpicks!

MOTHER. That is! And poor Picotero thought it was him...

SON. But it really had been God.

MOTHER. Clear! It was God.

(It freezes.)

SON. (He becomes a father. He gets up and becomes a father.) You know? Mom never became a pastor like her friend
Cristian. The Lord did not call her for that job. But God called her for other matters. He gave her power to serve him:
she sang in the choir, arranged the church for ceremonies, taught the children, told me stories as her father had told
them to her (he surrounds her, and puts his hands behind her back). He served God as many times as He called her. And
he taught me about faith, and hope, but especially about Love. I believe that she was never confused like poor Picotero
was confused with lightning... Now I have my own children. How do I teach them that God calls us all in different ways,
in different positions to serve Him and to serve others?

MOTHER. (She becomes a daughter. She thaws, she becomes a daughter.) Dad! (Applauding.) Tell me the story of
Picotero the woodpecker!

FATHER. (Smiling, putting his arms around her shoulders, bringing her to the center.) That old story? Do you know that
your great-grandfather used to tell it to your grandmother?

DAUGHTER. (Excited.) Tell me how I was flying through the forest during the storm and how the other birds hid from the
rain and lightning while Picotero wanted...
It may be too late
10 Minutes and 6 Characters + Extras.
The relationship between parents and
children: a father and a child do not
speak for several years and when they
want to fix the problem it may be too
late .





(Setting: the Parents' house. The son has a strong and heated argument with his father.)

SON. But you don't understand!

FATHER. You are the one who thinks you know everything and in reality you know nothing...

SON. You think your word is the only one that counts...

FATHER. Ah! You don't know anything about life and much less do you care what I say or think.

SON. It's you who doesn't listen... we can't talk to you.

FATHER. Ha! Now am I to blame...? Well, if you don't like it, leave.

SON. Perfect, I don't care, and I'm not in the mood to continue arguing with someone as intransigent as you.
FATHER. I'm no longer interested in listening to you, you don't understand reasons.

SON. Leave!

(Both the son and the father leave very upset and each one goes his own way.)


(5 years have passed since the altercation between the father and son. Now the setting is an adult classroom. The son
takes classes in said room.)

TEACHER. Good afternoon sirs! How are you?

CLASS. (Replies to the teacher's greeting.)

TEACHER. Well... you know that normally I don't usually give you homework for the weekend, but since I have a Faculty
meeting today and I won't be able to meet you, I will leave you an assignment for next week. The task is this: they must
find someone they love and tell them that they love them. It has to be someone who has not been told before or who
has not been told for too long.

CLASS. Ah, that's easy!

TEACHER. So, we'll see you next week and don't forget.

(All the students say goodbye and leave the room.)


(The setting is the son's house and he is at the dining room table having a cup of coffee very thoughtfully and his wife

WIFE. What's wrong with you that I notice you so thoughtful?

SON. Today they gave us a task for next week that really has me thinking.

WIFE. And what is it about?

SON. We have to tell someone we love that we love them; Only it must be someone we haven't told in a long time or

WIFE. And what is the problem? It doesn't seem like a difficult task.

SON. It's just that when the teacher said it I got really upset because I thought who was he to ask us for something so
personal. Besides, I thought I had no one to say those words to. However, when I was on my way, consciousness began to
work and something told me that I knew exactly who I needed to say: I LOVE YOU.

WIFE. He's your father, right?

SON. Yeah. (Pause.) You know what? I have decided to visit him tomorrow and tell him that I love him.

(The wife gets up and hugs him while the husband cries.)


(The son arrives at his parents' house the next day and the mother receives him.)

MOTHER. Son! (Hugs him and cries.)

SON. What happen?

MOTHER. He's your father... (He lowers his head.) They've just taken him to the hospital and he's very serious.

SON. (He sits down very amazed.) Let's go to the hospital! (He leaves hand in hand with his mother.)


(Hospital setting. Before going to the room they meet a Doctor and ask him.)

MOTHER. Dr. I am the wife of Mr. Rodríguez who was just brought in a couple of hours ago.

SON. I'm the son... Tell us how you are.

DOCTOR. The truth is that his father is very bad. He suffered what we call a myocardial infarction. It means that one of
the coronary arteries is blocked by a clot that prevents blood from flowing and the heart muscle dies in parts.

(The mother begins to cry.)

SON. We can see it?

DOCTOR. Just a couple of minutes and it's just a family member.

SON. You go, I'll stay.

(The mother goes out to see her sick husband. The son remains in the living room waiting, pacing from one side to the
other desperate and anguished. Start praying.)

SON. Oh my God, let my father recover! I don't want him to die, please... Give me the opportunity to tell him that I love
him and that everything is forgotten. (Sobs.) Please restore his health, I don't want him to die...

(The son has not yet finished saying the last words when his mother comes out of the room crying and announces that
his father has just died. The son hugs her and begins to cry without consolation.)


(The son appears only sitting at the table and with a letter in his hands that his father left him. Read the letter. The son
holds it in his hands but it is the father's voice that is heard reading.)

My son: I don't know where I will be when this letter reaches your hands. You are my son, whom I have always loved and
it hurts me a lot to know that during these years our relationship has not been the best. Don't think I want to complain
to you, much less demand anything from you. What happened belongs to the past, and the feeling I have as a father has
not changed at all. Forgive me for the mistakes I made because being a father is not an easy task. I'm sorry for not
reaching out to you personally and resorting to this letter. It seems like an act of cowardice but understand me son, I
lacked the courage to express to you what I feel.
I haven't told you before but my son: I LOVE YOU and you are the best thing that has happened to my life. Just
remember... I never meant to hurt you. Sincerely, Your father.
A bowl and a blanket for grandpa
10 Minutes and 5 Characters. An
elderly father goes to visit his son
but his visit does not seem to please
all the family members very much.
The grandfather asks him to stay
with them in the house because he
feels alone and the son accepts but,
the children who observe the whole
They will teach a greater lesson that they will never forget.


Written and adapted from the reflections: "The wooden bowl" and "The half blanket", by Diana Carolina Peñuela


FRANCIS (Grandfather)
JULY (Adult Son)
JULIANA (Julio's wife)
JULIÁN (Son of the couple)
JULY (Daughter of the couple)

PROGRAM. In advance, arrange for some parents or children (who do not attend church or are away from it) of some
church brothers to attend. The idea is to ask them to arrive earlier and keep them hidden and after the preliminaries,
announce that a surprise has been prepared for one or more parents/children and have the guests appear.

OBJECTIVE: To raise awareness among children, both adults and young people, of respect, consideration and love
towards elderly parents, reminding them that we must keep the fifth commandment of God's law, regardless of the age
or condition of our parents.

(The scene takes place inside a house, with a dining room. You will need an old blanket cut in two, a bowl or wooden
utensil, a small rustic table, pieces of wood for the children to play with.)

STORYTELLER. Don Francisco was already an old man when his wife died. For many years he had worked hard to raise his
family. His greatest wish was to see his son become a well-respected man and to achieve this he dedicated his life and
his limited fortune. At eighty years old, Don Francisco found himself without strength, without hope, alone and full of
memories. He hoped that his son Julio, now a brilliant professional, would offer him his support and understanding, but
he saw the days go by without him showing up, and decided to go visit him to, for the first time in his life, ask him for a
favor. Don Francisco knocked on the door of the house where the son lived with his family.
FRANCISCO. (Knock the door.)

JULY. Hello dad, what a miracle that you come here!

FRANCISCO. Hello son, they haven't visited me for a long time and I was feeling very alone... that's why I wanted to
come see them and find out how they were.

JULY. Yes, dad, we have had a lot of things... You know: work, the children... and we haven't been able to go, but we
are very happy that you come to visit us; You already know that this is your house. We're almost going to dinner... Go
on, go on...

FRANCISCO. Thanks son and how are the children?

JULY. Very good dad. (To his wife.) Juliana, love, my father has arrived. (To his children.) Children, come say hello to

JULIANA. (She makes a bad face and is not very cheerful.) Hello, Don Pachito, how are you doing?

CHILDREN. Grandpa, grandpa!

(They hug him.)

JULY. Love, my father will stay for dinner with us.

(One of the children who is playing nearby hears the conversation.)

JULIANA. (With irony.) How good, my love! (She makes a face at her husband.) Come a minute, sweetheart. Oh no, love!
You know that I don't like Don Pachito coming to eat because he always spills my food; When it's not on the tablecloth,
it's on the furniture and the day will not be missing when I don't break something from the dishes. How lazy!

JULY. Love, do not worry. The Sunday I was in the plaza, I bought a special wooden bowl for him so he won't break your
crockery anymore; and I also bought a little table so that when he comes to visit us, we can sit him separately and he
won't get the tablecloth dirty.

JULIANA. Well, love, but what he waters, you will be in charge of cleaning.

JULY. Yes, love, don't worry... And speak quietly, dad will listen to you...

JULIANA. Ok, ok…

(He goes to the kitchen, brings the plates and serves Grandpa in the wooden bowl. Meanwhile, Julio arranges a small,
rustic table away from the dining room.)

JULIANA. (He serves grandfather at the little table with the wooden bowl) Continue this way, Don Pachito.

JULY. (Walks him by the hand to the little table.) Come, dad, sit here, you'll be more comfortable here.

(The family sits at the table and the children look at the grandfather sadly.)

JULIAN. Daddy, why doesn't Grandpa sit at the table with us?

JULY. Yes, daddy, why did you sit so far away from us?

JULIANA. Shhhh! Silence, children! I have already told you that you must not talk during dinner.

JULY. Children, what happens is that dad is already very old and his food spills and it can stain the tablecloth...

(The children remain thoughtful. They finish eating and the wife picks up the plates and goes to the kitchen; The
children sit on the floor and start playing with some pieces of wood near the father and grandfather, although the
children continue playing, they listen to the conversation.)

JULY. What else, dad? How have you been?

FRANCISCO. Son, the truth is that I feel very alone; Besides, I'm tired and old. You already know that I don't like to
bother you with my things... but...
JULY. Don't worry, dad, you know you can always count on me.

FRANCISCO. Excellent! I thought it would be a hindrance...

JULY. Dad, how can you think of something like that?

FRANCISCO. So, you wouldn't mind if I stayed and lived with you? I feel so lonely…!

JULY. Stay and live here? Yes of course... But I don't know if you would be comfortable. You know, the house is small,
Juliana is a good wife but, you know, she's a bit of a bad temper... and the children...

FRANCISCO. (Sadly.) Look, son, if I cause you a lot of trouble, forget it. Don't worry about me, I'm going back home,
nothing happens, I understand.

JULY. No, father, that's not it. I just... I can't think of where you could sleep. I can't take the children out of their
rooms, Juliana wouldn't forgive me... or just don't mind...

FRANCISCO. What son?

JULY. No, forget it.

FRANCISCO. Tell me, son.

JULY. Unless you don't mind sleeping on the patio...

FRANCISCO. (Sadly and lowering his voice completely.) Sleeping in the patio... Alright…

JULY. Julian! Come here!

JULIAN. Tell me dad.

JULY. Look, son, your grandfather will stay with us. Bring him a blanket to cover himself at night.

JULIAN. Oh really? (To her sister who is playing with some wood on the floor.) Mariana, did you hear? Grandpa will stay
to live with us! (With a happy expression.)

JULY. Really? Whoops! Grandpa is going to stay and live with us!

JULIAN. Daddy, where is grandpa going to sleep? In my room?

JULY. No, son, grandpa will sleep in the patio, he doesn't want us to be inconvenienced because of him.

JULIAN. In the backyard?

(Julián goes to get the blanket and takes a while. Meanwhile, the parents watch the girl play on the floor. The mother
approaches him.)

JULIANA. July, princess, what are you doing there?

JULY. Yeah baby, what are you playing? What are they building?

JULY. Julián and I are making some wooden bowls.

JULY. Wooden bowls? And for what?

JULY. One for you and one for mom, so when we are adults and you are old, old people, you can eat in them.

(Julio and Juliana look at each other sadly. The child arrives with a blanket.)

JULIAN. Dad dad! Here is the blanket…

JULY. (Takes the blanket and realizes that it is divided in two). What did you do, Julian? Why did you cut the blanket
that we are going to give to your grandfather?

JULIAN. Dad, I was just thinking...

JULY. Thinking about? (Scolds him.)

JULIAN. As you say, time goes by very quickly... I thought I should save the other half of the blanket for when you are
old and go to sleep in the patio of my house.

STORYTELLER. The words of these little ones hit their parents in such a way that they were speechless. Tears rolled
down her cheeks. And, although no words were said about it, they both knew what they had to do. That afternoon the
husband gently took the grandfather's hand and guided him back to the family table. For the rest of his days he took a
place at the table with them, put his children in the same room, and arranged a cozy room for his father. For some
reason, neither the husband nor the wife seemed to get more upset every time the fork fell, the milk spilled, or the
tablecloth got dirty.

If you are a parent: Remember that children are highly perceptive. Their eyes observe, their ears always listen, and
their minds process the messages they absorb. If they see that we patiently provide a happy home for all family
members, they will emulate that attitude for the rest of their lives. Intelligent fathers and mothers realize that every
day they place the blocks with which they build their child's future. Let us be wise builders and role models.

If you are a son: That man who worked tirelessly for you and held your hand for many years protecting you from
dangers, one day he will get old and will need you to accompany him, give him your hand and help him. Don't be
ungrateful to him

Let's read Exodus 20:12 “Honor your father and your mother, so that your days may be long in the land that the Lord
your God is giving you.”
Let's love and respect our parents, they gave everything for us! And, remember: this is the only commandment with a
promise. Regardless of the relationship you have with your parents, one thing is certain: you are going to miss them
when they are no longer with you. Ask God that you can love, respect and value him while he lives; Then it will be too

PRAYER: Ask parents, regardless of the age of their children, to come forward with them and say a prayer for them.

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