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Federal state autonomous educational institution

for higher professional education

National Research University


School of Foreign Languages

Bachelor’s programme

“Foreign Languages and Intercultural Communication”


Topic: “Exploring the Potential of Artificial Intelligence-Based Tools for Teaching

the English Language”

Student: Borovikova Anastasiya Andreevna, group BFL218

Research Advisor: Sadekova Sophia Ravilevna


Introduction .............................................................................................................. 3
Literature review ...................................................................................................... 4
Potential ................................................................................................................ 4
AI based tools ....................................................................................................... 4
Chatbots ........................................................................................................... 5
Google BardAI ............................................................................................ 5
ChatGPT ..................................................................................................... 6
Lesson design and content creator tools............................................................ 6 ................................................................................................... 7
Curipod ....................................................................................................... 8
Diffit ........................................................................................................... 8
AI tools in the sphere of learning foreign languages .............................................. 8
Chatbots in language learning ............................................................................... 8
Diffit in language learning................................................................................... 12
Curipod in language learning .............................................................................. 14 in language learning ........................................................................... 15
Methodology ........................................................................................................... 18
General Background of Research ........................................................................ 18
Participants.......................................................................................................... 18
Research Design .................................................................................................. 18
Data Analysis ...................................................................................................... 18
Procedure ............................................................................................................ 19
Results ..................................................................................................................... 20
Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 23
References ............................................................................................................... 24
Appendices .............................................................................................................. 27


In the contemporary landscape of education, the rapid integration of innovative

tools has become imperative for educators seeking to provide dynamic and
personalised learning experiences. The purpose of the study is to add to the existing
corpus of knowledge by shedding light on the theoretical and practical implications of
AI in language teaching and learning and to reveal the potential of innovative tools in
enhancing proficiency in foreign languages. The research strives for addressing two
fundamental objectives:

1) Can artificial intelligence-based tools facilitate language learning?

2) Which of Artificial Intelligence-based tools tend to be the most effective in

language teaching?

Regarding the evolving landscape of language education, the core objective of

the paper is to critically examine the extent to which artificial intelligence-based tools
contribute to the facilitation of language learning. The digital age has led to the
emergence of an abundance of AI-driven applications that are designed to augment
traditional language instruction. Owing to an in-depth analysis of existing literature
and a questionnaire, one is to assess the efficiency of these tools in improving language
acquisition, considering factors such as adaptability, engagement, and personalised
learning experiences.
The second objective centres around identifying and evaluating the specific AI-
based tools that exhibit heightened effectiveness in language teaching. Given the
diversity of AI applications available, ranging from chatbots and language translation
tools to interactive learning platforms, our research aims to discern the strengths and
limitations of each. Owing to comparative analysis, it tends to be possible to provide
insights into the nuances of AI tools, offering a comprehensive understanding of their
respective contributions to language teaching effectiveness.

Literature review


It is imperative to consider the term “potential” in the work, as it might be

understood differently in such realms as linguistics, philosophy, pedagogy, and
psychology. In linguistics, “potential” is often confused with possibility. In philosophy,
“potential” is regarded as the capacity of an individual substance to advance to a
genuinely new state, grounded in its original constitution but not necessitated by it
(Robledo-Ardila, 2021). In pedagogy, “potential” is described as a hidden basic ability
that can be developed through training and stimulus, and it is believed that every
student has potential that should be honed from an early age (Herring, 2023).
Regarding psychology, “potential” is viewed as a concept that refers to an individual’s
capacity for growth and development. Besides, it is often seen as an innate ability or
talent that can be further developed through training and stimulation (Robledo-Ardila,
2021). In this paper the term “potential” is to be regarded as the possibilities and
capabilities of utilising AI-based tools in language learning, which might foster today’s
education of foreign languages.

AI based tools
Artificial Intelligence (AI) can be regarded as the process of modelling human
thinking and designing a machine in order to make it behave similarly to humans
(Fitria, 2021). In other words, AI is the ability of machines to learn on their own
through preprogrammed data and knowledge.
AI is a technical term, meaning that learning to execute a task related to humans
by reasoning and interacting with the environment. To be more precise, the
technological tools powered by AI can capture data from the environment, and process;
ultimately, producing adaptive and environment-specific outputs. AI is a general
concept with a variety of analytical methods. The most prominent methods are machine
learning, natural language processing, and deep learning.
AI-enhanced dashboards enable teachers to monitor student knowledge
construction, cognitive and emotional engagements (Celik, 2023). Such indicators are
represented through visualisations helping teachers to orchestrate and support learning
progress. Automated assessment systems are capable of identifying and autonomously
assigning scores to students’ responses. These particular instruments are also
acknowledged as automated grading systems. In order to achieve automation, the
utilisation of natural language processing and automated speech recognition is
commonly employed as subfields of artificial intelligence. For instance, in foreign
language learning, these systems help teachers to assess students’ writing and speaking
in the exams and assignments.
In educational environments, AI is incorporated into versatile tools. The current
study targets two AI-based tools: Chatbots and lesson design platforms. Chatbots
function as conversational or virtual agents to learners and teachers. Educators are able
to start a conversation with chatbots through voice or text inputs. Teachers can utilise
it to get help from chatbots for maintaining learners’ motivation. Furthermore, chatbots
can send notifications to teachers about students’ learning progress.
Suffice to say that chatbots, also known as Chatterbots or chatter robots, are
virtual entities developed using the concepts of Artificial Intelligence and Machine
Learning which can communicate with humans in the form of messaging apps (Singh,
2023). They can comprehend an abundance of questions requested by people.
Furthermore, it should be noted that they have the ability to differentiate between
uniqueness of words including emoticons. The work is to consider the following
chatbots: Google BardAI and Chat GPT.
Google BardAI
Google Bard AI is an artificial intelligence chatbot that operates through text-
based communication. Bard utilises natural language processing and machine learning
to generate prompt responses in real-time. According to the company, Bard possesses
the ability to aid in creative endeavours, elucidate intricate subjects, and gather
information from versatile internet sources. Besides, it possesses the capacity to tackle
complex inquiries, such as locating recipes compatible with the ingredients found in
one's refrigerator. It cannot but be mentioned that these types of inquiries cannot be
adequately addressed solely through a conventional Google search. As a consequence,
Bard elevates Google beyond its origins as a humble search engine, transforming it
into a proficient virtual assistant (Aydin, 2023).
The development of Bard was undertaken with an emphasis on search. Its
primary aim is to amplify the prominence of natural language search queries and
supplant the reliance on traditional keywords. Bard’s artificial intelligence is refined
through the integration of human-like voice questions and answers. By providing the
contextual framework for responses, Bard surpasses the conventional approach of
presenting a mere list of answers. Moreover, it is specially designed to facilitate follow-
up inquiries, which represents an innovative search feature.
ChatGPT is a large language model developed by OpenAI that has
revolutionised natural language processing (NLP) and enabled widespread public
interaction with generative artificial intelligence (GAI) on a large scale (Resti Tito &
Maureen Lorence, 2023). It is an AI tool with considerable potency in its chat-like
capabilities, allowing for the identification, compression, translation, prediction, and
generation of textual content. Through the utilisation of reinforcement learning
techniques and the incorporation of human feedback, ChatGPT effectively achieves
the ability to engage in conversations that are not only precise but also closely resemble
those conducted by humans. Furthermore, this proficiency extends across an extensive
array of subjects. ChatGPT finds application across various domains, including but not
limited to education, research, healthcare, and finance. Furthermore, its utilisation in
the educational sphere holds the potential to augment language acquisition capabilities
and streamline task accomplishment. Moreover, it is utilised for scientific writing,
helping authors effectively communicate ideas and improve grammar, spelling, and

Lesson design and content creator tools

Lesson design tools and content creator tools are software systems that support
the creation and implementation of educational lessons and content. As for lesson

design tools, they are tools and approaches available to designers of computer-
embedded devices and teaching learning sequences (Shertayeva et al., 2023). These
tools help in the design process by facilitating a human approach, considering
physicality and context, and supporting the development of various skills within
students. They encompass physical objects, online resources, digital educational
resources, and computer-interpretable products. Furthermore, lesson design tools may
make the design process more attractive, memorable, and effective, increasing the
motivation of students to study the subject. Besides, they can help in modelling and
implementing inquiry-based learning lessons and supporting the learning design
process at different levels and perspectives. By contrast, content creator tools focus on
generating content for art and design using generative artificial intelligence (AI) tools
(Prieto et al., 2013). These instruments enable users to produce interactive encounters
with virtual entities and produce art which has been generated by artificial intelligence.
Frequently, they necessitate human involvement in the artistic procedure and inspire
engineering approaches to guarantee efficient content generation. is a distinctive AI-driven platform within the realm of education,
providing educators with an array of resources that can be effortlessly incorporated
into their pedagogical plans. It may be likened to a comprehensive repository
encompassing all necessary teaching tools and functionalities such as creating lesson
plans, teaching resources, and assessments. Constructed by educators, for educators,
Eduaide also encompasses an artificial intelligence component, free of charge,
designed to alleviate the burden experienced by teachers and ensure that individuals in
the teaching profession, regardless of their location, are able to access high-quality
resources without encountering any impediments. Ultimately, the primary objective of
Eduaide revolves around simplifying and enhancing the teaching process for all
stakeholders involved.

Curipod is regarded as an interactive instrument for the creation of instructional
material (Vester & West, 2023). Individual users possess the capability to generate
their own teaching materials or alternatively employ the AI generator to fabricate
captivating and interactive educational sessions and exercises, such as polls, word
clouds, and drawings. What is more, it facilitates the creation of interactive slides,
fostering collaborative engagement between students and instructors.
Diffit is a software tool that utilises AI to support teachers in creating tailored
learning materials for their students. Diffit enables educators to adjust the reading level
of any text or article, generate relevant resources for any topic, and provide references
to the sources used. Additional functionalities comprise the capacity to generate
summaries, vocabulary lists, multiple-choice questions, open-ended prompts, etc. It
goes without saying that Diffit endeavours to assist educators in adapting their teaching
techniques to cater to the distinct requirements of students and amplify their learning

AI tools in the sphere of learning foreign languages

It goes without saying that English as a Foreign Language (EFL) instruction has
seen remarkable transformations in recent years, thanks to advancements in artificial
intelligence (AI). These developments offer new possibilities for both educators and
students in the realm of personalised language learning, real-time language practice,
and assistance in lesson planning.
Chatbots in language learning
EFL educators might face the hindrance of creating engaging and effective
lesson plans that align with curriculum goals. Chatbots can significantly assist teachers
in this aspect. These tools can generate individualised lesson plans, materials, and
exercises that cater to the specific needs and interests of the students. For instance, AI-
generated lesson plans can adapt to students’ progress. This adaptive mechanism serves
to calibrate the complexity of educational content, thereby maintaining an optimal

balance between challenge and comprehensibility, and preventing the overburdening
of students. Additionally, AI can recommend relevant reading materials, multimedia
resources, and real-world examples that enhance the learning experience. As a
consequence, this assistance not only saves teachers time but also ensures that lesson
plans remain relevant and up-to-date.
Besides, it is of paramount importance to point out that the chatbots mentioned
above provide immediate responses and encourage students to apply their language
skills in real-life situations. This dynamic interaction not only improves students'
language proficiency but also boosts their confidence in using the language in practical
contexts. Real-time language practice is facilitated by chatbots offering immediate
responses and encouraging students to apply their language skills in practical
situations. What is more, these tools enable educators to create customised learning
experiences, facilitate real-world language use, ultimately enhancing the quality of
language instruction.
Over and above that, the affordance of chatbots as a vocabulary learning tool
should be pointed out as they are able to define unknown words, generate dialogues
that can be adjusted to varying proficiency levels and explain vocabulary terms in
students’ first languages. To start with, chatbots, equipped with expansive language
databases and natural language processing capabilities, are adept at providing precise
and contextually relevant definitions for unfamiliar words. This feature serves as an
invaluable resource for students encountering novel vocabulary during language
instruction. By offering instant definitions, chatbots can facilitate a simplified and
efficient vocabulary acquisition process in which students promptly grasp the meaning
and contextual usage of unknown terms. Another pivotal capability of chatbots is that
they can generate dialogues tailored to varying proficiency levels, which amplifies
their utility as vocabulary learning tools. Through adaptive algorithms, chatbots can
modulate the complexity and linguistic sophistication of generated dialogues based on
individual student proficiency. What that means is that teachers can leverage chatbots
to create vocabulary-rich environments.

Another noteworthy aspect of leveraging chatbots in language teaching is their
ability to facilitate the creation and administration of vocabulary-based quizzes,
thereby enhancing the assessment strategies available to teachers. The incorporation of
chatbots in this context presents several advantages, combining technological
innovation with pedagogical efficacy. Suffice to say that chatbots equipped with
natural language processing capabilities can autonomously generate vocabulary
quizzes based on predetermined criteria. This functionality relies on the chatbot’s
capacity to analyse language proficiency levels, learning objectives and curriculum
requirements. By automating the quiz generation process, teachers can efficiently
produce assessments that align with specific instructional goals. Moreover, it cannot
but be mentioned that chatbots have the capacity to tailor quiz content to individual
students or groups. What that means is that they can assess students' previous
performance, identify areas of strength and weakness and generate quizzes that address
their specific needs. Consequently, this personalised approach is bound to enhance the
relevance of assessments, ensuring they are both challenging and supportive of
students' ongoing language development.
Chatbots can provide immediate feedback, user-friendly interfaces, and short-
term interactions, which are important for optimal chatbot usage. Hence, they can act
as an assistant to teachers in dealing with trivial questions (Chuah & Kabilan, 2021).
As a result, the teachers can focus more on more important corrective feedback to the
learners. Additionally, chatbots can be used as teaching aids, supporting language
teaching and learning. They can be used for assessment during teaching and can be
complemented with blended learning or traditional classroom teaching to address their
limitations. Chatbots, particularly speech-recognition chatbots, have the potential to
enhance speaking and listening proficiency in language learning. As a result of
embracing these innovations, language educators can harness the power of AI to reach
new heights in language learning.
So as to understand the significance of chatbots in language learning, it is
imperative to consider this question from multiple angles, namely from the perspective

of AI as well. Chat GPT, one of the chatbots, has explained how chatbots can be utilised
in language learning from the perspective of teachers:

1. Conversation Practice:
● Chatbots provide students with a platform for regular and interactive
conversation practice. This helps reinforce language skills in a
practical context.
● Teachers can design specific conversational scenarios or topics that
align with the curriculum, allowing students to apply what they've
learned in real-life situations.
2. Immediate Feedback:
● Chatbots offer instant feedback on language usage, grammar, and
vocabulary. This immediate response helps students identify and
correct errors promptly, reinforcing the learning process.
● Teachers can customise the chatbot to provide targeted feedback based
on common mistakes or specific learning objectives.
3. 24/7 Availability:
● Chatbots are available round the clock, allowing students to practise
language skills at their own pace and convenience. This flexibility is
especially beneficial for learners who may have busy schedules.
● Teachers can recommend specific times for chatbot interaction or
integrate it into homework assignments, providing students with
continuous opportunities for language practice.
4. Personalised Learning:
● Chatbots can be tailored to individual student needs, adapting to different
learning styles and levels. This personalization enhances engagement
and ensures that each student receives targeted language practice.
● Teachers can use data from chatbot interactions to identify areas of
improvement for individual students and adjust their teaching strategies

5. Vocabulary Expansion:
● Chatbots can introduce new vocabulary in context, helping students
understand and remember words more effectively. Conversations can be
designed to include relevant and practical vocabulary for specific
language proficiency levels.
● Teachers can incorporate thematic chatbot exercises to align with lessons,
reinforcing vocabulary acquisition and application.
6. Cultural Integration:
● Chatbots can simulate real-life cultural interactions, exposing students to
diverse language use and cultural nuances. This enhances their
understanding of language in context and promotes cultural sensitivity.
● Teachers can incorporate cultural elements into chatbot scenarios,
fostering a more holistic language learning experience.
7. Assessment and Progress Tracking:
● Chatbots can generate data on student performance, allowing teachers to
track progress and identify areas that require additional attention.
● Teachers can use chatbot interactions as a formative assessment tool,
gaining insights into individual and collective language learning

Considering both AI’s perspective and the viewpoint presented in research

papers, it is possible to draw the conclusion that there is a certain degree of overlap
between the concepts put forth by the authors and the Chat GPT.

Diffit in language learning

Diffit provides a wide range of differentiation tools that empower teachers to

meet the versatile needs of their students, suggesting multifaceted benefits for both
educators and students.
First and foremost, Diffit’s ability to assign levelled reading materials tailored
to individual student proficiency levels significantly contributes to foreign language
learning. Language acquisition is a nuanced process, and providing students with
materials that align with their proficiency ensures a gradual and effective progression
in linguistic skills.
Another significant benefit is based on the fact that the AI capabilities inherent
in Diffit allow language educators to automatically adapt reading passages based on
individual student needs. In foreign language learning, where comprehension is
paramount, this feature ensures that students receive content at an appropriate linguistic
level, fostering deeper understanding and engagement with the language.
Needless to say that language learning extends beyond vocabulary acquisition;
it involves critical thinking and effective communication. Diffit’s provision of open-
ended prompts encourages students to think critically in the target language. This not
only enhances language proficiency but also promotes a deeper understanding of
cultural nuances embedded in the language.
Foreign language educators often grapple with assessing students with varying
proficiency levels. Diffit’s diverse range of question sets, including choice questions,
facilitates assessments that cater to different language proficiency levels. This
adaptability ensures that assessments align with students’ language skills, providing a
more accurate measure of their linguistic abilities.
Last but not least, language is deeply intertwined with culture, and Diffit allows
educators to curate text sets that align with students' cultural interests. Whether
exploring literature, historical texts, or contemporary articles, Diffit enables the
incorporation of culturally relevant materials, enhancing students' appreciation for the
linguistic and cultural aspects of the language.
The integration of Diffit in foreign language learning is not merely a
technological adaptation but a pedagogical paradigm shift. It empowers language
students to engage with the target language in a personalised and immersive manner,
fostering a deeper connection with linguistic and cultural nuances. The program’s
emphasis on real-time assessments and interactive learning experiences equips
language students with the skills necessary for effective communication and cultural
competency in the globalised world.

Curipod in language learning
In the vast array of educational tools enhanced by Al, Curipod distinguishes
itself due to its numerous attributes. This tool, which is powered by an Al generator,
can serve as an intelligent aid for educators as it grants them the ability to create slides,
activities, questions, and feedback in accordance with their desired learning outcomes
and the students’ individual interests. A primary advantage of Curipod is its user-
friendly interface, which exhibits an intuitive design that facilitates effortless
navigation and swift acclimation to its various functions. Both teachers and learners
are bound to appreciate this aspect of the tool.
The utilisation of technology in the acquisition of foreign languages presents a
plethora of benefits. These encompass enhanced independence and personalisation,
broadened channels for interaction, the facilitation of the formation of one's identity,
acknowledgment and utilisation of learners’ pre-existing skills in information
technology, the execution of instruction centred on content, exposure to cross-cultural
material, the development of engaging tasks, increased significance of the language
being studied, and the incorporation of alternative methods of evaluation.
Concerning the acquisition of language, the integration of technology
encompasses a broad range of tools and strategies. In the context of foreign language
classrooms, students utilise well-designed activities not only for the purpose of
presenting, practising, assessing, testing, referencing, communicating, or simulating,
but also for the aim of generating, producing, and disseminating content.
It is crucial to note that Curipod also leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) to
offer adaptive feedback and guidance to students as they complete the activities and
questions. The “Personalized Feedback” feature within Curipod is a feedback generator
driven by AI that takes into account the grade level and contextual information
provided by the teacher. This tool enables educators to specify their expectations for
answers, which involves indicating the aspects to be evaluated in the correction
process, the grade level, the time allocated for the activity, and the specific focus of
feedback. For instance, consider a written production activity in the English language:
“Write a text in which you describe your apartment.” In this particular context, the
teacher can define the expected answer, such as “using correct verb conjugation,” if
they intend to assess this aspect of the students’ writing.
The generаtor of feedback powered by Artificial Intelligence (AI) then adapts its
recommendations and assessments based on the guidelines established by the educator.
This customisation ensures that the questions and activities proposed by the AI
correspond to the specified criteria, thus streamlining the evaluation process and
offering focused feedbаck to enhance the students’ educational experience.
The significance of feedback in the acquisition of language is of utmost
importance. Feedback encompasses the information that learners receive concerning
their language learning trajectory, primarily concerning their language production in
speaking and writing. Additionally, it comprises aspects such as reading, listening,
study skills, attitudes, and effort. The primary focus here is on formative feedback,
which is intentionally designed to aid learners throughout their learning process,
consistently provided. In order to be effective, feedback should centre around learning
tasks, be specific and in line with learning objectives, present a suitable challenge, and
actively engage the learner. Moreover, constructive feedback should strike a bаlаnce
between pоsitive and cоnstructive еlеments. in language learning
Eduaide’s incorporation of artificial intelligence (AI) in language learning for
teachers represents a groundbreaking advancement in educational technology. This
innovative company has positioned itself as a leader in providing AI-assisted teaching
solutions with the primary goal of elevating the overall teaching and learning
experience. Through a comprehensive suite of products and services, Eduaide focuses
on empowering educators to optimise their instructional practices and enhance student
First and foremost, a notable feature within Eduaide’s repertoire is the AI-
assisted lesson planning functionality. Owing to harnessing the capabilities of artificial
intelligence, Eduaide streamlines the process of creating captivating and effective
lesson plans. Thanks to intricate analysis of diverse data points, including student
performance metrics, curriculum requirements, and specified learning objectives, the
AI algorithms generate personalised lesson plans tailored to meet the unique needs of
individual students or entire classes. As a result, this not only saves valuable time for
teachers but also ensures that instructional content aligns seamlessly with educational
Complementing the lesson planning tool, Eduaide provides generative teaching
resources. These AI-generated materials, encompassing worksheets, quizzes, and
interactive activities, serve as invaluable supplements to lesson plans. Designed to
reinforce key concepts and facilitate active learning, these resources enable teachers to
diversify their instructional methods, catering to various learning styles within the
Besides, Eduaide’s commitment to customization and flexibility is evident in its
approach to AI-generated materials. Educators are granted the ability to personalise,
revise, and remix the AI outputs, aligning the generated content with their specific
teaching styles and student needs. This adaptability ensures that the AI-assisted
materials integrate into the broader pedagogical approach and instructional objectives
of individual teachers.
Another pivotal point that is to be mentioned is that the assessment builder
feature within Eduaide’s offerings provides teachers with a powerful tool to create
assessments that accurately gauge student progress and comprehension. The AI-
powered assessment builder facilitates the creation of diverse assessment types, for
instance, multiple-choice questions, short answer questions, and interactive quizzes.
What that means is that this might not only streamline the assessment creation process
but also furnish educators with insightful data on student performance, allowing for the
identification of areas that require improvement and the tailoring of instruction
Furthermore, Eduaide’s actionable feedback generator represents a significant
enhancement to the assessment process. Utilising artificial intelligence algorithms to
analyse student responses, the feature automates the creation of detailed feedback that
highlights both strengths and areas for improvement. Consequently, providing timely

and constructive feedback not only saves teachers valuable time, but also promotes
more informed and personalised learning for students.
An exceptional aspect of Eduaide’s offerings is its commitment to expanded
language accessibility. The AI technology integrated into Eduaide’s platform possesses
the capability to analyse and process content in multiple languages. This feature tends
to be particularly advantageous for educators working in linguistically versatile
environments, due to the fact that it enables the creation and access of teaching
resources in different languages, ensuring that all students can benefit from the AI-
assisted teaching solutions offered by


General Background of Research

The present study aimed to investigate the potential of innovative AI-based tools
in enhancing proficiency in foreign languages and to identify and evaluate specific AI-
based tools that demonstrate increased effectiveness in language teaching. The research
was conducted during the second and third modules of 2023-2024 among English
educators via online service Yandex Forms. The work implements both qualitative and
quantitative data collection methods. The study employed mostly a qualitative survey
methodology with the elements of quantitative survey methodology.
The participants of the questionnaire consisted of 20 educators, namely students,
who are self-employed tutors, officially employed teachers, and self-employed tutors.
Research Design
The study utilised a non-experimental descriptive survey design which
comprises 16 questions, 15 of them are closed-ended, with the opportunity to write
down the option that the respondent prefers, and 1 open-ended question. The
questionnaire was conducted in order to make conclusions about the usefulness of AI
tools in the education of foreign languages. This specific type of research was chosen
due to its convenience and the ability to gather information about a significant number
of respondents.
Closed-ended questions were assessed by a 5-point Likert scale, yes/no answers
and provided answer options. In most of the questions, one could select several
Data Analysis
Due to the fact that the questionnaire predominantly encompassed closed-ended
questions, a quantitative data analysis method was employed to investigate the results.
Methods of descriptive statistics, such as summarising and describing main
characteristics of the data and calculating measures, as well as observing frequencies
were utilised. As for the data visualisation, bar charts with respondents’ answers were

provided by Yandex Forms and further taken into account while identifying patterns
and trends of the research results.
Participants were selected through a convenience sampling method. A link to the
Yandex Forms questionnaire was sent to group chats with students, who are self-
employed tutors and teachers at HSE with an invite to complete it. The survey was
administered during a two-week period. Upon accessing the survey link, participants
encountered one self-reported question regarding their age, and had to fill in one more
open-ended question about the ways how AI-based tools may enhance the language
learning experience. The rest of the questions were closed-ended, therefore they had to
pick one or several options. Once participants completed the survey, the information
was stored by the service.


As mentioned before, students, who are self-employed tutors, officially

employed teachers, and self-employed tutors participated in the survey. However, the
largest portion of the respondents, 52.4% to be exact, were students, who are under 21
years of age. Besides, it is noticeable that the second place is occupied by officially
employed teachers, accounting for 40 %. According to the data, the majority of the
interviewed foreign language teachers have been teaching for 1-5 years, namely 61.9%.
While people teaching for less than 1 year or more than 5 years each make up 19%.
Suffice it to say that a large number of language tutors, 80% to be exact, tend to
use artificial-intelligence based tools for language learning. The subsequent question
revolved around the exploration of teachers’ perspectives on the potential benefits that
AI-driven tools could bring to the overall language acquisition process, shedding light
on the ways in which such technological advancements could enhance the language
learning experience. The most commonly stated methods AI-based tools can improve
language learning are vocabulary enhancement (mentioned by 86.7% of respondents),
task creation and preparation (80%), and personalisation with feedback (40%). As a
consequence, it might suggest that these aspects are particularly valued by teachers and
tutors of foreign languages when it comes to integrating AI into their teaching
Regarding the selection of AI-based tools for language learning, interviewed
tutors primarily consider the quality of its content, with 36% of respondents indicating
it as a crucial factor. This underscores the importance of reliable and accurate materials
in facilitating effective language acquisition. Recommendations also play a significant
role, as noted by 24% of tutors, suggesting that peer or expert endorsements carry
weight in their decision-making process. User interface follows closely behind, with
22% of teachers emphasising the importance of an intuitive and user-friendly design
for seamless integration into their teaching workflows. Finally, cost considerations are
also an imperative factor for 18% of respondents, which highlights the need for
affordability in acquiring and implementing such tools.

As for the combination of AI-based language learning tools with traditional
methods, the majority (55.2%) utilise these tools as supplementary resources,
seamlessly integrating them into existing curricula to augment learning experiences.
Additionally, 31% leverage AI tools for targeted practice of specific language skills,
tailoring exercises to address students’ individual needs and areas for improvement. A
smaller percentage (13.8%) opt to blend AI tools with classroom instruction,
harnessing their capabilities to enhance in-person learning activities. Notably, none of
the educators exclusively rely on AI tools, which indicates a balanced approach that
values the benefits of both technological innovation and time-tested teaching methods.
Respondents demonstrate varying degrees of familiarity with artificial
intelligence-based tools, with ChatGPT emerging as the most recognized option among
respondents, cited by 65.6%. Google BardAI represents 12.5% of teacher familiarity.
In addition, a smaller proportion of teachers are acquainted with specific platforms
such as (6.3%), Diffit (3.1%), and none reported familiarity with Curipod.
What is more, it is worth noting that 12.5% was attributed to some other options such
as, Gamma, Magic AI, and Notion AI.
Furthermore, among respondents, ChatGPT stands out as the predominant AI-
based language learning tool, utilised by 76.9% of those surveyed. Google BardAI and
other platforms, including, each garner a smaller but still notable share of
usage, accounting for 7.7% of respondents. Additionally, a minority of educators utilise
specific tools such as Diffit and, each representing 3.8% of respondents.
The next part of the questionnaire was devoted to chatbots. It goes without
saying that language teachers employ chatbots in various ways to enhance language
instruction and engage students effectively. A significant portion (37.5%) utilise
chatbots to create interactive quizzes, while a substantial proportion (35.4%) use
chatbots to introduce new vocabulary in context, providing students with immersive
learning experiences that promote retention and comprehension. A smaller percentage
(8.3%) utilise chatbots to provide feedback and (8.3%) to outline lesson plans,
simplifying the preparation process and ensuring organised and effective teaching
sessions. Moreover, a minority (6.3%) utilise chatbots for diverse purposes such as
building contextual grammar exercises, generating pictures, composing stories with
active vocabulary, requesting rules and examples, and quickly introducing synonyms.
In terms of effectiveness, ChatGPT receives predominantly positive ratings, with
47.6% of respondents rating it as a 3, 42.9% rating it as a 4, and 9.5% rating it as a 5.
It cannot but be mentioned that none of the respondents rated ChatGPT as ineffective.
Conversely, Google BardAI, while less commonly used among respondents, receives
mixed ratings for effectiveness, with all responses falling between 3 and 5, and the
majority of respondents (85.7%) indicating that they do not use it for language
teaching. These findings suggest that ChatGPT is perceived as more effective and
preferred among teachers for supporting language instruction compared to Google
Finally, the last part of the questionnaire focuses on lesson design and content
creation tools and their effectiveness. It appears that Curipod, Diffit, and
are not commonly utilised for lesson design and content creation, with 100%, 95.2%,
and 95.2% of respondents respectively indicating that they do not use these tools.
Among those who did provide ratings, Diffit received a rating of 4 from 4.8% of
respondents, suggesting a moderate level of effectiveness for content creation.
However, both Curipod and did not receive any effectiveness ratings from
respondents, indicating a lack of familiarity or perceived utility among teachers.
One limitation of the present study lies in the novelty of the topic, which leads
to varying levels of awareness among educators about the available AI-based tools. As
a consequence, this lack of familiarity might lead to limited insights and perspectives
gathered from the survey. Besides, the relatively small sample size of 20 foreign
language teachers interviewed may restrict the objectivity of the results since the
opinions and experiences of a larger and more diverse group of educators could provide
a more comprehensive understanding of the effectiveness and challenges which are
associated with integrating AI-based tools into the language learning process.

All things considered, the findings of the study shed light on the potential of
artificial intelligence-based tools in enhancing teaching of the English language.
Besides, the findings of the study suggest that AI-based tools play a paramount role in
various aspects of language education, encompassing vocabulary enhancement, task
creation, personalisation with feedback, and lesson design. Notwithstanding this fact,
it is imperative to mention that people tend to be unaware of AI-based tools presented
in this study due to their novelty. Based on the findings of this study, there are several
areas for further research that could build upon this research paper. First and foremost,
it would be valuable to conduct a study that is related not only to teaching the English
language, but also versatile foreign languages. Furthermore, it would be beneficial to
devise lesson materials utilising the above-mentioned AIs, and then provide a focus
group with them so as to test tools. As a consequence, the created materials that prove
successful can be used in teaching foreign languages beyond the scope of this study.
Besides, the significance of the study extends towards its applicability in informing
future research endeavours, as a result, it is bound to serve as a theoretical basis for
subsequent exploration.”



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