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The Electronic Voting Machine was used for the first time in Parur Assembly


A. 1981 B. 1979

C. 1980 D. 1982

2. The voting age was reduced from 21 to 18 in?

A. 1989 B. 1988

C. 1987 D. 1986

3. What does the word “Demos” in Democracy stand for?

A. Rule B. Might

C. People D. King

4. The general elections are conducted by Election Commission of India for?

A. Rajya Sabha B. Prime Minister of India

C. Lok Sabha D. President of India

5. The first general elections were held in?

A. 1952-1953 B. 1951-1952

C. 1949-1950 D. 1950-1951

6. Which state has the highest number of seats in the Lok Sabha?

A. Karnataka B. Maharashtra

C. Bihar D. Uttar Pradesh

7. How many seats are there in the Lok Sabha?

A. 542 B. 544

C. 543 D. 541

8. Who appoints the members of the Election Commission of India?

A. Chief Justice of India B. President

C. Elected by People D. Prime Minister

9. Who chooses the candidates who contest elections during the general Elections?

A. Supporters of the Party B. Top leaders of the Party

C. Members of the Party D. None of the above

10. Which of these is not a good reason to say that Indian elections are democratic?

A. India has the largest number of voters in the world.

B. India’s Election Commission is very powerful.

C. In India, everyone above the age of 18 has a right to vote.

D. In India, the losing parties accept the electoral verdict.

11. Mahatma Gandhi launched the Civil Disobedience

Movement in 1930 from

A. Sabarmati Ashram

B. Ahmedabad

C. Porbandar

D. Dandi

12. The word ‘Demos’ belongs to which language.

A. Latin

B. English

C. Greek

D. German

13. When was the ‘Quit India Movement’ launched by Mohandas

Karamchand Gandhi?

A. 1946

B. 1939

C. 1942

D. 1940

14. The split in Congress happened in?

A. 1907 B. 1909

C. 1906 D. 1908

15. The Indian National Flag was designed by?

A. Pingali Venkayya B. Rabindra Nath Tagore

C. Pherozshah Mehta D. Bal Gangadhar Tilak

16. The Queen of England was declared Kaiser-i-Hind in?

A. 1857 B. 1861 Ans.1877

C. 1856 D. 1858

17. After returning from South Africa, which among the following was the first

Satyagraha of Mahatma Gandhi?

A. Champaran B. Dandi

C. Chauri-Chaura D. Ahmedabad

18. Who was given the responsibility to unite the princely states into the Indian Union?

A. Jawahar Lal Nehru B. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

C. Moti Lal Nehru D. Subash Chandra Bose

19. Operation Polo is associated with the annexation of which state?

A. Kashmir B. Junagadh

C. Hyderabad D. Travancore

20. Which of these is not a policy of British Paramountcy?

A. Ring-Fencing B. Subordinate Isolation

C. Cripps Mission D. Subordinate Union

21. The Chauri Chaura Incident happened in?

A. 1921 B. 1923

C. 1920 D. 1922

22. The Poona Pact was signed in?

A. 1930 B. 1931

C. 1932 D. 1933

23. Which is known as the Minto-Morley Reforms?

A. Simon Commission, 1927 B. Government of India Act, 1935

C. Indian Councils Act, 1909 D. Government of India Act, 1919

24. The concept of Secular State implies

A. Adoption of single religion

B. No religion

C. Neutrality of religion

D. Theocracy.

25. Gandhi gave the call to reject all foreign goods during the

__________ Movement

A. Khilafat

B. Non-cooperation

C. Swadeshi

D. Civil Disobedience

26. The system of Panchayati Raj involves

A Village, State and Union levels

B Village, District and State levels

C Village and State levels

D Village, Block and District levels

27. Gandhi had given out the stirring call of ‘Do or Die’ during the

__________ Movement

A. Non-cooperation

B. Khilafat

C. Civil Disobedience

D. Quit India

28. Who is the head of urban local government?

A. Sarpanch

B. Ward commissioner

C. Mukhiya

D. Mayor
29. Who is known as the "Father of the Indian Cons tu on"?
A. Mahatma Gandhi
B. Jawaharlal Nehru
C. B.R. Ambedkar
D. Sardar Patel

30. What is the minimum vo ng age for elec ons to the Lok Sabha in India?
A. 18 years
B. 21 years
C. 25 years
D. 30 years

31. The Preamble of the Indian Cons tu on declares India to be a:

A. Socialist Republic
B. Democra c Republic
C. Federal Republic
D. Parliamentary Republic

32. The president of India is

A. Head of the state

B. Head of the Government

C. Head of the state Government

D. None of these

33.The first General election in our country was held in the year

A. 1949




34. In violation of the Salt Laws, Gandhiji started a movement


A. Non-Cooperation movement

B. Swadeshi Movement

C. Civil Disobedience movement

D. None of the above

35. Which one of the following reflects the philosophy of the

framers of the constitution.

A. Directive principles

B. Preamble

C. Fundamental Rights

D. Fundamental Duties
36. Which ar cle of the Indian Cons tu on deals with the Right to Freedom of Religion?
A. Ar cle 15
B. Ar cle 21
C. Ar cle 25
D. Ar cle 32

37. Who appoints the Chief Elec on Commissioner of India?

A. President of India
B. Prime Minister of India
C. Chief Jus ce of India
D. Home Minister of India
38. The Direc ve Principles of State Policy are enumerated in which part of the Cons tu on?
A. Part III
B. Part IV
C. Part V
D. Part VI

39. Which plan became the platform of Indian Independence?

A. Cripps Plan

B. Mountbatten Plan

C. Wavell Plan

D. None of the above

40. The 44 th Amendment has made the Right to Property:

A Fundamental right

B. A duty

C.A legal right

D.A natural law

41. The maximum strength of the state legislature assembly is

A. 400 members

B. 425 members

C. 500 members

D.545 members
42. Who has the power to remove the President of India from o ce?
A. Prime Minister. ANs. Parliament
B. Lok Sabha
C. Rajya Sabha
D. Supreme Court
43. What is the term of o ce for a member of the Rajya Sabha?
A. 3 years
B. 4 years
C. 5 years
D. 6 years
44. Who is the head of the State Government in a Union Territory in India?
A. Lieutenant Governor
B. Chief Minister
C. President of India
D. Governor
45. The President of India can nominate two members to represent which community in the Lok
A. Anglo-Indian community
B. Sikh community
C. Muslim community
D. Tribal community

46.The basic elements of democracy are:

A. Universal Adult Franchise

B. Fraternity and national unity

C. Liberty and equality

D All the above

47. The Chief Minister is a part of the _____

A. Legislature

B. Executive

C. Judiciary

D. none of the above

48.What is the third tier of government known as?

A. Village Panchayats

B. State government

C. Local self-government

D. Zila Parishad

49. Writ can be directly filed

A. In the magistrate court

B. In the court of civil judge

C. In district and sessions court

D. In the supreme court

50. Which Fundamental Right is also known as the "Heart and Soul" of the Indian Cons tu on?
A. Right to Equality
B. Right to Freedom
C. Right to Cons tu onal Remedies
D. Right to Educa on
51. What is the tenure of the Governor of a state in India?
A. 3 years
B. 4 years
C. 5 years
D. 6 years
52. Which Fundamental Right is violated if someone is subjected to inhuman or degrading
A. Right to Equality
B. Right to Freedom
C. Right against Exploita on
D. Right to Life and Personal Liberty

53. Who was the chairman of drafting committee

A. Pandith Jawahal Nehru

B. Dr. B. R Ambedkar

C. Dr. Radha Krishnan

D. K.M Munshi

54.The Split in Congress happened in the year?

A. 1906 B. 1907

C. 1908 D. 1909

55. The Queen of England was declared Kaiser-i-Hind in?

A. 1857 B. 1861

C. 1856 D. 1858

56. Which country has a Parliamentary Democracy?

A. USA B. India

C. UK D. North Korea
57. The Fundamental Du es of Indian ci zens were added to the Cons tu on by which
A. 40th Amendment
B. 42nd Amendment
C. 44th Amendment
D. 46th Amendment
58. The par on of Bengal was annulled in:
A. 1905
B. 1911
C. 1920
D. 1947
59. The Simon Commission, appointed in 1927, was boyco ed because:
A. It did not include any Indian members
B. It recommended the par on of India
C. It opposed the Indian Na onal Congress
D. It was chaired by a Bri sh o cial
60. According to the Fundamental Du es, which of the following is the duty of parents and
A. Provide opportuni es for educa on to children
B. Protect monuments and places of na onal importance
C. Uphold and protect the sovereignty, unity, and integrity of India
D. Promote harmony and the spirit of common brotherhood among all the people of India
61. The Indian Independence Act of 1947 led to the crea on of:
A. India and Pakistan
B. India and Bangladesh
C. India and Sri Lanka
D. India and Nepal
62. Which Fundamental Right guarantees protec on against discrimina on on the basis of religion,
race, caste, sex, or place of birth?
A. Right to Equality
B. Right to Freedom of Religion
C. Right against Exploita on
D. Right to Cons tu onal Remedies
63. The Indian Councils Act of 1909 is also known as the:
A. Morley-Minto Reforms
B. Montagu-Chelmsford Reforms
C. Government of India Act
D. Rowla Act

64. Who was responsible for the Partition of Bengal?

A. Lord Mountbatten B. Lord Dalhousie

C. Lord Curzon D. Lord Cornwallis

65. Who was given the responsibility to unite the princely states into the Indian Union?

A. Jawahar Lal Nehru B. Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel

C. Moti Lal Nehru D. Subash Chandra Bose

66. Which of these bodies is not an organ of the government?

A. Legislature B. Executive

C. Media D. Judiciary

67. The Chauri Chaura Incident happened in?

A. 1921 B. 1923

C. 1920 D. 1922

68. The Poona Pact was signed in?

A. 1930 B. 1931

C. 1932 D. 1933
69. The par on of Bengal in 1905 was reversed in:
A. 1908
B. 1911
C. 1920
D. 1935
70. The Bri sh introduced the 'Doctrine of Lapse' under the administra on of:
A. Lord Dalhousie
B. Lord Wellesley
C. Lord Cornwallis
D. Lord Ripon
71. The Rowla Act was passed in:
A. 1919
B. 1922
C. 1930
D. 1942

72. Which of these articles talks about abolishment of untouchability?

A. Art.15 B. Art.16

C. Art.17 D. Art.18

73. Which of these articles talks about free and compulsory education?

A. Art.23 B. Art.21
C. Art.20 D. Art.21(A)

74. Which of these is called as the Council of States?

A. Vidhan Parishad B. Lok Sabha

C. Rajya Sabha D. Vidhan Sabha

75. The Rajya Sabha doesn’t have much power with respect to which kind of law?

A. Ordinary Bill B. Money Bill

C. Ordinance D. Policy Decisions

76. The Quit India Movement was launched in:
A. 1919
B. 1922
C. 1942
D. 1947
77. The Regula ng Act of 1773 established the o ce of the Governor-General of Bengal and laid
the founda on for Bri sh administra ve control. Who was the rst Governor-General under this
A. Lord Clive
B. Warren Has ngs
C. Lord Cornwallis
D. Lord Wellesley
78. The Swadeshi Movement, which advocated the use of indigenous goods, was launched in
response to the par on of Bengal in:
A. 1905
B. 1911
C. 1919
D. 1922
79 The Quit India Movement was launched in response to:
A. Jallianwala Bagh massacre
B. Simon Commission
C. Rowla Act
D. World War II

80. The Preamble of the Constitution doesn’t contain which of the following words?

A. Secular B. Socialist
C. Capitalist D. Liberty

81. Which of these fundamental rights was made as a Constitutional Right, as per

Art.300A in 1978?

A. Right to Strike B. Right to Property

C. Right to Speech D. Right against Exploitation

82. Which of these is a permanent body and only 1/3 rd of its members retire every 2


A. Lok Sabha B. Vidhan Sabha

C. Supreme Court D. Rajya Sabha

83. Which kind of voting system is used in the general elections in India?

A. Proportional Representation Voting System

B. Preferential Voting System

C. Mixed Voting System

D. First Past the Voting System

84. Which Constitutional amendment introduced the rural and urban local self-


A. 61 st & 62 nd Constitutional Amendment

B. 81 st & 82 nd Constitutional Amendment

C. 73 rd & 74 th Constitutional Amendment

D. 44 th & 45 th Constitutional Amendment

85. Who amongst the following people can vote in the general elections?

A. A foreigner

B. Convicted Offenders

C. A person in jail under Preventive Detention

D. A person who is of unsound mind

86 The line dividing India and Pakistan is called?

A. Wavell Line B. Line of Control

C. Mountbatten Line D. Radcliffe Line

87. Fundamental Duties is mentioned under which Article?

A. Art.51 B. Art.51A

C. Art.36 D. Art.44
88. Who is known as the "Architect of the Indian Cons tu on"?
A. Jawaharlal Nehru
B. Sardar Patel
C. B.R. Ambedkar
D. Mahatma Gandhi

89. The President of India is elected by an electoral college consis ng of:

A. Members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha
B. Members of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, and State Legisla ve Assemblies
C. Members of Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha, and State Governors
D. Members of Lok Sabha and State Legisla ve Assemblies

90. What is the term dura on for a member of the Lok Sabha?
A. 3 years
B. 4 years
C. 5 years
D. 6 years

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