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Theories of the origin of the universe

Big Bang Theory'

The best-known theory about
the origin of the universe
focuses on a cosmic
cataclysm unparalleled in
history: the so-called Big
Bang . Big Bang
proponents suggest that
about 10 to 20 billion years
ago, a massive shock wave
allowed all known energy
and matter in the universe
(including space and time) to arise from some unknown type of energy.
The theory continues to ensure that after the total collapse, a new
expansion will follow , another Big Bang , and so on indefinitely in an
infinite series of Big Bangs and Big Crunchs that would also justify an
infinite number of universes. However, this theory does not explain the
causes of the Big Bang itself.

Inflationary theory
In the original formulation of
the Big Bang theory several
problems remained
unresolved. The state of
matter at the time of the
explosion was such that
normal physical laws could
not apply. This is how this
theory arose, which was
developed in the early 1980s
by the American scientist
Alan Guth .
According to this theory, what triggered the big explosion is an inflationary
force exerted in an inappreciable amount of time, which allowed an
observable region of the universe to form. The Inflationary Theory
makes the difference between a real Universe and an observable
Universe , the observable Universe being the one inhabited by man,
which is much smaller than the real Universe.

%C3%B3smica inflation explains how an extremely dense and hot
particle that contained all the mass and energy of the universe, being
smaller than a proton, is released outward in an expansion that continues
in the millions of years that have passed since then.
Steady state theory
The Steady State model
was proposed in 1948 by
Herman Bondi , Thomas
Gold and Fred Hoyle .
Bondi and Gold presented a
philosophical discussion
invoking the so-called
“Perfect Cosmological
Principle” in which the
Universe, in addition to
being spatially
homogeneous, presents the same average appearance at any time.

According to the Steady State Theory , the cosmos has always existed
and always will exist. The basic point of this explanation is the fact that
the Universe, despite its expansion process. It always maintains the same
density thanks to the continuous creation of new matter.
This theory, which was popular during the 1950s, has been successively
rejected by the majority of astronomers who now support the Big Bang
theory .

Oscillating universe theory

The oscillating or
pulsating theory is a
hypothesis proposed by
Richard Tolman that tells
us that our universe would
be the last of many that
emerged in the past, due
to successive explosions
and contractions. The
aforementioned physicist
stated that, in reality, the
cosmos did not have a common origin, but rather has been “creating”
and “destroying” itself continuously , going through a phase of
expansion and another of contraction (also called Big Crunch ).
This theory was rejected with the discovery of microwaves (1965), as
this demonstrated that the Universe must have been very hot and dense
at some point. However, it has re-emerged in brane cosmology as a
cyclic model, which manages to evade all the arguments that led to the
Oscillating Universe Theory being discarded in the 1960s.
However, it remains a highly controversial explanation due to the
absence of a satisfactory description of this model that agrees with String
Theory .

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