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I. Reproduction

6.1. Morphogenesis
1. Reproduction ● Change in shape
● Evolutionary adaptation to propagate and improve ● Shows the developmental difference between plants
● Ability to reproduce. and animals.
● Longer in plants – grow and develop continuously
2. Asexual Reproduction until death.
● No gametes. ● Animals develop distinct and complete body shapes.
● Plant cells grow by increasing in size and animal cells
2.1. Budding (Hydra) grow by increasing in number.
● Forming an outgrowth/bud.
7. Nutrition
2.2. Fragmentation (sea stars) ● Providing/obtaining food for health, survival, and growth.
● Organism forms from detached body parts. ● Taking in, digesting, and using obtained resources.
● Nutrients provide energy for metabolic processes; growth,
2.3. Binary Fission (amoeba) maintenance, reproduction, and immunity.
● Unicellular organism splits into two daughter cells.
7.1. Autotrophic
2.4. Vegetative (cuttings) ● Manufacturing nutrients by synthesizing inorg
● No seeds/spores. materials.
● Corm is used by gladiolus and garlic.
7.1.1. Photoautotrophic
2.5. Spore Formation (ferns) ● Directly use energy from the sun and other inorg
● Production of spores. materials to form organic food.
● No flowers.
7.1.2. Chemoautotrophic
2.6. Apomixis ● Use chemicals (H, S, NH2, etc.) to create org
● Asexual seed formation. substances.
● Result of plants bypassing sexual rep.
● Maternal clones from seeds. 7.2. Heterotrophic
● Cannot make own food and obtains energy through
3. Sexual Reproduction org matter.
● Union of gametes
● Offspring are not identical to parents. 7.2.1. Saprophytic/Saprotrophic
● Exhibited by higher forms of organisms. ● Releasing digestive enzymes to absorb dead org
3.1. Inside fertilization
● Male deposits sperm inside body and the fertilization 7.2.2. Parasitic
takes place. ● Taking food from other organisms.
❖ Ectoparasitism - parasite is outside host.
3.2. Outside fertilization ❖ Endoparasitism - parasite in inside host.
● Male deposits sperm outside female’s body and
fertilization happens in the envi. 7.2.3. Holozoic
● Ingests solid/liquid food.
4. Reproductive Traits ❖ Herbivorous - plants as source of energy.
● Color and display (i.e. peafowls). ❖ Carnivorous - eat other animals.
● Physical characteristics (i.e. brightly-colored flowers). ❖ Omnivorous - consume plants and animals

II. Nutrition and Development III. Gas Exchange

5. Development 8. Gas Exchange in Animals

● Ancestor of plants and animals is a unicellular eukaryote. ● Gas allows for other metabolic processes to proceed
● Plant cells are positionally fixed and undergo alterations of ● Gasses are transferred in opposite directions across a
generations through sexual and asexual reproduction. respiratory process.
● Animal cells are motile and have one continuous ● Use of O2 and release of CO2
multicellular stage after fertilization.
8.1. Cell membrane (bacteria)
6. Plant and Animal Cycle ● Used by unicellular organisms.
● Processes in gamete formation differ. ● Gasses pass through the cell through diffusion
● In meiosis, spores are produced before gametes in plants
and gametes are directly produced in animals.

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8.2. Body Surface or Skin (flatworms and frogs) 12. Reasons why Plants Transpire
● Respiratory surface covered with thin epithelial cells
that allow O2 and CO2 exchange. 12.1. Evaporative Cooling
● Gasses can only cross once dissolved in aqueous ● As water evaporates at the leaf cell and atmosphere
solution; surface must be moist. interface, energy is released.
● This exothermic process uses energy to break H
8.3. Gills (fishes) bonds between water molecules; energy is taken from
● Convoluted outgrowth with blood vessels covered the leaf and is given to water molecules converted
with thin layer of epithelial cells. into highly energetic gas molecules.
● Increases surface area for gas exchange in aquatic ● These gas molecules and associated energy are
organisms. released, cooling the plant.
● Lie behind and to the side of the mouth cavity and
consists of fleshy filaments supported by gill arches. 12.2. Accessing Nutrients from Soil
● Blood capillaries in gill filaments are close to the gill ● Water that enters roots contains dissolved nutrients
surface for gas exchange. for plant growth.
● Transpiration enhances nutrient uptake for plants.
8.4. Tracheal System (Grasshoppers)
● Respiratory tubes that carry gasses to cells for gas 12.3. Carbon Dioxide Entry
exchange. ● When a plant is transpiring, its stomata are open,
● Gasses enter and exit through spiracles. allowing gas exchange; water vapor exits the leaf and
CO2 enters.
8.5. Lungs (Humans) ● More water leaves the leaf than CO2 enters for three
● Outgrowths of the body wall connected to the outside reasons:
envi by respiratory tubes and small openings ❖ H2O are smaller than CO2 so they move faster.
❖ CO2 comprises 0.036% of the atmosphere so the
9. Gas Exchange in Plants gradient for its entry into the plant is smaller than H2O
● Gas exchange occurs in leaves through photosynthesis moving from a hydrated leaf into a dry atmosphere.
and cellular respiration. ❖ CO2 has a much longer distance to travel to reach its
destination in the chloroplast from the atmosphere
9.1. Stomata and H20 has to move from the leaf cell surface to the
● Where gasses enter and exit. atmosphere.
● Have guard cells that control the opening and closing.
● Open when light strikes due to turgor pressure when 13. Transportation
guard cell is pushed against cell wall. ● Xylem transports water and minerals from roots to other
parts, while phloem transports sucrose and amino acids
9.2. Lenticels between leaves and other parts of the plant.
● Nonsuberized pores ● Transportation in animals’ is the combined effort of the
● Pathways for direct gas exchange between internal circulatory and excretory system; blood flows in blood
plant tissue and atmosphere. vessels and transports digested food from small intestine
to body parts

IV. Circulation and Transport 13.1. Diffusion

● Substances move from high to low concentration.
● CO2, O2, water, food substances, and wastes.
10. Translocation
● Process that delivers nutrients throughout an organism. 13.2. Facilitated diffusion
● Occurs in the phloem transport system – principal food ● Transport of substances across a biological
conducting tissue in vascular plants. membrane from high to low concentration with a
● Nutrients are translocated as a solute in the phloem sap transport molecule.
that contains sugars, amino acids, and minerals. ● glucose and amino acid, gas, and ion transport.
● Starts where sugars are made (source regions) and
terminates where these are used (sinks). 13.3. Active Transport
● Only expanded and mature leaves can act as sources. ● Substances move against a concentration gradient.
● In animals, translocations aim to restore species to ● In the root hairs of plants, it allows plants to absorb
indigenous ranges, protect populations from threats, and mineral ions for growth, even though the
reinstate ecosystem functions. concentration of minerals is lower in the soil than in
the root hair.
11. Transpiration ● Animals and humans experience active transport at
● Water molecules are lost through water vapor from the the cellular level to distribute nutrients and ions.
plants aerial parts.
● In actively growing plants, water continuously evaporates 14. Circulation
from the surface of leaf cells exposed to air. Lost water is ● For transporting molecules into the body and for waste
replaced by additional absorption of water from soil. removal.
● Animals transpire by sweating or giving off water vapor
through skin or mucous membranes. Water evaporates
with NaCl.

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15. Transport and Circulation V. Chemical and Nervous Control

15.1. In Plants
17. Organ for Nervous Control
15.1.1. Xylem ● Animals: brain (controls all activities) or nerve nets (nerve
● Water and nutrients from roots. cells that form net-like arrangements)
● Plants: Serial nervous system where the root tip (apex) is
15.1.2. Phloem basic unit and apices connect to vascular strands
● Sugars and other substances from leaves.
18. Channel or Medium where Info Travels
15.1.3. Tracheids ● Animals: nerves carry info from brain to spinal cord to
● Elongated cells in Xylem that help in transport. muscles and to glands
● Plants: vascular strands in leaves form bundles in stem
15.1.4. Sieve Tubes and cylinder in roots.
● Elongated conduit cells in Phloem for sugar
transport. 19. Chemical Control

15.2. In Animals 19.1. Plant Growth Hormones

● Abscisic Acid - maintains seed and winter dormancy
15.2.1. Blood and closes stomata.
● Transports gasses, nutrients, and wastes. ● Auxins - stem elongation, root initiation, root growth,
● Regulates body temp and pH level. and inhibition of axillary bud outgrowth and leaf
● Helps in healing and damage prevention abscission.
● Plays a role in the immune system. ● Brassinosteroids - stem and pollen tube elongation
and vascular tissue differentiation.
15.2.2. Heart ● Cytokinins - inhibits leaf senescence, promotes cell
● Hollow muscular organ that pumps blood. division and leaf abscission, and affects root growth
● Ethylene - fruit ripening and leaf abscission and
15.3. In General inhibits stem elongation and gravitropism.
● Gibberellins - seed germination, stem growth, fruit
15.3.1. Circulation Process dev, breaks winter dormancy, and immobilizes nutrient
● Plants: fluids circulate through transpiration pull. reserves
● Animals: the heart pumps blood.
19.2. Human Hormones
15.3.1. Water Transport ● Growth Hormones (Pituitary) - growth and dev
● Plants: xylem ● Thyroxin (Thyroid) - carb, protein, and fat metabolism
● Animals: 90% of water is transported through ● Adrenaline (Adrenal) - emergency situations
plasma. ● Insulin (Pancreas) - blood sugar
● Testosterone (Testes) and Oestrogen (Ovaries) - dev
15.3.2. Food Transport of sex organs and secondary sexual characteristics.
● Plants: Phloem
● Animals: Glucose in blood plasma
VI. Immune System
15.3.3. Gas Exchange
● Plants: Gas diffusion through stomata or lenticels.
● Animals: O2 and CO2 is transported in the 20. Immune System
bloodstream by combining with hemoglobin ● Protects organisms from diseases and foreign bodies by
identifying and fighting threats
16. Blood Circulation in Humans
● Each side of the heart has two chambers, the upper (atria) 21. Immune System of Animals
and the lower (ventricles) chambers. ● Complex interactions allow for distinguishing between own
● Blood flows from atria to the ventricles through one-way cells from foreign cells as well as specific features.
● Right atrium receives O2 depleted blood and pushes it into 22. Types of Lymphocytes
the right ventricle, which pumps it out to the lungs.
● O2 enriched blood returns to the left atrium which pushes it 22.1. T Lymphocytes
into the left ventricle and pumps it to the body. ● Protects against infection and cancer formation by
● Occurs 60-100 times per minute. killing infected cells, activating other immune cells,
● The heart beating in rhythm is driven by electrical producing cytokines, and regulating immune
impulses within the heart. response.
● Electrical signals originate in the Sinoatrial (SA) node, ● Thymus - organ where developing T cells migrate and
which travel from the Atrial Ventricle (AV) node which acts mature.
as a natural gatekeeper for the heart through which all its ● Major component of adaptive immune system
electrical signals pass.
● Electrical signals pass through the bundle of His to the
Purkinje Fibers which cause contraction.

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22.2. B Lymphocytes 25. Plants Immune System
● Makes infection-fighting proteins (antibodies). ● Plant cells respond to pathogens independently through
● Effectors of humoral immunity receptors
● Constitute 15% of peripheral blood leukocytes and ● When an invader is identified by the receptor, it triggers
arise from hemopoietic stem cells in bone marrow. the defense responses: cell wall production and
thickening, prod of antimicrobial compounds (phytoalexins
22.3. NK (Natural Killer) Lymphocytes and enzymes), and cell death (apoptosis) to prevent
● Destroy infected and diseased cells in the early pathogens from accessing the rest of the plant.
stages, preventing spread.
● In the same family as T and B cells, coming from a 25.1. Plants Response to Methyl salicylate (MeSA)
common progenitor. ● MeSA increases in leaves inoculated with pathogens
● Secrete cytokines such as IFNγ and TNFα which act that induce Systemic acquired resistance (SAR).
on other immune cells to enhance immune response. ● When Salicylic acid (SA) accumulates in
pathogen-infected leaves, some of it is converted to
23. Types of Immune Response MeSA, which travels to systemic leaves via phloem.
● Once in systemic leaves, MeSA is converted back to
23.1. Innate SA which is vital for growth, dev, and physiological
● First to respond to infection - barrier defenses such as roles: increasing biotic and abiotic response to stress
skin and ectodermal derivatives. conditions by increasing resistance of SAR by
● Fast, non-specific, and never changes from exposure stimulating or changing the internal paper dissection
to exposure. endogenous signaling to withstand stress.
● Internal defenses consist of phagocytic cells, NK ● SA is a cell stimulant or transmitter to withstand envi
cells, antimicrobial proteins (interferon), and stress conditions.
inflammatory response (histamines, mast cells, and
VII. Sensory and Motor Mechanisms
23.2. Adaptive
● Recognition of a pathogen’s traits using receptors.
26. Sensory and Motor Mechanisms
23.2.1. Humoral
● Production and secretion of antibodies or 26.1. In Animals
immunoglobulins against antigens ● Controlled by nervous system.
● Antibodies are secreted by cells in bloodstream ● Sensory info is conveyed and perceived by:
or found at the cell’s surface. ● Presence of physical stimulus that would allow certain
23.2.2. Cell Mediated ● Transduction of stimulus into electrochem impulses in
● Occurs when cytotoxic cells defend the body. sensory receptors;
● Dev of B and T cells, memory cells, and plasma ● transmission of action potentials in sensory neurons;
cells. ● Interpretation of stimulus perceived by CNS.

24. Types of pathogens 26.2. Plants

● Plants react to light, chem, gravity, water, and touch.
24.1. Helminths
● Parasitic - feed on a host for nourishment and 27. Tropisms
protection while causing poor nutrient absorption, ● Ability to respond to stimulus
weakness, and disease. ● Positive - plant moves towards stimulus.
● Negative - plant moves away from stimulus.
24.2. Malaria
● Caused by Plasmodium, spread through mosquitoes. 27.1. Geotropisms
● Movement in response to gravitaty.
24.3. Tinea
● Diseases caused by fungus - ringworm, athlete's foot, 27.2. Hydrotropism
and jock itch. ● Movement in response to water.

24.4. Leprosy or Hansen's disease 27.3. Thigmotropism

● Chronic infectious disease caused by Mycobacterium ● Movement in response to mech stimulation.
● Affects skin, peripheral nerves, mucosal surfaces of
upper respiratory tract, and eyes.

24.5. HIV
● Attacks immune system and leads to AIDS.

24.6. Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease

● Prion disease - neurodegenerative disorder with
characteristic clinical and diagnostic features.
● Rapidly progressive and fatal.

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VIII. Feedback Mechanisms 31.2. Closed-loop
● Continuously measures effector output and
communicates this to receptors.
28. Homeostasis ● Extra structure, comparator, will affect what info
● Maintenance of constant internal conditions through arrives at control center.
negative feedback (change in system causing a response
that returns it system to its orig state). 31.3. Negative
● Depends on movement of materials across cell ● Allows internal condition of the body to go back to
membrane. normal state by inhibiting or removing stimulus.
● Involves behavior. ● As concentration of substances increase, rate of
processes decreases.
28.1. Process of Homeostasis
● Stimulus produces change in a variable such as temp, 31.4. Positive Feedback Mechanisms
pH, and levels of NA, K, Ca, and blood sugar which ● Increase in concentration of substances results in
must be kept within homeostatic range. increase in rate of processes.
● A change is detected by a receptor and info is sent as ● Allow output to enhance original stimulus.
input along afferent pathways to the control center.
● Info is then sent along efferent pathway to the effector 32. Importance of Feedback Mechanisms
● Response of the effector influences magnitude of ● To Maintain the internal environment of organisms
stimulus and returns variable to homeostasis. especially higher vertebrates in a steady and balanced
❖ Stimulus, receptor, control center, and effector state.
● To establish the optimum condition of organisms.
29. Organ Systems in Homeostasis ● All cellular activities are controlled by different feedback
mechanisms that regulate body temperature, body fluids,
29.1. Hypothalamus and Pituitary Glands gas concentration, blood pressure, and glucose
● Secrete hormones to maintain homeostasis and concentration
regulate metabolism.
● Command and control centers that direct hormones to
the body.

29.2. Cardiovascular, Urinary, and Lymphatic Systems

● Controls water balance by transporting fluids, sensing
solute and water levels, and regulating pressure.

29.3. Pancreas and Liver

● Stores glucose and ensures that blood glucose
remains steady between meals and during sleep.
● When blood glucose falls, the pancreas secretes
glucagon which instructs liver to convert glycogen to
glucose, making glucose more available in the

30. Feedback Mechanism or Loop

● Physiological regulation system to achieve homeostasis.
● Our body uses feedback from a process to monitor how
well it is functioning.
● Based on the outcome, it decides whether it should
continue or stop performing an action.
● Amplifies or inhibits a biological pathway

30.1. Components to adjust specific physiological

● Receptor or sensor - receives info and sends it to the
control center.
● Control center or evaluator - processes receptor info
and stimulates effector.
● Effector - carries out stimulatory or inhibitory effects
according to control center instruction sent through
nerve pathways (action potentials and
neurotransmitters) or chem signals (hormones).

31. Types of Feedback Mechanisms

31.1. Open-loop
● Regulatory steps are simple: input from receptors
arrives at the control center and sends signals to
effector cells.
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