Theories of Evolution VS The Bible

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Comparative tables of evolution

vs. Bible

March 202 1
The Universe and life originated "fromMAIN
acts of divine creation." Grounded by faith, BIBLICAL
it believes that man was created by
one or several divine beings (gods). Polytheists (believe in several gods), and monotheists (one god);
For Christianity, God created man by modeling him from clay, and made woman from a man's rib. For the Muslim religion, man
was created from sperm, with sight and hearing (The Quran, surah LXXVI).
Eph 4:6: There is only one God.
1 Tim 2:5 : For there is only one God.
1 Cor 8:6: for us there is only one God.
Gen 1:27 And God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

V CP r a o t p a on s í t a ro a p a is e m xp olication about U Gn i 1 fo :2 r 4: m G i i s jo m G o
how different forms of life could have appeared without ios: let the earth produce living creatures
needing r P ec o u c rr o go to you u e no m o p va o rio according to their kinds, beasts and u s
V "The function creates the organ" and inheritance fixes the change ce h rp o ient t i e e s m y p an or
animals of the earth according to their
in the D is d e es ñ ce o nd in ient t e el s i . In THIS kind.
Evolutionist of
Lamarck sequence , the origin of God would be traced G l n u 1 t : i 2 v 6 o : nton r ce as EP

back to the thinking of the monkeys . s z a i or , s m said u : t h a a g ca i

V Life evolved "by trial and error," "that as the individuals of one of m ó on s to man in our image,
our species change their situation , climate, way of being or according to in our and our likeness; and
habit, little by little the consistency and proportions of its parts, have dominion over the fish of the sea,
its form, its faculties. over the birds of the air, over the cattle,
different forms existing in the past. fromallthe
over dust
the of the
earth, andearth,
over and
• The current forms of life were the descendants of other
V Beings had evolved from simple microorganisms originating from into his
thing thatnostrils
on breath of life, and the
all the earth.
ES V Species change over time, give rise to new Gen 1:24 : God said, Let the earth produce living creatures
species and share a common ancestor. according to their kinds, beasts and creeping things and animals
V Populations evolve over the course of of the earth according to their kinds. And it was like that. 25 And
generations through a process known as God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds, and
natural selection. He presented evidence cattle according to their kinds, and every creeping thing of the
Evolutionist of that the diversity of life arose from common earth that creeps on the earth according to its kind.
Darwin descent through a branching pattern of Gen 1:11 Then God said, Let the earth produce green grass,
evolution. grass yielding seed; fruit tree that bears fruit according to its
V He tried to describe Creation and life in a kind, that its seed is in it on the earth. And it was like that.
scientific way. Life was not created by an Acts 11:3 . By faith we understand that the universe was
organizing God, but by unplanned “natural constituted by the word of God.
selection.” Ps 139:13: You created my inward parts; You formed me in my
mother's womb.
Psa 89:11 . Yours is the sky, and yours the earth; you founded
the world and everything in it.
Ps 74:17 You have established all the borders of the earth; you
have made summer and winter.
V The Universe was born through a great "initial
explosion" (Big Bang) when there were still Gen1: In the beginning of everything, God created the heaven
no stars or galaxies, when the Universe was and the earth. 3 And God said, Let there be light. And the light
beginning to become material. With the came into existence.
Big Theory
explosion, matter began to expand and form Rev 4:11 : For you created all things, and by your will they exist
more complex structures, from atoms and and were created.
molecules, until reaching the living Is 44:24: I, the LORD, maker of all, who alone stretch out the
organisms that we know today. heavens and establish the earth without help.
V The universe would be self-contained. It would Acts 17:24: The God who made the world and everything in it.
not be created or destroyed, it would simply Ps 33:9: For when he spoke, the world began to exist; appeared
be. God is not necessary as a creator. by order of the Lord.
Ex 20:11 For in six days the LORD made the heavens and the
earth, the sea, and all that is in them.
V The spirit of the World was dispersed in an immense Gen 1:14-16
chaos, until the CLIOS RO (The sun) was born, the 14 Then God said: Let there be light in the expanse of
creator of its food and saliva plus gods (wind, the heavens to separate the day from the night; and let
humidity RA was in charge of ordering the earth to them be for signs and for seasons, for days and years.
Theory of the carry the void between the gods copo la ban to form 15 And let them be lights in the expanse of the heavens
Egyptians the universe. to give light on the earth. So it was. 16 And God made
the two great lights; the greater light to rule the day,
and the lesser light to rule the night; He also made the
Col 1:16: For through him all things were created,
Albert Einstein V The cosmos was static, its dimension does not change things in heaven and things on earth, visible and
Cosmological over time. invisible.
Proposal V Matter is not created, it simply appears. Ps 115:15 : Receive blessings from the LORD, who made
the heavens and the earth.
Hhc 17:24: The God who made the world and
everything in it.
Ps 33:9: For when he spoke, the world began to exist;
appeared by order of the Lord.
Oscillating or V It is a cosmological theory which suggests that Ps 8:3 When I see your heavens, the work of your
pulsating theory of the fingers, the moon and the stars that you formed.
the universe. The universe began in a cyclical manner and where Psa 102:25 . In the beginning you established the earth,
the expansion and contraction of a single mass and the heavens are the work of your hands.
causes it to explode and thus the universe begins Ps 89:11 you founded the world and everything in it.
anew, with each explosion a new cyclic universe is Hebrews 1:10
formed. And: You, O Lord, in the beginning founded the earth,
and the heavens are the work of your hands.
God before Creation Nothing before the Big Bang
Supernatural forces at work Natural forces act
Is there someone There is nothing and no one
Catastrophism Uniformism
Little time A long time
Smart design Evolutionary development by chance,
mutation and jump
Decline–Corruption Evolution–Development
The supernatural force "God" intervenes Natural force intervenes
Eternal life Collapse, Thermal death
Many Nobody

V The Bible is clear, God is the Creator. Any interpretation of science that attempts to remove God
from his relationship to origins is incompatible with Scripture.
V According to the sacred scriptures, in Genesis, it is known that everything was created by one
V God needed seven days to conceive water and land, day and night, animals and humans.
V The vast majority of evolutionary scientists maintain that life evolved entirely without the
intervention of a higher Being.
V According to the Bible, anyone who denies the existence of God is a fool. Foolishness does not
imply a lack of intelligence. The Bible tells us, “The fool says in his heart; There is no God” (Psalm
14:1; 53:1). The Bible also proclaims that people have no excuse for not believing in a Creator
God, "For the invisible things of Him, His eternal power and deity, have been clearly seen since the
Creation of the world, being understood through the things made." , so they have no excuse”
(Romans 1:20).
V In Acts 17: 24 to 28 we read that “The God who made the world and everything in it is Lord of
heaven and earth. He does not live in temples built by men, nor does he allow himself to be
served by human hands, as if he needed something. On the contrary, he is the one who gives
everyone life, breath and all things. From one man he made all the nations to inhabit the whole
earth; and determined the periods of its history and the borders of its territories. God made this
so that everyone would seek him and, even groping, find him. Truly, he is not far from any of us,
"since in him we live and move and have our being."
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