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Chemical Engineering Flowchart Curriculum

Credits: 160 August 2022 Lab Quim Fis I Lab Quim Fis II Science Core ChE
Course Sequences: _____ requisites _ _ _ _ corequisites 1 1
Quim 4101 Quim 4102 Math Engineering
Quim Orgánica Quimica Analítica Quim Física I

Quim 3450
Quim 3055
Quim 4041
Quim 4042
Broad Edu Electives

Quim General I
4 4
Quim 3041 Quim 3042 Balance Termo I Termo II Cinética Diseño I
4 3 3 4 3
InQu 4005 InQu 4011 InQu 4012 InQu 4017 InQu 5021

Mec Estática Mate INQU Heat Transfer Mass InQu 5022 3

3 InQu 4008 ó 3 4 4 2
MatLab InGe 3031 InQu 5006 ó InQu 4001 InQu 4002 InQu 5030 Diseño II
InIn 4010
3 Lab II
InGe 3016 Lab I
2 3
Precálculo Cálculo I Cálculo II Cálculo III Ecuaciones Fluidos InQu 4034 InQu 5025
5 4 4 3 3 4 3 Control
Mate 3005 Mate 3031 Mate 3032 Mate 3063 Mate 4009 InQu 4010 Elect SoHu
or InQu 5020
Mate 3171 ____ 4 4
Seguridad Procesos
& Fisi 3171 Fisi 3172 Materiales Ing.

Mate 3172 ____ 3

InGe 4001
Fisi 3173 1
Fisi 3174 1 Elect InQu
Lab Física I Lab Física II
1 2 Análisis Económico
Elect EdFi InGe 3011 3
InIn 4015 3 Elect SoHu

3 3 1 3
Espa 3101 Espa 3102 Elect EdFi 3 3
Elect Libre Elect InQu Elect Libre

3 3 3 3 3 3 3
Ingl 3101 Ingl 3102 Ingl 3201 Ingl 3202 Elect Libre Elect SoHu Elect Libre
*Ingl 3103 Ingl 3104 Ingl ______ Ingl ______

* The student who has passed ENGLISH 3103-3104, needs 6 more credits in ENGLISH to complete the Note: All subjects of the specialty (INQU, including electives INQU) are only passed with a C or
institutional requirements. The English Department published a list recommending these courses. Those
higher. “D” is like an F. In the courses to enroll, keep in mind that you have passed the
who took English 3103-3104 can NOT enroll in English 3201-3202 because they are not credited as
requirements, nor as free electives. If you have questions, consult your Academic Advisor. prerequisites. If you don not comply with this rule, you will be withdrawn with W from the
course in question.

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