Essay The Importance of English Language in Education

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Essay:The Benefits and

Importance of teaching the
English Language in Education.
Carmen Dariela Santillán Jiménez
Master in sciences of the education
Oral and written communication
Juan Carlos Montoya Garduño
Piedras Negras, Coahuila.

table of Contents
Introduction 3
Development 4
Conclusion eleven


The English language has been expanding throughout the world for quite some time now,

to the point of becoming a universal language, since the number of people who speak this

language is increasing and the number of people who depend on it is increasing. language to

obtain a job and prosper with it, grows exponentially. Therefore, it is stated that the use of this

language goes from being a privilege to being a necessity, since English has become the

universal language of business. It can also be stated that this language is the language of today's


Spanish is the mother tongue of more people than English, but it tends to be learned as a

second language unlike English. “Recent estimates indicate that around 402 million people speak

it as their first language, as well as it is currently used by more than 1 billion non-native

speakers.” (Ortíz, 2013)

In this way, learning the English language as a second language is a priority of utmost

importance from the basic levels of education to the higher levels, since its knowledge, aspects

of listening, writing, expression and interpretation, must be developed until elevated. and reach

an advanced level.

Because, by global consensus, English has been chosen as a universal and international

language, knowledge of it becomes a mandatory requirement to work in international


The English language is the most predominant language in the entire world, since it is

estimated that the majority of the population speaks it, either natively or as a second language,

which is why the teaching of the English language in education is so essential, whether in public

or private institutions. It must also be added that the most influential countries in the world speak

this language.

These English-speaking countries are quite influential in the importance of language

teaching, since their position of relevance is very important for the rest of the population to be

able to communicate fluently with their inhabitants. In this way, we realize that the majority of

the population whose mother tongue is not English, tend to choose this language as a second

language, because it offers many work and cultural possibilities.

For this reason, the teaching of the English language in basic education is of utmost

importance. Like many disciplines, this language is very easy to learn when you are young,

because from the age of 6 to 12, children are in a very important stage of their intellectual, social,

emotional and personal development. This stage is quite characteristic, since the absorption

capacity that children have is impressive and they do it naturally. The younger you start learning

this language, the better your command will be. This is because, when you are young, language

is acquired innately, since you do not have to make a voluntary effort to learn it, since it is

acquired as the brain structure develops. The mastery of pronunciation will be better and of

higher quality and it will ensure that in the future, the child will be bilingual. By acquiring

knowledge of the English language, children are able to store information for life, while adults

find this learning process more difficult.

Children who begin to learn this language early are sure to develop their brain

exponentially, having positive consequences, such as; These children have a greater capacity for

concentration, better agility and are able to solve complex problems, multitasking, greater

effectiveness and efficiency in terms of resolving problematic situations and creating innovative

ideas, they are able to make relationships and connections between different concepts and

increases attention and retention of various data (memory).

These children have a greater capacity for concentration, because, when learning English,

they have to work with considerable amounts of information (always taking into account their

age and level), and this allows them to have two separate languages to be able to access each one

at the right time. It is also scientifically proven that learning another language promotes

increased attention and retention of various data (memory). It also stimulates creativity, agility

and this allows them to be able to solve complex problems.

The bilingual child has the advantage of having two different cultures within reach,

therefore, his education will be enriched along with his intellectual development, consequently,

he will be an open-minded, tolerant and respectful individual regarding diversity and others.

cultures. This will also encourage the child to take interest in other cultures and traditions other

than those he knows. Therefore, you will be able to communicate with people of different

nationalities, it will nourish your culture and your personal development. In short, you will enjoy

access to a globalized world and it is likely that you will be interested in learning more languages

and it is worth mentioning that when you do so, you will have a much easier time learning them.

Another important aspect about teaching the English language is that it develops personal

relationships between individuals, as it tends to make children more extroverted. Children when

they are small do not feel any shame, therefore, it is easier for them to speak and practice without

feeling embarrassed. This develops their confidence and self-assurance, which will help them in

their future personal relationships. This leads to the opportunity to get better job opportunities.

Being a bilingual person and having a high command of the language are essential skills that

companies look for and take into account when selecting their candidates. Therefore, for most,

acquiring this language is equivalent to obtaining a good job.

In this way, the job opportunities for those who have an excellent command of English

are greater.

Another benefit of learning the English language is the access you get to global

information and entertainment. Most literature, film, music, art and entertainment are in English.

Also, the first translations made of books, movies and series are most of the time in English and

many times they are not translated into another language.

Also, there is a wide variety of computer programs, scientific articles, reviews and

research that are only in English. Therefore, mastery of the English language makes these

situations much easier.

A fairly common benefit is the opportunity to emigrate to another country, since living

abroad is a very common dream among young people. Mastery of English can be a guarantee

that it will be easier for them to interact and get a job anywhere in the world, because as

mentioned before, English is original.

Another benefit is the development of certain skills such as the following:

 Creativity: Bilingual children who learn English do so creatively, since the

learning processes occur through educational activities that boost their creativity,

such as the development of stories, guessing games, etc...

 Teamwork: One of the objectives of learning the English language is to promote

teamwork through didactic activities and educational games which encourage

children to work collaboratively to achieve a goal; for example solving a puzzle.


 Leadership: Leadership is developed through teamwork, because by working as a

team, children are able to exploit their strengths and work on their weaknesses, in

order to complete the same activities as a team.

 Critical thinking: By having two languages within reach and available to them in

various circumstances, the child tends to compare their native language with

English, resulting in the great development of analysis.

 Global awareness: When learning another language, in this case, English, the

child is aware that there are other cultures and ways of living, different from their


A very important aspect of teaching the English language is that it promotes the
development of certain useful and necessary skills in the child's daily life.
 Listening comprehension: When learning English as a second language, the child
is forced to develop this skill, because when learning English, they are exposed to
the language through recordings, music and even conversations. In this way, the
child will be able to understand movies without the need for subtitles. And you
should watch cartoons in English without any problem. Always taking into
account the level and age of the child.
 Oral skill: This skill is developed when acquiring vocabulary, and with constant
practice. In this way, the child exponentially expands his English lexicon in order
to be able to express himself appropriately and fluently according to the context
of the conversation and in specific situations, obviously taking into account the
age and level of the child.
 Reading skill: This skill is of utmost importance since, unlike Spanish, English
writing is not the same in terms of pronunciation since the letters have different
sounds when combined with other letters. In order to develop this skill,
knowledge of letter sounds and sounds in combination with other letters is
essential. The child who masters this is able to understand texts in English similar
to those he reads in his native language.

 Written ability: As in our mother tongue, it is extremely important to have

impeccable spelling and writing and a large vocabulary, as they are necessary to
express oneself correctly. This skill is developed when the child begins to learn
grammatical rules and vocabulary.
The most important thing when learning English is not memorization, but practice, the exposure
that the student has to the language and the integration of these four essential skills in a
harmonious and appropriate way.

To understand the importance of teaching the English language in education, we must

first divide education into cycles: cycle 1: kindergarten, first and second year of primary school.

Cycle 2: third and fourth grade of primary school. Cycle 3: fifth and sixth grade of primary

school. And finally, cycle 4: first, second and third grade of secondary school.

With this established, the importance of teaching English in education will be explained.

As a first point, the importance of the English language is that children acquire the basic

knowledge necessary to be able to participate in activities and social situations through language

and writing with native and non-native English speakers. In short, being able to carry out daily,

academic and literary activities in which the production and interpretation of oral and written

texts are necessary, including satisfying basic communication needs in different contexts.

Therefore, it is extremely necessary and essential to learn to use language to organize thoughts,

in order to analyze and resolve problems and to be able to access the various cultural expressions

that are typical of other countries and their inhabitants. This allows them to develop an attitude

and analytical thinking that they put into practice when it comes to the various problems that

affect everyone.

The importance of teaching English in cycle one is for children to be aware that there are

other cultures and languages other than their own, to transmit motivation and positivity to the

new language so that they can develop basic communication skills and become familiar with the

various textual types, including children's literature. In short, its importance is to sensitize

children about the existence of a language other than their mother tongue and to familiarize them

with it through social language activities.

The importance of the English language in cycle 2 is that students can express opinions,

be able to recognize and identify instructions, information and announcements, respond to both

oral and written language and participate in conversations and social situations. In other words, it

is of utmost importance for students to achieve the objective of understanding, recognizing and

participating in social situations using language, the interpretation of oral and written texts.

The importance of the English language in cycle 3 is to achieve participation in activities

that promote written and oral language, inclined towards social practices that allow them to

understand the use of English through interaction with oral and written texts. Understand and use

the language to carry out basic and everyday communicative tasks on topics related to family,

academic, literary and recreational.

The importance of the English language in cycle 4 is that students consolidate their

command of the language in basic communicative situations in order to participate in social

activities where the use of language is necessary, whether in diverse communicative situations.


The English language has become increasingly more relevant in education, as it is a universal


This language becomes relevant in the aspect of education because it has a very positive impact

on those children who are exposed to it, not to mention the very positive consequences that this


By including the English language in education, children who have access to this language will

be positively affected, since the teaching of English will allow the development of the 4 primary

skills needed when learning a language: listening skills; written ability, oral ability and reading

ability and that leads to better communication between individuals, resulting in more extroverted

and self-confident children.

Likewise, this leads to the development of certain competencies, because through language

teaching and didactic activities, children detect their areas of opportunity and their

disadvantages, thus developing leadership, creativity, teamwork and critical thinking.

When learning the language, it is easier for the child to acquire self-confidence when practicing

and acquiring knowledge, which is why it is established that language teaching results in more

extroverted children, who will have an easier time building personal relationships with more

individuals, and this can be a benefit when applying for a job. In addition, most companies today

require a considerable level of English as a requirement, this means that it is more likely that

good job opportunities will be obtained if an advanced level of English is acquired.

As a last point, I have to mention that the English language has great importance in the brain

development of children, since it benefits exponentially due to its consequences and benefits,

since children who acquire this language tend to have a They become more mentally agile, their

ability to concentrate grows, and they turn out to be efficient and effective individuals. They also

turn out to be respectful individuals and aware that there are cultures different from their own, in

such a way that their cultural education will be favored.


What did you not know about the subject?

At the time of doing my research, I realized that I was not aware of all the benefits that teaching

English entails, nor was I aware that basic education is divided into four cycles and that each

cycle has a very great importance in the language. English.

What did you know about the subject?

He knew the importance of the English language in education and was aware of some of its


What are the new learnings obtained?

I can say with certainty that through this research I have managed to learn exactly what the

benefits of teaching English are, as well as its importance in education. I also managed to learn

certain aspects such as what are the four primary skills that are developed from teaching, not

only English, but any language and that, in the case of teaching English, basic education is

divided into four cycles .

Bibliographic Citations

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