Risk Assessment UKC Non Compliance - 240605 - 024936

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Risk Assessment

RA No : V_RA_REI_UN_NA_001_2024_001 Vessel Name: REIMEI

Date : 06-Jan-2024 Rev No : 1

Task/Activity Details : Undefined Task RA

Task Description
'UKC Non compliance

Printed By : SINGH , PANKAJ Page 1 of 15 Printed On : Page 1 of 15

Risk Assessment

MOL-Risk Matrix

Rating (A) New
Likelihood* New Residual
of Likelihood
* Rating (B) Risk Severity Residual
conseque RA CONTROL Rating(B1)
Acivity Hazards (Refer Level** Control Measures CONTROL TYPE (A))after taking Risk ( A x
nces TYPE (after taking
Table in (A X B) control B1)
(Refer control
Sect.2) measures)
Table in measures)

Charted depth not Charted depth not Moderate Unlikely(2) Mediu Library : Channel is dredged. Procedure/Hum Procedure/Hu Moderate(3) Very Low
corresponding to corresponding to (3) m Data provided by the Port an man Unlikely(1)
actual data actual data authorities. Safe navigation
information by port to be
followed for safe passage.

RA / Additional Control
Measures : Depth to be
continuously monitored, Echo
sounder alarms
triggerd,Position and depth
compared.Passage Plan
meeting with the entire team.
Basis past experience
dredging of channel is
continuous and depth
maintained at all times.

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Risk Assessment

MOL-Risk Matrix

Rating (A) New
Likelihood* New Residual
of Likelihood
* Rating (B) Risk Severity Residual
conseque RA CONTROL Rating(B1)
Acivity Hazards (Refer Level** Control Measures CONTROL TYPE (A))after taking Risk ( A x
nces TYPE (after taking
Table in (A X B) control B1)
(Refer control
Sect.2) measures)
Table in measures)

Charted depth not Charted Depths Moderate Unlikely(2) Mediu Library : 'Passage Plan Procedure/Hum Procedure/Hu Moderate(3) Very Low
corresponding to less than Vessel (3) m meeting with the entire Bridge an man Unlikely(1)
actual data Draft team before arrival. Tidal
port, Berthing is planned basis
HW only.

RA / Additional Control
Measures : Vessel will be
transiting in convoy planned
by port for dedicated drafts for
the day. Least Available UKC
without catzoc for the the
passage at given day transit is
0.73 m, UKC to Be Closely
Monitored at all times.

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Risk Assessment

MOL-Risk Matrix

Rating (A) New
Likelihood* New Residual
of Likelihood
* Rating (B) Risk Severity Residual
conseque RA CONTROL Rating(B1)
Acivity Hazards (Refer Level** Control Measures CONTROL TYPE (A))after taking Risk ( A x
nces TYPE (after taking
Table in (A X B) control B1)
(Refer control
Sect.2) measures)
Table in measures)

Charted depth not Tidal Prediction Moderate Unlikely(2) Mediu Library : 'Vessel Equipped Procedure/Hum Procedure/Hu Moderate(3) Very Low
corresponding to chart Inaccuracy (3) m with Admiralty Total Tide an man Unlikely(1)
actual data Table Prediction compared for
nearby port.

RA / Additional Control
Measures : Local Tidal
prediction available from
agent , Both Tidal prediction
compared ,in close
conformance , UKC will be
continuously monitored with
Echo sounder.

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Risk Assessment

MOL-Risk Matrix

Rating (A) New
Likelihood* New Residual
of Likelihood
* Rating (B) Risk Severity Residual
conseque RA CONTROL Rating(B1)
Acivity Hazards (Refer Level** Control Measures CONTROL TYPE (A))after taking Risk ( A x
nces TYPE (after taking
Table in (A X B) control B1)
(Refer control
Sect.2) measures)
Table in measures)

Charted depth not Unable to comply Moderate Unlikely(2) Mediu Library : Master shall inform Procedure/Hum Moderate(3) Very Low
corresponding to with UKC due to (3) m company in case of any an Unlikely(1)
actual data Charted depth difficulty in complying with
company's policy.Discuss the
proposed plan and measures
with office.Master to inform
Port Authorities and local
Agent and other concerned
parties about Vessel's Draught
and available UKC.

RA / Additional Control
Measures : 'Vessel will be
transiting in convoy planned
by port for dedicated Drafts for
the day

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Risk Assessment

MOL-Risk Matrix

Rating (A) New
Likelihood* New Residual
of Likelihood
* Rating (B) Risk Severity Residual
conseque RA CONTROL Rating(B1)
Acivity Hazards (Refer Level** Control Measures CONTROL TYPE (A))after taking Risk ( A x
nces TYPE (after taking
Table in (A X B) control B1)
(Refer control
Sect.2) measures)
Table in measures)

Charted depth not Accuracy ,age and Moderate Unlikely(2) Mediu Library : 'Echo sounder Procedure/Hum Procedure/Hu Moderate(3) Very Low
corresponding to reliability of (3) m monitored and alarm triggered an man Unlikely(1)
actual data hydrographic data at minimum anticipated UKC
like soundings and as per PP
the integrity of the RA / Additional Control
water depth Measures : 'Vessel will be
surveys. transiting in convoy planned
by port for dedicated drafts for
the day,VTIS monitoring
vessels position, advise from
VTIS complied

Non Compliance Non Compliance Moderate Unlikely(2) Mediu Library : 'Master shall inform Procedure/Hum Procedure/Hu Moderate(3) Very Low
of Company UKC of Company UKC (3) m company in case of any an man Unlikely(1)
difficulty in complying with
company's policy. Company to
send the approval to the
vessel upon consolation with
the owners, charterers etc.

RA / Additional Control
Measures : 'Vessel will be
transiting in convoy planned
by port for dedicated rafts for
the day.VTIS monitoring
vessels position, advise from
VTIS complied.

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Risk Assessment

MOL-Risk Matrix

Rating (A) New
Likelihood* New Residual
of Likelihood
* Rating (B) Risk Severity Residual
conseque RA CONTROL Rating(B1)
Acivity Hazards (Refer Level** Control Measures CONTROL TYPE (A))after taking Risk ( A x
nces TYPE (after taking
Table in (A X B) control B1)
(Refer control
Sect.2) measures)
Table in measures)

Non Compliance Non Compliance Moderate Unlikely(2) Mediu Library : Discuss the Procedure/Hum Procedure/Hu Moderate(3) Very Low
of Company UKC of Company UKC, (3) m proposed plan and measures an man Unlikely(1)
Commercial with office.Passage Plan
aspects, Non meeting with the entire Bridge
team before arrival.
acceptance of
claims by Insurer RA / Additional Control
Measures : Vessel will be
transiting in convoy planned
by port for dedicated rafts for
the day.VTIS monitoring
vessels position, advise from
VTIS complied

Bridge team not Bridge team not Moderate Unlikely(2) Mediu Library : 'ECDIS chekclist Procedure/Hum Procedure/Hu Moderate(3) Very Low
verifying the verifying the (3) m and Passage Plan checklist an man Unlikely(1)
CATZOC value CATZOC value complied with. Navigational
Manual ,Echo sounder
monitored and alarm triggered
at minimum anticipated UKC
as per PP.

RA / Additional Control
Measures : 'Passage Plan
meeting with the entire Bridge
team before arrival.

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Risk Assessment

MOL-Risk Matrix

Rating (A) New
Likelihood* New Residual
of Likelihood
* Rating (B) Risk Severity Residual
conseque RA CONTROL Rating(B1)
Acivity Hazards (Refer Level** Control Measures CONTROL TYPE (A))after taking Risk ( A x
nces TYPE (after taking
Table in (A X B) control B1)
(Refer control
Sect.2) measures)
Table in measures)

Shallow waters / Shallow waters / Moderate Unlikely(2) Mediu Library : Comply Procedure/Hum Procedure/Hu Moderate(3) Very Low
Squat / High Squat / High (3) m Navigational Manual , Echo an man Unlikely(1)
speed. speed. sounder monitored and alarm
triggered at minimum
anticipated UKC as per PP.

RA / Additional Control
Measures : Alarm setting on
Echo Sounder. Close
monitoring of ships actual
speed with planned speed.

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Risk Assessment

MOL-Risk Matrix

Rating (A) New
Likelihood* New Residual
of Likelihood
* Rating (B) Risk Severity Residual
conseque RA CONTROL Rating(B1)
Acivity Hazards (Refer Level** Control Measures CONTROL TYPE (A))after taking Risk ( A x
nces TYPE (after taking
Table in (A X B) control B1)
(Refer control
Sect.2) measures)
Table in measures)

Shallow waters / Inadequate Moderate Unlikely(2) Mediu Library : Comply with Nav Procedure/Hum Procedure/Hu Moderate(3) Very Low
Squat / High monitoring of (3) m manual on passage planning an man Unlikely(1)
speed. vessels progress. and measures to be taken to
monitor the vessel position
and Comply with Nav manual
on Watchkeeping.Passage
Plan meeting with the entire
Bridge team before arrival.
Working language (English)
must be used for all

RA / Additional Control
Measures : Lookout by all
available means
Working language established
as ENGLISH.Bridge watch
levels maintained as per
navigational manual

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Risk Assessment

MOL-Risk Matrix

Rating (A) New
Likelihood* New Residual
of Likelihood
* Rating (B) Risk Severity Residual
conseque RA CONTROL Rating(B1)
Acivity Hazards (Refer Level** Control Measures CONTROL TYPE (A))after taking Risk ( A x
nces TYPE (after taking
Table in (A X B) control B1)
(Refer control
Sect.2) measures)
Table in measures)

Shallow waters / Lack of situational Moderate Unlikely(2) Mediu Library : Comply with Nav Procedure/Hum Procedure/Hu Moderate(3) Very Low
Squat / High awareness - (3) m manual on passage planning an man Unlikely(1)
speed. incorrect and measures to be taken to
interpretation of monitor the vessel position
and Comply with Nav manual
available on Watchkeeping.Passage
information. Plan meeting with the entire
Bridge team before arrival.
Working language (English)
must be used for all

RA / Additional Control
Measures : Bridge watch
levels maintained as per
navigational manual,
1) Complying with Colregs
2) Close monitoring of the
action by vessels nearby

Printed By : SINGH , PANKAJ Page 10 of 15 Printed On : Page 10 of 15

Risk Assessment

MOL-Risk Matrix

Rating (A) New
Likelihood* New Residual
of Likelihood
* Rating (B) Risk Severity Residual
conseque RA CONTROL Rating(B1)
Acivity Hazards (Refer Level** Control Measures CONTROL TYPE (A))after taking Risk ( A x
nces TYPE (after taking
Table in (A X B) control B1)
(Refer control
Sect.2) measures)
Table in measures)

Inadequate Inadequate Moderate Unlikely(2) Mediu Library : Comply with Nav Procedure/Hum Procedure/Hu Moderate(3) Very Low
communication communication (3) m manual on passage planning an man Unlikely(1)
with bridge team with bridge team and measures to be taken to
monitor the vessel position
and Comply with Nav manual
on Watchkeeping.Passage
Plan meeting with the entire
Bridge team before arrival.
Working language (English)
must be used for all

RA / Additional Control
Measures : Bridge watch
levels maintained as per
navigational manual

Printed By : SINGH , PANKAJ Page 11 of 15 Printed On : Page 11 of 15

Risk Assessment

MOL-Risk Matrix

Rating (A) New
Likelihood* New Residual
of Likelihood
* Rating (B) Risk Severity Residual
conseque RA CONTROL Rating(B1)
Acivity Hazards (Refer Level** Control Measures CONTROL TYPE (A))after taking Risk ( A x
nces TYPE (after taking
Table in (A X B) control B1)
(Refer control
Sect.2) measures)
Table in measures)

Over-reliance on Fatigue / Incorrect Moderate Unlikely(2) Mediu Library : Compensatory rests Procedure/Hum Procedure/Hu Moderate(3) Very Low
Pilot action by pilot/ (3) m to be given prior an man Unlikely(1)
Over-reliance on commencement of transit.
Pilot Additional look outs stby .Pre
planning of work hours to be
carried out in ISF./As per Nav
manual The master and the
Bridge Team closely monitors
Pilot's actions &
with,Info exchange carried out
prior transiting under pilotage

RA / Additional Control
Measures : Master / oow
should keep checking on
pilots orders, if any doubt oow
should alert and request
clarification from the pilot.

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Risk Assessment

MOL-Risk Matrix

Rating (A) New
Likelihood* New Residual
of Likelihood
* Rating (B) Risk Severity Residual
conseque RA CONTROL Rating(B1)
Acivity Hazards (Refer Level** Control Measures CONTROL TYPE (A))after taking Risk ( A x
nces TYPE (after taking
Table in (A X B) control B1)
(Refer control
Sect.2) measures)
Table in measures)

Failure of Failure of Moderate Unlikely(2) Mediu Library : Equipments shall be Procedure/Hum Procedure/Hu Moderate(3) Very Low
Equipment's Echosounder, ME, (3) m tetsted prior arrival for an man Unlikely(1)
Steering gear or satisfactory operation.Follow
Blackout PMS and maufacturers
instructions for
planned in passage plan.
Emergency drills carried out
as per schedule. NUC shapes

RA / Additional Control
Measures : 'Use of
monitoring tools such as PI
and Radar overlay to ensure
vessel remain always in the
channel.ME and Strg Gear
checked prior
anchorages to be
marked.Bridge team to
monitor the movements of
Outbound vessels and comply
with colregs.

Task Details

Team Familiarity :

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Risk Assessment

Member Type Rank Rank Covered By

SECT 2: Risk Ranking Matrices & Risk Level Tables

TABLE 1 : SHIPBOARD - MOL_MATRIX Minimal (1) Slight (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Severe (5)

Very Unlikely (1) Very Low Very Low Low Medium Medium

Unlikely (2) Very Low Low Medium Medium High

Possible (3) Very Low Medium Medium High Very High

Likely (4) Low Medium Medium High Very High

Very likely (5) Medium Medium High Very High Very High

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Risk Assessment

Risk Level Range Meaning Action

Risk Matrix 1-2 Very Low These risks are considered acceptable. No further action is necessary other than to ensure that the
controls are maintained.
3-3 Low No additional controls are required unless they can be implemented at very low cost, in terms of time,
money and effort. Actions to further reduce there risks are assigned low priority. Arrangements should
be made to ensure that the controls are maintained.
4-5 Medium Risks should be reduced to a tolerable level, and preferably to an acceptable level, but the costs of
additional risk reduction measures should be taken into account. The risk reduction measures should
be implemented within a defined time period. Arrangements should be made to ensure that the
controls are maintained, particularly if the risk levels are associated with harmful consequences
11-15 High Substantial efforts should be made to reduce the risk. Risk reduction measures should be
implemented urgently within a defined time period and it might be necessary to consider suspending
or restricting the activity, or to apply interim risk control measures, until this has been completed.
Considerable resources might have to be allocated to additional control measures. Arrangements
should be made to ensure that the controls are maintained particularly if the risk levels are associated
with extremely harmful consequences and very harmful consequences.
16-25 Very High These risks are unacceptable. Substantial improvements in risk controls are necessary, so that the risk
is reduced to a tolerable or acceptable level. The work activity should be halted until risk controls are
implemented that reduces the risk so that it is no longer very high. If it is not possible to reduce risk the
work should remain prohibited.

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