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Oleh :

1. Firly Gadis Sarfina /04/12 AKL 3

2. Intan Maulidya Fatih /13/12 AKL 3
3. Maqna Rinjani /23/12 AKL 3
4. Maya Afifah Anandasari /24/12 AKL 3
5. Maya Ayu Wulandari /25/12 AKL 3
6. Meilani Hilda Sari /26/12 AKL 3


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1. Firly Gadis Sarfina as Royal Guard B2 and Gardener
2. Intan Maulidya Fatih as Royal Guard P1
3. Maqna Rinjani as Royal Guard B1 and Narrator
4. Maya Afifah Anandasari as Rajo nan Panjang
5. Maya Ayu Wulandari as Rajo Bobanding
6. Meilani Hilda Sari as Sabai nan Aluih


Narrator : "On a sunny morning in Padang Tarok..."

Royal guard B2 : "Your majesty, you have a visitor. He is the guard of Rajo nan Panjang."
Rajo Babanding : "Rajo nan Panjang? Let him in."
Royal guard P1 : "Greetings Your Majesty, the purpose of my visit is to deliver a message
from Rajo nan Panjang."
Rajo Bobanding : "Tell me what it is."
Royal guard P1: "He said that he wanted to propose to Princess Sabai nan Aluih."
Rajo Bobanding : "No way! He is the same age as me. I can't have a son-in-law who is the
same age as me. Tell him I don't want to!"
Royal guard P1: "But Your Majesty-"
Rajo Bobanding : "You'd better leave. My mind is made up."
Narrator : "Knowing his proposal was rejected, Rajo nan Panjang was angry. Rajo Nan
Panjang came to the Rajo Bobanding's Palace."
Rajo nan Panjang : "Bobanding! How dare you reject my proposal! Where is your daughter,
I will marry her immediately!"
Rajo Babanding : "Stop it, aren’t you ashamed of your age? Married much younger woman.
Maybe some people think she is your daughter, not your wife. Okay… how strong are you to
propose to my daughter?"
Rajo nan Panjang : "Alright. Let's fight. Let's see who is the stronger. I will prove that I
deserve to marry your daughter."
Rajo Bobanding : "Alright. Do you think I'm scared?"
Narrator : " Both of them came to the royal fighting arena where is located not far from Rajo
Bobanding’s palace.”
Rajo nan Panjang : "I will make sure you fall in this arena."
Rajo Bobanding : "As long as I can still protect my daughter, I won’t let that happen. I will
make sure you are the one who falls in this arena, not me."
Narrator : “The fight between Rajo nan Panjang and Rajo Bobanding begined.”
Rajo nan Panjang : "You better give up. I am the strong one here."
Rajo Bobanding : "We all know the main character always wins."
(Fighting scene. Rajo nan Panjang was getting injured)
Rajo Bobanding : "I will not let you marry my daughter, nan Panjang."
(Unnoticed from inside the bush)
Royal guard P1 : "All right, just once, and... bang."
(Rajo Bobanding was hiting by a bullet without anyone knowing)
Rajo nan Panjang : "You better go to the hell now, Bobanding."
Rajo Bobanding : "My daughter... Aluih..."
Narrator : "Rajo Bobanding, who was badly wounded, could not bear it. He fell down and
died on the spot. Besides, in the dense forest..."
Royal guard P1 : "You are truly amazing, Your Majesty."
Rajo nan Panjang : "Bobanding deserved that. He deserved to died because he was rejecting
me as his son-in-law. Hahaha!"
(unconsciously, A gardener eavesdropped on their conversation)
Gardener : "H-huh? Wh-what just happened? Rajo nan Panjang? What he has done to Rajo
Bobanding?! Princess Sabai! I-I must tell this to the princess!"
Narrator : “The gardener went to Rajo Bobanding’s Palace.”
(Arrived at the palace where the princess lived)
Gardener : "Let me in! I have to talk to the princess!"
Royal guard B1 : "No, you can't! Who are you?! What's wrong with princess Sabai?"
Gardener : "Please, please... let me in, Rajo Bobanding- he's-he’s in danger!"
Royal guard B1 : "Okay. Wait here, I'll talk to Princess Sabai."
(The guard walked in to met Princess Sabai)
Royal guard B1 : "Sorry Princess, there's a gardener who insists on talking to you. He has
something to say about Your Majesty."
Sabai nan Aluih : "Your Majesty? Let him in and talk first."
Royal guard B1 : "Alright Princess."
(The guard approached the gardener. Both of them entered the palace room. The guard
walked behind the gardener)
Gardener : "Princess, P-Princess! Rajo Bobanding! He is in danger!"
Sabai nan Aluih : "What do you mean, what happened to His Majesty?"
Gardener : "Rajo nan Panjang! I heard that he is talking about Rajo Babanding! He said that
Rajo Bobanding deserved to died because his majesty was refusing his proposal to you,
(Princess Sabai nan Aluih quickly grabed the weapons that carried by her guard and rushes to
leave the palace)
Royal guard B1 : "Princess! Wait Princess!"
Narrator : “Princess Sabai Nan Aluih went to the forest where Rajo nan Panjang and his
guards were.”
(Arrived at the forest. Scene of the guard beside Rajo Bobanding being stabbed)
Rajo nan Panjang : "...after this, we will go to pick up Sabai nan Aluih."
Sabai nan Aluih : "Don't move. You are really a cunning man, Rajo nan Panjang."
(While pointing a gun)
Rajo nan Panjang : "Princess, calm down. We can talk about this. We will get married,
Sabai nan Aluih : "Shut up! I'm not willing to marry you."
Rajo nan Panjang : "Come on, you know what? Bobanding is so weak, he deserved to die!
Sabai nan Aluih : "This is not fair! You are cheating and now you have to pay for it!"
(Scene Sabai nan Aluih shoted at Rajo nan Panjang with the gun that she was holding, until
he died)
Sabai nan Aluih : "Why are you doing this... my father just did what was the best for me..."
(Sabai nan Aluih arrived at the palace and found her father dead)
Sabai nan Aluih : "Why... why father... why..."
(Tearing up while crying)
Narrator : "After the departure of Your Majesty, Rajo Babanding, Sabai nan Aluih's heart
felt so sad. She knew that she couldn't be sad for too long. She still had to fulfill her
responsibilies as a Royal Princess.”

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