Cyber Crimes

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It involves crimes against persons or property.
Computer crime is any violation of criminal law
that involves knowledge of computer technology
for its perpetration, investigation or prosecution.
Describes any criminal activity occurring via a
computer in the virtual community of the
It involves crimes against persons or property.
Computer crime is any violation of criminal law
that involves knowledge of computer technology
for its perpetration, investigation or prosecution.
Describes any criminal activity occurring via a
computer in the virtual community of the
Fraud committed over the Internet: any
misrepresentation knowingly made with the
intention of deceiving another and on which a
reasonable person would and does rely to his
ARGENTINA: ART 173 inc 16 CP - PRISON 1 month to 6
Occurs when the wrongdoer steals a form of
identification and uses the information to access the
victim’s financial resources. E.g. thieves would rifle
through garbage to find credit-card or bank account
numbers and then use those numbers to purchase
goods or to withdraw funds from the victim’s
ARGENTINA: ART 173 inc 15 CP - PRISON 1 month to 6
perpetrator “fishes” for financial data and
passwords from consumers by posing as a legitimate
business, such as a bank or credit-card company. The
“phisher” sends an email asking the recipient to
update or confirm vital information. Once the
unsuspected individual enters the information, the
phisher can use it to masquerade as that person or to
drain his or her bank or credit account.
ARGENTINA: ART 172, 173 inc 16 CP - PRISON 1 month
to 6 years
Also known as voice phishing attacks. The consumer
receives an e-mail saying that there is a problem with
an account and that she or he should call a certain
telephone number to resolve the problem. Of course,
the goal is to get the consumer to divulge passwords
and account information during the call.
ARGENTINA: ART 172, 173 inc 16 CP - PRISON 1 month
to 6 years
A person puts up and expensive item for auction, on
either a legitimate or a fake auction site, and then
refuses to send the product after receiving payment.
Or, as a variation, the wrongdoer may provide the
purchaser with an item that is worth less than the
one offered in the auction. The larger online auction
sites, such as E-bay, try to protect consumers against
such schemes by providing warnings about deceptive
sellers or offering various forms of insurance.
Cyber criminals also look for victims at online job-
posting sites. Claiming to be an employment officer in
a well-known company, the criminal sends bogus e-
mail messages to job seekers. The messages ask the
unsuspecting job seekers to reveal enough
information to allow for identity theft
Stolen credit-cards are much more likely to hurt mer-
chants and credit-card issuers (such as banks) than
consumers. In most situations, the legitimate holders
of credit cards are not held responsible for the costs
of purchases made with a stolen number.
A hacker is someone who uses one computer to break
into another. The danger posed by hackers has
increased significantly because of botnets, or
networks of computers that have been appropriated
by hackers without the knowledge of their owners. A
hacker will secretly install a program on thousands of
personal computers that allows him or her to forward
transmissions to an even larger number of systems.
Many people find themselves at the receiving end of
unwanted and abusive chats or content from other
social media users or totally unknown individuals.
This form of harassment can be very threatening and
disrupting to a person’s peace of mind
and welfare, especially where the sender and reasons
for the abuse are unknown.
Occurs where a person develops an obsession with
another to such an extent that they persistently
follow or contact them. As a consequence the victim
fears for their safety, regardless of whether harm is
the intention of the stalker or not. The measure of
stalking is behaviour that is Fixated, Obsessive,
Unwanted and Repeated or F.O.U.R.
In some cases, online abuse can take the form of
sexual exploitation. The contact starts the same with
a friend request, usually from an attractive male or
female and the user’s age is around the same as the
person they want to be friends with.
Gradually the conversation gets personal and there is
a request to exchange sexual imagery. Once that
happens, the conversation changes completely and
becomes threatening, demanding more explicit
content or payment to prevent the images being sent
to all the victim’s contacts.
ARGENTINA: Código Penal Capítulo "Delitos contra la
integridad sexual” - PRISON and FINES
Posting intimate imagery of another person without
their consent with the intent to cause them harm or
ignoring the potential for harm is an offence.
The same is true for recording intimate images or
content of another without their consent and
publishing them, even if there is no intent to cause
harm. If someone does post intimate images,
regardless of when or where they were taken, report
it as it’s a crime.
If you didn’t consent, it’s a crime because it seeks
revenge by posting intimate images or videos taken
during the relationship in order to embarrass or harm
another person’s reputation and peace of mind.

ARGENTINA: Código Penal Capítulo "Delitos contra la

integridad sexual” - PRISON: 6 months to 2 years. It
could be from 1 year to 3 years if they had committed
another crimes.
Other people are searching for relationships and use
online platforms or dating apps to meet someone
new. But these platforms are also used by scammers
and fraudsters who only have eyes for your money.
Commonly known as cat-phishing, these types of
crimes are all too common and the losses can be
significant. If you are scammed, don’t be embarrassed
as you are the victim.
Online gaming is a thriving community made up of skilled
players and newbies who learn on the fly from their
peers. However, some gaming platforms are prowled by
the same scammers that join social media to defraud or
abuse other players. They can also be used to download
malware or bully other users. The online gaming world is
a very select group but predators can use the platforms
to find new victims for sexual and financial exploitation.
The community is also competitive and this can open it
up to bullying.

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