Adolescent Manual Print

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Author: Elim Biblical Seminary

Editorial coordinator: Ivan Gonzalez

Content Managers:
Angelica Roldan Mendoza
Juana Guerrero de Roldán
Maria Acosta Rodriguez
Style correction:
Rosa Gonzalez
Aaronica De Los Rios
Graphic design:
Fanuel Mendoza
Jordan Paucar
Layout: Rocío Eufracio
Photography: David Nimboma
Raul Ostos
Alan Lozano

Edited by: Ediciones Elim EIRL

Av. Mariano Cornejo 1009, Pueblo Libre - Lima

1a. edition - December 2018

Print run: 1750 copies
Made the Legal Deposit in the National Library of Peru Nº 2018-19144

It finished printing in December 2018 at:

Litho&Arte SAC
Jr. Iquique 026 - Breña

Welcome, teacher:
We thank God, who allows us to prepare the manual for Vacation Bible School teachers for the
third consecutive year.
The theme of this EBDV was chosen thinking about the emotional and spiritual needs of children
and adolescents, since they face various problems daily in their homes, schools and community.
Emotions are affective states that God has placed in us to react to certain circumstances and be
able to express states of mind; However, if God is not present in our lives, we will not be able to
channel these emotions which will turn into unhappiness and frustration.
Now I'm happy! It will teach children that, by encountering Jesus, they will receive emotional
healing, they will be able to control their emotions, as well as overcome and resolve any
difficulties. On this occasion, the stories of five biblical characters who found happiness in Jesus
were chosen:
1. The widow of Nain, whose pain Jesus changed into joy by resurrecting her only son.
2. The Samaritan woman, who had a great spiritual and emotional need, and found salvation
and true love in Jesus.
3. Nicodemus, a man whom religion failed to satisfy spiritually; however go, when he met Jesus
he found the truth he was looking for.
4. The woman of the issue of blood, destroyed economically, physically and emotionally; without
hope any ranza. Jesus healed and saved her.
5. Saul of Tarsus, the self-sufficient, fanatical and impulsive man whose supernatural encounter
with Jesus turned him into the great apostle Paul.
RESKTA2 is the motto for teenagers. Through these same stories, they will learn that Jesus can
rescue them from depression, from the loss of the pleasures of the world, from sexual immorality,
from false religions or ideologies, from disbelief, from hatred, from violence. They will know that
Christ has the power to help them in any difficult situation and give them a new, free and happy
life, RESCUED emotionally, physically and spiritually; to make them good men and women for
their family, church and society.
We put this material in your hands, hoping that it will be a tool for the edification and blessing of
many children and adolescents who have had to live through these times of moral and spiritual
decline. Therefore, your goal as a teacher is to guide them to a personal and wonderful experience
with our Lord Jesus Christ.
Our prayers, commitment and testimony will ensure that we can be an inspiration for children and
adolescents to value and put Christian principles into practice in their lives. God bless your
beautiful work and… go ahead!

The FOCNA team

Manual structure
This manual has five topics for Adolescents. Each lesson has the
following structure:

Bible reading


core truth

Verse to memorize

Important data

Ice breaker


linking phrase

Bible lesson

Application to your


Presentation and memorization of the text

■ Prepare yourself spiritually by praying and studying Bible lessons. | ■
Prepare materials a month in advance. Have a box | to store and transport
them. The box must be lined and have the image and motto of the EBDV.

■ A cast is formed for the animation and teaching of mimicry | of the songs.
Pray and rehearse.

■ Remember the three basic steps of a lesson: Motivation, story | biblical and

■ Before each lesson you should have all your materials organized and copies
of the application sheets.

■ Practice in advance how to use and present | titles, visual aids and biblical
texts, so that there are no improvisations and confusion.

■ Show enthusiasm and reflect the emotions of the Bible story in | the

■ Be creative in using costumes, props and effects in | dramatizations. Pray

and rehearse.

■ Seek support from people trained to use audio players, laptops, projectors
and other technological resources.
GONE Bible reading
RESOURCES Luke 7:11-17

1. Welcome, prayer and songs: Welcome

sign, projector, laptop or re audio producer
and slips of paper with the lyrics of the
songs (10 minutes).
That adolescents:
2. Icebreaker: You can do it in groups or not,
depending on the number of attendees. Understand that Jesus is present in all the adverse
tents (10 minutes). circumstances of our lives and is willing to help us
3. Motivation: Presentation of the video or by demonstrating his compassion.
photographs (8 minutes). Learn that Jesus is immortal and has the power to
do great things in our lives.
4. Bible lesson
■ God help me in problems, we will use
a 70x70x70cm cube. And the visual aids
glued to each face of the cube. We will also
need strips of cardboard and thick markers core truth
(10 minutes).
■ We continue with the lesson through a Jesus Christ shows compassion towards the needy
group activity. The teenagers will make and afflicted. It also has the power to act on your
visual organizers on flipcharts. We need
markers and type cleaner (10 minutes). needs, through wonders and miracles.

■ We will do work with colored sheets. Let us always remember that He defeated death and
We will make a map and show a photo for has all the power and authority to help us.
explanation (8 minutes).
5. Application to your life (8 minutes).
6. Ministering (10 minutes).
Verse to memorize
7. Memorization of the text (15 minutes).
8. Application sheets.
The Lord is good, strength in the day of trouble; and
knows those who trust in him. Nahum 1:7

9 Lesson 01 - My superhero is not gone

When they were very close to Nain, they They
met a large group of Jews in a funeral
Important data
procession. They carried the corpse see of a
young man, who was the only son of a widowed
We must understand that the land of Israel in
woman, to bury him outside the city.
New Testament times is It was divided into three
provinces: Judea in the south, where Jerusalem Being a widow in the time of Jesus Christ was
was; Galilee in the north, where was Nazareth, very difficult. No legislation guaranteed support
the city where Je His lived until he began his for widows: there were no pension funds. There
ministry; and in the center was the province of were two Jewish laws for protection tion of
Samaria. widows. These laws allowed a woman to inherit
her father's possessions, or marry her husband's
brother, so as not to be left alone.
Likewise, there were some human orientations
nitarias that alleviated the situation a little:
■ The eldest son assumed control of the family.
lia, if he was old. He had the responsibility
ability to support his mother.
■ Widows could participate for free give you a
slow harvest (Deuteronomy 14:29).
■ They could freely participate in banquets
(Deuteronomy 16:11, 14).
■ The Law protected them against oppression
and fraud (Ezekiel 22:7; Malachi 3:5). But
many times those laws remained only on
It is possible that this widow had no one, neither
in-laws nor her own relatives. She had only “city
people” to accompany her. send her to her son's
funeral. Apart from his wounds such deep
emotional feelings, because she loved her son
and was going to miss him very much, the
economic situation she would face would be very
difficult. Faced with these circumstances, she
The town of Naín was located 35 kilo meters needed the help of Jesus, only he could help her.
south of the province of Galilee. Naín or Naim We can extract at least three fundamental
(from the Greek Naín , 'delightful' or 'pasture'). reflections from this narrative:
The ruins of the town indicate that it was a large
1. The power of God. Jesus transformed the
city with an attraction for natural hege of the plain
mother's pain into joy when life returned to
of Jezreel (Esdrelón). There is a spring there
the young man. This shows us that there are
whose waters irrigate this region of excellent olive
no obstacles that God cannot he must
groves and many figs. ras. During the first overcome to fulfill his purposes.
preaching tour through Galilee, Jesus was
heading to Nain, accompanied by his disciples
and many other people, coming from the vicinity
of Caper. naum, after curing the slave of a cen
official army turion.

Teenagers 10
2. The compassion of Jesus. Therefore, when .. \
carse transmits compassion with his hands tive and sent his Son to earth so that with his
words “Don't cry”. Immediately, Jesus Christ death, Jesus would come to our another meeting
touched the coffin; according to cere laws and gave us the opportunity for salvation.
monials, that fact could leave him impun ro,
It also shows us that, although life is made up of
but he didn't care. Jesus understood that more
setbacks, anguish, challenges and
important than fulfilling ceremo nias was to
relieve people's pain misunderstandings, there is a God who
accompanies us and is willing to help. give us
3. The initiative of Jesus. The widow did not
and give us victory.
ask for the miracle. Jesus Christ did it on his own
initiative. Just as God also took the initiative

Ice breaker

Dynamic The Ball Asks

Invite your students to sit in a circle. While a song plays, the boys will quickly pass the ball around. The
one who keeps the ball when the music stops will introduce himself to the group, mentioning his name
and what he likes to do in his free time (he could add something else at his discretion).

Repeat the game until the majority have introduced themselves, so that they begin to trust each other. If
a participant keeps the ball for the second time, the group can ask him a question.

A video about superheroes will be shown. Then, they will look at photographs of the superheroes who


died in the video.

1 Lesson 01 - My superhero is not gone

Ask the following question: Do we need superheroes? Why?
Write the children's answers on a blackboard or flipchart.
Don't rule out any of the answers.
Then say: “Today we will talk about a woman who desperately needed a superhero.
Let's listen…".


I. God helps me in problems

We need a 70x70x70 cm cube. made of cardboard,
technopor, foam, celtex, etc. Each face will have the
images of the visual aids and they will be presented
as we narrate the story.

What situations happens to a woman who becomes a

widow? Let's go esc... you have a minute! Comment
on your answers and point out the woman's suffering
and sadness.
But she had a little son, who would now be her reason
for living.

Form groups and distribute 30 strips of cardboard

(40x5cm) of different colors to each group; also
several thick downs. Each time you mention a
question, the group must write an answer on each
strip and stick it on the wall or board; The group that
writes the most answers in one minute will get the
Look, guys, today we will talk about a widow who
lived in the city of Nain (turn the dice and show the

Pay attention guys, second question! What feelings word compassion and life situations in which this
does a mother have for her children? You have one feeling is needed.
minute! Comment on your answers. Then, the groups will display their work in a visible
Well, years passed and... their beautiful son grew up. place. Comment on some answers.
He was already quite a young man. I accompanied Pay attention, guys, let's continue with our story. This
her, I helped her; They were undoubtedly very close. woman had lost her husband in the past, and now her
only son. A son with a life ahead of him, with dreams
and challenges; He was possibly between 18 and 25
years old. Life would be difficult for this widow, without
these men to help her in the society in which she
lived, without means of support, she would have to
fend for herself in a society where women were not
highly valued. This widow was emotionally devastated
and her tears were because of the great affliction she
was in. (Show the image of the cube.)

However, we don't know what happened, but the

son... died.

How do you think the woman felt now without a

husband and her only son? One minute to write the
The sadness over the death of this only son had
moved many to support this widow at her son's burial;
Count the answers from each group and score. now she surely had no choice but to live off the
charity of others.
It is true that no one would ever want to go through
Well, now you have a chance to continue earning
any tragedy, but if it happens, we must see it as an
points. Hand out slips of paper.
opportunity for... God to show us his power! In our
Indicate that they will make a visual organizer with the lives, various situations of difficulty and suffering will
topic that concerns them. Some will develop the arise, like this poor widow experienced and like the
theme of suffering, where they will write different ones you wrote in these papers.
situations that involve pain and suffering. Other
Will there be a solution for her? Who could help her?
groups will be the organizer about the meaning of the
Any superhero?... If they are dead too.

13 Lesson 01 - My superhero is not gone

III. From death to life: “My superhero is alive” When they were going to bury the boy, his mother
Distribute colored sheets at random to each group, cried inconsolably. There were also many people
with the following words for them to define: from the city, who were sure Mind they thought:
“what could this woman have done to cause so many
DEATH misfortunes to happen to her?” Then they met
RESURRECTION another group of people who came from a city called
IMMORTALITY Capernaum, they were Jesus of Nazareth and his
FICTION disciples. Guys, could this be the superhero she
needed so much?! What do you believe? When
If there are more groups, repeat the words. Jesus saw her, he felt great compassion for her, he
felt the pain she was going through and thought: “I
You can give them 5 minutes to do the activity.
can help her, I HAVE THE POWER!” And it certainly
Comment on some of the definitions. has it!

Although many say that in the next movie all or Jesus approached him and said, “Do not cry.” The
some of these superheroes will be resurrected, the woman would think: “What's wrong with him, doesn't
truth is that all of this is fiction. They do not exist, he realize that I've lost my son?” But Jesus did know
they do not have powers, they are not immortal... it the pain he was going through and showing his
is all fiction. compassion he approached the dead man's box...
and those who were carrying the box stopped. And
But let's go back to our story, which is not fiction; It
Jesus with a voice of authority and power said:
happened in approximately the year 30, in the city
“Young man, I say to you, get up.”
of Nain, which was located 35 kilometers south of
the province of Galilee. It is currently the northern Then the one who had died stood up and began to
territory of Israel, near Nazareth. Show the place speak. Guys, take your strips of cardboard and write:
on the map and say: Look guys, this is the current What do you think the son was saying when he was
map of Israel and here (point to the place) was the resurrected?
widow of Nain, look at this photo, it is of the church The mother was more than happy, her superhero had
that currently exists in that place. If we go to Israel arrived just in time. His superhero was flesh and
and we have a tour guide, when we pass by this blood, he was not an invention of a movie, this
place they will tell us that this widow was there. superhero was not gone. Glory to God!
This is history, guys… it is a real, historical fact; At that time, everyone was afraid, and they glorified
This is not fiction! God, saying: “A great prophet has arisen among us;
and God has visited his people.”
Guys, this is a real superhero! And his fame spread
throughout all Judea, and throughout all the
surrounding region. More than two thousand years
have passed, and this superhero Jesus Christ is still
alive, thousands testify that He is Almighty and is not
gone. Our superhero is not gone! Our superhero is

Teenagers 14
The Lord is not oblivious to our circumstances or our condition. He wants to help us, free us, restore us, work
in our favor. This widow got a look from the master and his compassion because He helps all those who need
Him. The Lord told him: “Do not cry.” And Jesus wants to change our present affliction for his joy and
blessing. Maybe you have also had to cry about something, many have a mask of happiness, but inside your
heart is broken, because you are going through a very sad situation: the breakup of your home, financial
needs, the death or illness of someone very dear, a rape…
The Bible says: Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted. When Jesus approached this
widow, he did so not only to offer comfort, but to provide a solution to her problem that apparently had no
solution; But, for God there is nothing difficult.
God shows his kindness according to our needs and comforts us in our afflictions. He is not a spectator of our
pain, but acts on our behalf if we ask him to; and even without us asking, as in the case of this woman. If only
we understood that we do not have to carry our burdens alone! Jesus Christ invites us to place them before
him so that we can rest.

Please bow your face. Here is the superhero we all need; No one can say that they do not have problems, we
all go through difficult, sad situations; some more than others, but today Jesus is here to extend his hand to
you, to console you, help you and resolve that situation. Give him your life, your problems, the Lord is the
same one who resurrected the widow's son; He is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Don't reject it. Let's pray.

Write the Bible quote (Nahum 1:7) on several cards and hide them in different parts of the room.
Distribute the corresponding sheets (one per group) so that the groups can decipher the text (Annex 1).
The groups must decipher the text, find the hidden Bible quote and finally memorize it.
Distribute the score according to the order in which they finish the activity.

15 Lesson 01 - My superhero is not gone

1. Name the superhero who helped the widow and is immortal.

2. Circle which superhero is resurrected and alive.

3. List which non-fiction superhero can help you.

4. Mark with a V what Jesus has power over and can help us.





Teenagers 16



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1 Lesson 01 - My superhero is not gone

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1 Lesson 01 - My superhero is not gone

Bible reading
RESOURCES John 4:1-42

1. Welcome, prayer and songs: Welcome

sign, projector, laptop or re audio producer
and slips of paper with the lyrics of the
songs (10 minutes).
That adolescents:
2. Icebreaker: It will generally be done without
divi tell the groups (6 minutes). Understand that most thoughts The actions and
3. Motivation: Group activity. actions of people today are contrary to the Word of
Make photocopies of the sheets in Annex 1
Recognize that Jesus is the only one who can to
(one set for each group). We need paper, help us and satisfy the needs of the soul.
thick markers and type cleaner (12

4. Bible lesson
■ Comparative table: Paper and thick core truth
markers (15 minutes).
■ The death list: Black cardboard (as
many sheets as there are groups) and Today's society is full of ideologies and behaviors
colored chalk (10 minutes). totally far from God. People believe that by acting
■ Closing of the lesson: We will need an without taking into account the principles and values
audio player and a collaborator dressed as that God has established, they can live satisfactorily;
Jesus (5 minutes). However, the consequences of his actions transcend
5. Application to your life (8 minutes). all aspects of his life.

6. Ministering (8 minutes).
7. Memorization of the text (10 minutes).
8. Application sheets. Verse to memorize

Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; who make darkness of light,
and light of darkness; who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah
Important data

Samaria ( Shomron in Hebrew) is a region located because of the miserable conditions in which they
on the western bank of the Jordan River, between lived. His victory gave rise to two kingdoms: Israel
Galilee and Judea, an inevitable place of passage in the north, with its capital in Shechem; and
for any Galilean who wished to move to Judah in the south, with its capital in Jerusalem.
Jerusalem, and vice versa, as shown in But in the year 110 BC. C., the king and priest of
Judea, John Hyrcanus I, conquered Idumea and
Samaria. The region was thus geographically
unified, but its marked ethnic, religious and
cultural divisions continued.
When the Samaritan woman came to Jacob's well
to draw water, she was a person without horizons
or objectives in her life; She was distraught, but
she was looking for happiness without finding it.
He went daily to the well to quench his thirst and
that of his people, but no matter how much they
drank, they became thirsty again, above all thirst
for peace and happiness.
This woman was unaware of her own personal
value and therefore chose a life of insecurity in
which none of her husbands had known how to
value her.
Due to the standards of that time, the Samaritan
had no cultural education and her reputation, with
as many husbands as she had had, was neither
the best nor the most edifying, even more so if we
take into account that she lived with a man who
was not her husband.
The name Samaria derives from an ancient Furthermore, it was she herself who initiated the
biblical city of the same name, located on a hill verbal confrontation with Jesus when she was
northwest of Shechem. It was founded by King surprised that He, being a Jew, asked her for
Omri, who reigned between 876 and 869 BC. C., water to drink. His heart was resentful and
and made it the capital of his kingdom. Also the hardened by many things and also by the existing
name Samaria was applied to the entire region rivalry with the Jewish people.
between Galilee and Judea.

Previously, in the year 926 BC. C., the northern tribes of Israel rebelled against the government of Rehoboam, son of King

Perform the dynamic “I have a tic.” It consists of each phrase that the teacher says, the children have to repeat
it and, in turn, execute the indicated order. For example, the teacher says: “I have a tic” and the children repeat
“I have a tic.”

Then the teacher says “tick, tick” and the kids repeat “tick, tick.”
Now the teacher says “and the doctor told me that…”. (Indicate an activity: raise your right hand or move your
leg, move your head, crawl, jump, etc.).
The boys repeat “and the doctor told me that…”. (They say and do the indicated activity).
Repeat from the beginning and indicate different activities each time.


Form the groups and distribute the worksheets (ANNEX 1), after they carry out the activity, each group
must paste their notes in a visible place and must appoint a representative to report. Please present your
answers. Give points to the groups according to the work done.
At the end, make comments reinforcing the idea that these behaviors of modern life do us a lot of harm
and distance us from God.


In the time of Jesus there was also a woman with modern thoughts, similar to the young man with the initials JI
which we read about. This woman practically destroyed his life. Today we will talk about her.

21 Lesson 2 - Modern Life

Present the paper with the phrases of the Samaritan
woman in a comparative table (see model). The right
YO. COMPARISON TABLE: What the Samaritan side (WHAT PEOPLE SAY TODAY) will be blank and
woman said and what people say today. will be completed by listening to the children's
Show the visual aid and say: This woman, as some
of you know, went to draw water from a well and
there she met Jesus. They had a conversation that
changed his life.
Let's get to know this woman a little more, through
the phrases she said to Jesus.
And we are going to see that currently many people
are also like this woman in their way of thinking and

22 Lesson 2 - Modern Life

Read, comment and write the opinions in the empty space, question by question.
You can also do this by creating PPT slides.


How can you, being a Jew, ask me for a drink, a
Samaritan woman?
Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us
this well, from which he and his sons and his cattle
Lord, give me that water, so that I do not thirst or
come here to draw it.

I do not have a husband.

Lord, it seems to me that you are a prophet. Our

fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you say that
Jerusalem is the place where we should worship.
I know that the Messiah, called the Christ, is coming;
When he comes he will declare all things to us.

The explanation and the main ideas that should go are the following: (Guide the kids to these comments.
Always highlight that today people say the same thing that the Samaritan woman said but with different


How can you, being a Jew, ask me for a

drink, a Samaritan woman? “Oh, don't talk to me... you are from another religion, you
Explain: In those days, Jews and Samaritans are from another city, you are a fan of another team, you
did not get along. Jesus asked her for a drink are not at my level, you are not tumblr (people with their
but she asked him that question. own style), etc...” (or mention any other difference) .

Ask: What attitude do you see in the Explain: many people live in fights or anger with others
woman? (Listen to the guys' answer and and that prevents them from getting closer to Jesus.
write down the most important thing in the
other column).

“Do you think you are better than me for this or that
Are you greater than our father Jacob, who thing? Who do you think you are, so that I pay attention
gave us this well, from which he and his sons to you?”
and his cattle drank? Explain: People believe they are right about everything,
Ask: And now, what do you think about this modernity says: “Let no one tell me what to do”, “We all
question? (Write down the most important have the right to do what we want”; The bad thing is that
ideas). they believe they are wise in their own opinion and do
not take into account what God says in His Word.
Lord, give me that water, so that I do not
thirst or come here to draw it. “What is it like? What are you going to give me? If I go to
your church, will you give me something?”
Explain: When Jesus told him that if anyone
drank the water that He gives, they would Explain: Many people are only interested in taking
never thirst; The woman answers him like advantage and benefiting. They take advantage of
this. What do you think? (Write down the people to satisfy their personal interests, that is, they are
most important ideas). interested; They don't care about harming others. In
modern life there is a lot of indifference and selfishness.
I do not have a husband.
Explain: Jesus told her to go call her “I'm not doing anything wrong, everything is fine.”
husband and she told him she didn't have "What's wrong with it?" “I am free, it is my life, it is my
any. However, Jesus, who is God and knows body, I do what I want.”
all things; He declares to her: “You have said Explain: There are phrases known today such as: “I am
well, because you have had five husbands single and I do what I want.” This woman wanted to hide
and the one you have now is not your that she had had five husbands and that the one she had
husband.” now was not her husband either. To many people it
seems normal to do wrong; They say that those who
See guys, this woman looks like young JI Six
want to obey the Bible are old-fashioned or crazy. They
husbands in total! With none of them could
believe they are more intelligent than God and take
she find love or happiness.
wrong paths: vices, homosexuality, sexual debauchery,
crime, atheism, etc. And they simply forget about God
and think that this is how they can live; but they are not
happy like this woman.
Lord, it seems to me that you are a prophet.
Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but “I believe in God in my own way,” “I already have my
you say that Jerusalem is the place where religion,” “It is not necessary, everything the Bible says
we should worship. to get closer to God,” “I have my own philosophy of life,”
“I believe in UFOs.” , in the new age, in the illuminatis”, “I
Explain: The woman began to make
don't need to go to a church, God is everywhere”, “God
excuses about religious issues. But Jesus
already knows me and knows that I love him”, “Heaven
makes a very beautiful statement, He
and hell are here”, etc.
answered: True worshipers will worship the
Father in spirit and in truth, no matter where. Explain: People want to serve God in their own way or
have their own philosophies and beliefs that are often
contrary to the Bible. People are wrong to think that God
wants us to have a religion, what God wants is for us to
serve and worship Him with all our hearts.

I know that the Messiah, called the Christ, is “When I have time I will go to church.” “I am still very
coming; When he comes he will declare all young” “Someday I will accept Christ.”
things to us. Explain: Even though many recognize their need for
Explain: In other words I told him: When the God, they make excuses.
Messiah comes I will pay attention.

Prepare a black cardboard and place the title:
The death list: Modernity or Perversity.
Say: Let's make a list of other things that are called Jesus said:
modern but that are totally contrary to what God
(A collaborator dressed in a tunic and a white veil,
wants. Listen to what the kids say and write it down
enters and says in a strong voice, addressing the
with white chalk on the cardboard. On the list you
boys): “I am Jesus, the Messiah, the one who
should put (if the kids don't mention it): abortion,
speaks to you” (exits).
pornography, pedophilia, promiscuity, violence,
sexual abuse, gender ideology, etc. Guys, I think this is the most wonderful thing that
III. JESUS IS THE MESSIAH happened to this woman, after so many failures
and sufferings; She had the Messiah in front of her,
ready to give her happiness and salvation. How
Let's see what happened to the woman in the would you have reacted? (Listen to the guys'
story; Remember that this is a real event, it answers). Then the woman left her water jar and
happened approximately in the year 31, in the city ran into the city and told everyone she met: “There
of Samaria. is a man who has told me everything I have ever
After the woman said that when the Messiah comes done, he is the Messiah.” And many Samaritans
he was going to teach them all things, she played believed in Jesus that day. Undoubtedly, the
an epic entrance musical background. You can woman was never the same again, she too was
search the internet for the audio Transformers - rescued.
Epic Orchestral Cover.mp3 or access it with the
following QR code:

Application to your
Today you are not here by chance, Jesus loves you and it is time for you to make a decision, follow the wrong
thoughts of the world and its modernity, or follow Jesus. This society and all its debauchery is going upside
down: families are being destroyed, parents separate, abandon their children, children are lost, sexual
debauchery is growing, modernity has brought some very useful advances, but in As for values and
principles, everything is being lost. Every day we see how man's rebellion towards God increases, they are
against what was established by God and that will not prosper.

Let us not follow the ways of this world, come to Jesus; just as the Samaritan woman finally found true love,
forgiveness and was rescued from emotional and spiritual failure; so Jesus wants to help you. Let's pray:
Lord, I recognize that the unbridled life that the world is leading cannot satisfy the needs of my soul and my
heart. I don't want to be like that woman who looked for happiness in one and the other; or that young man
who has had so many experiences that deviated from your will. I don't want to go after the perverted
ideologies that do so much harm to people and families. Oh, Jesus, I believe in you, I believe that you died for
me on the cross, forgive my sins, I give my life to you, Lord.
Memorization of the biblical text

Prepare four circular posters per group. On both sides there will be drawings and words according
to the model. Distribute a set of four posters to each group and explain that the entire group will
come forward repeating the Bible text from memory, while some of them take the posters and hold them up,
showing the face that corresponds to what is being said. the text.
Woe to those who say good to bad things, now
good bad; that turn light into darkness,

First poster Second poster


T] ]

Third poster Fourth poster

and light from darkness; that make the bitter
for sweet, and sweet for bitter! Isaiah 5:20

26 Lesson 2 - Modern Life

1. Cross out the phrases of modernity that separate us from God.

The studies
scientists show that
You decide if you want to
the earlier they start
drug and alcohol consumption, I believe in
man or woman.
the greater the damage to the body and God and
the harder it is to return I will obey
of that path. His Word
Freedom is doing what It's not bad to have relationships
I feel like it: parties, sexual whenever you want and with
drugs, violence, sex whoever wants
and alcohol.
I'm going to wait, because the The freedom that
casual sexual relations God
they can bring me diseases it gives me, it allows
and unwanted pregnancies. I My body is mine and I me
I want my children to enjoy decide if I want to have have the body
from a well-formed family. the child or abort. free of vices and
the mind free

2. It contains who could give women the true love that satisfies the soul.
/ V
Fifth husband

/ V
First husband

Teenagers 27
Read the following information and answer the questionnaire questions on
a piece of paper.
Remember that the group with the best answers and the best presentation
wins the points. You can... Go ahead!

This young man with the initials J. YO. made the following statements on a
television program

1. Did Gricelda B. invite you? your Yeah. I studied from Monday to

first marijuana cigarette? Thursday, and Friday, Saturday
Yeah. He was 22 years old. and Sunday I traveled or went
There is a saying that with out to different places. I met a
marijuana the feelings in the girl 4 or 5 years older than me. I
bedroom are greater. spent the night there, and the
next day he gave me 300 euros.
2. Do you think Gricelda B. Was he
unfaithful to you with 'Chino' L..? 9. Have you participated in sexual
Yeah. The two times I had that
3. Did Gricelda B. hit you so hard?
experience were in Europe.
that sends you gave to the
clinic? 10. Did you kiss a transsexual in
Yeah. Europe? Yeah.
4. Did you lie to Madeleine L. to be 11. Did you have a hit and run with
with her? Ximena G.?
Yeah. We talked a lot, and then Yeah. It's not something I regret.
we started dating. I told him that She has a very loud, outgoing
the apartment where I lived was personality.
not rented, but my own, that I
earned more salary. 12. Did you have an 'affair' with
Patricia R.?
5. Did you have an affair with Susy
L., sister of Madeleine L.? Yeah. That was 8 or 9 years ago.
I wasn't on television yet. She
Yeah. I did go out with her a never let me pick her up from her
couple of times, but we remained house. We would always meet at
friends. one point, and then go to a hotel.
6. Do you know Madeleine L. that 13. Do you regret being with Janet
you had an affair with your
Yeah. Like a stupid kid, I thought
No. At first he didn't know that I was going to forget Gricelda
he had dated his younger sister. while being with Janet K.
Melissa asked me and I told her
that we had kissed. 14. Did you snort 'poppers' with
other reality kids at a party?
7. Did you have an affair with
Clarisa R.? Yeah.
Yeah. We lived nearby. We 15. Did you love Madeleine L.?
started hanging out and she No. My relationship with
seemed like a happy girl. We Madeleine lasted about 4 or 5
had very good times. months.
8. Have you been paid for sex?

QUESTIONNAIRE 2. What other dangerous behaviors

has this young man engaged in?
1. How many girls did this young because?
man have to do with? . Do you think 3. What do you think of those so-
it had to do with other young called “modern” behaviors such as
women, whom he did not mention in drug use, having sexual threesomes
the interview? Do you know what and kissing with transsexuals? What
name the behavior of having many will God say about these things?
partners is known by? will it be
dangerous? because?
Do you think this young man is
happy? because?

MODERN PARTIES disco. In Peru and Colombia, where the
Candy parties have been most
They are the new forms of fun
successful, authorities publicly
among teenagers, which expose
expressed their concern about the
them to all kinds of risks, since they
health problems raised at these
are characterized by lack of control,
drugs, unprotected sex with
strangers, and the most absurd (and And finally, on the list of new and
dangerous) ways of consuming dangerous parties, the Rainbows
alcohol. emerged, where boys and girls of
11, 12 and 13 years old practice oral
One of the rules of the games they
sex on strangers.
play is to wear bracelets of different
colors, which defines how far the Advertising for these parties is
teenager is willing to go: red generally done online.
indicates that the assistant has a The challenges for parents no longer
partner or is accompanied, yellow only involve being attentive to the
indicates that he or she has doubts friendships and outings of their
about starting a relationship, and the adolescent children, but they must
green that is ready for anything. keep an eye on what they see on
The most unlikely ways of the networks: the anonymity that
consuming alcohol are also adopted, protects them allows promotions and
this means that they not only calls of all kinds can be done with
consume it through the mouth but total freedom.
also through other places on the According to Dr. Michael Breus, of
body. These parties celebrate the the American Academy of Sleep
"sexual roulettes" that were born in Medicine, "Social networks are here
Colombia, in which young people to stay, but that does not mean that
have relationships quickly and minors can use them without limits.
without protection while dancing. "It is important to instill good habits
But although these sounded terrible, about using the Internet in young
Candy parties have now become people, so that they remain safe and
fashionable, where alcohol and healthy in this era of technology."
drugs are taken for granted, but "If children or young people do not
participants must agree to have have safe browsing, they could end
sexual relations during the event. up on pornography sites, with violent
Minors are the main attendees. A and hateful content, or that promote
musical group says to the sound of dangerous behaviors, such as
reggaeton: “come to the party eating disorders or substance
Candy, you like sex, too much” and abuse," highlights Dr. Gwenn
suggest how to have casual sex in a O'Keeffe, from the American
Academy of Pediatrics.


1. Why do you think teenagers engage in so many dangerous behaviors?

2. What consequences do these modern holidays bring to the lives of
3. Is everything that is said modern good? Will these holidays be pleasing
to God?
4. What do doctors advise about these things?
5. What do you think teenagers who participate in these parties should do
to stop doing so?

Bible reading
RESOURCES John 3:1-21

1. Welcome, prayer and songs: Welcome sign,

projector, laptop or player audio tor and
flipcharts with the lyrics of the songs (10
2. Icebreaker: In this class you don't know They That adolescents:
will be held in groups (unless there are more
than 40 participants). We need bond sheets ■ Understand that no religion can save us, only a
with a large butterfly drawn on each sheet (10 personal encounter with Jesus will do it.
minutes). ■ Know what the new birth is and the ne need to
experience it.
3. In motivation we will transmit a video, you
need a laptop and projector. If you don't have
it, make sheets (5 minutes).
4. Bible lesson
■ What is the profile of Nicodemus? The core truth
profile search on Facebook and a
conversation on WhatsApp will be projected
on the screen. Just because a person goes to a church, has a Bible,
If you can't do it, present it drawn on sings, or actively participates in a congregation does
cardboard (10 minutes). not mean that they are a true Christian. Jesus said:
■ What is the difference between religion Unless you are born again, you cannot enter the
and Christianity? We will watch a video blog kingdom of heaven.
and use a visual aid (8 minutes).
■ Closing of the lesson: The new birth is a supernatural work of God, who
Explanation with visual aids and posters (8 totally transforms the person, breaking the bonds of
minutes). sin.
5. Application to your life (8 minutes).
6. Ministering (8 minutes).
7. Text memorization: Verse to memorize
Cardboard, markers, newspapers, fabrics,
wool, etc. (15 minutes).
So if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; old
8. Application sheets.
things have passed away, behold, all things have
We need red and blue pencils.
become new.
2 Corinthians

Teenagers 3
Important data

The Pharisees were the largest (approximately 6,000) consult him on spiritual matters of utmost importance.
and most respected religious sect in Judaism in Jesus' t
day. They had to make vows in front of three witnesses All this had to be very compromising for him. So, it is not
committing themselves to fulfill the entire Law without surprising that perhaps this is why he chose the night so as
failing. not to be seen by his companions in the Sanhedrin when he
Fundamentally, they believed that salvation must be went to see Jesus; By recognizing him as a teacher, he was
earned through works, rigorously observing the Law. undoubtedly taking a big step.
However, although they claimed to fulfill the Law, the But one of the clear truths is that Nicodemus did not have
reality was that they had replaced the Word of God with his encounter with Jesus suddenly, but rather his heart was
their own traditions, and were satisfied with a merely turning towards Jesus so that he could meet him and know
external fulfillment. So, although the word Pharisee the truth of salvation and forgiveness. Nicodemus had
meant 'pure' or 'separate'; This purity was only external, shown his foolish understanding by trying to understand the
so on many occasions the Lord accused them of principle of the new birth in a carnal way. Then he was able
hypocrisy, exhibitionism and having an attitude of to understand that this is possible only after the new birth.
superiority. In conclusion, we could understand that to see and enter
Nicodemus was one of the most important teachers of the kingdom of God one must be born again, and this is
the Law, a person of recognized reputation within possible by accepting Jesus in our life.
Judaism of those days, he was a member of the Very important questions for our lives: Have we understood
Sanhedrin (Supreme Court of Jewish Justice, with 71 our need to be born again?
members). Furthermore, he knew Jewish Law by heart.
However, through the conversation with Jesus, we see We must be clear about the difference between practicing a
his tremendous difficulties in understanding the spiritual religion and having a spiritual relationship directly with
truths he was trying to teach him. We can imagine the Christ. That is, while in religion you have to do a series of
amount of prejudice that this old man, a member of the useless rites, ceremonies and commands to reach God, the
Sanhedrin, had to overcome to recognize a Galilean direct relationship with Christ only requires your belief,
who had no training in the schools of the rabbis of obedience and faith in him to be saved. (See Romans 10:9
Jerusalem, as a Teacher sent from God, and come to and 10).

Have white sheets of paper (half the number of participants) and draw a large butterfly on each sheet. Then tear the
sheets in two, they should be torn so that the edges are jagged. There will be a total of one part left for each teenager. If
the group is very large (more than forty participants), you can separate it into two subgroups.

33 Lesson 3 - Metamorphosis

1. Place the papers in the center, well mixed.

2. Ask participants to each remove a piece of paper.
3. Then, they must look for the partner who has the other half.
4. When the teenagers meet the corresponding halves, they must talk for 5 minutes. cough about your name, personal
details, tastes, experiences, etc.

Finally everyone returns to the general group and, if there is time, some can introduce each other and share their


The video Metamorphosis of the butterfly.wmv will be shown.

If you don't have a video player, prepare a picture about metamorphosis.

This transformation is truly surprising, but do you think this change was necessary? Because? (Listen to the guys'
answers). If the butterfly remained in any of the previous stages, we would not know the different and beautiful designs of
butterflies that God has made. When the butterfly comes out of the chrysalis it is as if it were born again; It becomes
something more wonderful. Today we will talk about “human metamorphosis”.

Teenagers 3
Bible lesson


If you have internet access, you can project on the big screen Don Nico: Today my schedule is very tight. After the Sanhedrin,
directly. I go to have lunch with the leaders of the Pharisees.
Go to Facebook and look for Nicodemo. (There will be a Teacher: Excuse me, Don Nico, with all due respect, explain to
Facebook, already prepared, with all the information about us a little about the Pharisees.
Nicodemus). Don Nico: We Pharisees are... mmm... how do I explain... like a
Say: Guys, let's look for our character today on Facebook; I'm religious group, but we are the most numerous and respected in
told you have an account there. Comment on all the information Judaism... the best.
presented: Friends, photos, statuses, etc. Teacher: Ah… a religion and what do you believe in your
If you do not have access to the internet, you can present cards religion?
with the main information in the Facebook format. Don Nico: Well, we have to fulfill all the rites, ceremonies,
customs and works of the law of Moses.
Teacher: Oh now and are you happy with your religion?
Don Nico: Oh, brother... this question just came to me when...
(he takes a while to answer). I'm going to tell you something, in
confidence, lately I feel that religion is not what I imagined, I
would like something more; I feel like I'm missing something.
Sometimes I feel bored and like this is already a meaningless

Then, with the help of a collaborator, who will be registered in Teacher: Don Nico, are you telling me that your religion is not
his WhatsApp (the teacher's) with the name of Don Nico; A helping you?
conversation will take place, which will also be projected on theDon Nico: I better not want to talk about that. I was telling you
screen. (If you do not have multimedia equipment, you can also that my schedule was very tight today; After the meeting with the
adapt it on flipcharts). Pharisees, I will teach a class in the synagogue and at night I
Say: “I think I have Nicodemo on my WhatsApp, yes, I have him will go see Jesus.
as Don Nico, he is just talking to me, let's see what he says to Teacher: To Jesus! I thought you Pharisees didn't believe in
me.” Jesus.
The conversation will be something like:
Don Nico: How are you brother? May the peace of God be upon
Teacher: Don Nico, teacher of the law, what a pleasure to hear
you. I'm here with the guys from the EBDV.
Don Nico: How good, greetings and blessings. Today I have a
meeting with the Sanhedrin
Teacher: In the Sanhedrin? Could you explain to us what the
Sanhedrin is, please, teacher?
Don Nico: The Sanhedrin is an assembly or council of wise men,
it is made up of 23 judges in each Jewish city.
Don Nico: Oh no, I shouldn't have written this to you, no one Look at these symbols (show visual aid) They represent some of
should find out that I'm going to see Jesus. God, the emotion is
the hundreds of religions that exist: Buddhism, Islam, Shintoism,
taking over me. Look brother, I'll be honest. The truth is that I
Hinduism, Taoism, Confucianism, Mormonism, Judaism and
am very amazed with all the miracles and signs that Jesus does;even Christianity is considered a religion, however, as we have
So I'm going to go find him, ask him a few questions and nothing
seen in the video, Christianity is very different from these
more. religions. The world is full of religions, philosophies, ideologies
and beliefs; However, the world is going from bad to worse
Teacher: Don't worry Don Nico, just tell us how it went later.
because religions can't do anything for us.
God bless you.
And not to mention all the new philosophies and ideologies that
Don Nico: Peace be with you. See you later.
say that God is oneself, that one can decide to be a man or
If you cannot do the projection, you can present the woman without taking into account biological sex, that peace
conversation on cards with the corresponding WhatsApp format. comes from transcendental meditation or a “mantra”, They
II. ARE THERE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN RELIGION AND prefer to have amulets, superstitions and so many things. But
CHRISTIANITY? neither religion nor any of these things is the solution.
Fortunately, Nicodemus did not cling to his religion and decided
Here we will present the video blog “Religion vs Christianity”,
to look for Jesus. Let's see what Jesus told him. But... do you
which is included on the DVD.
know why it was at night? (wait for his answers) he went at night
Then, comment: Do you think religions satisfy? Do religions lead because he was afraid that the other members of his religion
us to God? Why did Nicodemus have to go look for Jesus if he would see him, but even so the important thing is that he went
was a teacher of a religion? (Listen to the guys' answers). We and met Jesus. Nicodemus recognized his condition and wanted
see that religion had not been able to do anything for to seek the truth.
Nicodemus, because he knew that something was missing, he
did not feel salvation, his life still felt empty. Many people look
for religions, groups, ideologies, philosophies; There are many Present the visual aids and say: Let's see how Nicodemus'
religions in the world and even new religions appear but... how conversation with Jesus went (introduce them one by one).
is the world? Is it improving?
have stopped doing, be it drunkenness, theft, lies,
etc.; It is because God himself has transformed us,
we have been born again.
Show the poster:

The new birth is

a supernatural miracle and

Say… “It is a miracle because it comes from God,

it is supernatural because nothing human or
earthly can make it happen, and it is true because
many people have experienced it.”
Present the poster of the biblical text:
Can you imagine Nicodemus inside his mother's
womb?! It's ridiculous and funny...he had no idea So if anyone is in Christ he is a new creature,
what Jesus was telling him: the new birth is like old things have passed away, behold, all things
metamorphosis (point out the title), it's a total have become new.
transformation. God wants to transform our lives
2 Corinthians 5:17
and change everything bad and everything that
distances us from Him. Being born again is a
miracle. You can present “before and after” photos of the
new birth of some brothers in your church. And
Just as the caterpillar was transformed into a perhaps invite someone to say a few brief words
beautiful butterfly, God wants to transform our lives about the change God made in their life.
and change everything bad and everything that
distances us from Him. Many think that Christians Come, guys? The new birth is real; It is beautiful
are prohibited from doing things, which is false, no that God can give us a new beginning despite all
one prohibits us from anything, everything that we the mistakes and sins committed before.

Application to your
God does not want us to be simple religious people, God does not like religious people, those who go to
a church just to go or because they think it is “nice”, or to show off; and then they are on the street, in
their homes or anywhere, sinning. God is not a game: Jesus died to give us salvation and wants to
perform a miracle in our lives.
Some teenagers are becoming involved in atheism, in philosophies and ideas contrary to God and His
Word, just because it is fashionable or they read about it on the internet. Others are destroying their lives
with alcohol, drugs, violence, etc. They go aimlessly and without hope, when God wants to change all
God wants to give us a new opportunity, a new life, forgive us, heal our hearts and make us new people;
Give your life to Christ today.
You can know the truth: Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Who wants to meet Jesus at this hour? just as
Nicodemus did. Who wants to be rescued from sin, sadness or whatever situation you are going through?
Let's pray.

Memorization of the biblical text

Distribute a sheet of cardboard per group, markers, newspapers, magazines, wool, scraps of fabric, etc. Each
group must make a poster that represents the biblical text, but without writing words. It can have images,
drawings, keys, etc. The poster must be creative and the whole group must memorize the text.
Score the groups according to their creativity, ingenuity and ability to work as a group.

38 Lesson 3 - Metamorphosis
Teenagers 3
1. Follow the lines, find the corresponding letters and complete the sentence.
Color the boxes that refer to Christians red and those that refer to Christians blue. religious

3. Write the right answer.


What is that
born again?
Please explain to me,
I don't understand anything.

Teenagers 4
Bible reading
RESOURCES Mark 5:24-34

1. Welcome, prayer and songs: Welcome

sign, projector, laptop or re audio producer
and slips of paper with the lyrics of the
songs (10 minutes).
That adolescents:
2. Icebreaker: Form the groups in a circle.
Each leader carries out the activity. ■ Understand that even if others fail us, Jesus does
not fail.
3. Motivation:
■ Understand that approaching Jesus and trusting in
Power point slide presentation or images. His power can solve our problems.

4. Bible lesson
■ Blood flow woman monologue.
■ We meditate on history a visual aid. core truth
■ We continue with the lesson, through a
group activity. We need paper, markers Although we have lost all hope and feel that no one
and type cleaner.
can help us; We can trust that God works miracles.
■ Closing of the lesson: We meditate
His power is the same yesterday, today and forever.
with a poster and a visual aid.
Jesus does not fail.
5. Application to your life (8 minutes).
6. Ministering (10 minutes).
7. Memorization of the text (15 minutes). Verse to memorize
8. Application sheets.
Fixing your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of
Hebrews 12:2

41 Lesson 4 - The Infallible

Important data

The story of the woman who suffered from the issue no one, absolutely no one, had remedied and that
of blood is the third of four miracles that happened religion had, if anything, made more oppressive.
consecutively and we read about them in the gospel It was almost as if she was leprous. His illness
of Mark. affected several aspects of his life:
■ In the first, Jesus calms the storm (4:35-41), ■ Marital,because she could not be with her
showing his power over nature. husband, if she had one.
■ In the second, he heals the demon-possessed ■ Motherly, since she couldn't be with her children,
Gadarene (5:1-20), showing his power over if she had any.
■ Homely, because she had to have her own
■ The third and fourth miracles (5:21-43) show things: a spoon, a plate, a bed, a chair, etc.
Jesus' power over illness and death. ■ Religious, because she couldn't go to the temple.
The disease from which the woman was delivered ■ Social, because no one approached him.
in the third mentioned miracle is known as The biblical account states that this woman had
metrorrhagia. It is a disease in which menstrual flow spent everything she had on doctors and it had
is abnormally prolonged and can cause anemia. If been of no use. For a woman who carries on her
we think that this woman was a victim of this shoulders a cultural burden that tends to contempt,
disease, it was most likely that she had anemia. carrying an illness that makes her impure,
The most common symptoms of anemia are dishonorable; that has deprived her almost of the
physical and mental decline, cardio-respiratory very meaning of life; who has spent everything he
symptoms such as fatigue and palpitations, had in search of a solution to his problem, which he
gastrointestinal symptoms such as vomiting, does not find, his only last solution is to wait for
diarrhea or constipation, neurological symptoms death.
such as headache, tinnitus, dizziness or vertigo, A woman, according to the cultural approaches of
among others. that time, did not have the opportunity to fearlessly
Nowadays, this type of disorder can be caused by approach a leader of the stature of Jesus in public
hormonal imbalance, pelvic anomalies such as or private, and even less so if we remember the
fibroids, cervical or endometrial cancer, among religious condition in which this woman was: she
other entities of a gynecological nature. was impure and everything he touched he made
impure. So the best opportunity to approach Jesus
In addition to the physical suffering that this disease
will be in the middle of the crowd, seeking to touch
could cause; According to the Jewish health laws,
him, but without arousing suspicion.
during the period of blood flow, the woman was
considered impure and had to follow certain
behaviors to avoid being a cause of contamination.
She had to stay away from the town for the days
that her menstruation lasted, anything she touched
became impure until night and the same thing
happened with everything that touched her or
anyone who touched something that she had
touched such as her bed, her chairs, their dresses,
etc. That state had prevented, for twelve years, that
woman from being touched, hugged or caressed
because whoever had done so would have
immediately contracted the same impurity. So those
twelve years had not only meant illness, pain and
impoverishment but also a lacerating loneliness that

Give each participant a sheet of paper and a pen.
Ask them to write on the paper their names and two questions they would like to ask one of their classmates.
Then tell them to make a paper airplane of their choice. If they don't know, teach them how to do it.
It is important that they launch the planes all at the same time. After they fall, they pick them up and throw
them again so that they mix around the classroom.
Then ask everyone to pick up a plane (not theirs), and since they wrote the name, they must find the owner
of that plane and ask him the two questions.
Then, each participant must introduce their partner, read the questions and the answers they gave.


We will present a power point with images of some medications that were used in
the Roman Empire.
Among ancient medical practice were the following indications:
■ A head cold was cured by kissing a mule's nose.
■ Sore throat, inhaling snail fumes.
■ Angina, with owl brains.
■ Lung diseases, eating mouse meat.
■ The bruises, with the frog eyes.
■ Toothaches, with frogs cooked in vinegar.
■ The cough, with frog slime.
■ Other remedies were: ashes from a wolf skull, deer antlers, crab eyes, etc.

What do you think of these remedies?

Would you take them?
It seems like a joke, but these were the medicines at the time of the Roman Empire. How terrible, right?!
Today, we want to talk about a woman who may have taken one or more of these “medicines”, but none of
them could cure the illness she had.

43 Lesson 4 - The Infallible

annex) It was a very difficult situation, we all go through painful
Inside her clothing, the woman must have a tunic with a large circumstances and problems at some point. We are going to do
blood stain on the front and underneath it, she must have a a group activity.
beautiful dress.
Hand out slips of paper to the groups and ask them to make a
II. A TERRIBLE DISEASE list of problems that teenagers face today.
Place the image of the woman with the blood flow on the board, Stick the notes on the board or walls and read the most salient
then ask: How was the woman? What was she feeling? Write points making comments and reflections together.
the teens' responses around the picture. Keep reflecting with the kids that we all go through very difficult
situations at some point and you may wonder, Why does this
happen to me? Or you think that your parents have failed you,
that your friends have failed you, that you have no reason to
move on....this woman was much worse, however, someone told
her about Jesus and she was able to regain hope by having faith
that Jesus I could heal her.
However, when he was finally close to Jesus, there was a crowd
around Him; How do you think he approached? Also, remember
that she was prohibited from approaching people, what did she
do to be able to get closer? (Listen to the guys' answers). Maybe
she was creeping through the crowd. Sometimes we want to get
closer to Jesus and many obstacles arise, some tell you: “Don't
be stupid, why are you going to church? It's boring, etc.” Or they
make fun of you... those things didn't matter to this woman, she
wanted A MIRACLE, she didn't feel ashamed, she really wanted
God's blessing.


Say: This woman had vaginal bleeding that lasted 12 years! It is

believed that it was possibly cancer of the uterus, that is, at that
time a totally unknown and incurable disease. However, perhaps
the doctors gave him false hope and he spent all his money on
them. Now she was sick and poor.
In Jesus' time people followed the customs of Moses' time. She
was considered unclean by the law of her time. (Lev. 15:25-30)
It was almost as if she was leprous. It affected her life: She
couldn't be with her husband, if she had one. He couldn't be with
his children, if he had them. She had to have her own things: a
spoon, a plate, a bed for herself, a chair, etc. I couldn't go to the
temple. No one approached her, nor could she approach
The medicine failed her, perhaps her friends had also failed her,
perhaps even her family had forgotten about her.

- The sick woman really set her eyes on Jesus, because she felt
such great faith that she just wanted to... Show the visual aid.
Show a poster:

What prevents you

get closer to Jesus?
Say: I give you two minutes to silently meditate on what is
preventing you from coming to Jesus.
Guys, meditate on these questions: Will it be worth continuing to
live without Jesus? What would have happened if the woman did
not decide to approach Jesus? Do you think it was the best
decision of her life? Let's see, raise your hand, who do you think
was the best decision of your life? I see that everyone raised
What did she want?... (Listen to the children's answers) say:
their hand, of course you are very intelligent. Deciding to get
Just the EDGE, (show the edge of your sleeve or blouse), she
closer to Jesus and overcome any obstacle is the best thing in
didn't want to talk to Jesus, or for Jesus to pray for her, or to give
life. Some teenagers think there are too many hypocrites in the
her the mantle or touching the entire mantle…..she thought “The
church, but it is better to think: “I don't fix my eyes on others, I fix
edge will be enough”, just the edge, what faith!!! She was
them on Christ. Others may fail, but He never will. He is infallible
convinced that just by touching the hem of Jesus' cloak, she
(Point to the title of the lesson now).”
would be healed and so she was. Jesus did not fail.
V-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- J.
9" •
Application to your
Today each of us can touch the edge of Jesus' mantle, if you have problems, an illness, your home is being destroyed... whatever it
is today you can leave the obstacles behind and come closer to Jesus... He does not fail. If you would just touch the hem of his
robe, those problems would be solved, Jesus would perform a miracle.
Those who want to make the best decision of their lives and touch the mantle of Jesus, let us bow our heads and pray.


Lord, I know I need you; The problems are big in my life, sometimes I feel like they have no solution. Please, Jesus, I also want to
touch the hem of your mantle and receive a miracle. Help me Lord, forgive me for all the bad things I have done, I know that you
are my Savior, come into my life, I know that you do not fail, solve my problems Jesus; I give myself to you with all my heart.

45 Lesson 4 - The Infallible

We will learn the text through mimes.

Fixing your eyes on Jesus the author and consummate of faith.

(Hand writing)

Each group will represent and repeat the biblical text from memory. Points will be given to the groups that do the best.

1. Circle who is infallible

2. Write what you would answer to these students

We don't approach Jesus

because we don't want to
be bullied at school.

3. Reflect: Do you think the sick woman was a good decision to reach out to Jesus? Why?

4. Nowadays, would it be a good decision to get closer to Jesus? Why?

47 Lesson 4 - The Infallible

Fixing your eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of faith. Hebrews 12:2


If you had a fortune in your hands, what would you spend it him and tell him the whole truth, a truth that made me free,
on? You would buy a car of the year or a latest model cell made me healthy and made me safe. I still can't understand
phone, maybe you would buy a house on the shore of the how he treated me with so much love, I just know that if you
beach or on the top of a mountain for everyone to admire; want you can have freedom, healing and salvation just like
you would probably surround yourself with a lot of friends me.
ha! One of those who accompany you when you are well
but who abandon you when you no longer have anything
that interests them; I once had a lot of money but you know
that I did not invest it in houses or cars or cell phones, I
invested it in countless trips looking for the best doctors in
the entire region; those who had healed the rarest and most
fearsome diseases of the time.
For 12 long years I invested all my money, my strength and
my faith (the first clothing is taken off) because no doctor
understood what was happening to me, they could not find
the cause of my illness, much less a cure, I just wanted to
have a normal life like everyone else had, had I committed
a cause so great that it deserved such punishment? Where
was my family? Where were my friends? Where were the
people who said they loved me? Why? Why did everyone
abandon me? Why did everyone turn their backs on me?
Why was I no longer healthy? Where was my health?
It was there when I heard about a man, that wonderful man
called Jesus, never in my life could I have been as lucky as
with the arrival of that man in my life; but I felt so much fear,
so many doubts that hammered my head without mercy.
Would he accept me? Would he reject me? Would he have
mercy on me? Could I even approach him? With all those
doubts I walked until in the distance I could see the crowd
that surrounded him, I infiltrated without them noticing my
presence, I got as close as I could, I gathered my courage
and touched his cloak, I still cannot describe what I felt
when I touched that mantle; I can only tell you that at that
very moment I was healed (takes off the second tunic). No
more pain, no more weakness, no more humiliation or
contempt for this disease. I was so happy until I heard
Jesus ask who touched me? I began to tremble from the
fear he gave me and I could only humble myself towards

RIGHT? Bible reading

1. Welcome, prayer and songs: Welcome sign, 6. Ministering (8 minutes).

projector, laptop or re audio producer and slips of
paper with the lyrics of the songs (8 minutes). 7. Memorization of the text (10 minutes).

2. Icebreaker: Divide the groups. Needs We row a 8. Application sheets.

rag ball. (10 minutes) Understand that no one can claim to be right,
That adolescents:
going against the Word of God and His will.
3. Motivation: Make several cardboard posters. We willfulness
will also need several collaborators to carry the Know that Jesus is the only way to salt vation.
signs (8 minutes)
Sometimes teenagers think that they know
4. Bible lesson everything, that they don't need anyone to advise
■ Persecuted Christians: A video will be shown.

core truth

(8 minutes) them or tell them anything. This attitude is very

■ Group activity: Prepare information bags (as similar to that of Saul, who, even though he was
many as there are groups). We will need to make wrong, sincerely believed that what he was doing
signs, images and get some objects. (20 was right. He had a zeal for his religion that blinded
minutes) him and did not allow him to realize the truth, until he
■ Closing of the lesson: Confrontation. A video had a personal encounter with Jesus, then he was
will be shown. (10 minutes)
humiliated, he had to recognize his mistake and
5. Application to your life (8 minutes). submit to the will of God.
Don't be wise in your own opinion; fear God and depart from evil.
Proverbs 3:7

Verse to memorize

4 Lesson 5 - Hey! Get off your cloud,

9 right?
Important data

Biography tribute to the memory of the first king of Israel. But

His original name was Saul of Tarsus, also known since it was also k
as Paul of Tarsus. He was born between the a Roman citizen, he also bore the Latin name of Paul
years 5 and 10 AD. C, in Tarsus of Cilicia, and is (Paulo). This was not strange, because the Jews of
known as “The Apostle of the Gentiles”, “The that time usually had two names: one Hebrew and the
Apostle of the Nations”, or simply “The Apostle”. other Latin or Greek.
He is considered one of the most important Since every Jew had the duty to teach his son a
disciples of Jesus, even though he never met him trade, young Saul specialized in making tent canvas.
Some time later, once he had completed the usual
Paul of Tarsus was born into a wealthy family who studies in the community of his hometown, he was
held the title of Roman citizens, despite being sent to Jerusalem, where the schools of the best
closely linked to Jewish Pharisaic traditions and teachers of the Law were located, especially that of
observances. the renowned rabbi: Gamaliel, to which he was sent
Since, it is believed, he was part of the tribe of and where he acquired a solid theological,
Benjamin, he was given the name Saul (or Saul) philosophical, legal, commercial and linguistic training
(he spoke Greek, Latin, Hebrew and Aramaic).
which was common within this tribe because it was a

Form groups and sit in a circle. The collaborator will have a rag ball and will pass it to a teenager mentioning
an element (air, water or earth), whoever catches the ball must mention an animal that belongs to the element
they mentioned. Examples:

■ Water: shark, silverside, dolphin, whale, etc.

■ Air: seagull, butterfly, bee, sparrow, etc.
■ Earth: dog, cat, hippopotamus, giraffe, llama, guinea pig, rabbit, etc.
After naming the name of the animal, he must throw the ball to another teenager, saying an element, who in
turn points to an animal that belongs to the mentioned element. So on; It is not worth repeating the names of
the animals and it must be answered quickly, those who lose are left until in the end there is a winner.


Prepare posters with the following phrases:

I am better than
others because
my dad has a
pile of silver

■ Nobody has to tell me what to do.

■ My body is mine and I do whatever I want with it.
■ It is proven that marijuana does not harm.
■ Educated people say that having sex outside of marriage is normal.

A collaborator passes by with the first sign and then another passes by with the following sign:

Hey! Loss of
your cloud,

The collaborator who carries this sign must have an attitude of mockery and mockery, shaking his head;
as if saying: “You're crazy, what you're saying is wrong.”
After each poster with the indicated phrases, the collaborator must pass by with the poster “Hey!
Come down from your cloud, right?”, with the same attitude.

Sometimes we think that we know everything, that others have nothing to teach us and that we would not
want anyone to correct us. The character we will talk about today did many terrible things; However, he
thought that in this way he was serving God, that he was right and that he should destroy all those who
opposed his way of thinking. Let's get to know him.

5 Lesson 5 - Hey! Get off your cloud,

1 right?
Bible lesson

YO. VIDEO. Use the video “Persecuted Christians! World Chase FIRST BAG
List 2018”, which you can find on YouTube or using the ■ Information card N°1: Your education and profession
following QR code: ■ Signs, pictures and a baby doll

Comment on the video based on the following

1. Did they have knowledge of what is
happening ing Christians in this century?
2. Did you know the leaders of those countries
“He who does not teach his son a trade is
who are against Christianity?
as if I taught him to be a thief"
3. Are persecutions newly born or do they already
exist? years ago?
4. Do you know some Christians who are re
Challenged or embarrassed, perhaps in your
classroom or in your neighborhood? of what
ma nera?
Well, we see that in this time there are people who
have their own beliefs and mistreat others.
11. GROUP ACTIVITY Who was Saul of

■ Prepare information bags (one for each group).

There will be information for two bags, however,
if there are more groups, you can to repeat the
information in other bags, so that there are as
many bags as there are groups.
■ The bags will be colored or gift bags, what is
inside should not be seen. Each bowl sa will
have an information card and several ob objects,
which will be used for each group to prepare an
exhibition or dramatization, whatever they deem
appropriate with the help of their leader or
■ Distribute the bags at random and give fifteen
thousand minutes for them to prepare.
■ The information on the cards is found in Annex
1. Below see the things that should go in each

t lTars
d o
y m
i i
p p
l l
o o
m m
a a


yo y
m Tarsus

a Facts


5 Lesson 5 - Hey! Come down from your

3 cloud, right?
■ Information card N°2: Saul, the persecutor
■ Saul's clothing (tunic and cloak)
■ Cloaks or fabrics (that can be used for other teenagers to dress up)
■ Crumpled kraft paper (pretending to be stones)
■ Posters and images
■ Arrow-shaped sign that says Damascus

I. Jsud&^cÁr - Aom -I/bor asou/. uariau

éanAja(wapwyaaledaad«é4)uégs/ bm-ep*
a gruere «nga yus Aadeú «nppimu-r.
c% and ye hema hecke a wefu crés a ( Pye

The Law is what saves.

Jesus Christ is a fraud. COMPETITIVE

Teenagers DAMASCU 54
Congratulate the groups for the work done and give points. Then comment: Now you know who Saul
was. He believed he was right, he even thought that by persecuting Christians he was pleasing God; I
was so wrong. Saul didn't listen to anyone, he thought he already knew everything; until one day
someone said to him: “ Hey! Get off your cloud, right? ”.


When Saul was on his way to Damascus, something unexpected happened. Let's watch
the following YouTube video: “Conversion of Paul Part - 1”. You can access with the
attached QR code.

5 Lesson 5 - Hey! Come down from your

5 cloud, right?
And now, where was the proud and know-it-all Saul? Jesus had certainly confronted him: “I am Jesus
whom you persecute,” he told him. All his titles, studies and so on were no longer useful. Jesus was
alive! For the first time, Saul had to admit that he was wrong.
After Saul regained his sight, he was baptized and eventually became the great apostle Paul, taking the
gospel throughout Asia Minor, Greece and Rome. He wrote almost all the letters of the New Testament.
God had a great plan for Paul, but it was necessary for him to come down from his cloud.
Likewise, perhaps there are some here who think that they already have a lot of knowledge because they
study in a good school, or they have the first places or they are very competitive. So maybe they look
down on others, they make fun of Christians because they think they are boring or old-fashioned, they
think the Bible is old-fashioned and that it is foolish to obey what it says, they make fun of their parents
because they think they are some old people who don't know anything. Many adolescents make
decisions that destroy them: they take drugs, have illicit sexual relations, lie, distance themselves from
God. Sometimes, they believe that no one has to teach them anything, that they can do whatever they
want and no one should tell them anything. Do you realize that some are acting like Saul? Today, here is
Jesus, telling us: “I am Jesus, come down from your cloud, right?”

Everyone, absolutely everyone, makes mistakes sometimes. Possibly you think that some are against
you because they set certain rules for you or you believe that you are old enough to make your own
decisions and that no one should interfere in what you do. But that is not true, do not turn your back on
God, let Jesus help you and guide you. Jesus is the way, the truth and the life. Accept Christ into your life
today and you will see the great things the Lord wants to do in your life. Let's pray.

Presentation and memorization of the text

Distribute the Morse alphabet to some groups and the Aramaic alphabet to others. Then tell
them to write the text on a piece of paper, replacing only the consonants with those of the alphabet they
were given. Vowels will not be replaced. Then the entire group will come forward and “read” the text on
the paper.

Teenagers 56
Don't be wise in your own opinion; fear God
----------------------- - - ... 2-------------
and depart from evil. b .... K — T - 3-------
c l OR 4-------
DM -- V •••- 5 ................................
AND • N -• W 6-------
F ....either--- x —- 7-------
g p and- -- 8-------
h .... Q--------Z 9-------
Yo •• R 1-----0-------------
- . or …ea… …a -…io e -. -or
.- -. .-. either .--. ia either .--. Yo -. ió -.
- e - - ea -.. io… -.-- a.--.á.-. - a - e
- ..e .-.. -- to .-..

.--. .-. either …- …-- : --…

Don't be wise in your own

opinion; fear God and depart
from evil.

5 Lesson 5 - Hey! Come down from your

7 cloud, right?
Read the Bible verses and answer the questions. At the end you can claim a prize ©
Acts 9
Saul, still breathing threats and death against the disciples of the Lord, came to the high priest,
and he asked him for letters to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any men or women of this Way, he
could bring them prisoners to Jerusalem.
But as he went along the way, it came to pass, as he came near Damascus, that suddenly a brightness of light from
heaven surrounded him;

vs.1 Who is being talked about in this verse?

What was in Saul's heart?
Who were his enemies?

Where who went?

vs.2 What was your request?

What would bring you satisfaction?

And falling to the ground, he heard a voice saying to him, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?
He said: Who are you, Lord? And he said to him: I am Jesus, whom you persecute; It is hard for you to kick against the
He, trembling and fearful, said: Lord, what do you want me to do? And the Lord said to him, Arise and enter the city,
and you will be told what you must do.
And the men who were with Saul stood astonished, hearing the voice indeed, but seeing no one.

Where was he going?

That happened?
What happened to Saul?
What was the wake-up call?
Do you believe that man can persecute God?

What did Saul respond?

What was the response of that voice you heard?
Do you consider Paul's words “what do you want me to do?” as a surrender of Saul to
Jesus? because?

vs.7 What happened to the companions? Could they see anything?

Then Saul got up from the ground, and opening his eyes, he saw no one; So they took him by the hand and brought
him into Damascus.
where he remained without sight for three days, and did not eat or drink.
There was then in Damascus a disciple named Ananias, to whom the Lord said in a vision: Ananias. And he
answered: Here I am, Lord.
The Lord said to him: Go, for this is a chosen instrument for me, to bear my name in the presence of the Gentiles, and
of kings, and of the children of Israel;

What did Saul do?

vs. 8 How did you enter Damascus?
Threatening, shouting?

vs.9 What did you do these three days?

vs 10 Who did the Lord speak to?

vs 15 What did the Lord tell you?

5 Lesson 5 - Hey! Come down from your

9 cloud, right?
INFORMATION CARD N°1: Your education and profession

Descendant of the tribe of Benjamin. He was born in the year 5 in Tarsus, in the region of Cilicia, on the
southern coast of Asia Minor (modern Turkey). The fact of being born in Tarsus gave him the opportunity to
be in contact with one of the most advanced cultures of his time. Tarsus was a university city that stood out
for its culture and its school of philosophy.
According to Jewish custom, from the age of five he must have learned to read the Hebrew Bible. He had a
great command of the Greek language, which was current in Tarsus, and at the same time he displayed
his dialectical ability. He was from a wealthy family.
Saul's families were very strict in keeping Jewish traditions which remained linked to their homeland. For
this reason his parents sent him to Jerusalem for a period of training.
Then his parents decided that he would enter the school of Gamaliel, one of the most notable teachers the
Jews had ever had. There the young Saul's abilities developed amazingly and he soon began to stand out
from his peers. This is how Saul developed his knowledge of the Old Testament Scriptures.
Saul, like his father, had Roman citizenship, a great privilege in those days. He seemed to be very well
versed in Hellenic culture and thought.
Saul was trained in theology, philosophy, legal facts, linguistics and business, in addition, he spoke the
languages perfectly: Greek, Latin, Aramaic and Hebrew. He was a polyglot, that is, he spoke other
It was customary among the Jews that every young man, whatever profession he was going to follow, had
to learn some trade. "He who does not teach his son a trade is as if he taught him to be a thief," said the
ancient Jewish proverb. For this purpose Saul learned to make tents; which means either that he made
tents from canvas purchased for them, or, more likely, that he wove the canvas himself. Cilicia was known
for its woven goat hair fabrics, from which tents and travel blankets were made.


INFORMATION CARD N°2: Saul, the persecutor

Years later he returned to Jerusalem to settle there, the leaders of Judaism, impressed by his talent and
enthusiastic devotion to Judaism, called him to lead the opposition to Christianity. Which allowed him to
cast his vote against the followers of Jesus. Saul was a very prepared and respected man. This was the
reason why he made him act with authority. We can say that Saul boasted of himself and believed
himself superior to others because of the knowledge he had.
Saul immediately clashed with the Christians to the point that he came to hate the fact that they came to
the temple to preach their doctrine, and for several weeks he went there to refute their lies while the
hatred within him grew. One day, at the beginning of the year 33, he even incited the Jews who were in
the temple to expel the Christians from there, an act they carried out, causing the stoning and death of
Stephen; and several serious injuries in Santiago. James left Jerusalem while he recovered from his
wounds and the other disciples of Jesus waited for what would happen. Saul very much agreed with this
Saul was a devotee of Jewish law, and this was what sparked his tremendous hatred of Jesus Christ
and the early church. Saul felt insulted by the message of the followers of Christ, not because of the
claim that Jesus was the Messiah, but because it attributed to Jesus the role of Savior, thereby stripping
the law of any value in the world. purpose of salvation. Christianity affected all of Saul's Jewish training
and his studies with Gamaliel. The extermination of this sect became Paul's passion.
The Christians began to disperse in all directions and Saul obtained letters of introduction authorizing
him to persecute the Christians on the way to Damascus. Saul had prepared to go hunting for the
Christians, perhaps that night he did not sleep because he was planning how he would enter the city of
Damascus, and how he would locate the houses where the believers in Jesus lived. He had secret
information given to him by those who did not agree with the followers of Jesus
Saul was a man who did not like anyone to contradict him. He was very competitive and did not accept
failure or rejection. He was a man used to developing his own plans and strategies. Until that moment
Saul gloried in his strength, skill and everything he was and had done.

6 Lesson 5 - Hey! Come down from your

1 cloud, right?

everything is darkness
People aimlessly go
The world traced a path
Full of bitterness and pain
// Who can rescue us? //

Without value, or identity

There will only be a fatal ending
All because there are those who believe
Own the truth
// Who can rescue us? //

// It is Jesus who extends his hand
He is the path of life and truth
Gives value to our identity //
If we run to Him we will be…
////// Rescued //////

This is a summary of suggested videos to use in your classes.
It is always preferable to download the videos in advance to present them to your students
There are also other videos and audiovisual resources that are included on the disc that comes
with this manual.
If you don't have access to a video player, you'll always find a clever way to adapt your class.


LESSON 1 - MOTIVATION - Page. 11 m59a33m
AVENGERS INFINITY WAR: All the Deaths (Latin Spanish HD)
LESSON 2 - BIBLE LESSON Page. 24 5922=
Transformers - Epic Orchestral Cover.mp3
EEgaE* •S*


Butterfly Metamorphosis.wmv 38 •#*8
Persecuted Christians! World Chase List 2018 •


Conversion of Paul Part – 1


WAY MAKER - Here you are - ESPAÑOL CON (letra)

You are incredible my God HONEY SAN MARCOS
One Heart | Jesus Christ Enough (Lyrics) | 2017
A New Canticle Josue del Cid with Lyrics

Give Me a New Heart (CD Now I'm Happy!)
eitss^^ 838
If only I would touch the hem of his cloak ezge 42 *e*

C0034 HE DIED FOR ME - Marco Barrientos (Lyrics) sws E-9 8**
TWICE - Forever I Will Sing (Hillsong Young & Free - Only
Wanna Sing in Spanish E831s — 85


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