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Presented by:

• Esraa Seif Eldeen Ibraheem

• Doaa Aly Mohamed Nouh
• Mohamed Abd Elaleem
• Nourhan Ahmed Mohamed Abdullah
• Mona Ali El-shafay

Under supervision:
DR: Walid M. Eid
Techno academy (company)
1.Executive summary
Techno Academy, Port Said branch of Techno space and the first branch in Suez
Canal and delta regions
The Academy offers a variety of training programs in the fields of learning
(physical and online courses)

Our courses such as

1. Internet and communication technology (ICT) skills
2. Programming
3. Media editing
4. Game Design
5. App Design
6. web design
7. robotics design and programming
8. 3D modelling and printing
9. AI and its applications in all fields
▪ to sustain the business income equal outcome in the first six months -
achieving a profit margin 20% after the first six months
▪ to maximize the ROI more the percentage of bank investment in 12
▪ Opining the second branch by the end of the 1st year.
▪ Opening a new branchs in Suez Canal region (Ismallia – Suez) by the end
of the 2nd year.
▪ Opining of new branches to cover Delta by the end of the 3rd to the 5th

2.Industry analysis:

Market Size and Growth Rate:

• 2023 Estimation: The market size is estimated to be around US$50-70

million. This encompasses revenue generated by various stakeholders like
academies, online platforms, workshops, events, and equipment sales.
• Factors Influencing Size: The size is influenced by factors like program
fees, student enrollment, target audience (children vs. adults), and the
regional distribution of programs.
• The Robotics market in Egypt is expected to achieve a revenue
of US$37.57m in 2024, and grow at an annual rate of 4.25% from 2024 to
2028, reaching US$44.37m by 2028.
• The Educational Robot market, which is a subset of the Robotics market, is
projected to reach US$ 3.5 Billion by 2028, exhibiting a growth rate
of 16.23% from 2023 to 2028.

These numbers indicate that there is a high demand and potential for
programming and robotics learning in Egypt, especially in the fields of STEM, e-
learning, and service robotics.
Supporting Data:

• A 2022 report by Holon Ventures states that the education technology

(EdTech) market in Egypt, which includes programming and robotics
programs, is expected to reach US$187 million by 2027.
• The growing number of academies and platforms dedicated to
programming and robotics learning indicates the market's increasing
• Rising investment in STEM education by both government and private
entities further supports the market's expansion.


The technology and robot programming learning industry in Egypt holds immense
potential due to:

• Rapidly growing tech sector: Egypt's tech sector is booming, with a focus on
artificial intelligence, internet of things, and smart cities. This creates a high
demand for skilled professionals in robotics and related fields.
• Government initiatives: The Egyptian government is actively promoting
digital transformation and technology education. Initiatives like the Digital
Egypt strategy and the ITIDA (Information Technology Industry
Development Agency) support tech ventures and educational programs.
• Young and tech-savvy population: Egypt has a large and youthful
population with a strong interest in technology. This provides a fertile
ground for fostering tech skills and innovation
Overall, the market for technology and robot programming learning in Egypt is
expanding due to government support, increasing interest from students and
professionals, as well as the growing tech industry.

This presents significant opportunities for both educational institutions

and entrepreneurs looking to tap into this market.
Industry Trends

Technology and Robot Programming Academies:

I School

iSchool is a prominent technology and coding academy in Egypt with several

locations, including Nasr City. They offer a diverse range of programs for children
and adults, from beginner coding classes to advanced robotics workshops.


• Diverse Program Offerings: iSchool provides a wide range of programs for

children and adults, from beginner coding classes to advanced robotics
workshops. This caters to various skill levels and interests.
• Experienced Instructors: They employ qualified instructors with expertise in
various technology fields, potentially ensuring quality education.
• Project-Based Learning: iSchool emphasizes hands-on projects and practical
applications, helping students learn by doing and apply their knowledge to
real-world scenarios.
• Modern Equipment and Facilities: They provide access to up-to-date
technology and equipment, potentially offering students a modern learning
• Supportive Community: iSchool promotes a supportive community through
workshops, events, and networking opportunities, which can be valuable
for student engagement and learning.

Potential Weaknesses:

• Higher Costs: Program fees at iSchool might be higher compared to some

smaller academies or community-based options.
• Limited Locations: Currently, iSchool operates primarily in major cities like
Cairo and Nasr City, potentially limiting accessibility for students in other
• Focus on Breadth: With a diverse range of programs, the depth of specific
curricula might be limited compared to academies specializing in robotics
or specific programming languages.
• Standardized Curriculum: While offering flexibility, a standardized
curriculum across different locations and instructors might lack tailoring to
individual student needs.
• Limited Online Options: Depending on the location, online learning options
might be limited compared to more flexible platforms or academies
offering primarily online courses.

RoboValley Egypt

RoboValley Egypt is a promising contender in the tech education landscape,

offering programs in technology and robot programming with a focus on fostering
innovation and entrepreneurial thinking. Here's a deeper dive into what they


• Industry Connection: Part of the global RoboValley network with

connections to universities, research institutions, and tech companies,
providing access to expert knowledge and potential internship
• Focus on Innovation: Emphasizes project-based learning and encourages
students to develop entrepreneurial skills through robotics projects.
• Diverse Programs: Offers a range of programs for different age groups and
skill levels, from beginner coding workshops to advanced robotics
• Flexible Learning Options: Provides online courses and in-person workshops
for both individual and group learning preferences.
• Modern Equipment: Equips students with access to high-quality robotics
kits, software, and tools for hands-on learning.
• Strong Community: Fosters a vibrant community of students, instructors,
and industry professionals through workshops, events, and networking

Potential Weaknesses:

• Limited Locations: Currently operates primarily in Cairo, potentially limiting

accessibility for students in other regions.
• Higher Costs: Program fees might be higher compared to some smaller
academies, potentially creating a barrier for some students.
• Newer in Egypt: Compared to established players like iSchool, RoboValley
might have a less established reputation and track record.
• Focus on Entrepreneurship: While some students might be drawn to this
focus, others might seek a more general curriculum in coding and robotics.

Coderdojo Egypt

CoderDojo Egypt is a vibrant community-based organization offering free,

volunteer-led workshops for children and young people to learn about coding,
robotics, and technology. Here's a breakdown of their strengths and potential


• Free and Accessible: All workshops are free to attend, removing financial
barriers and making technology education accessible to a wider range of
• Open Source and Community-Driven: Emphasizes collaboration and
knowledge sharing within a supportive community of volunteers and young
• Playful and Engaging Learning: Utilizes games, activities, and hands-on
projects to make learning fun and engaging for children of all ages.
• Focus on Creativity and Innovation: Encourages students to experiment,
express themselves, and develop their own ideas through technology.
• Flexibility and Scalability: Offers program options in various locations and
formats, adapting to local needs and interests.
• Global Network: Part of the international CoderDojo network, granting
access to resources, events, and collaborations with other CoderDojos

Potential Considerations:

• Limited Structure and Curriculum: Workshops are volunteer-led and might

not offer a standardized curriculum, potentially leading to variations in
experience depending on the facilitators.
• Resource Dependency: Relies on volunteer skills and equipment, which
might affect the availability and consistency of program offerings.
• Age-Oriented: Primarily focuses on children and young teenagers, catering
less to older students seeking advanced learning.
• Informal Setting: Workshops might be held in community spaces or
libraries, potentially lacking the dedicated facilities of some academies.

EdVenture Academy

EdVenture Academy Egypt stands out in the country's technology education

landscape by focusing on interactive learning experiences and fostering
entrepreneurial skills alongside technical knowledge. Let's delve deeper into their
strengths and potential drawbacks:


• Interactive Learning: Employs project-based learning, simulations, and

gamification to make learning engaging and relevant to real-world
• Entrepreneurial Mindset: Integrates entrepreneurial skills development into
its programs, preparing students to think creatively and innovate in the tech
• Diverse Programs: Offers a range of programs for various age groups and
skill levels, including coding, robotics, artificial intelligence, and game
• Flexible Learning Options: Provides online and offline learning options,
including bootcamps, workshops, and summer camps, to cater to different
• Expert Instructors: Employs experienced and passionate instructors with
expertise in specific technology fields.
• Collaborative Environment: Cultivates a supportive community through
workshops, events, and networking opportunities for students and alumni.

Potential Considerations:

• Higher Costs: Program fees might be higher compared to some smaller

academies or community-based options like CoderDojo.
• Location: Currently operates primarily in Cairo and Giza, potentially limiting
accessibility for students in other regions.
• Focus on Entrepreneurship: While some students might be drawn to this
focus, others might seek a more general curriculum in coding or robotics.
• Newer in Egypt: Compared to established players like iSchool, EdVenture
might have a less established reputation and track record.

Code for Kids Egypt

Code for Kids Egypt appears to be a promising option for young learners
interested in building their foundation in coding and robotics. Here's a breakdown
of their strengths and potential considerations:

• Focus on Children: Tailored programs specifically for different age groups,

catering to the learning styles and needs of young minds.
• Engaging and Interactive Learning: Utilizes game-based learning,
animations, and hands-on projects to make coding fun and accessible.
• Diverse Program Offerings: Provides courses in various languages like
Scratch, Python, and even visual coding platforms for younger children.
• Introduction to Robotics: Offers introductory workshops and camps that
give kids a glimpse into the exciting world of robot building and
• Flexible Learning Options: Provides online and offline courses, catering to
different schedules and preferences.
• Certified Instructors: Employs qualified instructors with experience in child
development and educational technology.

Potential Considerations:

• Limited Advanced Programs: May not offer more advanced coding or

robotics curricula for older children and teenagers seeking in-depth
• Location: Currently operates primarily in Cairo and Alexandria, potentially
limiting accessibility for students in other regions.
• Newer in Egypt: Compared to established academies like iSchool, Code for
Kids might have a less established reputation and track record.
• Emphasis on Playful Learning: While this makes it engaging for younger
children, older students might seek a more structured and focused
The Nile Academy for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence

The Nile Academy for Robotics and Artificial Intelligence (NARAI) holds distinct
promise in Egypt's tech education landscape. While relatively new, it offers
several intriguing features that deserve closer inspection:


• Focus on Cutting-Edge Fields: NARAI prioritizes education in robotics and

artificial intelligence, two of the most rapidly evolving and impactful
technologies of our time.
• Project-Based Learning: Emphasizes hands-on projects and real-world
applications, encouraging students to learn by doing and applying their
knowledge to solve practical challenges.
• Industry Partnerships: Collaborates with technology companies and NGOs,
providing access to mentorship, internship opportunities, and cutting-edge
• International Exposure: Participates in global robotics competitions and
events, allowing students to connect with peers and showcase their skills
on a broader stage.
• Qualified Instructors: Employs instructors with strong academic
backgrounds and practical experience in robotics and AI.
• Focus on Ethics and Social Responsibility: Integrates discussions about the
ethical implications of technology into its curriculum, fostering responsible
development and application of AI and robotics.

Potential Considerations:

• Newer Academy: Compared to established players, NARAI might have a

shorter track record and fewer student testimonials available.
• Limited Program Options: Currently might offer a more focused range of
programs in robotics and AI compared to academies with broader
technology courses.
• Higher Costs: Depending on program offerings, fees might be higher than
some community-based or beginner-friendly options.
• Location: Currently operates primarily in Mansoura, potentially limiting
accessibility for students in other regions.

Techno Academy for programming and robotics learning

Our academy strives to compete vigorously, seeks to Establish a competitive
advantage for its programming and robotics learning courses in Egypt. It requires
careful consideration of the existing landscape and our unique strengths. Here are
some potential areas to focus on:

Addressing Specific Needs:

Unique target audience: The academy is targeting different categories of
audience, such as focusing on preschoolers, teenagers with specific interests like
game development, or professionals seeking career-oriented courses.
Tailored curriculum: The academy offers specialized programs that cater to the
distinct needs of its chosen audience, with in-depth focus on relevant topics and
practical applications.
Flexible learning options: The academy provide diverse learning formats like
online classes, blended learning, weekend workshops, and bootcamps to suit
different schedules and preferences.

Distinctive Learning Experience:

Project-based learning: Design engaging projects that apply skills to real-world
scenarios, fostering creativity, problem-solving, and hands-on learning.
Gamification and interactive tools: Utilize game-based learning platforms,
simulations, and virtual reality experiences to make learning fun and engaging,
especially for younger audiences.
Industry partnerships: The academy is franchising with Techno Space, the founder
of the Afro-Asian forum with its diverse partnerships and competitions
Collaborate with technology companies, NGOs, or universities to offer internships,
guest lectures, or access to cutting-edge technology and expertise.

Building a Strong Community:

Mentor network: The academy seeks to connect students with experienced
professionals in the tech field for guidance and support, fostering a sense of
community and career advice.
Competitions and hackathons: The academy organizes with its partner (Techo
Space) events that challenge students to apply their skills, showcase their work,
and connect with peers in a competitive environment.
Open house and workshops: The academy offers free learning sessions or open
houses to introduce itself, promote open access to technology, and connect with
potential students.

Other Potential Advantages:

Competitive pricing: The academy offering affordable options and scholarships to
attract students.
Highly qualified instructors: The academy employ passionate and experienced
educators with strong technical skills and engaging teaching styles.
Location and accessibility: The academy starts its activites as a first branch in Port
said and seeking to expand it to canal region , investing in online learning
platforms to expand accessibility beyond physical limitations.
Technology and equipment: Provide access to latest equipment and software to
ensure students are learning with relevant tools and technologies
3.Company Description
• We are Techno Academy, Port Said branch of Techno space and the first branch
in the canal and delta regions.
• Our mission
➢ we motivate …you innovate
➢ Help change the mindset of the generation towards technology, and
foster innovation and equip learners with the necessary skills and
knowledge to succeed in the ever- evolving digital world, through a range
of carefully designed courses taught by experienced trainers.

• Our products and services

1- Products:
✓ Programming and Robotics courses
✓ Entrepreneurship course
✓ Internal Robotics Competitions
✓ Internet and communication technology (ICT) skills
✓ Game design
✓ 3D modelling and printing

2- services:
✓ Academic supervision service
✓ English courses to facilitate programming learning
✓ Psychological assessment for kids
✓ Compensation service
✓ Feedback service
✓ Internal& external competitions
✓ Free trial sessions
✓ Free lancing hubs
• Current State
➢ The academy is under establishment
• Legal status
➢ A limited liability company
• Key partnerships
➢ Franchising with Technospace, the founder of the Afro-Asian Forum with
its diverse partnerships and competitions

4.Market Analysis

Target market:
➢ For Customers:
✓ The midrange socioeconomically class who are investing on their child to
save him a better tomorrow
✓ B to C: children and teens from 5 to 18 , undergraduates, engineers.
✓ B to B: Governmental, Experimental and national schools –clubs-syndicates-
➢ For collaborators:
✓ Franchise (techno space).
✓ Kits suppliers-software suppliers.
✓ Law firm.
✓ Accounting firm.
✓ Different logistics suppliers.
✓ (Tiec&creativa) enterpreneurership organization.

➢ Competitors:
✓ Specific programming academy (private)
✓ Some international school (non-specific , private)
✓ Governmental places (non-specific)
✓ Individual trainers
Value proposition:
Customer value:
✓ Well-Known academy with many years of experience (Franchise)
✓ Franchising with Techno space, the founder of the Afro-Asian Forum with
its diverse partnerships and competitions
✓ Experienced and skilled trainers
✓ Strong curriculum and teaching materials
✓ Introducing accredited certificates
✓ Variety of trainer background

Collaborator value:
✓ Franchising (techno space) will expand his business and this will increase
prevalence and increase customer participation in external competitions.
✓ For kits suppliers will increase sales volume.
✓ For tiec &creative will promote for ideology of entrepreneurship

Company value:
✓ Increase in volume of sales and revenues
✓ Increase number of interested audiences
✓ Conversion of interested audiences to engaged audiences
✓ Having a role in social responsibility
✓ Branding for techno academy as the first organization which promote
entrepreneurship in kids in suez canal
5.The Economics of the Business

Business Model Canvas for Techno Academy:

Customer Segments:

• Children and young teens (5-14 years old): Introduce coding and robotics
concepts through fun and engaging programs.
• High school students (15-18 years old): Offer advanced robotics workshops
and coding bootcamps aligned with future career paths.
• University students and graduates: Provide specialized training in
AI, machine learning, and advanced robotics applications.
• Working professionals seeking career transitions: Offer upskilling programs
and certifications in robotics and related fields.

Value Propositions:

• Practical and hands-on learning: Focus on interactive workshops with

robotics kits, simulations, and real-world project applications.
• Flexible learning formats: Offer online courses, in-person workshops, and
blended learning options for diverse needs.
• Experienced and qualified instructors: Assemble a team of passionate
educators and robotics experts with industry experience.
• Scalable curriculum: Tailor programs to different age groups, skill
levels, and career goals.
• Collaborative learning environment: Foster a supportive community where
students can learn from peers and mentors.
• Strong industry partnerships: Collaborate with schools, universities, tech
companies, and NGOs for wider reach and expertise.

• Online marketing: Build a strong website and social media presence to

target specific audience segments.
• Partnerships: Collaborate with schools, universities, NGOs, and tech
companies to leverage their networks and reach.
• Events and competitions: Organize robotics workshops, hackathons, and
competitions to generate interest and showcase student achievements.
• Content marketing: Create valuable blog posts, articles, and tutorials to
attract target audiences and establish expertise.
• Word-of-mouth marketing: Encourage satisfied students and partners to
recommend our programs.

Customer Relationships:

• Personalized learning support: Provide individual guidance and

feedback to ensure student progress.
• Online community forums and platforms: Connect students with
peers, mentors, and industry professionals.
• Career guidance and mentorship: Offer workshops and resources
to help students prepare for future careers in robotics.
• Regular feedback and improvement: Conduct surveys and gather
feedback to continuously improve programs and services.

Revenue Streams:

• Course fees: Charge varying fees for different programs based on

duration, complexity, and target audience.
• Corporate training and workshops: Offer customized training programs for
companies seeking to upskill their workforce.
• Partnerships and grants: Collaborate with institutions and organizations for
financial support and program expansion.
• Robotics kit sales: Offer affordable robotics kits and equipment for student
• Subscription services: Develop online learning platforms or subscription-
based resources for ongoing learning.

Key Resources:

• Qualified instructors and robotics experts: Build a strong team with

relevant experience and passion for education.
• Curriculum and learning materials: Develop engaging and age-appropriate
curriculum with high-quality learning materials.
• Technology and robotics equipment: Secure access to a range of robotics
kits, software, and simulation tools.
• Online learning platform : Develop a user-friendly platform for online
courses and blended learning initiatives.
• Strong partnerships and collaborations: Build relationships with key
stakeholders in the education and tech sectors.

Key Activities:

• Curriculum development and program design: Continuously update and

adapt the curriculum to meet evolving needs and trends.
• Recruitment and training of instructors: Recruit and train passionate
educators with expertise in robotics and technology.
• Marketing and outreach: Implement effective marketing strategies to reach
target audiences and promote programs.
• Partnership development and collaboration: Build and maintain strong
relationships with key stakeholders for mutual benefit.
• Student support and community building: Foster a supportive learning
environment and encourage interaction within the student community.
Key Partnerships:

• Schools and universities: Collaborate with educational institutions to offer

robotics programs and integrate them into STEM curriculum.
• Tech companies and NGOs: Partner with technology companies (Techo
space) and NGOs for funding, expertise, and access to industry
• Robotics organizations and communities: Connect with national and
international robotics organizations for knowledge exchange and resource
• Training providers and certification bodies: Collaborate with training
providers and certification bodies to offer recognized credentials in

Cost Structure:

• Staff salaries and benefits: Cost of hiring and retaining qualified instructors
and staff.
• Curriculum development and maintenance: Expenses for
designing, updating, and maintaining learning materials.
• Technology and equipment costs: Purchasing and maintaining robotics
kits, software, and simulation tools.
• Marketing and outreach expenses: Costs associated with website
development, online advertising, and event participation.
• Partnership and collaboration costs: Fees and investments related to
collaborating with other organizations.
6.Marketing Plan
Market offering (tactics):

1- Product:
✓ Programming and Robotics courses
✓ Entrepreneurship course
✓ Internal Robotics Competitions
✓ Internet and communication technology (ICT) skills
✓ Game design
✓ 3D modelling and printing

2- service:
✓ Academic supervision service
✓ English courses to facilitate programming learning
✓ Psychological assessment for kids
✓ Compensation service
✓ Feedback service
✓ Internal& external competitions
✓ Free trial sessions
✓ Free lancing hubs

3- brand:
✓ Consist of techno academy name and logo and our slogan (we motivate
…you innovate)
✓ As well as the associations it promotes in changing mind set of the
generation towards technology, and foster innovation and equip learners
with the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the ever- evolving
digital world
✓ We created a promoted character called TATA (robot) to relate that we
start with the beginner under slogan
✓ (# TATA Technology) that promote videos with TATA robot to illustrate
academy service for our new customers.

The price is targeting the mid-range category (Affordable price) so we

call for discount from our franchise (techno space) to match the
socioeconomical situation in Port Said and delta region.

✓ Launch discount.
✓ Brother discount.
✓ Two constitutive payment discount.
✓ Free trial sessions.
✓ Free promotional hubs (English session - VR &augmented reality- crafts
✓ Internal &external competitions.
✓ Loyalty system with TATA money.


✓ social media platforms (Facebook- instagram- tiktok)
✓ Whatsup communication
✓ Tele sales
✓ Collecting data base from Google form
✓ Personal relations (family – friends- colleagues)

✓ Promotion through flyers in famous bazars
✓ encourage the word of mouth of our customers by making videos of
parents taking their feedback about our academy

✓ Through our academy
✓ Making distribution spots in schools- clubs- nurseries-universities.
7.Service Design and Development plan
Development Plan:
➢ training under supervision of the franchise.
➢ team building activity to build up the materials
➢ revising the materials
➢ contracting with collaborators.
➢ contracting with English instructors.
➢ contracting with psychology professors.
➢ setting feedback form and refund policy
➢ setting an academic supervision policy.
➢ brainstorming sessions for the logo and slogan
➢ contracting with media team (photography-videography-designer-
content writing).
➢ setting up schedule for the posts.
➢ begging the campaign with the general posts about AI and other
technology fields to attract the interested customers under the name of
TATA technology.
➢ Collecting data about competitor’s prices.

Challenges and Risks

➢ Infrastructure and Access:

▪ High cost of equipment: High-quality robotics kits, software, and other

learning materials can be expensive, potentially restricting access for
underprivileged students or schools.

➢ Education System and Mindset:

▪ Traditional education focus: Egyptian education still largely emphasizes

rote learning and theoretical knowledge, neglecting practical skills and
hands-on learning crucial for robotics and programming.
▪ Resistance to change: Traditional attitudes towards education might
create resistance to introducing new and innovative approaches like
robotics learning.

➢ Market and Competition:

❖ Nascent market: The industry is still in its early stages, posing challenges
in setting standards, securing funding, and attracting sufficient market
❖ Limited qualified instructors: Finding and retaining qualified and
passionate instructors with expertise in both robotics and education can
be challenging.
❖ Competition from international players: International organizations and
educational providers might pose competition for Egypt's local offerings.

➢ Compliance with regulations:

❖ Companies must comply with all applicable laws and regulations related to
conference organization and digital marketing services. This includes adhering
to advertising standards, data protection laws, intellectual property rights,
consumer protection laws, etc.

8.Operational Plan
General approach to operation
➢ The academy offering courses cover it all from basic computer skills to
advanced programming languages and offer specialized training as well
(physical and online ).

Business Location
➢ Our first brunch Portsaid, Elshark district
Facilities and equipment
➢ Strong curriculum and teaching materials

For Children (8-12 years old):

➢ Beginner-friendly robotics kits: LEGO Mindstorms Express, Sphero Mini, Dash &
Dot robots, Cubetto coding robot. These kits offer visual programming
interfaces and playful designs to spark curiosity and introduce basic coding
➢ Coding platforms and apps: ScratchJr, Tynker, Kodable, Blockly. These platforms
use drag-and-drop blocks or visual coding to teach programming fundamentals
in a fun and engaging way.
➢ Board games and activities: CodeMonkey coding board game, Logic Roots, Blue
Orange Codenames Duet. These games combine fun with strategy and
problem-solving, encouraging logical thinking and collaboration skills relevant
for programming.

For Teens and Young Adults (13-18 years old):

➢ Intermediate robotics kits: LEGO Mindstorms Robot Inventor, Arduino Uno
Starter Kit, Raspberry Pi kits, Makeblock mBot. These kits offer more
complexity and programming options, allowing students to build and program
robots with sensors, motors, and advanced functionalities.
➢ Text-based programming languages: Python, Java, C++. These languages offer
greater control and flexibility, ideal for students seeking a deeper
understanding of coding principles.
➢ Online coding tutorials and courses: Codecademy, Khan
Academy, Udacity. These platforms offer diverse learning paths in programming
languages, robotics applications, and software development.
➢ Simulators and virtual environments: V-REP, RoboCup Junior Simulation
League. These tools allow students to test and refine robot designs and
programs in a virtual setting before moving to actual hardware.
For University Students and Adults:
➢ Advanced robotics kits: DJI RoboMaker, Intel RealSense T265 Development
Kit, NVIDIA Jetson Nano. These kits provide high-performance computing and
advanced sensors, enabling students to explore autonomous
vehicles, computer vision, and machine learning applications.
➢ Open-source robotics platforms: ROS (Robot Operating System), Robot
Operating System for Python (ROSpy). These platforms provide powerful tools
and software libraries for building complex robots and integrating various
sensors and actuators.
➢ Specialization courses and workshops: Artificial
Intelligence, Cybernetics, Human-Robot Interaction. These courses offer in-
depth knowledge and practical skills in specific robotics subfields for career

9.Managment Team
We are group of ambitious professors, engineers, and educational professionals,
who believe we can impact future with effective contribution in our kids' present
through offering top-notch educational and training services in technological
Our academy consists of:
1. Board of trustees.
2. Administrative manager
3. Academic manager
4. HR Department
5. Marketing team
6. Media production team
10.Overall Schedule

Action plan time responsible

Conduct market research to identify the demand Three Marketing team
for technology courses in our area months

Develop a business plan: that includes mission One month Board of trustees
statement, goals, objectives, financial projections,
marketing strategies, and operational plans.

Choose a location: that is easily accessible and One month Administrative

has adequate space to conduct courses. manager/Board
of trustees

Hire qualified instructors: who have expertise in Three HR Manager

various technology fields and can deliver quality months
courses to students.

Develop course curriculum: that covers various One month Academic

technology topics based on the market demand manager
and student needs.
Action plan time responsible
Set pricing: based on the market rates and the value One Marketing team and
we offer to students week manager

Create a website: that showcases the courses, One Media production

pricing, schedules, and other relevant information month team
about the academy.

Promotion: through various marketing channels such 2 months Marketing team

as social media platforms, email marketing
campaigns, flyers, and advertisements in local

Provide excellent customer service: by addressing 2 months Administrative team

their queries promptly and providing them with and manager
quality education.

Evaluate performance regularly: by tracking key One Top management

metrics such as revenue growth, student satisfaction month and board of
rates, and instructor performance to identify areas for trustees
improvement and make necessary changes to
achieve success

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