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1. Introduction………………………………………………………….2

2. Dog Sellers……………………………………………………3

3. Conclusion…………………………………………………………….36


It is a book to develop the number one skill for business, which is sales. In this book the author,
who is Blair Singer, classifies and makes references to the following categories: employee, self-
employed, business owner and investor. It introduces us to five different breeds of dogs, which
have different ways of selling, all successfully, however with some weaknesses. He tells us how it is
not necessary to be an attack dog to be a successful salesperson.

“To be an excellent sales dog, sometimes you have to jump over some hurdles to reach the goal.”
Dog Sellers



You live in a world where everything is black or white. Only first place is rewarded where the
winner takes the prize and the loser walks away hungry. So it's an all or nothing game, where only
two words matter: YES and NO.

For many salespeople, the world of sales is a dog's life. And we see this when observing the
behavior of dogs. Have you ever seen a dog chase a stick? A smile is reflected in him from ear to
ear, his mind dances excitedly because at that moment it is heaven, because the dog lives to catch
that stick!

Have you ever asked yourself, “What makes people

"Do dogs like to go after sticks?"

Have you ever asked yourself “Why do I still chase contracts?”

If you have ever asked, begged, tried to convince, negotiated, maneuvered or even manipulated
another person's point of view, this way YOU ARE IN SALES. In fact, if you really enjoy when you
win in those types of situations, you may have more in common with the canine and probably a lot
more to learn from him. Only then will you be a dog salesman!

World champion “sales dogs” are among the most respected corporate heroes, without them
businesses would not be successful. Leaders, entrepreneurs and investors gain their success from
their training and experience in the field of sales. The ability to go after prey, without a doubt, the
better you are at selling, convincing or negotiating, the more the world will be open in terms of
wealth, opportunities and good relationships.

The rewards - commission sums, high praise, a free and carefree lifestyle - are available to
everyone. The key to success is not to copy the skills of others, but to learn to explore your own
talents, learn what your natural strengths are and identify your weaknesses to turn them into a
positive result. You will identify the race that you are and that of those around you, thus your
chances of achieving success will increase. All the people who are in contact with your prospects
are part of your

Caution, not everyone is a dog! If you are a dog, you must be able to hunt. And if you doubt that
you are a dog, ask yourself the following question:

* Do you feel excited when a prospect says yes to you?

* Is the hunt sometimes better than the reward?

* Do you have a streak of natural tenacity in you?

* Do you have a weakness for a good story?

* Do you tend to try to convince others?

* Do you find that when you are speaking in a group about something you are interested in, your
voice becomes louder and you are naturally more dramatic?

* Do you experience varying ranges of emotions when mentally seeing yourself as a legend or a
complete failure?

* Do you sometimes have fun “people watching”?

* Do you spend time trying to figure out other people's psychology?

* Do you like to win?

If you answer yes to some of these questions, you can become a true “dog salesman,” with the
potential to make tons of money. All dogs can hunt, win and sell; It depends how badly you want
to achieve it. For example, a champion dog salesman sold a service that had nothing extraordinary
about it; he was dedicated to selling medical insurance; One day he came to a computer company
asking to see the owner, a 20-year-old young man who left university and created his own
personal computer assembly company. The dog salesman did not make policies for less than 50
employees and the young businessman only had 16 employees,

So our dog salesman went to his manager to break that rule and be able to secure him as a young
businessman. His manager told him no, but for a dog salesman that means “keep going” through
an impetuous sale and after breaking several rules the business was secured, and after a year that
small company that only had 16 employees reached have 500 employees.

The dog salesman is called Herman and he has been very successful in medical insurance. Asked if
he could summarize the lessons learned, he said:

* “Sometimes we have to break the rules”

* “There is no such thing as a lack of contacts”

* “Your competition's biggest weakness is when you close a deal”



It has been said that owners have an uncanny resemblance to their dogs, this is terrifying when
you start talking to the owners you discover that the similarities go beyond physical features. I
don't know if over time the dog takes on the personality of the owner or the other way around.
You can know a lot about a dog if you know the breed it belongs to, since each one has different
personality and traits. If you understand the dynamics of the canine world and will be selling with
the precision and tenacity of an excellent hunting dog, the most common mistake is that you
believe that there is a set of characteristics that sellers must possess to be successful, and this
leads them to

frustration and envy.

You must find and develop the excellent salesperson within you. First you need to identify your
race type, and then those of those around you and with this knowledge take advantage of your
and your team's strengths and personalities.

Within the sales process you need to put yourself and your team members in roles they were born
to play.”

Many people find comparing sellers to offensive. But looking at it in depth it is coherent.
Salespeople seem to have a knack for coming back for more and never giving up in the face of
adversity. Think about it and ask yourself:

*Who is man's best friend?

* What is the most faithful pet you can have?

*Who would defend you until the end?

*What animal would endure almost anything for a pat on the head?

* Who would remain sitting by your side in good and bad times?

* Who loves you no matter what?

*Who loves to go for the wand?

*Who loves tracking a scent?

*Who can shake off adversity and come back for more?

Clear! It could be a salesman or a dog! A dog salesman named Sydney (headhunter), in a

presentation before the executive director, suffered a mishap because the flipchart fell and as the
salesperson was leaning on the flipchart he also fell, so he did not give up and continued talking as
if nothing had happened. Because he wasn't going to give up without a fight, even if nothing was
in his favor, he didn't know.
He never gave up, he behaved like a true stupid dog who is not willing to be ignored and ignored.
It's like telling him to lie down and giving up going after the wand. He broke the ice thanks to his
tenacity. When he finished, the director told him: “It's okay if you want it so much, you got it!”

It's simple: selling is convincing others to do something that they didn't necessarily feel inclined to
do before. Dogs can be excellent champions, hunters and companions. But they also require
maintenance and care because if you neglect them they can become bad and untamable.
Salespeople can be the same if they are not trained properly.

Sellers Dogs is a unique methodology for understanding seller breeds, designed to be understood
and easy to learn. Describe five breeds of “sales dogs.” By comparing traits and characteristics of
salespeople with those of those five breeds, we have an effective and easy to understand and
develop method to better motivate our team. A dog salesman knows that education and good
training mean satisfaction as well as cash, he always wants to look for opportunities that provide
the best possible training not the best commission.

The first step is to determine your team members' and your innate ability to sell. This test will
determine if you have the right mindset to sell and be successful. Any dog can hunt.

Selling is fun, fast

and exciting. Some can track a prospect like an excellent hunter and others pursue and capture the
most elusive prey. So which one are you?



The sales dog methodology works wherever there is a sales transaction. Every day even every hour
we sell something, to our bosses, neighbors in our reactions from questions like: What is there an
increase? What are we going to watch on television tonight? Sales transactions take place all the

There are more than 400 different breeds of dogs, but for the world of sales there are only 5
breeds, the question is which of them do you belong to and which does your boss belong to? If
you are a dog trainer (manager), what type of dogs do you have in your pack? If you work in multi-
level marketing, what breeds are barking the loudest at your same level?

As a dog salesperson or dog trainer, knowing the breed of your prospects will give you an
advantage. For them, prey can be a large corporation, business owners. Different dogs are out to
get different prey. Assigning the right salesperson to the right job will be key to success. What is
your objective and what is your natural behavior?

When a sales dog has been evaluated, tested, interviewed and analyzed before being hired, there
is no sure bet. When you inspect your vendors as you walk around the yard, some do well on their

while others languish waiting for a bone, others are huddled in the corner or others beg for a
caress and another chance. Although each pure breed of selling dogs is unique, they do share
some traits.

Sales dogs have the ability to make friends easily, they are your best friends in times of need. They
have the abilities to smell places where most would not smell. They crawl, sniff, lick, run, bark,
whine and beg.

For the world of dog sellers, there are only five breeds with pedigree: pit bull, golden, retriever,
poodle, chihuahua and basset hound. However, there are countless ways to cross. And which one
do you belong to?

1.- Pitbull

He is the most aggressive and stereotyped. They will attack anything that even remotely smells like
a prospect, fiercely, aggressively, and tenaciously. He specializes in closing sales and handling
objections. Nothing would stop them from achieving their goal. It has a characteristic sound that is
too aggressive, the “grrrr”.

The Pit Bull's success is based on its strength and boldness. If a Pit bull carries a cell phone it is
only to call as many prospects as possible while driving from point a to point b. They will fend off
more objections and outsell any other breed, even when they should give up. For them, adversity
is simply a wake-up call. However, on the one hand they are aggressive and perseverant, on the
other they lack tact and do not have a well-defined strategy, which is why

For this reason they must be trained effectively. You need to constantly throw meat at them,
shake them in front of them and make them go into a frenzy and throw them into the market.
Never send them to cocktail parties without a muzzle, punishment chains and sedatives; Send
them to a canteen. Pit Bulls can be very wealthy people or very frustrated people.

2.- Golden retriever

They are the type of salesperson with a big smile and eternal optimism, hoping that their prospect
will come to love them. They conquer their clients by trying to please them,
They will go, do any favor and try to do everything possible to please their client. They feel
somewhat embarrassed when the word “sales” is used. For Labrador, customer service is
everything. He thinks that the more things he can offer his prospect, the more he will appreciate it
and ultimately make the purchase.

A wise retriever is often successful because he knows that by taking care of his clients, prospects,
and co-workers, he will be highly recommended and this will continue to attract clients.

The key is long-term service. One of his weaknesses is that he is embarrassed to close the sale.
They trust the law of reciprocity that says: "If you give, you must receive", but if they do not dare
to "close", ask, ask for the contract, the business, the opportunity, etc. They may lose the sale.

3.- Poodle

This is the type of salesperson who tends to be sophisticated, extroverted, refined and with class,
he wears elegantly tailored suits,

designer shoes and likes to drive flashy cars. But they do not consider clothes, cars and jewelry to
be luxury items, they live tensely and very conscious of looking great. They live and work in a
world of class and glamour, they judge by appearances, they spend more time in the shopping
center that is their desk.

They speak with a distinguished and classy tone, they love to talk in groups and be the center of
attention. If the prospect loves appearance, this is the best breed. But they can't be asked to get
their hands dirty, go into swampy places, get into cold water, or walk down a dark alley in an
unsafe part of the city. They socialize in civilized circles.

4.- Chihuahua

Never be fooled by its small size. They are incredibly brilliant at technical issues. Their extensive
knowledge of their products and processes is amazing. They are the type who usually take their
work home. With unlimited energy, they can work all night without rest, being more productive
than other races. When others are sleeping, the Chihuahua frantically surfs the Internet, searching
for reports and cataloging information to create a report that would take anyone else twice as
long to complete. Chihuahuas must learn to contain their incredible passion, they are so
passionate about their work that they can talk and talk for a long time about a topic that they are
passionate about. They are often very tense,

Simply because they are small and there is a lot going on in their brain, they are not the best
lapdogs, but their passion, product knowledge and understanding of the products is unmatched.
They are good investigators, they can reveal themselves more than any dog.

Be careful with this breed, they are very bright, but can be very emotional and sometimes
paranoid if not treated with care, docility is not in their vocabulary, they are essential for
sophisticated sales cycles.
5.- Basset hound

It is the classic of the classics. This sad-eyed companion will stay with you through thick and thin.
You can try to push them away, scold him and threaten him, but he will just lie down and endure
it, minutes later he returns with sad eyes and begging for forgiveness. They never get upset or
stressed, they are constant and reliable. They do not appear to have class and glamour, and rarely
exude passion or confidence. Your ability to build strong, loyal and long-lasting relationships
through the touch of your personality is amazing. They always look mature, when they sell they
are humble.

This race does not know renunciation. They do not have a cell phone, they are excellent hunting
dogs, they are known to be able to track the slightest scent over several kilometers of difficult
terrain. He has incredible ability to sniff out deals and win hearts where others fail.



The big dog is not a breed but a state of mind, it just takes treatment

important to create a great dog. First dead than being seen slipping through a garbage can, big
dogs only hang around where the stage is big, the lights are bright and there is a huge crowd. The
bloodier the battle the better! “If you are going to go down, make it big, if you go bankrupt you
don't want it to be in a duplex.” If hype were an Olympic sport, the big dog would represent his
country, he specializes in closing deals, getting in when the prospect is paying attention, the pen is
ready and the inkwell is full.

As for crushing defeats, don't expect many apologies, because it is rarely their fault, they will say
that management is too stupid to understand their vision and subordinates incompetent to
implement their strategies, for dogs of this type they try to shut down a great deal or nothing.

They want to be bosses and know what is the quickest way to achieve it, many Poodles want to be
great dogs from the moment they enter the pack they already have an image and clothing, but
their goal is to be able to pay for looking so good. Retrievers can be very effective large dogs, but
they are not immediately obvious. The big dogs are not as good at following up, but when it comes
to charm and relationships they have the best that the basset has to offer, they can stand up to
any manager and earn their trust.

If you have great dogs working on your team, sometimes you will love them and sometimes you
will hate them.




You cannot change the basic, fundamental nature of a person, it is their essence is their soul, what
makes each of us unique and special, you cannot make someone become something that is not
part of who they are, although shout and yell, even if you offer exorbitant commissions.

Bone: one reason why some dogs sell and others don't is not having an innate sales gene or
random luck, but rather some were trained and others were not. Certainly, there are some who
find it natural, but they are very few. Those who perform very well are trained and mentored to be
excellent. Those who deviate do not receive any training and never realize that they have
strengths or weaknesses, often ending up being bad and starving.

You must divide the work for each dog according to its breed, for example: the Pit Bulls made cold
calls, the Retrievers made customer service visits, the Chihuahuas carried out market research,
and the Poodles located key prospects, and the Basset They strengthened relationships with the
best clients. In the meantime, you can work on developing their abilities and acquiring skills from
other races to increase our potential.



The key to being a champion sales dog is to understand and operate from your strength, while
acquiring the positive traits of others.

breeds, this ability to cross-train to become the best of breeds is an essential ingredient in the
success of sales dogs. The first step is to understand the natural talents of each breed.

Pit bull: their strong point is aggressiveness, and how direct they are; They find the shortest path
between a prospect and closing a deal, they lack patience and tact and make up for it with
recklessness. When there is little time and many prospects, they are the ones who have the
greatest chance of success.

Bone for the Pit bull: when you hesitate to do something... do anything! The more times you hold
the bat, the better your chances of hitting a home run. You can't get anywhere sitting on the

Golden retriever: provides a constant service before, during and after the sale and provides
excellent quality, future transactions will be facilitated, it knows that happy users continue to buy
and recommend, this breed sells a lot and in all directions, it knows what it needs more effort to
sell to a new customer than to an existing customer.
Bone for the retriever: always be the first to give, this is true in all aspects of a negotiation, make it
a habit, so that the spending is sincere and not artificial.

Poodle: in business appearance and image are important, perception is more powerful than
reality, knows that image and reputation are important to success in sales, are accomplished in

marketing, they want their consumers to come to them, not the other way around. They shine at
seminars, trade shows and public relations, they are great at networking, using referrals and
partnering with the best. The product must look good, feel good and sound good.

Bone for the Poodle: learn to speak well in front of groups and learn how to present yourself
physically attractive with a good image.

Chihuahua: you simply cannot argue with information, the target is left with facts, figures and
statistics that equal logic and credibility, they are curious, their motto is the one with the most
knowledge is the one who wins.

Bone for the Chihuahua: learn to sell, investigate, learn, it becomes easier and more fun.

Basset hound: their strengths are tested by time, there are many relationships mixed in each
transaction, they are loyal and trustworthy, they need to achieve an emotional connection with
the client.

Bone for Basset Hound: Master the art of building relationships, you can do better by doing two
things; Learn to listen and learn to match your body language and your words with those of the
person you are talking to.

Notes on sales support: Every organization has a machine room, they are the people who turn the
wheels daily so that the product arrives from AB, that the service is provided and that the
customer's name is spelled correctly.

The hybrid superrace: You can be confused by identifying with one race but having traits of
another, then you will be

a superrace since you need to acquire traits from all of them to be successful.

Bones for the manager: Let them play using their strengths, and give them support to finish the

The final bone: play to your strength, let everyone play to their strength and everyone will be
playing to win.


I believe that you should act according to your strong point, sometimes your strengths can get in
the way of excellence, when you completely mask your own spirit, your spark and what makes you
unique, by imitating someone else, it becomes It becomes a brake on developing your own
identity, you give up your strength in the search for others.

Modeling the strengths of others is one of the most powerful tactics for increasing your own

The main strength as a salesperson is that you continue to be a good guy.

Bone: the reason why some sales dogs sell and others do not is found in the ability to learn and
develop winning skills, you must always study and show yourself eager, willing to be more than
you are.



Which breed will sell the most and make the most money? The answer will be all. If you can find
the best of the breeds at the same seller, then you have what is called a “hybrid superbreed”, no
matter the situation or the environment, that champion dog will be able to survive and succeed.
Your ability to take advantage of your

Talent, while acquiring the tools of the other races, will make you an exceptional dog salesman.
The greater the breed mix, the greater the amount of money.

You must understand what your point is and put it into practice. But, through a specialized
conditioning process, you can implement the jewelry of any race. It is the secret to turning you
into the best selling hybrid superbreed dog. The conditioning and training process is the repetition
of traits and skills that may be natural in other races, it is opening a path in your brain that
incorporates the trait you need to become rich at this moment.

Conditioning is designed to open a sensitivity that you probably don't have at all, it is almost
impossible for sales dogs to train themselves, most sales dogs lack insight into what their
audience, prospects and colleagues think or How they are responding to this phenomenon is
called the “silent killer” of sales. They always blame everyone but themselves.

Another role in conditioning is to counteract the innate fear of being rejected, embarrassed or
humiliated, the reason people fear this is that they are terrified of public humiliation. Replace
those fears with automatic responses that generate excitement, joy and money.

The big bone: many times we believe that success is innate and natural, a good sales dog should
never allow the

pride and ego get in the way of acquiring new tools.




Obedience training: If left alone, without guidance or direction, even the most domestic dogs will
go wild, attacking each other and looking for scraps of food. They must have a good trainer who
knows their breed, understands strengths and weaknesses to put each dog in its correct position.
Dog training should help each sales dog be as successful as possible by guiding it in the appropriate
direction, it should be developed for each dog according to the trends of the breed.

The key in training sales dogs is to remember that what works for one breed often doesn't work
for others; different things motivate different sales people. Pit bulls and Poodles love to be
champions and will do anything to achieve it, while the friendly basset hound or a Chihuahua is
secondary, the retriever just wants to know that he is loved.

House training: The temperament and attitude of any breed of dog is determined primarily by how
they are raised. When a dog does what you want, praise him when he does his waste outside, and
correct him when he doesn't.

Basic house rules:

1. Don't pee or poop inside the house: you are responsible for a disaster, never throw your
problems on others or where they don't belong.

2. Barking is prohibited,

whine, growl or appear grumpy if it is not necessary: no pointing fingers, no insults, assume your
responsibilities, do not act behind anyone's back.

3. Go when they call you: be responsible for your results.

4. Don't bite or scratch furniture: Stop talking about other team members in front of prospects or

5. Stay away from furniture: Never take unlawful advantage of another person's support or

6. Don't beg at the table: don't look for pity, blame others or wait for help, earn your own food.

7. Do not steal food from the table, cupboard or refrigerator: be honest, act with integrity in all
matters, be open in all cases.

8. Don't wander around: respect each person's territory and report potential conflicts or overlaps.

9. Don't jump on people: Act on the definition of professional.

10. Celebrate all victories: celebrate even the small ones, yours and others.

Puppy training:
Dogs that are handled properly when they are young will always be a problem. It is easier to
establish appropriate behavior when it is new than to correct it later.

How to build a team of high-level dog salespeople?:

If the style is to be tough, you must show your soft side so that the dogs know that you are really
on their side. The best managers are those who leave the leashes loose so that the dogs can run
but short enough to keep them away.

of traffic.

List of aspects to motivate high-performing sales teams:

1. Celebrate all victories, actively recognize participation and tasks well done.

2. Establish the honor code (house rules) and make any infractions evident.

3. Support victories and learning experiences early and often.

4. Use peer pressure to motivate the pack.

5. Don't try to teach pigs to sing.

6. Use common terms like learning experiences and support instead of fancy corporate phrases.

7. Feed the glowing hand when the dog is running, stoke the fire until it works.

8. Set short-term goals.

9. Have your dogs often practice stopping at the height of pressure, comfort and challenge.

10. Control and attend to emotional needs more than tangible ones.

11. Make them feel their contribution to a greater purpose.

12. Establish and maintain ritual behavior, acts and routines that benefit the team, family and

13. Always look for champions and allies within the team and use them to lead it.

14. Look for and recognize heroes all the time.

15. Find a way to change the medium when the team gets stuck mentally or emotionally.

16. Monitor and focus on energy and emotions all the time.

17. Throw their problems back at them for them to solve.

18. Practice the roulette wheel of leadership.

19. Show the tough side

to keep the rules, but balance it with the soft side.

20. You must know when to help others.

21. Say things how you feel regardless of whether you are wrong.

22. He is a student of people.




Dogs are very simple creatures with smaller brains, they react positively to what is happening
around them because they do not analyze too much or theorize excessively or criticize themselves
more than necessary, they live in the moment, they respond directly to the simplicities of pain,
pleasure, love and respect. The quality of your decisions determines the quality of the result.

Dogs have four basic mental disciplines, with those disciplines, you too can have the magic touch.
They deal with 4 critical areas that everyone faces daily:

1. Facing challenges or adversities: face the challenge.

2. Responding to a negative experience: contains the negative dialogue.

3. Responding to a successful task: celebrate all victories.

4. Visualizing yourself and others on your team: Project the power of your personal intention.

1. Face the challenge:

Most high-performance dogs are able to accept very challenging tasks due to their conditioning
and training. The present can create intense emotions, which can produce low intelligence and
sometimes low wit. Strength can come from the past. Learn to capture those successes and use

in the present.

2. Control negative dialogue:

Adversity is part of life, being beaten is part of the natural trials and feedback process of life. Dog
salespeople need the winning formula to prevent their brain from collapsing. There are a few keys
to keeping your brain in order and focused on sales.
3. Celebrate all the victories.

Responding to success when victories come or something positive happens is an important two-
step process:

a) Celebrate the victory: a physical demonstration, there are times when we must behave like
children, to enjoy what we do. And remember that it doesn't matter if what you are telling
yourself is true or not, your body and mind don't care.

b) It is important to internalize by telling yourself that success happened because of you, you
earned it, you worked for it, you are smart, you know this stuff, your energy and drive will grow
and all your sales dogs know that the higher the energy, the greater the success that follows.

Bone for managers: your pack of sales dogs also need to celebrate their victories, the smarter a
breed is and the more aggressive, the more you should praise it to ensure its performance.

Victories are the most precious asset you have. Most people have a natural mentality that
minimizes them, but that kills enthusiasm and energy, it is critical to learn how to distinguish
victories, catch them, take advantage of them and save them until the next big one.


4. Project the power of your personal intention

This technique is essential for building a powerful sales team or organization and reducing stress
through personal wealth. All children are dog salesmen.

Bones for managers to expectations and intentions of other people: your intention or expectations
regarding the performance of others will also partly determine their results. The seller who
exceeds his master's expectations is very rare, be careful with your intentions and expectations.
The results will speak for themselves. There is a number that measures your expectations of
others, of yourself, and of your actions. If it is an expectation of others, it is marked right on that
person's forehead and plays an important role in determining their performance. Do not be
prejudiced and as you see your sellers, they will be them.




It may be true that not everyone has the ability to sell everything, you must perfect the essential
skills of the dog salesman. There are 5 skills that every salesperson must perfect to be a great

1. Perfect the art of contracts.

2. Make powerful presentations.

3. Tap into the desire to serve others.

4. Control personal marketing against the sales formula.

5. Handle objections or rejections.

1. Master the art of references:

The number one reason that

People feel intimidated by sales is the dreaded cold call. Why not just avoid them? There are 4
types of references and the best is the first. Location of these decreases as the list progresses:

1. A friend gets the prospect to call you: Poodle charm.

2. A friend tells the prospect that you will call him: retriever.

3. A friend tells you who you should call and allows you to mention that he recommends you:

basset hound and chihuahua

4. A friend gives you a name, any name: Pit bull.

The key is that the presentation should include a personal promotion, something positive about
yourself, not just the product or service you offer. People do business with people they like and
trust, the product takes a backseat. The most important recommendation is the quality of your
reputation, it speaks for itself.

Contacts and testimonials label:

Hunt down the person who promised you the reference, because he already has a relationship
with the prospect, he knows you and one hopes he likes you and has already committed to giving
you the reference and will feel that you should keep that commitment, remind him how much you
appreciate him for having given you that reference. Have your good clients, friends or associates
write brilliant letters of support and satisfaction, which will credit your words.
Bone: Never jump on strangers.

Big bone: never, ever neglect existing customers. They are the greatest source of

sales, testimonials and references you have.

2. Master the skill of making powerful presentations.

The benefits of doing what other people don't want to or can't are enormous. Speaking well is
your most powerful tool, your goal should be to capture the attention of 100% of the audience.

Earn the right:

Who are you and why are you different? It is essential that you learn to gain credibility quickly,
easily and irrefutably.

Ask for answers instead of saying them:

Selling is the art of asking the right questions to generate interest, create the discovery process,
build communication and really demonstrate your interest in the prospect, the larger the group
the easier it is.

Give recognition to others:

The key to a powerful presentation is to obtain active and passive participation from the
attendees, it leads you to build a relationship of communication and interest.

Identify and comfort silent problems:

Good speakers should be able to detect the mood and energy of a room, if they present a negative
vibe they should address the problem immediately.


Listening is a basic skill in sales, your ears must be very sensitive, the natural tendency is to try to
gauge the intent and nature of the question as quickly as possible and be prepared with a good
answer; This is the very reason why most people are such bad listeners, when your mind starts to
imagine an answer, you stop

to listen, and if you listen and then think, two things will happen.

First: you will build a connection with the person.

Second: you will hear important information about the person's thoughts and emotional concerns
regarding selected topics.

Ask lots of questions and ask them:

It is precisely in this prospectus where the interest of the prospects develops, the relationship
between speaker and participants is built and a working dialogue begins.

Turn features into What do I do (specifically)? Benefits:

Customers buy based on the benefit they perceive from your product or service.

3. Tap into the desire to serve others

They serve their masters through training, but more out of an innate desire to serve and please.
Selling is taking the time and care to discover what a person really needs and then finding
solutions for their need.

Sales Manager Bone: You need to remind your pups about the service they provide to others. You
must touch their hearts so that they do the same with their prospects, so meaningful decisions are

4. Manage personal marketing over sales formula:

V/M= sales effort

V= sales

M= marketing

The more marketing you practice, the less sales effort you will have to do; prospects open their
arms to you and look for you instead of you having to sniff and find them. Develop market
strategies, test them and carry them out: the

Sales will come to you instead of you chasing sales.

V (sales) x M (marketing) = $results

(Doubles the “M” and spends half the time on “V”)

You should divide your time between personal sales and marketing. How do your prospects
perceive you? That is why it is essential to have a good image of yourself, which you will achieve
with personal marketing.

5. Master handling objections or rejections:

a) the problem is not a prospect's objection, but your emotional response to the objection.

b) the skill of being calm and collected when there is fire is extremely easy to learn and is rarely

c) Learn to identify the emotions behind their words.

d) Behind every objection there is a benefit.

Bone: Don't take it personally, when a prospect says “no”, it means that at that moment they are
not interested in your product or there is something they do not understand. It's not a thought
about you.



Part of the difficulty of dealing with passionate, high-performing people is that they are governed
by their emotions, they must be handled with skill and foresight, it is important to understand how
to deal with the range of emotions that your sales dog or dogs will go through, it is one of The
most valuable and essential skills that any great sales dog must learn. Only under pressure are
internal resources tapped and an individual's confidence and capability can flourish and expand.

One of the great advantages of being human is that we can control our own emotions and find
unique and creative ways to positively change the way we feel. Always try to be happy.

Bone for Managers: It takes a lot of diplomacy and skill to help your puppies have a healthy and
resourceful mindset.

Show that you care about their mood, behavior, and concerns. Pay attention to his concerns and
help him. After listening, work with them to develop a plan for success. You should look for a fun,
easy action plan that distracts you from the current dilemma.

Remember, you choose the emotion you want to have at each moment, the emotion you choose
changes everything. When you want to change the focus that generates your emotions, try the
1. What do you really dislike about this situation?

2. Then focus on what you want. Talk about what you want until you can see it, feel it, hear it, and
maybe even smile about it.

Bone: sales dogs are motivated by money, we are inspired by the unlimited potential of our
profits. When it comes to setting sales goals, focus on the numerical value as if it were a label. If
it's about real power and enthusiasm, focus on what you want to buy with money until you smile,
your energy will increase.

In sales there is always a shower of emotions, an optimal salesperson until he learns to

express and experience your full range of feelings. You must turn the impulse into any form and
distract yourself from negative emotions, you must identify and control the emotion before
proceeding, do not hide your emotions. The strength of a great sales dog can also be their greatest
responsibility, taking action is an ability that we can all benefit from, sales require a lot of patience.
A good trainer disciplines the dog to stay on the trail and hunt its prey to the end.




Big kahuna bone: Time handling rejections and objections is the most valuable, if you train yourself
diligently in this matter your life will change.

Dogs when you reject them. What happens that makes them come back despite facing rejections
and setbacks? They don't realize that you are rejecting them and they don't understand that what
you want is for them to leave! Objections and rejections are the biggest obstacles for most sellers.
The real secret, the magic and the wonderful exile is found in the way all the great sales dogs
handle objections and rejection: so that it doesn't hurt you must get used to it and it will become
typical. This quality will not only make you rich in sales but gives you the courage to live your way.

The answer to objections is the systematic reconditioning of your mind, you need to reprogram

answers, clearly understand the teaching for which an objection is simply a way for further
discussion, clarification or understanding, if you do not retrain your reactions, you will never
prevent emotion from overwhelming logic and reason.

Bone: sales dogs have found a way to study and correct, if necessary, those tendencies before
making a call for the first time.

Remember above all: never take objections and rejections personally, during a sales meeting you
should blame something else. Once you have learned the technique of staying calm and passing
clearly, you can take your approach strategy a step further by asking questions to obtain more

Bone: Never seek to trap or lead a prospect into an agreement especially after an objection.



Many pedigree dogs sometimes feel intimidated by the guard dog, even the friend of the dog they
fear the most. In sales training they tell us not to waste your time with anyone except the decision
maker, but in reality you need talk to X about it because they know more than me.

Bone: in corporate sales remember their names and needs, don't forget to thank them every time
you can. They can be your best ally or your worst nightmare.

Then there are the puppy pigs, the pig is an animal considered very intelligent although they do
not improve their image, hygiene and

sense of humor, and very stubborn; “Don't try to teach a pig to sing, because it can't follow the
tune anyway.” Pigs are the people who always choose to growl, grumble, argue and be
aggressive. And they are those that you will never convince and will waste your time.




It's all just in the style and approach to executing that formula. There's nothing fancy about direct
sales, just three words: prospecting, appointments, over the phone, and making arrangements

How to win prospects.

Very important bone: sales is a business of pure energy, when two people enter a business
situation together, the one with more energy wins, to qualify or not to qualify, here is the

I don't think you should worry about qualifying leads for 4 reasons.

1. Selling is an energy business, what you spend will come back.

2. You could be wrong.

3. It helps you desensitize yourself to rejection and will help you practice your objections.
4. The time you waste wondering if someone is interested.

First step.

Never talk to someone who knows who you are. Until you talk to everyone who does know, you
should look at those who have referred to you or responded to your marketing materials. Winning
prospects is the art of gaining interest through contacts, there is always someone who knows
someone else.

Second step.

Make the initial contact in the way you feel most comfortable.

After one of those initial contacts, call the prospects and:

1. Thank them, assure them that you won't take up too much of their time, introduce yourself and
your product or service.

2. Thank them, assure them that you didn't take up too much of their time, and ask if they
received the introductory communication you sent them. And if you have any questions.

3. Thank them, assure them that you will not take up too much of their time, and offer to provide
them with more information, clarifications or details regarding the product or service.

Third step.

If you haven't done it yet, do your market research. Each prospect is a breed that has forms of
attention that you must know and seek, once you have known the breed, communicate in the
prospect's style, so that both speak the same language.

One last tip for winning leads.

In the prospecting scenario, it's all about action and energy. Use everything that makes you feel
comfortable to talk and communicate with as many people as possible, it's about using energy, do
it through marketing, friends, services, throwing data. With energy generation you have two goals:
many people and many appointments

Appointments: Once the energy around your prospects is agitated, an appointment or permission
to call back will follow, it is a basic step when interacting with them.

Fourth step.

On the day of the appointment or phone call, be sure to prepare as follows:

1. Get ready and dress well

Do whatever it takes to put your emotions and thoughts in the right place.

3. Be punctual and arrive at the destination at least five minutes before the agreed time

Fifth step.

When you arrive for the appointment or call, remember to focus on what you want as a result of
the meeting. When you are with the prospect be sure to smile and shake their hand, waiting for
the prospect to indicate a seat before doing so. Don't just start selling, first build questions about
him and to get to know him.

Sixth step.

It will be creating an opportunity, that is, a second appointment with more detailed answers, or
giving it a second wind as I will send you the brochures in the next 2 days, etc.

Seventh step.

Give them whatever they want, keep them informed of the research, the creation, the trials and
tribulations along the way and somehow find a way to solve the problems they have.

Eighth step make arrangements (closures).

After you see a connection with the prospect, start answering their questions in terms of how your
product or service or opportunity will solve their problems physically, mentally and emotionally,
notice their reaction; and translate their body language, if they start a sudden movement ask their
opinion, and if their answer is positive close the deal.

Bone: close the deal. It is an attitude, not something that happens at the end of a call, you should
always ask, make arrangements and try to implement and resolve

as soon as possible.




For dog sellers, territories can be geographical, divided according to product lines, businesses,
market groups, object or chain, business. The rules for marking and protecting your territory
remain the same. You must mark your territory, not only for your competition, but also for
prospects, customers, and suppliers.

You must know in detail the companies in their territory, what their category is in the industry,
their management philosophies, whether they are growing or declining and so on. A dog salesman
must know as much as possible about the people with whom he has contact, what place they
occupy in the hierarchy, what is thought of them, in what directions their careers are going and
the emotional problems they face. Once this familiarity is created, everyone begins to see the dog
salesman as the guardian of the land.




Sales dogs understand the need to focus, commit and be patient, this is loyalty to your industry,
territory and products, the quickest way to find yourself in the doghouse is to live your life as a
sales dog with a nobody is happy with mentality. your luck. You are only worth as much as your
last sale.

Don't start wandering around, because they might start hunting you.

and they take you to the pound, this is for not finding stability in the company. One of the main
problems with early success is that some dog salespeople become impatient, wanting to perform
similarly and cannot cope with the ebb and flow of the sales energy cycle, remember that there
will be good and bad phases.

Stray dogs who move from one place to another never gain the critical energy mass that tilts the
attractive gravity towards them, in the end their lack of results generates exhaustion, creates a
negative spiral in their head that neutralizes their ability to sell. The task of sales is the most
powerful personal growth task anyone can tackle, because every time you look in the mirror, it
forces you to see who you really are.

When you choose a job, base it on the learning it will provide you, not on the value of the
payment. As a manager, if you focus on training your pack you will win big. If you only focus on
your victories, they will be short and fleeting. Once you know what breed of dog you are, you need
to find a mentor (an alpha dog), who is a different breed who can give you the skills you need to
be a higher quadrant sales dog. If a sales dog concentrates, his career will follow a natural
progression, like that of concentric circles that are always increasing.

As a sales dog becomes bolder and learns more about establishing and maintaining good

relationships, you move to corporate sales, you still sell products for someone else, but with
higher fields and more complexity in the product and in the relationships; At this stage you need
to sharpen your face-to-face skills, within the natural transition towards management and

In the third phase, salespeople acquire a franchise as owners or even take on the challenge of
building a multi-level organization, at this level they must hone their ability to speak in front of
large groups.

The other sphere is to become entrepreneurs and develop your own concept, product or service,
build the infrastructure and business to produce and deliver them. Intensity and passion are
imperative, because these are often the ingredients that will motivate the team and guide people
through uncertainty. Being able to creatively solve problems combined with the ability to simply
find a way is critical to success in this area.

The ultimate sphere of a salesperson is not just selling your own product but selling your own
business, the competitive race to success is there and the conceptual and strategic capabilities to
see the big picture and the details are a true gift.

When you move from one sales dog sphere to another, income and opportunities increase
exponentially, requiring more and more personal accountability towards results,

your life and condition. The risks decrease and the rejections and objections decrease, however
they are more critical.



There is a reason why some can hunt and others can't, perhaps because some are successful on
the visa and others are not, it all comes down to the dialogue in your mind. The origin of that little
voice is your subconscious, for them the little voice is reality, they never take a moment to
question the validity of the message and they simply do not think, they are the people who, when
faced with an opportunity to grow, the little voice begins to babble. and finds any excuse to evade
responsibility and possible discomfort.

The great sales dogs have a very simple cycle:

1. The first is to look for an opportunity, the more you look for opportunities, the better you will
be at

recognize them.

2. capacity: you must feel capable enough to do it.

3. appropriation: it is when you say I am going to do it, I will do it, I am doing it; This is just do it.
It is the key piece as to why some dogs can hunt and others cannot, it is the center of success and
personal development, the purpose of training objections, rejections and calls is not to sell more,
but to reach the stage to say I will do it. And so you will cross several lines of your life and sales.



You have probably recognized a large number of characteristics and traits of a couple of the

You are the best hybrid breed dog, the most powerful and effective puppy in the pack. Maybe a
mixture of many races or depending on the moment you are able to show a little of each one.

I hope it has brought you to a place of relative peace where you accept who you are for who you
are and stop beating yourself up for all the things you may not be, I hope all the myths are gone. If
breeds are allowed to run to where they feel most comfortable and happy they will create
incredible results and continue to develop and achieve.

There are two important traits in sales:

1. Put yourself in the customer's shoes.

2. Communications

Knowing your own characteristics for everyday communication is vital to success in what you do,
we always assume that people are like us so knowing the race of the people around you can be
beneficial for many aspects of your life.

You can be as successful as you want as long as you are true to yourself, understand your
instinctive talents and strengths, and learn to control your mind and emotions. As a salesperson
you sometimes have to face highs in life, excitement, passion, face rejection, disappointment and
disillusionment, and the pleasure of success, plus it offers you the opportunity to be the best you
can be at every moment.

A dog never gives up. They are enthusiastic and optimistic to the end, we all have the capacity to
be enthusiastic about our opportunities.


Human beings remember above all what we see. When we recognize a smile it is a sign of
approval. Become the master of your own emotions and you will enjoy the freedom, control and
power of knowing that you have the reins of your own life and you will never take that away.
Last advice.

Remember the most important rule of all is: when the going gets tough, and it will get tough,
remember to be your best friend, treat them right... you deserve it. Good hunting and good sales!

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