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Human Resource Questions

1. Do you have any accidents or incidents on your record?

Answer this question!

2. Have you had any Failed check rides?

o (2) No, never, thanks god!! Like this Answer Flag Incorrect

Answer this question!

3. Why do you want to work for AmeriJet?

o (1) I feel ecstatic about working for AmeriJet! The company’s

reputation for providing top-notch logistics and transportation
services is truly inspiring. Additionally, I am thrilled about the
opportunity to work in a dynamic and innovative environment
that values creativity, teamwork, and excellence. I believe that my
skills and experience align perfectly with the company’s values
and goals, and I am confident that working for AmeriJet would be
a fulfilling and rewarding experience. Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer
o (0) Amerijet chose it because it is a company that has existed
since 1974 and that shows job security and that it does its job
well, so it is based in Miami, which is where I live, in addition to
having an excellent cargo operation and good planes to do
it. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

4. Tell us a little about yourself?

o (0) I am a serious person of Spanish origin born and raised in

Venezuela. I have two nationalities, 1 son in Spain and a
stepdaughter in the USA with special needs. Married to a great
woman and a lover of good food, cars, airplanes and classic
motorcycles. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
Answer this question!

5. Tell me about your background?

o (0) To begin with, I have been in this country for three years where
my last flight as airline captain was in May 2019 on an Avior
Airlines Airbus 340 on the Barcelona-Venezuela route to Miami
and I returned the next day. In the country last year 2021 I worked
as a Douglas DC3 pilot and Mechanic for six months, my last flight
was on December 22 Opalocka-Nassau and return. Before moving
to the USA, I flew for 14 years with Avior Airlines, a company
based in Barcelona, ??Venezuela... There I flew the AIrbus 340 as
Captain, the Boeing 737 as Captain and the Beech 1900D... before
that company I flew for about 10 years in Servivensa in Douglas
DC3 as Captain and between these two, in Rutaca and
Transmandu Cessna Caravan and Antonov AN2 without contract. I
have approximately 16000 flight hours all under 121 operations. I
really like mechanics, in fact that's how I started in aviation. I am a
person of little talk, strict in flight maneuvers and flexible in
knowledge. I have also had three jobs in almost 30 years of career
as a pilot, where I could say that I am a stable person in terms of
work. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

6. What makes a good pilot?

o (0) Skill, Trusth and Comunication. Like this Answer Flag

Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

7. Why Amerijet?

o (2) I really like Amerijet because is one of the huge cargo company
in EEUU, managing temperature sensitive and Pharmaceuticals
products. On the other hand just because they are an established
Cargo company since 1974. Furthermore, they have their own 8
767/200/300. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (1) Good fit for me, MIA base, flying wide-bodies, want to be part
of a growing and expanding company. Part of ALPA with new CBA
negotiations happening. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (1) I like Amerijet because it is a company based in Miami which is
where I live, I have seen its growth since 1996 when I was flying in
Venezuela DC3 and Amerijet was flying the 727 and occasionally
we bumped into each other, it has proven to be a serious
company, with excellent aircraft of which I would love to be part
of it. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) During my career, I have seen Amerijet at many locations,
because they were one of my former company’s competitors. I
feel I could be a good fit for amerijet since I’m familiar with the
type of service they provide, since I was doing the same thing in a
former life. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

8. Talk about your aviation career.

Answer this question!

9. What are SOPs, would you ever deviate from them?

o (1) Only deviate in case of any emergency to the extent of safety

of the flight Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

10.What was a time you had a difficult situation in the cockpit?

o (0) Explain to the owner of the company that he cannot enter the
cockpit without asking permission, since on several occasions he
entered, interrupting my briefings. Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

11.Have you had any FAA violations?

o (2) No Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

12.What makes a good First Officer?

o (2) Good attitude, professional, work well with others, humble,

honest, motivated, reliable and have good airmanship. Like this
Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

13.What do you know about us?

o (2) Amerijet is a cargo airline company, with its headquartered in

Miami, Florida. The primary hub at the Miami International airport
to 38 destinations, throughout the Caribbean, Mexico, Central and
South America Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

14.What is your strength?

o (4) Discipline and humbulness, discipline is 90 % of what makes a

professional not only in aviation but in everything really, and I’m
not afraid of accepting my mistakes, on the contrary, I’m a person
that appreciates constructive feed back, of course with respect,
but I appreciate it because it helps me grow and become a better
pilot and better person Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

15.When was the last time you had flown?

o (1) Last week Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

o (1) 11 months ago Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) December 2021. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

16.Tell about a previous experience where you used to fly.

o (0) I had the best flight experiences when I flew the DC3, which
was my first co-pilot plane and my first Captain plane, as well as
the area where I flew, which was in the Bolivar state in Venezuela.
An area called Canaima that is a national park and has a tourist
attraction that is the famous Angel Falls, the highest waterfall in
the world. I never get tired of flying in that area, it's
spectacular. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

17.What makes a good captain?

o (3) First of all, discipline, good judgment and decisions makers,

and good communicator with excellent attitude. Like this
Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) Skill (Captain should be fly their aircraft exactly as the airline
SOP). Trust (Captain must rely on the training program given to
the first officers, to work as a team). Communication (The Captain
must be approachable. If something doesn't look right, the F.O.
don't want to be afraid). Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

18.What do you know about Amerijet?

o (2) Amerijet is an all cargo company with the main hub in Miami, ir
covers routes in the states, centra and South America and Europe,
with very good logistics and infrastructure to carry perishables
and pharmaceuticals, it’s going trough a growing process with
good contracts and stability Like this Answer Flag Incorrect

Answer this question!

19.Tell me about your most memorable flight.

o (1) The time when an Airline check me as Line check airman Like
this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (1) Flying with the board of directors of Avensa, over and around
Angel Falls, in a was a really wonderful flight, in
1998. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
Answer this question!

20.Briefly describe your aviation experience and how you got to where
you’re at today.

o (0) I started as a mechanic in 1989 and while I was working, I was

studying to be a pilot, then I was hired by a company to be a DC3
co-pilot and since then I have been in two serious companies
where I consolidated myself as an airline pilot. Like this
Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

21.If your First Officer smells like alcohol, what do you do?

o (5) Tell him to call of sick, that he doesn’t looks well. If he refuses
call the union. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

22.Tell me about a time you recognized a safety concern and what did
you do to resolve it?

o (0) Once, without warning, they assembled a pallet of paint

without warning and I realized doing the 360 because the front
hold of the 737 was open...I had no luggage identification, I called
security and the pallet of paint was removed, it turned out to be
the owner of the company. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect

Answer this question!

23.What would you do if the Captain shows up for the flight


o (1) I would ask him if he is feeling well and since it is evident that
he is not, I would advise him to call in sick and call the chief
pilot. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

24.Tell me about a time when you had an emergency or bad
experience while flying?

Answer this question!

25.If the Captain is tired and wants to sleep during the flight, what do
you do?

o (3) If it’s not in a critical part of the flight, I’ll ask him to try to stay
up, if he can’t help it, then stay very attentive while he naps for
less than 20 minutes Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

26.Tell me about a flight you wish you hadn't gone on?

Answer this question!

27.What are your thoughts on SOPs (Standard Operating Procedures)?

o (1) SOP are a frame work of common procedures set out by an

airlines which support pilotsin operating a commercial aircraft
safely and consistently. SOP provide step-by-step instruction for
how to carry out a task or procedure . Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer
o (0) A Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) provides a flight crew
with a step by step guide to effectively and safely carry out
operations. A particular SOP must not only achieve the task at
hand but also be understood by a crew of various backgrounds
and experience within the organization. SOP's can also be
developed as time goes by to incorporate improvements based
on experience, accidents, near misses or innovations from other
manufacturers or operators to suit the needs of a particular
organization. SOP's should not be designed too detailed and
exhaustive that the pilot does not provide any form of cognition
to the process and not be too relaxed where the crew have too
options to decide between. Of note, a Checklist is generally
carried out as a part of an overall procedure; for example it would
be a companies SOP to conduct the Landing checklist after the
Landing gear is confirmed down and locked on finals during the
approach. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

28.What is required to deal with an emergency situation?

o (1) Follow QRH and notify ATC and Ops when able Like this
Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) Follow QRH and notify ATC and Ops when able, and check
SOP. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

29.What was your favorite flight?

Answer this question!

30.At what point would you take the flight controls from the other

Answer this question!

31.Why did you leave your prior job?

o (2) I’m still employed Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) My previous job (here in Florida) I left because I did not have a
work contract and the flights were not constant, therefore
financially it was not suitable for me. Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

32.Do long hours bother you?

o (2) No Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

o (0) Obviously yes, unless they're justified in flying, which I
like. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

33.What would you do if your captain told you to pretend you didn't
notice the missing static wicks until you landed at your final

o (0) If there is no maintenance base in the place where we are

going to land, I would agree if it is not limited according to the
MEL, but if there is a maintenance base in the place where we are
going to land, I would say that it should be reported. Like this
Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

34.If you had an engine failure on takeoff would you immediately

head to your take- off alternate or would you consider landing at
the departure airport?

o (0) If the weather conditions allow it, I would return to the airport
of origin. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

35.Will you move to MIA?

o (1) I live in Ft Lauderdale. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect

o (0) I live in Doral. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

36.Tell me a time you flew with a difficult Captain, how did you handle

o (0) Getting the job done and safety first are very important.
Staying focus. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

37.What would you do if the captain wanted to take off below

minimums without a takeoff alternate?
o (0) I have never had a flight with a troublesome captain. Like this
Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) I would suggest that considering the current weather
conditions, that an alternate airport should be briefed. Like this
Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

38.What was the hardest decision you had to make in the cockpit?

o (1) Shut down one engine Like this Answer Flag Incorrect
o (1) The most difficult was getting the owner of the company out of
the cockpit, since he entered without warning, while my co-pilot
and I were doing the take-off briefing on the Venezuela-Miami
route. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

39.Have you had a conflict in the cockpit, if so how did you resolve it?

o (2) Never. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

40.What are your strengths, weaknesses?

o (0) I have the facility to understand the mechanical elements

which have helped me to evaluate situations and solve them on
the flight line, I like to collaborate in the work with my colleagues
and teach. My weaknesses? Perhaps in accepting the changes in
how things are done due to technological advances, for example
when I went from flying Boeing to Airbus... it was difficult to
understand that philosophy. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect

Answer this question!

41.Do you know any of our pilots?

o (1) I knew one which had recently just completed IOE on the B767,
he is a very nice guy and they seem happy to hear that we known
each other on a personal level for years Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer
o (0) I dont know any. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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42.Tell me about your military experience.

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43.Do you have any prior issues with the law?

Answer this question!

Interview Process Details / Paperwork / Questions

1. Do you have any questions?

o (3) How long until captain position ? Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer
o (0) Yes, I had 3 Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) I asked about a recent expansion attempt in the Reno area
that failed and why. The response was a lack of funding to cover
the period before the project reached the Break-even point. Like
this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

2. Do you have an unrestricted passport?

Answer this question!

3. Why do you believe you will be successful in 767/757 training?

Answer this question!

4. How do you think you did on the interview?

Answer this question!

Technical Aircraft Systems Questions

1. Describe a system on your current aircraft?

Answer this question!

Technical Aerodynamics Questions

1. What is V1? How does it change with RWY condition?

o (1) Decision speed, go no go. Contaminated runway decreases

V1 Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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2. Does a contaminated runway affect your V speeds?

o (1) Yes. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

o (0) It will reduce V1 Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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3. What is wake turbulence?

o (2) It’s the turbulence created as a result of induced drag behind

an airplane, it’s more severe if the airplane is heavy and in clean
configuration. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) Wake turbulence is a function of an aircraft producing lift,
resulting in the formation of 2 counter rotating vortices trailing
behind the aircraft. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

Technical Maps / Plates / Airport Markings Questions

1. What is the touchdone zone defined as?

o (0) TDZ defined as the first 3000 ft of the runway beginning at the
threshold. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) The system consists of steady-burning white lights which start
100 feet beyond the landing threshold and extend to 3,000 feet
beyond the landing threshold or to the midpoint of the runway,
whichever is less. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

2. What does MEA stand for?

o (2) Minimum Enroute Altitude Like this Answer Flag Incorrect


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3. What is the difference between an MEA and a MOCA?

o (4) Both the MEA and MOCA provide the same obstruction
clearance. The only difference is that radio navigation signal
coverage is provided along the entire airway segment at the MEA,
but the MOCA provides radio navigation signal coverage only
within 22 nautical miles of the VOR. Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

4. What is the runway lighting from last 2,000 ft remaining?

o (2) The Runway edge lights for the last 2000 feet are Amber. The
runway center line lights starting from the last 3000 feet, for 2000
feet alternate Red and White and the last 1000 feet are Red. Like
this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) last 2000 are amber Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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5. What color are taxiway lights?

o (1) Taxiway centerline lights are steady burning and emit green
light. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
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6. How does an ILS work?

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7. What is an MEA and a MOCA?

o (0) Minimum Enroute Altitude Minimum Obstacle Clearance

Altitude Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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Technical Problem Solving Questions

1. What would you do if you experienced an engine failure on short


o (2) Land. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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2. What is your actions if you lost an engine right at V1?

o (0) Continue take off. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) V1 is your decision speed (so abort). Amerijet will actually train
to call it 5 knots below due to the momentum and speed of
acceleration). Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

3. What would you do if you receive a RA to climb but you're at your

max altitude?

o (1) If an ACAS RA occurs when the aircraft is at the maximum

altitude for its current weight, the pilots should not assume that
they cannot comply with a climb RA because of that. In these
cases it is acceptable and assumed that speed will be traded for
height. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) speed will be traded for height. Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer
Answer this question!

4. What do you do if while holding you're approaching BINGO holding

fuel , what is your process?

o (1) Analyse the current situation at destination, if the conditions

are not improving, start preparing for diverting to the
alternate. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) Entering your 45 minute final reserve fuel demands a
declaration of emergency fuel. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect

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5. You are 5 miles out, how high should you be?

o (2) 3 to 1, so 1500 feet AGL. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect


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6. About how high are you at 7nm on the glideslope?

o (1) 2,000ft Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

 2100ft (March 08, 2023 - Edynardo W.)

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7. Walk me through a runway change after pushing back from the


o (0) Contact ground and request to hold position or where does

ATC want you to go and hold. Check for changes on ATIS. Either
pick up CPDLC clearance or request a new clearance. Brief on
changed taxi clearance. Brief on revised SID. Like this
Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

8. What would you do if you experienced an engine failure 3 kts

before V1?
o (0) Reject the take off Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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9. If your mains happen to touchdown during go-around can you

continue to execute one?

o (1) Yes Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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10.What would you do if the flight deck starts to smoke from avionics
panel during take off roll?

o (0) Reject Take off. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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11.What would you do if you were en-route requesting a deviation for

weather, but ATC wasn't responding?

o (1) Perform the required deviation together with a blind PAN PAN
PAN broadcast. State your position and monitor TCAS. Continue
to try to reach ATC and use 121.5 frequency if necessary. Return
to original route as soon as practical and continue to try to reach
ATC. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) As a PIC, you may deviate to the extent necessary to any
situation to comply with any emergency. Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

12.What would you do if you experienced windshear right after


o (2) Apply GA thrust, leave the airplane in the same configuration

and pull up the nose to 15 degrees verifying the rate of proximity
to the terrain Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

13.What would you do if you noticed missing static wicks on your walk

o (2) Tell the CA, write it up in the mx logbook, call maintenance.

Some combination of that. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect

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14.What would you do if after takeoff the FO and CA attitude

indicators disagree?

o (0) Use the most agreeable with the standby, and use QRH Like
this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) Compare both to the standby AH. Use the one that matches
and the pilot that side should assume control. Like this
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15.What would you do if METAR is reporting freezing rain?

o (0) I won’t go, postpone the flight, until it improves Like this
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o (0) Freezing rain is super cooled drops that freeze on impact with
aircraft surface. Employ anti-ice and deice and exit the level being
encountered. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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16.What would you do if while flying at FL370 the autopilot disengages

and won't reengage?

o (0) Consider the aspects of RVSM at this altitude. RVSM is from

FL290-FL410. You would report it to ATC, they may give you
permission to stay at that altitude, and fly it without A/P, but it
most cases, you would have to descend below FL290, as A/P is
one of the requirements to operate under RVSM. Like this
Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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17.What would you do if at 800ft on an ILS your engine starts on fire?

o (0) Continue the approach at this phase. Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer
o (0) Land, stopping on the runway. Don’t take a fire back into the
air. Stop on the runway even if ATC asks you to vacate as this is
their only runway open. The fire services will need space around
the aircraft to perform their duties. Other inbound aircraft can
divert. Your emergency must take preference in the interests of
Safety. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

Answer this question!

18.What would you do if your airplane fire detection is saying there is

a fire, but you have no other signs of a fire?

o (1) Check the necessary memory items and follow the QRH. Like
this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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Technical Regulations Questions

1. What is the max holding speed at 6,000ft?

o (1) 200 kias Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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2. What are holding speed restrictions?

o (2) 200 (up to 6000ft) 230 (up to 14000ft) 265 (14001ft and
up) Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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3. What conditions needs to be met in order to descend below the DA?

o (2) In flight visibility above that required for the approach. In a

position to make a safe landing using normal maneuvers. Any
part of the runway environment in sight (runway, lights,
centerline, lights, TDZE, lights, REILs). Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer

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4. What do you need to see to legally land once you are at 100ft above
TDZE , if descended due to seeing the approach lights?

o (2) Red terminating bars or red side row bars. Of course you can
continue if you see any other part of the runway
environment. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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5. What does seeing the approach lights allow you to do on an


o (3) Descend to 100 feet above the TDZE. Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer

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6. What is the runway environment?

o (0) Runway environment is the LIST of approved visual references

listed on FAR 91.175 Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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7. What is the max speed for a procedure turn?

o (1) 200 knots Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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8. What is the minimum fuel requirements for an IFR flight?

o (1) Complete the flight to the first airport of intended landing fly
from that airport to the alternate airport; and fly after that for 45
minutes at normal cruising speed. Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer
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9. What is the difference between minimum fuel and emergency fuel?

o (1) Min fuel is when you can accept no further delays. Emergency
fuel is when you have reached your final reserve of 45
minutes. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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10.When is a take off alternate required?

o (2) When weather at your departure airport is below the lowest

CAT I minimums for that airport at time of departure. Like this
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11.What is the definition of transition altitude, and transition level?

o (0) Transition Altitude = the altitude at which standard pressure

(29.92 or 1013hpa) is set. Transition Level = The Flight level below
which you set QNH. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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12.What is required equipment for RVSM airspace?

o (0) - two air data systems - altitude alerting system - autopilot with
functioning altitude hold mode - transponder Like this
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Technical Other Questions

1. Wha is the first stage of take off?

o (1) 35 feet altitude to landing gear fully retracted. Like this

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o (0) This segment is measured from the point at which the aircraft
becomes airborne until it reaches 35 feet above the runway, with
one engine inoperative climbing at V2 speed and landing gear
fully retracted. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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2. Can you brief rejected take off criteria?

o (1) Between 0 and 80 rejected for any abnormality, between 80

and V1 only due to Fire, Fire warning, engine failure, predictive
wind shear or airplane unable to fly. Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer

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3. Walk me through a V1 cut from your previous aircraft?

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4. Would you accept a clearance to maintain 180kts to a 4nm final?

o (4) No, unstable approach. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect

o (0) Yes i would Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) No don’t. If typical Vref is 145kts with a max gust factor of
20kts added, you cannot accept 180kts. It goes against Company
SOPs and is considered unstable. You are coming in hot and will
land deep. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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5. Walk me through a rejected takeoff?

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6. Hydroplanning formula?

o (2) 9 x sqroot of(tire pressure) is the theoretical speed at which a

tire will hydroplane. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (1) 9-2 -6 Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
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7. What is the captains procedure during a RTO?

o (2) Thrust levers idle, speed brakes up, full reversers, verify auto
brake operation. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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8. What is the first climb segment?

o (1) Gear up Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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9. What is the go around profile for the A320?

o (2) Go around flaps positive climb gear up manage nav at s speed

flaps zero Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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10.What is your drift down speed?

o (0) Maximun trust and minimum rate of descend. Like this

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11.Walk me through procedure for rapid decompression?

o (0) Crew Oxygen/ 100%, Mic Mask. Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer

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12.What would you do if tower asked you to depart from an


o (0) Ok if you have performance data and it meets the company

Ops Spec. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) Check you aerodata, and dispatch release to see if it is suitable
with your aircraft load, runway length. Like this Answer Flag
Incorrect Answer

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13.What does ETOPS mean?

o (0) Extended-range Twin-engine Operations Performance

Standards—a special part of flight rules for one-engine-
inoperative flight conditions Like this Answer Flag Incorrect

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Written Test Questions

1. Define V1

o (1) go no-go speed. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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2. Define V2

o (1) Takeoff Safety Speed Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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3. What is the protected airspace on a dme arc?

o (2) /- 4nm. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

o (0) /- 1nm Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) A DME arc primary protected area is as wide as an airway, /- 4
NM. Pilots are expected to maintain /- 1 NM from the arc. Like
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4. How many miles out does the glide slope guarantee obstacle
o (3) 10nm. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (1) 35 degrees to 10nm and 10 degrees to 18nm Like this
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5. What is a CSD?

o (3) A constant speed drive (CSD) is a mechanical gearbox that

takes an input shaft rotating at a wide range of speeds, delivering
this power to an output shaft that rotates at a constant speed,
despite the varying input. They are used to drive mechanisms,
typically electrical generators, that require a constant input speed.
Constant speed drives are usually found as part of the accessory
drives of gas turbine engines, such as aircraft jet engines.
Constant-speed drives are usually found supplying accessory
equipment and are rarely needed for an engine's main power
output. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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6. What weather conditions can cause windshear?

o (2) Thunderstorms and Jetstreams Like this Answer Flag

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7. What conditions are condusive to icing in flight, and on the ground?

o (2) Icing conditions exist when OAT (on the ground) or TAT (in-
flight) is 10°C or below and any of the following exist: • visible
moisture (clouds, fog with visibility of one statute mile (1600 m) or
less, rain, snow, sleet, ice crystals, and so on) is present, or • ice,
snow, slush or standing water is present on the ramps, taxiways,
or runways. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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8. What is the true airspeed at FL330, if indicated is 270knots

o (0) 448.2 Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) If you have forgotten what a whizz wheel is, have one on
standby. This is where you determine the answer. Like this
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9. Why is an ADF frequency underlined?

o (1) No voice available. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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10.Define maneuvering speed

o (1) Speed at which you can make full movement of the control
surface Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer
o (0) Maneuvering speed Va, is the maximum airspeed at which the
limit load can be imposed, either by gusts or full deflection of the
control surfaces without causing structural damage. Like this
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11.Draw a hold short line

o (1) ________________ ________________ - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

- - - Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

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12.Travel "x" miles in "y" minutes, how fast are you going?

o (1) X/Y= Speed. Like this Answer Flag Incorrect Answer

o (0) Miles divided by minutes x 60 Like this Answer Flag Incorrect

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13.What items are in a position report

o (1) Position, time, Altitude, ETA next fix, name of next fix Like this
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o (0) Call sign, checking position XYZ at time XYZ, FL360 IFR. Next
position XYZ estimated at time XYZ. Like this Answer Flag
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