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Sewage system. Network of conduits, generally pipes, through which domestic wastewater, and from
commercial or stormwater establishments, must be evacuated efficiently and safely, leading to a
treatment plant and finally, to a discharge site.

Drainage network. Set of pipes whose purpose is to collect and transport contributions from domestic,
commercial and industrial wastewater discharges to collectors and interceptors.

Manhole. Structure that allows the inspection, ventilation and cleaning of the sewer network, they are
used for the union of two or more pipes and in all changes in diameter, direction and slope, as well as
for extensions or repairs of the incident pipe (of different material or technology).

Nominal diameter. Measurement that corresponds to the commercial name of the size of the
components used in sewage systems.

Atarjea. Pipe through which wastewater from sewers and pipes is transported to sub-collectors or

Pipeline. It is the union of two or more tubes. Air tightness. Characteristic of a duct network of not
allowing water to pass through its joints.

Coefficient of friction. Hydraulic design parameter that allows determining the energy losses in a

It is the daily volume of wastewater delivered to the sewer network. Most authors and researchers
agree that this contribution is a percentage of the value of the endowment, since there is a volume
that is not taxed to the sewage network, such as that used for human consumption, garden
irrigation, car wash, among others.

The value of the contribution could be calculated by multiplying the provision data obtained as
indicated in section 2.2.3, in l/inhabitant per day, by 0.7 or 0.75, thereby obtaining the volume per
inhabitant per day, which is discharged into the sewer network. It is necessary to keep in mind that
in some locations there are considerable concentrated discharges with special characteristics, as is
the case of industries with their own supply source, so these volumes must be evaluated to add them
or not to the previous contribution.


The expenses considered in sewer projects are: average, minimum, instantaneous maximum and
extraordinary maximum. The last three are determined from the first.

The average wastewater expenditure is calculated with Equation 3.1, based on the inhabitants
served and the contribution determined for each area under study. In industrial and commercial
zones, the calculation is made based on the demands of the corresponding development, multiplied
by the contribution coefficient and transformed to/


It is the value of the wastewater flow on an average contribution day per year. Conagua considers,
for the design of a new network, that the sewer must be built hermetically, so that the volume due
to infiltration will not be added to the wastewater flow. Depending on the population and the
contribution, the average wastewater expenditure in each section of the network is calculated with:

Qmid = 56,400 Equation 3.1


QMED = Average waste water expenditure les in L/s

A, = Contribution of waste water them per day, in 1/room, section 3.2.1
Q = Population, in number of inhabitants
so many
86400 = Seconds in a day, s/d


The minimum flow, Qmin (Equation 3.2) is the lowest of the runoff values that normally occur in a
conduit. It is accepted that this value is equal to half of the average expense.

QMIN = 0.5QMED Equation 3.2

Table 3.1 shows values of the minimum expenditure that can also be used in the design of sewers. It
is observed that the lower limit is 1.5 l/s, which means that in the initial sections of the sewer
networks, when minimum flow values less than 1.5 l/s result, this value must be used in the design.
Table 3.1 Minimum wastewater expenditure, related to sanitary discharges
16 liter toilet Excused from you liters
Minimum waste water expenditure Minimum waste water expenditure
cm Es L/s
20 15 1.0
25 1.5 1.0
30 ■ 3.0 2.0
38 3.0 2.0
46 ■ 4.5 3.0
61 7.5 5.0
76 ■ 12.0 8.0
91 18.0 12.0


The maximum instantaneous flow rate is the maximum runoff value that can occur at a given
instant. To evaluate this expense, the number of inhabitants served is considered and has no relation
to the socioeconomic conditions of the population. The maximum instantaneous expenditure is
obtained from the Harmon coefficient (M):

M-1 + p Equation 3.3

P = Population served cumulative up to the end point (downstream)
of the pipe section considered in thousands of inhabitants This coefficient of maximum
instantaneous variation is applied considering that:

In sections with a cumulative population of less than 1,000 inhabitants, the coefficient
M is constant and equal to 3.8
• For a cumulative population greater than 100,000, the coefficient M is considered
constant and equal to 2.0, that is, it is accepted that its value based on that number of inhabitants
does not follow the Law of variation established by Harmon


It is the flow of wastewater that considers water contributions that are not part of normal
discharges, such as stormwater runoff from roofs, patios, or those caused by explosive population
growth not considered.
Based on this expense, the appropriate diameter of the conduits is determined, since it provides a
safety margin to anticipate excess contributions that the network may receive, under these
circumstances. In cases in which a new system is designed in accordance with an urban development
plan that prevents disorderly growth and it is anticipated that there will be no rainfall contributions
from neighboring properties, since these will be managed by a separate storm drainage system, the
safety coefficient will be one.


The minimum speed is considered as the speed at which there are no deposits of suspended solids in
the sewers that cause silting and blockages. The minimum allowable speed is 0.3 m/s, considering
the minimum flow mentioned in Table 3.1 and its corresponding tension.

The maximum speed is the upper design limit, which attempts to avoid erosion of the walls of the
ducts and structures. This limit is established depending on the material of the pipe and it is possible
to obtain it from the characteristics specified by the manufacturers. and that must be attached to
the corresponding regulations. For its review, the maximum extraordinary expense is used.

The purpose of limiting slope values is to avoid, as far as possible, silting and the construction of free
fall structures that, in addition to making the works significantly more expensive, encourage the
production of hydrogen sulfide, a very toxic gas, which destroys concrete. of the pipes when they are
made of this material, and increases the bad odors of the wastewater, promoting environmental
The slopes of the pipes must follow the profile of the terrain as far as possible, in order to have
minimum excavations, but taking into account the speed restrictions of the previous paragraph.


Minimum diameter. Experience in the conservation and operation of sewage systems over the years
has shown that to avoid blockages, the minimum diameter of the pipes should be 20 cm.

Maximum diameter. It depends on several factors, among which are:

the maximum extraordinary design expense, the topographical and soil mechanics characteristics of
each particular location, the type of pipe material and the commercial diameters available on the


For the hydraulic calculation of the sewer, the Manning formula (Equation 3.6) should be used, since
it is the one that best simulates the behavior of free surface flow.

V = ^Ri n S ¡/ ' Equation 3.6

V = Velocity, in m/s
Rh = Hydraulic radius, in m
S = Slope of the hydraulic gradient, dimensionless n = “Friction” coefficient, in s/m^1/3

The hydraulic radius is calculated with Equation 3.7:

A = Cross-sectional area of flow, in m²
Pm = Wetted perimeter, in m

The hydraulic parameters with partially filled section, such as the hydraulic area, and the wetted
perimeter can be calculated with the following expressions and which are referred to Illustration 3.1.
Illustration 3.1 Geometric parameters of the cross section
T = Width of free surface (m)
D = Inner diameter (m) y = Section tension (m)

The Manning equation has the advantage for constant section pipes that the roughness coefficient
depends exclusively on the pipe material. The determination of the friction factor values is completely
empirical and its main difficulty lies in achieving a fully developed uniform flow in the field or

Table 3.2 shows the values of the coefficient n published so far for some materials; for other classes of
pipes it will be necessary to carry out laboratory work to obtain the value of n. Table 3.3 presents the
ranges of the coefficient n found in the international bibliography for different types of materials. For
others not included, the reference that offers the experimental results should be sought.

Table 3.2 Values of Manning's n roughness coefficient for free surface pipes
Material Manning coefficient Reference
Concrete 0.012 - 0.014 VenTeChow(1994)
Polyvinylchloride (PVO). solid wall 0.009 XAaDepartment of Transportation
Fiber cement 0.011-0.015 ASCE/EWRI (2006)

Table 3.3 Values of Manning 's n roughness coefficient recommended for the design of free surface pipelines

Material Manning's n coefficient Reference

Corrugated polyvinyl chloride (PVC), smooth 0.010-0.013 California Department of
inner wall (Most used value for design 0.012) Transportation (2014)
High density polyethylene (HDPE) 0.010 - 0.013 California Department of
corrugated, smooth inner wall ( Most used value for design 0.012) Transportation (2014)
High density polyethylene (HDPE). corrugated 0.020 - 0.025 California Department of
interior wall (Most used value for design 0.022) Transportation (2014)
Fiberglass reinforced polyester (GRP) 0.009 American Water Works
Association (2014)

To simplify the calculations, relationships have been obtained between the different hydraulic
variables of interest in a circular section pipe, based on those calculated at full section with the
Manning formula, with respect to those corresponding to a given depth (Illustration 3.2).
On the other hand, tables of different hydraulic parameters are also available (Table 3.4). From
Illustration 3.2 it is observed that the maximum flow that can be conducted occurs with a tension close
to 95 percent of the diameter of the pipe.

To determine the most appropriate type of pipe material for the project, a qualitative and quantitative
analysis will be made of the concepts involved in its installation, operation and maintenance, which
include acquisition, installation, maintenance and freight costs, as well as availability of suppliers in
the region, delivery time of materials and accessories, material durability, ease of repair and coupling
with other materials, choosing the one that offers the best technical-economic conditions.


When determining the basic data for the design of a locality's sanitary sewage, it is advisable to obtain
as much of the following information as possible prior to the calculation:
1. Problems of the sewer system that gives rise to the project
2. Data from INEGI and Conapo for the town
3. Number of inhabitants per home (population density), of the locality under study.
4. Register of users of intakes and discharges of the Operating Agency by type of user for at least three
years and preferably five years
5. Production of drinking water and billing of drinking water by type of user for at least three years and
preferably five years
6. General plan of the sewerage and wastewater treatment infrastructure of the town
7. Urban development plan in the town (latest version)
8. Billing of the user registry of the operating organization including volumes consumed by type of user
for at least three years
9. General data on diameter and material of existing sanitary sewer pipes
10. Type of soil where the new infrastructure will be installed
11. Locality master plan or defectibility study
12. Topography map of the region
13. Sanitary sewer operation plan
14. Wastewater treatment plans and possible reuses

The above data can be obtained from various sources, such as municipal planning offices, INEGI, state
and municipal cadastre offices, Municipal Public Works offices, the operating agency of the local
drinking water and sewage system, and Conagua Management. , among others.

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