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The following essay is written with the purpose of making known the experiences I have had about

learning and the motivations I have had to learn, as well as some meanings of the concept of
learning to learn.
It would be being aware of how one learns, of the mechanisms one is using, of what
are the most effective ways to learn. It could also be an attitude towards learning, you
always learn something new with your patients, students and children. Also a
permanent attitude of putting yourself in the place of the learner.

It is DISCOVERING, CREATE, INVENTING, the means that allow you to continue with
the processes of ASSIMILATION and intellectual ACCOMMODATION in an intermittent
way, not only in school-age children, but in all of us who are permanent learners.
Today we are learning what it means to 'learn to learn'. Then, one of the first steps of
school must be to GUIDE in that LEARNING TO LEARN. Only there will true learning
take place.

Provide the learner with the intellectual, emotional and psychological tools that allow
him or her to grasp the concept, form and feeling of the outside world.

Evolutionary process of the human being in which a series of abilities, skills and
attitudes are developed in order to optimize one's own styles for the acquisition and
solution of other evolutionary processes for continuous improvement as a unique, free,
creative, critical and reflective person.

Learning to learn is the intellectual process that a person carries out to give meaning
to their cognitive abilities. The important thing about learning to learn is that if a
process of internalizing and discovering the principles, rules, glossaries, methods is not
assumed, They are usually hidden in large quantities of facts of daily life.

It is giving yourself the opportunity every day to acquire a new vision of things, to see
the world from another perspective, to unlearn what you have learned and assimilate
what is new. It is a sign of humility and it is willingness to live. It is accepting that we
have limitations and many things to know. It is giving yourself the opportunity every
day to acquire a new vision of things, to see the world from another perspective, to
unlearn what you have learned and assimilate what is new. It is a sign of humility and
it is willingness to live. It is accepting that we have limitations and many things to

Throughout life, human beings are willing to learn and acquire knowledge over time. Some
develop different skills to learn. From a very young age we develop the ability to learn facial
recognition and recognize who our family members are and even more so who our parents are.
Likewise, we absorb a little about language and that is where at a very early age we began to say
words like mom, dad, water, etc.

And after this what comes next?

The stage where we learn to hold the spoon to eat and even the bottle, the most difficult
challenge follows later where we have to walk, and there we learn that with practice we learn to
walk alone, it is where falls show us that life is not easy and we must have some ability to learn to
Another stage of life is when we are sent to kindergarten and we have to learn everything
possible, whether it is coloring, painting, even reading or writing. Our parents and teachers at this
stage also teach us that we must call to go to the bathroom since it is of utmost importance so as
not to feel embarrassed about getting dirty. The primary stage is of utmost importance, because
there we develop our way of learning, whether in reading, socializing, writing, even for an exam
we have a different way of studying. In high school we acquire new knowledge, whether it be how
to get from one place to another or who to be friends with. In high school we already have learned
a lot from a long time ago and it is where we more or less know what we want to be when we
grow up, what career to pursue or what directions we want to take, just as it is the stage where I
became interested in soccer and started practicing it. From that stage I knew that soccer is
important in my life and I have learned to play and develop as a player, what style to use,
regulations, what aptitude and even with whom to play or with whom not and there I developed
my personality of the person I am today. . Likewise, I have had many experiences playing soccer…


To finish the essay it is necessary to realize that we as human beings are surrounded by a world
where we have to develop skills to absorb knowledge for our own benefit, just as we are ready
every day for a new vision of things to see the world from another perspective, to learn what has
been learned and to assimilate what is new. We have to be humble and be available to experience
any change that may arise in our lives, accepting that we have limitations, we are not perfect and
we have many things to know.

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