Reflective Essay

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Description During my high school days, T was a peer counsellor. There was a girl, Ezria who everyone considered 2s a bad student, She got poor academic results, smoked, joined gangs and got into all sorts of problems. The schoo! department decided to launch a counselling session with her to help her out but she rejected. Thus, the school counsellor had no choice but requested me to have a chat with her. was glad that Ezria is willing to disclose her inner world to me. I was shocked to know that her parents divorced when she was two years old and her father denied child custody and visitation rights. Her mother was sentenced to life imprisonment due to drug trafficking when she was 10 years old. Thus, she lived with her aunt since then, Yet, she was considered to be a burden fo her aunts financial situation, Feeling All the “crime” she committed intensified others criticism and bias towards her, including me even though I should behave and think in an open-minded and compatible way 48 a peer counsellor. I felt myself hesitated and the idea to quit from the counselling session flashed in my mind. Undeniably, 1 am seared to deal with her. Yer, after having a deep conversation wit her feelings of pity and compassion towards her slowly and ruefully arouse in my mind, People boycot and diseriminate against her after knowing her mother was jailed and a drug trader. Her growing environment moulds her into low self-esteem person. She did ‘not know ways to interact with the outside world, thus she behaved aggressively andl rebelled to pretend that she is strong, What kind of environment she grows up? How does her aunt teat hhee? And, the most importantly, does she receive any care and love throughout her Tife? felt struggling and dazed, not knowing how to react after she disclosed her hard times. Surely, family and love are important to enhance emotional development to build fully functioning person. Evaluation felt shameful as 1 sed to judge and look down on her because of her academic results and violation of schoo! regulations. I thought that people can remain undefiled even though they grow up in a bad environment. In fact, did not purmyself inher shoes. She has no choice but corrupted as no one truly accepts her and guides her to distinguish right from wrong. At the time, I felt myself inadequate asa peer counselor. I wish Iam more empathetic and deep: minded, [regret the prejudice I possessed toward her without knowing her story. The negative thing is that there ae children that facing the same issve as her while no one helps them out ‘The positive thing is that I ear that people should not judge before we know the trth and love is vital throughout the child development. process, Analysis The child development experience greatly impacts their self-identity and the way they interact with the society throughout their lifespan. McCall et al. (2016) discovered that nurturing caregiving and well-established caregiverchild relationships. are preventing emotional and mental health problems. Children that are raised in a responsive and ‘warm relationship withthe caregiver are more likely to display better cognitive, physica and social development and les likely o display aggressiveness and defiance. Clearly, love and caring towards children is esential as it contributes wo a happier life and builds a well-adjusted personality, Conclusion The counselling session between Ezria and Lis an enlightenment for me. Lam now more understand about the importance of love and caring within a family in order to build a fully functioning person. A litle love can make great changes. Hence, everyone has an obligation to prevent people around us from going astray Plan of Action This incident inspires me to become professional counsellor in future. I realized that there are children that suffer due to lack of love and intimacy with family. Thus, 1 would identify and join organizations that are providing free counselling service to gain more real life ing experience and skill that can prepare me to be a professional counsellor.

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