Graphotherapy Exercises

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Graphotherapy exercises

Browsing in bookstores I found a book on graphotherapy that caught my attention, I'll tell
you a little about what it is about and summarize something about it.

Graphotherapy consists of the simple act of changing the way you write. With
graphotherapeutic exercises it is possible to generate, in the functioning of the brain, new
conditioned reflexes that will act on the endocrine glands, which will produce a new
biochemistry capable of regulating the balance of the body.

When we get ready to do graphotherapy, the first thing we need is a writing executed by our
own hand. Its characteristics are:

1. That it has an extension of at least two pages.

2. The writing must bear, above all, the date and, in some visible place, the legend: “first free
writing.” You have to think that the individual is going to change their way of writing, since
this is actually the objective of graphotherapy. (With this we will have a before and after

3. This “first free writing” is going to be a widely used instrument throughout the process.
For now, any graphic anomalies that are found should be pointed out.

4. You must always have the first writing in front of you while you practice the exercises,
because, in this way, you will always remember those movements, graphics that you should
try to change and it will make your work easier.

5. Every ten or twelve days you have to do another free writing, similar to the first, which
you have to ensure that it is executed without graphotherapeutic influences, that is, that it is
done quickly and spontaneously.

These other free writings will be repeated throughout the entire graphotherapeutic process,
every ten or twelve days, they must always be contrasted with the first, to see to what
extent the anomalies have disappeared.

The material to be used should be white paper that does not have any type of grid or
guidelines. As a writing tool, only a thick-tip pen should be used and pencils, markers, pens,
etc. should be discarded.
The exercises must be done slowly, paying close attention, as well as following the small
instructions as much as possible. So if we consciously do an act with insistence, it will
become part of our unconscious or automatisms in general.

The time that the patient must dedicate to exercising should be at least half an hour a day.
In more serious cases it can be increased to one or even two hours. Preferably in the early
hours of the morning and avoid them after meals.

Necessary continuity and assiduity, they must be practiced daily.

Once the patient has recovered his health, the exercises accumulated during self-treatment,
as well as the free writings and, above all, the first writing, should not be destroyed, but
should be preserved, in case, in the future, the patient You will notice in your writing some
tendency to return to the same graphic anomalies that you had already corrected. It is not
necessary to save the entirety.


There are some exercises that should be considered general in nature, that is, they can and
should be practiced by anyone, regardless of whether the individual suffers from any disease
or not.

They are numbered from 1 to 7. The rest are of a specific nature and should only be practiced
by those people affected by their corresponding dysfunctions that, without a doubt, will
manifest themselves in their writings.


The shape of each of the letters must be as similar as possible to those of the model. It
should be written in normal, cursive writing and not imitate other printing-type models,
Chinese, Arabic, etc. This anomaly is related to the desire for originality, to be different,
which in a person who is affected by depression could lead to an increase in the crisis.


The writing must be linked. That is, the letters of an entire word must be joined by a single
path. Except for the following cases: after the dots of the “i” and “j”, after the crossbars of
the “t” and “q” and after the tilde of the “ñ”, as well as in the accents, quotes, etc. When,
when writing an entire word, the pen has been lifted to place a dot or a crossbar, you should
not re-attach the stroke that you left off to place the dot, but instead continue writing the
rest of the word. In other words, it should be done without worrying about this connection.
The fact of resuming the line exactly at the point left indicates an obsession with following or
continuing something that was already lost in the past.


The size of the letter will be determined by the height of the ovals and should range between
two and three millimeters.


The writing should be vertical, but never with a marked inclination to the right or left, if
perhaps somewhat inclined to the right.


The margins left in the writing should never be disproportionate, especially the one on the
right. In addition, you must leave a small margin at the top of the writing.


Regarding the upward extensions of the letters b,d,f,h,l,k,t and the downward extensions of
the g,j,p,q,y,z, they should not be long, as for the oval it should not be wide but rather tall.


In the long run you achieve: Self-improvement, self-discipline, patience, tenacity, avoid fear
of the unknown, ease of change, perseverance, tranquility, rest, relaxation, solidity in the
bones, strengthening of the skin, improvement in nutritional functions , prevents problems of
the mouth, neck, throat, avoids anxiety about eating, improves the function of the formation
of hard tissues, benefits the skin, hair and nails, gives vitality to the blood, relieves
headaches, good kidney function, corrects excess aggressiveness, prevents glandular
problems and benefits the spine. It is beneficial for Parkinson's, epilepsy and neurological
problems in general. Helps asthma, bronchitis, tendency to colds, etc.

Healing through writing -Vicente Lledo Parres

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