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Gr ad e Le vel


ASCA Domain/S tandard

Curriculum/ Material

Proje cted Start /End

Proje cted # of stud ents affec ted


Lets Evol ve into a Colle geBoun d Stud ent Wheel of Care ers

Career Competency : B:2 Indicator: C:B2:1

Student Success table Rating Survey Pre and post tests

11/1/ 11 12/23 /11


Les son will be pre sen t in whi ch clas s? Coll ege Prep

Evaluati on Method

Con tact Per son

Pre/Post Test (See lesson plan)

Ms. Shirl ey

Career Standard A: Compete ncy C:A1 Indicator: C:A1.2 Academic ASCA Standard A: ASCA Compete ncy: A2 ASCA Indicator: A:A2.4


Professional Magazines, information strips, 1 laptop, poster boards, markers, and glue. Writing utensils Envelope s Dry erase markers Board paper for group rules 2-3 packs of index cards

11/17 /11


Tow n Hall

How will you pursue this career (developi ng your action plan)? How does this activity connect to decisions I make in life? School? Classes?

Ms. Shirl ey


Decisio ns, Descisi ons.

11/11 12/11


Tow n Hall

Ms. Shirl ey


Seniorit is

Career ASCA Standard A ASCA Competenc y: C:C1 ASCA Indicator: C:C1.1 Personal/So cial

~Classroom with media technology ~Pre-and Post-tests-2 per student ~Writing utensils ~PowerPoint Presentation Markers/Pap er

11/11 12/11


Coll ege Prep

How many credits do I need to graduate from high school

Ms. Shirl ey

9th How to Deal

11/11 -



How do deal/cope

Ms. Shirl

BSHWCA Academic Action Plan: According to the 2010-2011 progress report card BHSWCA received a D within the section of student performance. The four-year graduation rate is 61.5% and the six-year graduation rate is 63.4, which indicates that stakeholders are not communicating with the student body what the students need to accomplish in order to graduate.

Opportunity Gap: Another gap that I identified is that the students are not exposed to engaging, rigorous, , and differentiated opportunities that can be incorporated with the curriculum and standards that will increase student performance such as community collaborations.

Gra de Lev el

Less on

ASCA Domain

Curricul um/ Material s

Projec ted Start/E nd


What is my Lear ning Style ?

Academi c ASCA Standar dA ASCA Compet ency: A1 ASCA Indicato r: A:A1.5 Academi c ASCA Standar d A: Compet ency: A2 ASCA Indicato r: A:A2.1

Writing utensils M&Ms Copies of learning style inventory Dry erase markers Board paper for group rules Pre/post tests PowerPoi nt Presentat ion Saved by the Bell Video Clip Workshee ts for time manage ment activities


Projec ted # of stude nts affect ed 120

Lesson will be presen ted in which class? Town Hall

Evaluat ion Method

Cont act Pers on

Learnin g style inventor y

Ms. Shirle y


Im Save d by the Bell




Student s will complet e pre/post test. I believe coming to school every day will help me do better in

Ms. Shirle y

White board & markers


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