Final - Second Delivery Corporate Social Responsibility

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Professional Academic Level

Corporate social responsibility.

Tutor: Ramon Aguilar.
Group 1


Cifuentes Barrero Diana Carolina Gómez Code

Calderón Mary Johanna Mendieta Espinel Lizeth 1611025026 Anyul
Monroy Páez Sandra Viviana Mora Diaz Jair Code
Armando 1611025089

Grancolombiano Polytechnic University Institution

Faculty of Administrative, Economic and Accounting Sciences.

January 2020

Second delivery.


The subject Corporate Social Responsibility is an integrated module of the Universidad

Politécnico Grancolombiano, which proposes as a preparation and skill guide for learning
the performance of collaborative work, which allows us as students to strengthen our
investigative and interpretation capabilities that are give in the sector presarial; to also apply
the different concepts proposed during the support material of the CSR subject and
incorporate them into business reality, being consistent about the commitment and
importance involved in Corporate Social Responsibility in companies.

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General objective.....................................................................................................................3
Specific objectives...................................................................................................................4
1.1 Analysis of the El Quimbo Hydroelectric Project case.............................................4
1.2 Identification of variables affected by the problem (supported and evi denounced as
1.3 Social Action (mitigate existing problems-own authorship)...................................12
1.4 Environmental Action (mitigate existing problems-own authorship).....................14
1.5 Economic Action (mitigate existing problems-own authorship)............................15
2.1 Identification of Interest Groups that the company must take into account
INTERNAL INTEREST GROUP..................................................................................16
BASELINE ESTIMATION...................................................................................................17
Tutor feedback settings...................................................................................................20
Bibliography – Citation of consulted sources.................................................................20

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Grancolombiano Polytechnic University Institution

Faculty of Society, Culture and Creativity,

January, 2020.

Second delivery.

General objective.

“ Understand the different elements that constitute a Social Responsibility program

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) to leverage the improvement of organizational
performance based on the requirements of interest groups .
Textual quote taken as reference from the U1 project guide

Corporate Social Responsibility as a general objective seeks to generate an impact and a

positive balance for the company's internal and external stakeholders, as a strategic
commitment and compliance with legal obligations, applying it in business practices for
their social well-being, for the sustainable economic growth and responsible use of natural
resources and the environment.

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Specific objectives.

✓ “ Understand the structure of an initiative to improve a CSR program for

strengthen business strategy ”. Textual quote taken as a reference from the U1 project guide .

✓ Understand the opportunities for improvement resulting from a Respon action plan Business
Social Sability.

✓ Contribute to the sustainability of the planet, through the implementation of CSR.

1. First Delivery [December 14 to December 17, 2019 - Week No.3]

1.1 Analysis of the El Quimbo Hydroelectric Project case.

Geographic location and generalities of the hydroelectric project

[1]Image taken URL: Colombia Huila Archive

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The “El Quimbo” dam is located south of the department of Huila, Colom bia, between the Central
and Eastern Mountain Ranges, south of the city of Neiva along the road that duce from Neiva leads
to Gigante. It is located about 1,300 m upstream from the con flow of the Páez River with the
Magdalena River.
The “El Quimbo” Hydroelectric Power Plant is an energy generating plant owned by Enel - Emgesa
that uses the waters of the Suaza and Magdalena rivers, with the capacity to supply close to 4% of
the energy demand in the country.
The Hydroelectric Plant has a purpose-built reservoir of 8,250 hectares and its municipalities of
influence are: Gigante, El Agrado, Garzón, Tesalia, Paicol and Altamira. The construction of its
works began in 2010 and its operation began in November 2015. The investment for its construction
was USD $1,231 million.
- Commands, A. EITHER. (2016). Colombian economy=. Bogota., Colombia: Ecoe editions.
- Lomdoño, R_C [2010, February). Lb economic opening in Colombia - Humanist Thought Magazine. Retrieved from https magazines.up php/PemsamientoHu
- Gunder, F. A Capitalism and underdevelopment in Latin America . Dependency theory , at Wikipedia].
- Solomon. K_ (2009, September] Banco de Da República.
- Dinero Magazine (2018, February). This is how the economy changed in 28 years of opening. Money Magazine . Retrieved from https: //www.d i
- Information System -SIA- (2018, February). Welcome to the future: What the economic opening leaves us [—5/ Retrieved from: https: //o bse rvato

Among the main benefits of the Hydroelectric Power Plant for the country are guaranteeing the
reliability of the energy supply, increasing the energy security and stability of the Colombian
electrical system and contributing significantly to the energy self-sufficiency of the Nation.

THE case .

[2]Image taken URL: Government of Huila

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11 years ago, the environmental license was granted that gave the green light to the construction of
the El Quimbo dam, which during its construction and commissioning generated the flooding of
5,200 hectares of land in Huila.
Although the restitution of more than 50% of land was ordered to the almost 2 million families that
had to be displaced due to the loss of land due to floods, today they continue to wait for economic
compensation from the State and private companies. builder and executor of the megaproject.
The situation of overflowing the dam caused the disintegration of community companies tarias in
full production and the extinction of important natural resources, flora and fauna.
- Cardenas. TO. EITHER. (2016). Colombian economy. Bogotá, Colombi=: Ecoe editions.
- Londono, RC (2010,. February)- The economic opening in Colomibi=. Humanist Thought Magazine . Recovered from
https.f{ mamista
- Gunder, F_ A. Capitalism and underdevelopment in Latin America. Dependency theory , in Clacso.orE - Wikipedia] .
- Solomon. K. (2009, September) Banco de la República.
- Dinero Magazine (2018, February). This is how the economy changed in 28 years of opening. Money Magazine . Recovered from
- Infarming system -SIA- (2018, February}. Welcome to the future: What economic openness leaves us [45]. Recovered from:

Another of the problems faced by the National Government is the situation of deterioration of the
roads as a result of the increase in the hydroelectric channel during the rainy season.
Three years ago, an investment of part of the budget for 4G roads by the government of President
Santos was announced for the construction of the Neiva-Santana (Putumayo) road, with a dual
carriageway between Neiva and Campoalegre, with works in Los Altares and a false tunnel. In
Pericongo, however, the project was not consolidated due to legal problems of one of the partners of
the concessionaire in charge of construction.
Due to the above, the department of Huila is cut off from much of the country. The road that
connects with Popayán (Isnos-Paletará) is impassable due to the poor pavement. The Suaza
Florencia road is no exception, while the Ambicá River cuts off the municipality of Colombia from
time to time. Traveling through the Pericongo area is considered by transport ters as a danger.
Additionally, because the mitigation works were not carried out with the existing roads, the waters
of the reservoir undermined the bench in the place known as Bengala, on the road that connects
Gigante with Garzón, leaving this population cut off from the South of the country.

1.2 Identification of variables affected by the problem (supported and evi denounced
as real).
Economic Variable

First element affected : The serious and difficult economic situation of the local residents
generated a high negative impact with the project focused on the cost of living.

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that increased in the area, the lands that will not be flooded seem the most expensive in the country.
Because of this problem, the situation becomes stronger when the sources of employment and the
productive chain of the area that came from agriculture and gain have been lost. would Zoraida
Bravo, mother of 5 children, stated that they live only from fishing, “for us there are not even companies,
there are many mothers at home who do not have to do without a source of work because the dam took
them away . ” 03-Oct-2011 Neyder Salazar, collaborator of
This situation causes peasant residents to take mobilization actions in what they have called the
defense of the territory.
Another of the multiple mobilizations carried out by the population demonstrates the discontent
same for non-compliance and violation of community rights. On the weekend, members of the
Association of People Affected by the El Quimbo Hydroelectric Plant, Asoquimbo pro They
planned to make a peaceful march to the tunnel that is being built to divert the river as part of the
dam works.
B Oct 2011 - By Repder Salazar, collaborator of Soyperiodista_com
EI&sp^'presa-el-qRjimbo-gensira-prote'irta-articu -303283

Ed. Semana Magazine https://wiNwsernana.aNri/ecnriomia/artkulo/el-q uimba-=pss=do-en-mamemtos-de-crisis-electrcañ4546G5-3

Gradually, at 8 in the morning on September 30, peasants from di different municipalities of

influence of what will be the hydroelectric plant. Energetic residents of Gigante, Hobo, Garzón, Río
Loro, Balseadero, La Honda, Las Aguas, Jagualito and San Anto child of Fish with the strength of
the suffering in which they live, they were willing to defend the territory. To pressure to defend their
rights, especially to continue with their affected economic activities.
Second element affected : A large part of the population has lost their professional activities.
ductive, that is why they demand compensation, payment of lost income and restitution of their
productive activities. Due to the construction, the dump trucks can no longer extract sand, these
were the last ones to stage a mobilization in the place.
Third element affected : The day laborers were fired from farms negotiated by Emgesa. This is
what happened with the La Virginia hacienda in Altamira that Emgesa bought to re locate farmers
from the Escalereta village in Agrado. Forcing more than 20 day laborers to leave their jobs, putting
the economic livelihood of families at risk.

Environmental Variable.
First element affected: The fish have been reduced, as stated by more than 90 Hobo fishermen
who were willing to take a margin of the river in the area of the works so that their affected
activities are guaranteed, since there are more than 300 of them. fishing artisanal workers affected
by the decrease in fish and who will be displaced from their trade in Hobo. The fisherman from this
municipality, Berselio Tovar, assures that his economic situation

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It is complicated because they have nothing to fish, “those people take over the entire river bed, they
threw down the bridge and threw away everything,” referring to Emgesa. Ed. The Spectator
Second Affected Element: Sawyers with more than 20 years of work are affected by losing their
economic activity. Small artisanal miners like Emiro Cuellar are They have to be helpless, enduring
hunger and needs, since the gold mines of Hobo were affected, an area from which they were
displaced by restricting their entry, “It is approaching us, God not spare us from a civil war, we
are out in the open and We have no direction to work .” 03-Oct-2011 Neyder Salazar, collaborator of

Third Element Affected : Carlos Cuéllar, owner of a nature reserve in the area, narrates that he
saw a herd of otters that have the Magdalena River as their natural habitat, places near a polluted
lake in the area. The animals have not only been displaced from their habitat and are not the only
ones. Local fishermen say they have seen dead otters.
- Oct 3, 2011 - By Neyder Salazar, collaborator of
- Elespectador.comnaticias/soyperiodista{social-crisis-el-quimbo-dam-generates-protest-article-303283
- Ed. Semana Magazine htttps-//

Social Variable
The inhabitants who were affected by the construction of the El Quimbo dam, in Huila, are
mobilizing to protest what they consider a dispossession of their lands. Year in which the problem
began to form “ El Quimbo since 2008, when the government of President Álvaro Uribe gave way
Walking through the areas where the El Quimbo hydroelectric plant is being built is seeing how the
Emgesa, Enel and Endel companies rapidly destroy the territory. Which implies the destruction of
everything in its path, ecosystem and affected population that worsens a social crisis evident in the
mobilizations. Ed. The Spectator Magazine
First element affected: The peasants have been displaced, among them there remain those who
still resist not leaving their territory. During this problem, the case of seven deaths occurred since
people began to talk about El Quimbo and the pressure to abandon their territory accelerated, they
decided to die first before being forced to leave everything built in the place.
The farms have been destroyed in order to be purchased by Emgesa, under the falsehood that they
were unused land and without infrastructure that would generate social conditions. Be demo They
destroyed the houses to make them look like ruins, as happened with irrigation systems. This is what
happened with the El Azucena farm, where despite the destruction, the inhabitants are very clear
that it was a habitable place and was very recently destroyed. Ed. El Espectador Magazine.
The candidate for the Governor of Huila, Carlos Mauricio Iriarte, arrived at the scene and expressed
his position of supporting the Asoquimbo struggle, considering it legitimate, “they are within their

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to travel the territory, are the arguments of peaceful social protest.” 03-Oct-2011 Neyder Salazar,
collaborator of Ed. Review the viewer. And Ed. Weekly magazine.

Second element affected : The passage of the peasants in chivas was obstructed by a group of
heavily armed soldiers and police who prohibited traffic by an order issued by Fenivar Salazar,
mayor of Gigante who once learned of the mobilization and prohibited the circulation of vehicles in
Among 300 farmers wearing T-shirts that said, “I am also displaced by the Es "They gathered on the
road and expectantly shouted, "Long live the resistance." Among the voices of peasants, one heard
saying: There are a lot of people, we are just starting out. Another of the farmers said, “nothing is
done here,” demanding to go to the Paso del Colegio area of the Bridge. The fisherman, Miller
Cuellar Montaelegre, stated, “we have to locate ourselves

3 Oct 21011 - By Neyder Salazar, collaborator of
Ed. Semana Magazine -quimbo-apagado-en-momentos-de-crisis-electrica/454695-3

in the port and make cambuches because the people of Emgesa are crossing the river, they are not
doing any harm with the dam, the water is reduced and the area below is filled with sand, the
fishermen are enduring hunger."
Finally, the exalted spirits of the peasants led to the creation of a human chain and to prevent the
passage of Emgesa workers to the construction site.” If we don't enter, neither do they," ma said a
peasant leader.
Minutes later, with lasos guarded by peasants, the entrance to the road that leads to the work was
blocked, they could only retreat and leave it. Many workers left on time
of lunch. There was still confidence in the actions, there was hope of obtaining a strong
achievement. Luz Marina, a woman from the village of Balseadero, acknowledged that “it would be
a blessing if this El Quimbo thing that has brought so much pain stops,” while she joined the
mobilization. tion with his two daughters. Meanwhile, a large community pot began to be prepared
by a group of peasant women.
At dusk, a remainder of the construction workers left walking. During the course, the colonel, José
María Lozada, was present, trying to reconcile with a strong tone and stated that the children should
be removed from the place to protect them. According to him, it was forbidden to bring them to the
mobilization; there was a defiant perception in the Colonel. The voice of an excited father dilated
his words, “we will not leave our children, we are defending their future…” If it is a peaceful march
and nothing is going to happen here because they do not want to take them away, clarified a cam
pesino Another responded: they want to take it from us to beat us and forcibly take us out, “with
children and the elderly they can't take us out,” evidencing what he called a murky intention to take
the children out to evict them.

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Juan Pablo Soler, representative of the Ríos Vivos National Movement, stated that the children The
children were in the area not because of any strategy to prevent them from being removed, “it is
because the social rule of law is not being fulfilled, our rights are being violated, including those of
children, there is a protest here and people are mobilizing.” "Even children because they are being
taken out of the territory, something that is illegal in the Constitution."
The Gigante Family Commissioner was present in the area to persuade the parents who had their
children. One of the peasant women said that she approached her and told her that if she did not
hand over her son, she would be prosecuted for poor treatment and that Family Welfare would take
him away from her. Another of the women tried to explain that this was not possible. Lastly, on an
improvised sheet of paper, the commissioner noted that he had verified in the area that the children
were not at risk, they were with their parents in good condition with food and in a peaceful
As night fell, it was evident that Colonel Lozada was unaware of the agreement decreed by
Oct 3, 2011 - By Neyder Salazar, collaborator of
Ed. Semana Magazine
The Mayor requested that the road be cleared so that the vehicles and Emgesa personnel could
leave, thus restoring the right to free movement. The community astutely stated that they were
civilians and therefore the dialogue was with civil authorities. They stated that if it obstructs They
were blocking the road because a decree prohibited them from traveling to the Bridge area,
therefore, the same decree did not even allow the passage of company vehicles.
A farmer, known as El Guajiro, added that they want to guarantee Emgesa's rights to pass through
there, “but our rights have been violated by the company, they often do not let us enter our farms
and nothing happens there. My rights, which are my property, are trampled and are worthless, over
there in Honda we are prohibited from entering.
Emgesa because they wouldn't let us pass. There they want to remove us by force, you want to
restore the rights of a transnational because ours are not valid.” Likewise, the fishermen added that
they are not allowed to travel along the river to fish, nor to pass through the usual paths that lead to
the bank and where their cambuches have been destroyed.
A few hours passed when the tone of defiance, threatening step, "we have exhausted the
opportunities for dialogue," said the Colonel. The Esmad units, a riot security group with tanks,
were in the area, far away, but ready to proceed with the order. Immediately tension increased
among the residents, out of an instinct for protection the farmers began to place sticks and large
stones on the road to prevent the passage of the armed group. Harangues like, “Get Emgesa out of
the territory,” gained strength. Another human chain was formed, this time it was a mother of the
family who managed to persuade her to say a prayer,

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With his less than 10-year-old son holding his hand, he said, “May God protect us and whatever has
to happen.”
Third element affected : The threat of eviction was argued in the obstruction of mobility. The
Colonel stated that, in a security council meeting with the mayor of Gigante and the Governor, the
decree had been repealed, since it was illegal, since that at Calde had no powers to prohibit passage
on the national highway. There was a free eviction order, in its authoritarian tone it suggests that
they will be prosecuted according to the new Law.
Asoquimbo announced a new measure, according to the researcher who accompanies the resistance
process, Miller Dussán, a demand was delivered to the Council of State, it is the re nullity course for
the El Quimbo Hydroelectric Project. “It is our legitimate right to
defend the territory and dignity of the people of Huila, in the absence of the State and the
increasing ment of the violation of rights. We defend the territory and the vine, the farmers are
defending the future of their children. The future of the El Quimbo Project was left in the hands of
the judges. We hope that the Rights Protection Table will be installed so that it is taken care of.
"They give the damage caused to the entire population because here we do not negotiate crumbs."
- Oct 3, 2011 - By Nepder Salazar, contributor to
- Ed. Semana Magazine, ,, artictjlo/ekq ui mbo-=pag=do-en-momentos-de-crisis-=lectrica,454695-2

With this, the population confirmed that they will not dialogue with Emgesa. “We will only meet
with the Government, the Ministry of the Environment and control authorities at a rights table so
that they can certify the damage caused, now we will wait for the response from the Council of
State,” said a peasant leader.
The population left, deciding to clear the road when night came. Recognizing that they are not
responsible for the problem, they state that the only ones responsible for the actions undertaken are
the national, departmental and municipal governments, as well as Emgesa.
They preferred to maintain the integrity and security of the peasants and the population that was
mobilized in the face of an abuse by the authority. A dignified retreat, Asoquimbo described the
mobilization in which they resisted for more than 14 hours as another achievement for the peasants.
A step on the path of the resistance fight that they declared to continue. Some left with the
nonconformity that the battle could have given, since they are married to the situation tion. Others
with the hope and latent strength to continue with the actions, thus achieving the suspension of the
dam works and the cancellation of the environmental license as a guarantee for the defense of their
Important note : The support of this item 1.2 was taken as real evidence, based on the news and
real chronicle, source of information. Edition of the Spectator Magazine. Oct 3, 2011 By Neyder
Salazar, contributor to and Semana magazine editor.

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1.3 Social Action (mitigate existing problems-own authorship).

Taking into account that the Area of Direct Influence has an aqueduct service coverage of 76.2%,
which mostly provides services thanks to local aqueducts, which are supplied with water from
streams, springs, and wells. The sewer service Furthermore, in the Area of Direct Influence only 2
villages have this service, which is equivalent to 34.2% of the total area. On the uncovered paths,
the sewage is ver to septic tanks or open fields, and to rivers and streams.
Likewise, it is evident from the analyzes carried out by experts in environmental issues, territorial
entities and universities, according to what was consulted, that only 32.8% of the area has a solid
waste collection system, so Concern is generated for the remaining 67.2% taking into account that
the vast majority carry out solid waste separation, burning, burial and open field disposal practices
(especially on the banks of rivers and streams).
Now, when talking about the company that manages the provision of electric energy service The
only solution in this area is Electro Huila, which currently has 95.6% coverage, presenting a
problem that is deciphered in the temporary suspension of the service. This is according to the data
provided by the DANE, which shows that of the total number of villages that comprise the Area of
Direct Influence, only two (27.7%) have the fixed telephone service, managed by the
Telecommunications Company Telecom SA. Mobile phones are used in all villages as a form of
communication, and in the vast majority of them all operators operate, although with some
difficulties regarding signal quality in some areas.
Another social factor is coverage and access to the health system, whether through subsidized or
contributory regimes, taking into account that of the population located in the possible area of works
and reservoir, 66% are affiliated with SISBEN, while that 28.2% are linked to EPS, 2.1% are not
affiliated with the health system, 0.4% are linked through the protection system for displaced
people, and about 3.5% of of the people registered, there is no information about their membership
in the system.
Without leaving aside the care centers attended by residents of the area of influence, the vast
majority of whom attend the María Auxiliadora and San Vicente de Paúl hospitals, in Garzón Huila,
and the San Antonio hospital, in Gigante, for medical care. Huila, to the hos pital San Antonio de El
Agrado, to the clinics of the different EPS to which they are linked, and to the five available health
The coverage of the education service in the Area of Direct Influence is developed by thirteen
primary education centers, of which two are currently located

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closed and abandoned. The main problems that arise, in addition to the defi cient infrastructure, are
the low coverage, the minimum allocation of teachers and the conditions precarious conditions of
some of the institutions.
In the Area of Direct Influence there are 427 homes, of which 359 are occupied, 53 uninhabited and
15 are for temporary use. Regarding the construction characteristics, the predominant material of the
walls is brick and block, the floors are mainly cement, and the roofs are zinc.
Affected Populations
➢ Indigenous
As is well known, indigenous communities establish and have always established com complex
relationships with the rivers and their interventions by the white man and even more so if these
belong to the Andes mountains, many of which remain invisible to the eyes of modernity. Thinking
about the Magdalena River, it still has some indigenous communities next to it (Dujos Tamas and
Pijaos) which generate strong confrontations and legal and political struggles to remain close to the
➢ Fishermen
One of the most affected sources and that has generated the most crisis is artisanal fishing since the
intervention has generated destruction that is unprecedented in the fishing sector among the
residents. This is due to the economic, social and environmental policies of the national government
that today are destroying artisanal fishing, leading to the ruin of the more than 200,000 fishermen on
whom 1,200,000 families directly depend. Which have generated associations between the best
known as (Fishing Associations Artisanal dores of Alto Magdalena)
➢ Farmers
The flood area of El Quimbo is 8,560 hectares, about 5,000 dedicated to agriculture. They are soils
that have received the sediments deposited for thousands of years by the Magdalena, they have great
fertility and are capable of producing all types of foods. The availability of water makes them
exceptional throughout the region.
➢ Population of the area
Through popular consultation, the people of the Municipality of Cabrera, Cundinamarca with 1,465
votes out of a total of 1,506 said NO to the execution of mining-energy projects that trans shape the
use of land, water and the agricultural vocation of the territory and, specifically, managed to defeat
the transnational Emgesa Endesa. This is not the first or only municipality against the El Quimbo
Hydroelectric project
Granting of the environmental license El Quimbo Hydroelectric Project Ministry of Environment, Housing and Disposal: esolucion_899.pdf
The history of Quimbo: dam or repression? http //www. quimbo

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El Quimbo hydroelectric project, Colombia. Retrieved from

1.4 Environmental Action (mitigate existing problems-own authorship).

Environmental Aspect: contemplates the physical part (water, land, air, waste and noise) and the
biotic part (fauna and flora)
Loss of vegetation: The area in which the project would be carried out would have a direct impact
on dry, very dry and premontane forest ecosystems with more than 324 species of flora registered
according to the Environmental Impact Study developed by Ingetec. But the forestry use of the
3,230 hectares of forest approved in the license ambien such, had a delicate peculiarity that was not
included: the area to be intervened had a ban on the use, transport and commercialization of
epiphytic species (plants such as mus goses, lichens, quiches, lamas and orchids that grow on other
plants using them as supports for their development) declared by Inderena since 1977, a resolution
still in force.
Alteration of the places where animals live and the quality of the landscape: Transforma tion of
wildlife living conditions, for example, Carlos Cuéllar, owner of a nature reserve in the area,
narrates that he saw a herd of otters that have the Magdalena River as their natural habitat, displaced
to a polluted lake in the sector. The animals have not only been displaced from their habitat and not
the only ones. Local fishermen say they have seen dead otters.
Alteration of fishing activity: The fish have decreased, as stated by more than 90 Hobo fishermen
who were willing to take a margin of the river in the area of the works so that their affected
activities are guaranteed, since there are more than 300 pesos artisanal fishermen affected by the
decrease in fish and who will be displaced from their trade in Hobo. The fisherman of this
municipality, Berselio Tovar, assures that his ecological situation Nomic is complicated because
they have nothing to fish, “those people take over the entire riverbed, they threw down the bridge
and threw away everything,” referring to Emgesa.

Environmental Action (mitigate existing problems-own authorship).

Once the variables at the biotic level that have generated the most impacts have been identified,
their respective mitigation strategies are proposed below:
Management of vegetation cover and terrestrial habitats: Formation of ecological strip around dor of
the reservoir, reestablishment of hectares of tropical dry forest, in a nearby area

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to the reservoir as compensation to the ecosystems intervened by the Project, during the construction
of the reservoir and the work areas.
Additionally, the formulation and implementation of a nursery, as a compensatory measure
environmental protection, due to the impact generated by forestry exploitation within the area
covered by the project. This nursery will focus on the production of native species, which must have
sufficient capacity to carry out the optimal propagation and maintenance of seeds and seedlings of
the tropical dry forest, coming from the coverage inventory of the biotic compensation area.
Contingent rescue of fish (during the diversion of the Magdalena River): Seek to rescue fish that
may become stagnant and trapped in pools, during the operation of the Magdalena River diversion
tunnel. For the protection of fish, it is proposed to implement this measure aimed at the study,
surveillance and control, which will allow obtaining information on the structure and functioning of
the fish communities in the Magda River fishing sector. lena and its tributaries.

EMGESA SA ESP [2008]. Environmental impact study of the El Quimbo hydroelectric project, consulted

1.5 Economic Action (mitigate existing problems-own authorship).

According to what was analyzed, the variables that were most affected in the Economic context
mico, it was the fishermen since due to the change in vocation in the use of the land and the
agricultural sector was also affected.

With the above we can also indicate that there were 3 major aspects that were economically
affected. solely with this project.
The population affected by the PHQ, the censuses and the EMGESA compensation approach.
Relocation, purchase of land and alterations to territorial planning plans.
The negative effects of the PHQ on the archaeological heritage of Huila and the nation.
1) The population that was most affected were ranchers, truck drivers, cocoa farmers, among
others, since due to the magnitude of the works they could not move around properly. At the time of
the census, they were not informed because the law only indicates that they were must consult the
Afro indigenous people.

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It is key to clarify that Emgesa, which is one of the majority partners of this project, excludes
several citizens from the socioeconomic census who were affected by this project, but months later
through a statement they expressed themselves and indicated rum that was going to compensate the
people who were affected by said project.
2) the limit of soils suitable for agricultural activity in the department of Huila, at the moment that
the PHQ committee realizes the damage it caused in this region with began to carry out the healing
of the affected people, but this was carried out many months later, for this reason it forced the
workers to look for another source of employment.
3) as expected at the time that the works are advanced at the time of exca vation there are certain
considerable parts of the archaeological heritage, in this moment At this point, the social leaders
decide to place a guardianship to stop the works while they can collect this information. By stopping
said work, the economic losses were There were quite a few on both sides. ico/period ico_qu im

bo_ed1O_web. pdf

2. Second Delivery [January 18 to January 21, 2020 - Week No.5]

2.1 Identification of Interest Groups that the company must take into account

For the identification of interest groups regarding the problem of the El Quimbo Hydroelectric Plant
and following the prioritization and analysis of interest groups (Stakeholder), which must take into
account the three phases: Phase 1. Identification, Phase 2 Prioritization and Phase 3 Establish
relationships. The following internal interest groups have been determined.


Workers of the Quimbo hydroelectric plant. Workers, management cough, contractor
workers and subcontractors.
Consortia: Impregilo Consortium – OHL, Alstom Consortium, Sch Rader Camargo
Shareholders: Empresa de Energía de Bogotá, Enersis SA (Chile)
Managers. Subsidiary of the Spanish-Chilean group Endesa.
Owners. property of EMGESA. Colombian company created in 1997, the result of
capitalization of the Bogotá Energy Company.

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2.2 Identification of Interest Groups that the company must take into account at an
External level.

2.3 Conclusion of the CSR program, to mitigate the corresponding Social Impact of
the interest groups.

2.4 Conclusion of the CSR program, to mitigate the appropriate Economic Impact
of the interest groups.

2.5 Conclusion CSR program, to mitigate the Environmental Impact according to

the interest groups.

Conducive action approach, for the five (5) phases of the CSR program, according
to the problem (Hydroelectric).
Baseline estimation.

The project contemplates the formation of a reservoir on the Magdalena River through a dam in the canyoned sector called El Quimbo,
Information about located about 1,300 m upstream from the mouth of the Páez River. The hydroelectric exploitation works consist of a dam, an auxiliary

himproposed project closing dam, a diversion system, a spillway, a conduction system and a power house at the foot of the dam. The reservoir will have a
length of 55 km at the maximum normal operating level (elevation 720 meters above sea level), a maximum width of 4 km and an average
(Hydroelectric the width of 1.4 km. The flooding area would be 8,250 ha, the total volume of the reservoir would be 3,205 hm3 and the useful storage volume
would be 1,824 hm3.

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Dam and dike

Given the topographic and geological conditions of the area, the type of dam selected is
gravel with a concrete face. The projected dam would have a height of 151 m and a crest
length of 632 m. The crest of the dam would be located at 724 meters above sea level and
would have a parapet wall 2.0 m high. The filling volume of the dam would be on the
order of 7.1 million cubic meters. The project would require a closure dike, located on the
right bank of the river, next to the spillway, on the existing watershed at this site. The dam
would have a maximum height of 66 m and an approximate fill volume of 2.9 million cubic
The overflow would be located on the right bank of the river, between the loading
conduits and the auxiliary dam. It would be 210 m long and 69 m constant width in the
discharge channel. The control structure would have the weir at an elevation of 702
meters above sea level and four radial gates measuring 14.25 m wide by 18.0 m high. The
spillway is designed to evacuate the probable maximum flood whose peak flow is
estimated at 18,800 m3/s.
For the temporary diversion of the Magdalena River during the construction of the dam, a
cofferdam-tunnel scheme is proposed that would consist of a 10m-diameter and 618m-
long tunnel, which would be excavated on the right bank of the river, and a compacted
concrete cofferdam incorporated into the dam. with a height of 43 m. This scheme, with
Determination of
the concrete cofferdam incorporated into the dam, optimizes the length of the diversion
the scope of study tunnel, shortening
Driving and to a minimum the space that the dam works would occupy and the
The conduction system would be located on the right bank of the river and would consist
of two parallel tunnels with an intake at a level of 641.0 meters above sea level. Each
tunnel would consist of an upper tunnel with a diameter of 7.8 m, a shaft with a 45°
inclination and a diameter of 5.8 m, and a lower tunnel with a diameter of 5.8 m; The
approximate lengths of these components would be 158 m, 77m and 134m, respectively.
The power house would be superficial at the foot of the dam, with two vertical-axis
Francis-type turbines with a nominal power of 200 MW per machine, working with a net
head of 122 m and a flow rate of 187.5 m3/s. The total installed capacity would be around
400 MW. Due to the characteristics of the rock mass of the right abutment, with systems
of joints in various directions that prevent the safe construction of the system of tunnels
and caverns required
Infrastructure works by an underground powerhouse, a superficial powerhouse was
For the execution of the project, the construction of access and substitute roads, bridges
and camps would be required. Access to the dam site would come off the Garzón – El
Hobo – La Plata road, partially using existing roadways. The reservoir would flood some
sections of existing roads and the Balseadero bridge, so the relocation of these sections
and a new bridge over the Magdalena River would be necessary. The total length of roads
to be built would total approximately 30 km. Additionally, the rectification of a section of
road of approximately 3.0 km would be required.

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The physical and biotic components are considered within the environmental management plan. In the first,
eight programs are established, and in the second, three. Each of them involves objectives, goals, stages,
environmental impact, type of measure, actions to be developed, place of application, person responsible for
execution, execution schedule and quantification and costs.
Excavation surplus waste management program : Through this program, it is intended to adequately and safely
dispose of excavation surpluses. Due to the action involved, the management of a series of environmental
impacts is considered, including alteration of vegetation cover, soil alteration, contamination of water resources
and alteration of air quality. In order to avoid, prevent and mitigate, management actions such as adaptation of
deposit areas, formation and stability of slopes, water management, drainage and recovery of vegetation cover
are considered.

Water Resource Management: This program considers the use of water resources for construction activities
without causing deterioration in the quality of surface sources. This includes the management of catchments,
management of domestic and industrial liquid waste and management of road crossings of bodies of water. The
environmental impact considered relevant is the deterioration of the quality of the different surface water
sources and intermittent courses. Activities are contemplated such as: the selection of water bodies, treatment
of water for consumption, treatment of domestic wastewater and treatment of industrial wastewater. Likewise,
Management plan activities aimed at avoiding the contribution of sediments, organic matter and nutrients are contemplated.
Program for the care and protection of sensitive or vulnerable critical sites during the
operation of the project, on the edge of the reservoir: The goal here is to avoid the activation of instabilities in
the edge and protection areas of the reservoir. In the case of environmental impact, there is the generation of
instability and erosion at its edge; To this end, the identification of other sites is proposed as actions to be
developed for the first five years.
unstable, the monitoring of these places to understand their evolution over the five years, carrying out
geotechnical investigations and the design and implementation of stabilization and erosion control works and
implementation of infrastructure works.

Restoration program in areas of temporary use: The goals of this program consider that the areas of temporary
use are left in similar conditions, if not in better conditions than those found. Likewise, it aims to reestablish the
environmental conditions of the temporarily affected areas in order to promote local ecological processes and
restore the initial conditions of the soil so that it can be used according to the initial use. The
The impacts considered in the program are due to the alteration of the physicochemical quality of the water,
loss and alteration of soils, loss of vegetation cover, alteration of ecological patterns and landscape quality, and
impact on terrestrial fauna.




Feedback and continuous improvement.

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Tutor feedback settings.

❖ For the first and second delivery, adjustments to the feedback given by the tutor do not apply;
The adjustments will be related for the third installment of the presentation of the pro project
in accordance with the observations given for each delivery.

Bibliography – Citation of consulted sources.

▪ Cárdenas, A. EITHER. (2016). Colombian economy. Bogotá, Colombia: Ecoe editions.

▪ Londono, RC (2010, February). The economic opening in Colombia. Huma Thought Magazine nista. Recovered
▪ Gunder, F. TO. Capitalism and underdevelopment in Latin America. Dependency Theory, in
▪ Solomon. K. (2009, September) Banco de la República.
▪ Information system -SIA- (2018, February). Welcome to the future: What economic openness leaves us (45).
Recovered from:
▪ Oct 3, 2011 - By Neyder Salazar, collaborator of
▪ Granting of the environmental license for the El Quimbo Hydroelectric Project, Ministry of Environment, vi
housing and development:
▪ The history of Quimbo: dam or repression?
▪ El Quimbo hydroelectric project, Colombia. Retrieved from
▪ EMGESA SAESP (2008). Environmental impact study of the El Quimbo hydroelectric project, Consulted
Project guide – CSR module – Universidad Politécnico Grancolombiano.
▪ Project guide - U1 Corporate Social Responsibility Module
Ed. Magazine.
▪ Dinero Magazine (2018, February). This is how the economy changed in 28 years of opening. Money Magazine.
Re cuperado from
▪ Magazine
▪ Semana magazine

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URL-Internet page
▪ .
▪ eImpac

[1] Image taken URL: Wikipedia
[2] Image taken URL: Government of Huila

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