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rr , ROTECTION OF WOMEN FROM DOMESTIC VIOLENCE ACT, 2005 [Multiple Choice Questions] jon 5 of the Protection 4 Unde een from Domestic of sence Act, 2005 a Police violen* protection Officer, of provider or Magistrate Pe hie received a complaint of domestic violence, shall inform the aggrieved person of ; The availability of services of @ the service providers ) The availability of services of the protection officer o Right to get several reliefs or orders under this act Her right to file complaint a regarding cruelty ‘ ( Her right to free Legal Aid 11 of the above ection 12 of the Protection : ea from Domestic violence Act, 2005 who made resent an application? (@) Aggrieved person (b) Protection officer ( Any other person on behalf of the aggrieved person @ Aa of the above 3, The offence under section 31(1) of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 shall be \(@) Sognizable and non bailable (b) Cognizable and bailable (©) Non cognizable and bailable (@) Sian, cogsieable and non 4. Inwhi j hn Which section of the Protection Women, from Domestic 155 ~~ Violence Act, 2005, “domestic violence” has been defined? (a) Section 2 () Section 3 (©) Section 4 (a) Section 5 . The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 came into force from (a) 26th January, 2006 (b)-26th October, 2006 (c) 15th August, 2006 (d). 30th December, 2005 . Under section 7 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 apart from the aggrieved person, who has a right to request the medical officer-in-charge to provide medical aid to the aggrieved person? tection Officer or Service Provider (b) Sessions Judge or Judicial Magistrate (0) District Magistrate or Sub- Divisional Magistrate (d) None of the above Chief . According to the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 “aggrieved person” means any women in a domestic relationship with the respondent (a) Who is (b) Who has been (c) Who alleges to have been subjected to’ any act of 156 Protection of Women from Domesti te domestic violence by the respondent on of the above «ag in view certain Articles . ie Pine Constitution of India, the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, has been passed, these Article numbers of the Constitution are (a) Article 14 (b) Articles 14 and 15 (0) Articles 15 and 21 (@//Atticles 14, 15 and 21 In which of the section of the protection of Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 protection of action taken by the Protection Officer in good faith has been proyjded? Section 30 (b) Section 33 (©) Section 35.--~ (d) Section 36 10. When the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 was past? (a) 2nd October, 2005 () January, 2006 pan September, 2005 (d) 26th October, 2006. 11. Inwhich section of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 there are provisions regarding appeal? (a) Section 28 \O_S€ction 29 (c) Section 30 (d) Section 31 12. According to the Domestic Violence Act, domestic vi i tic iia violence ° 13. 14. 15. 16. ON Viot (a) Sexual abuse . (b) Verbal and emo (©) Moral abuse“ (a) Traditional a by (©) Both (a) andy () Both (c) ang (a) Under section 3 of of Women feat Protea Violence Act, 2093 Dt! ct, 2005, | Mery, meant by “sexual abuse ‘ (a)-Any Conduct/act of : nature that abuses, hy 2 Seu degrades OF Violates ley dignity of women be (b) Rape ( Adultery (d) Prostitution Under the Protection of from Domestic Violen st 2005, “domestic Telationshi means a relationship det, two persons, who live thn lived together in a ee when they are elated (a) Consanguinity (b) Marriage (c) Adoption (d) Members living together asa joint family \eAll of the above In which type of domest violence criminal _intimidatie and criminal force have bee included? (a) Sexual abuse (b) Verbal and emotional abi \(o Physical abuse (d) Economic abuse , est In which type of ae ! violence, name a insulting specially with L a | ecto Questions Mae ot having a child or a male to ret or calling her Barren or daughter of a beggar have been jncluded? -) Sexual abuse rerbal and emotional o physical abuse @ Economic abuse In which type of domestic vjotence the deprivation of nancial resources, stridhan, maintenance, valuable securities of the aggrieved woman have pen included? @ Sexual abuse ) Verbal and emotional abuse © Physical abuse nomic abuse 48, Under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 what is the definition of child”? (@) A person below the age of 18 years (b) Adopted child (9 Stepchild (a) Foster child () Natural child (8AM of the above 19, How many chapters and sections are there in the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005? {@AChapters and 37 sections (b) 6 Chapters and 38 sections (0) 7 Chapters and 40 sections (d) 4 Chapters and 35 sections 20. The Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 extends to (a) Whole of India except the State’s governed by the Central Government 157 (by Whole of India (c) Whole of India except the state of Jammu and Kashmir (4) Whole of India except the state of Jammu and Kashmir, Nagaland and Assam 21. What measures shall be taken by the Central Government and every State Government to protect the women from domestic violence? (a) Wide publicity through public media (b) Training to judicial officers and police officers (©) Effective coordination between the law, home, health and human resources departments and industries (d).-All of the above 22. Under whose control and supervision the _ protection officer shall perform his duties under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005? \@) Judicial_Magistrate_of first clas or the Metropol te Magistrate of the Competent Executive Magistrate (c) Director, Women and Children Welfare Department of the State Government (d) Chief — Secretary Social Welfare Department, State Government an (b) 23. Under what provision of the Domestic Violence Act an order for the temporary custody of children of the aggrieved person may be passed by the Magistrate? 158 (a) Section 19 (b) Section 20 (Section 21 (d) Section 22 24. Fe i lief of Protection © ior getting relie! rot iolence Women from Domesti a Act, 2005, under which sectic ‘i an application is Sad before ‘her Competent Magistrate? (a) Section 11 (be) -Séction 12 (c) Section 13 (a) Section 14 : lief available under . oa to 22 may be also be sought in any legal proceeding before a affecting the aggrieved person and the respondent whether such proceeding was initiated before or after the commencement of the Domestic Violence Act, 2005? (a) Civil Court (b) Criminal Court (c) Family court \(d All of the above 26. Under section 12 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 after the presentation of application and before the passing of the judgment or order regarding relief, what shall be considered by the magistrate? (@) Application presented by the aggrieved person or any other person on behalf of the 7 seoreved person. oe of the protection (©) Report of the servi ice provi of the above provider Protection of Women from Domestic Violence ‘Ac, The State Gov. na 27. otification, cope st officers in each distyct i shall as far as possible yt Yh (a) Men : (b) Women (©) Graduate (d) Postgraduate (e) Law graduate . Under section 23 of " that Act on what basis a! Magistrate may pass an inte or Ex Parte order? my (a) Statement before the Cour _(b)- Affidavits (c) All documentary evidence (d) All of the above 29. What kind of Orders be passed by a Magistrate j, the cases relating to domesti violence? (a) Protection Orders (b) Residence Orders (c) Monetary Orders (d) Custody Orders (e) Compensation Orders (£All of the above 30. Under which Act a registered voluntary Association or a company’ shall get registered itself with the State Government as a_ service provider for providing Legal Aid, medial aid or financial assistance to the aggrieved person of the domestit violence? (a) Legal Services Authoritis Act, 1987 (b) Criminal Procedure Codé 1973 (©) Societies Registration At 1860 (d) Companies Act, 1956 " tiple Choice Questions q (@) Both (a) and (b) (Both () and (a) Order made under a. eee of Women foe Domestic Violence ct, 2005 shall be enforceable roughout India (b) Throughout the State (©) Throughout the District (4) Throughout the sy (e) Where the voluntarily resiq, on the business 32. Under which Section 9; e Domestic Violence Act, 2005 it has been Provided 4 women in a domes ip shall have the tight to decide in the shared household whether or not she has any right title oy beneficial interest in it. (2) Section 15 () Section 16 Section 17 (4) Section’ 1g 33. Under which the Domestic b-division Tespondent 8 @ carries ever tic relatio, hi, Sounds can a may pass a Tesidence Order in favour of the aggrieved against aggrieved Person from the Shared household 35, 37, h - Magistrate shal] endeavour © dispose 9. eve licati hae tY application ‘OmMestic violence 3 Period of e date of its first hearing. 0 days SO desire te may conduct the 5 @) In Open Court Tn camera (© In Public Place @) In shelter home (e) In shared household Under which Section of the Domestic Violence Act, 2005 appointment of Protection officer ‘as been Provided? aSection 8 () Section 9 (©) Section 10 (4) Section 11 38. The Magistrate shall fix the first date of hearing, which shall not ordinarily be beyond - from the date of Teceipt of the application by the Court. 160 41. ee Protecti er days (b) 5 days () 7 days (d) 15 days 39. What shall be the duty of a Protection Officer? : (a) To make a domestic incident report to the magistrate upon receipt of complaint © domestic violence ae uct investigati< () ie ht of a complaint of domestic ae oo t the aggrieved pe! @ Te eally ed & make available shelter home (d) To try the case and pass order (e) To ensure the aggrieved person is provided Legal Aid (f) To make efforts to settle the case by compromise between the parties ns pron “ SCC 145, Meena - o 008) fy vy. Commissioner of chee ; Police. os SCC 755, Indra @ Oe y. KKV. Sarma. fone of the abi an [RJS 2019] i te of hearing fixed ang - ofa 42 of the Domestic under Secl ts ‘Act shall be given by e Police Station @ pees on the respondent heal [MP APPO 2009} is irecting the 15, A Ae ya tere for counselling under Section 14 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, will fix the next date for hearing: () After a period of two months pr Within aperiod not exceeding two months (0 After a period of three months (d) After a period of four months [RJS 2016] %. Residence order under the Domestic Violence Act may be passed by the Magistrate in:— _ @) Section 12 (b) Section 18 \-3étion 19 @) Section 21 [MP APPO 2009] ePetent Ourt under the mestic Violence Act mean: ) Sessions Court n. Competent Ci S:— Ourt of Judicial Magistrate 79. The 165 (c) Court of Chief Magistrate (a) Court of Judicial Magistrate FirstClass or Metropolitan Magistrate [MP APPO 2009] Judicial 78. Monetary reliefs provided under Section 20. of the Domestic Violence Act may include:— (a) The loss of earnings (b) The medical expenses (©) The maintenance for the aggrieved person as well as her children (d)All of the above “ [MP APPO 2009] Magistrate under the Domestic Violence Act may pass an order to pay compensation for injuries in:— (a) Section 21 (b) Section 22 (©) Section 20 (d) Section 23 [MP APPO 2009] 80. Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 provides under which Article of constitution:— (a) Article 14 and 21 Article 14, 15 and 21 (©) Article 21 (d) Article 14 [MP APPO 2008] 81. In the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 domestic violence includes:— (a) economic abuse (b) sexual abuse ()-@yand (b) (d) none of these (MP APPO 2008} 166 Protection of Women from Domest ic 82. A protection order made under ‘Section.18 of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 shall be in force till (a) the period of 60 days expires (b) the Magistrate desires (c)-the aggrieved person applies ~" for discharge (d) the respondent applies for discharge [MP HJs 2011] 83. One of the following does not match (a) Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 (b) Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act, 1971 (c) Domestic Violence to Women ~~ Act, 1990 (d) Right to Information Act, 2005 [PSJS 2012] 84. As per Section 2(q) of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, “respondent” means and includes: rary: person, who is in a domestic_relationship with the aggrieved person and against whom the aggrieved _ person has sought _ relief under the Act (b) male partner when aggrieved female is living in a relationship with him in the nature of a marriage (c) the female relatives of the husband of the aggrieved wife, seeking their removal from the shared household (d) none of the above [Raj HJS 2015, RyS 2015) iene Ch, Hy 85. Relief which under Domes” be » 2 2005 tic Vien, e (@) Compensation Org (b) Custody of cy 1 (©) Residential =a Protection Ord, Orde SAYAIL the above “s “ as 7 Mg (a) Non-Cognizable bailable b) Bailable and Punishable A(c)-Cognizable and Noni (d) Punishable with NOt lesg : 7 years of imprisonmey : (Ds 2g 87. Maximum penalty for breach t protection order by Tesponden, under Section 31 of Domestic Violence Act in of imprisonment shall be— (a) 6 months x(by'l year (c) 2 years (d) 3 years Rd Ny, IMP APPO 2003] 88. Non-compliance of, which of the following orders passed under the Protection of Women fron Domestic Violence Act, 2005, is an offence: (a) Maintenance order (b) Custody order (c) Residence order {d) Protection order [RIS 2018) 89. The offence Under Section 310) of the Protection of Wom - ce Questions i mestic Violence Act, Do! yt 7 08 ail be? s . id non- scot = a palabe izable and bailable 0) nor able and bailable @ ope le and non-bailable oe [MP APPO 2008] { protection order . wreath ie 31 and 32 of the let ie Violence Act shall be Domé ce : izle and bailable (a) gnizable and non-bailable ) Not -cognizable and bailable bailable [MP APPO 2009] ection Officer fails * Liteon duties as directed by the Magistrate without any sufficient cause, there he shall be liable:-— (2) For dismissal b) To pay compensation To be punished with with both @ To be punished with fine only [MP APPO 2009] 2 Domestic relationship means: @ Relationship with family members living together as a Joint family 0) Relationship with family Members living together in a Nuclear fami} wml as sistets, low, ing Wome, Mother, single [APJs 2012] 94. The Protection of Wo: 95. 96. Magistrate can passe" @ fa) Custody orders (b) Compensation orders (©) Ex parte orders @ All the above IRC} 2014] men from Act, 2005 of India, Domestic Violence extends to whole (a) State of Jammu & Kashmir (b) State of Nagaland (©) Tribal aréas of Assam as Teferred to in Paragraph 20 of the sixth schedule to the Constitution (d) All the above [RJS 2016] Under the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, one_of the following reliefs, be claimed, by a woman— ~(a) Bivorce (b) Protection (c) Monetary (d) Residence [APJS 2011] MISCELLANEOUS A Protection order made by a Met ‘an Magistrate shall be ble (a) within the local limits of the jurisdiction of the M.M. (b) within the limits: of the concerned Metropolitan area. (c) within the limits of the concerned State. 168 97, geri ey Pe 98, 99, 100. 101. (a) throughout Indi, The Pow, (up HJS 2012] the Pr s ‘agistrate under Dom, “tection 9} Women from @) aestic Violence Act, 2005 is: Tat*®™pt to communicate ison eetieved person and \Solate any assets used by () To phe Parties ti - Pass @Protection order in ur of aggrieved person © To enter a Workplace or any other place frequented by er ofa wit to b d person the above ibove [APJs 2012] A of the following Sections of the Domestic Violence Act, the term ‘domestic Violence’ ig defined? Seton 1 “EY Section 3 (©) Section 4 (4) None of these [MP APPO 2009] an application to Under Section 12 of the Protection of Women from Domestic violence Act, 2005? (a) Protection Officer ggtieved woman (c) Any other Person on behalf of the aggrieved person AI of twakes e [MP APPO 2008] Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005 was passed on:— (a) 12-8-2005 13-9-2005 (©) 12-7-2005 (d) 12-5-2005 In Which Who can file the Magistrate IMP APPO 2008] Under the provisions of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, which of the following statement regarding protection order, is wrong? . Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Ac, A breach of Protectj Sy ecgicved ander sat be of 2005. Upon the sole testim, © the aggrieved Person, Court may conclude sf, the offence under sup 3t ay (1) of section 31 ha, tion committed by the accuse \(o Breach of protectio, 2 a non-cognizable off 8 each of protection «= : (2) ere ailaole offence “tig eles [Js yy ir the Protection of W Ne ee Domestic Vio} ome 2003, which of the followin’ statement regarding Pro. 7 Officer, is correct? (a) Protection Officer ig Rot public servant. : Penalty is prescribeq ee discharging dy . Protection Officer. “YX by (c) A first information can be lodged for the off committed Protection Officer. (d) None of the above Option, IRJS 2021) 103. Under section 29° of the Protection of Women frp Domestic Violence Act, 2095, there shall lie an appeal to the Court of Session within....., days from the date on which the order made by the Magistrate i served on the aggrieved persor or the Tespondent, as the cas may be, whichever is later, (b) 60 (c) 90 (d) 120 [Guj Js 202 104. In which of the following yea ‘The Protection of Women fro mestic Violence Act’ wa Passed? (a) 2009 (b) 2007 ice Questions ms 7003, [UPCJ 2022) 197 D (a) jont3tne Domestic Violen ] Dell D * provider : ce Tea 5 romestic 169 f wet of grant interm and ex sce ond Orum Work porte orders whi in is a Others, Union" 0 eee of orders sone? Supre landeag?35 id protection © action taken in the, Suidel Conatk case i good faith ect Victims ines § Provided @ Pystody orders [UPC] 2022 a oa by th assisting whi of the following secti ] pe e bench and was i Medes the definition eee Justice M4 pustice a der the omit () [ustice SB . Venkatacy ohan of en from Dom ion uy mestic ; Maimudar : jolence eh Zant estic jeeah folence & J 3 section 2(d) stice K, ante eee o gcon 20 (© Rape e Sgcan ) cn x al Th Sujata ste Verma rms 2mm, Bom Vals Kepa Ve Mol folence & Justi Nena _ Justice netie amudar ah, jistice oy PROT 1S 2023 ECTION OF WO! VIOLENCE acre o> @ ie ACT, 2005 OMESTIC 2 @ 3B. (o) SWERS 4 24. 45, @) 5 (b) () £0) eS 46. (b) 67. (a) a) - (d) 47. (a) 8 fl 4 27. 48, (d) @ ff 28 8 8 29 2 8 &@ 2%. (H 50. (a) aL (@) 1. 6) 1 a) 1 © 2. 6 2 e 51. 2 @ : (a) are 93. 0 31, 52. ) (a) 1 ® roe 94 6 32, (a) (a) 4 t 33, 7 By () ie (b) & @) ia © 3) ne % (a) foee Se & o & 8 an 57. ( 78. (d 9. u 7. (a) 3 a nOgiEy 4 38.) 59. (b) a () ai 6) y a ° @ B. ) ‘0. ©) if 0.) 3B 3) a @ a, ® 62. (b) 2, (c) 104 (a) Q Q 2. (b) 2. (a) 83. (0) . (© Hat) 8. (©) 84. (a) 105. (a) « @ 64. (d) sm |Om 3 S@ 8 & 7. @) . 7. mae 88. a

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