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Abdication. A voluntary renouncement of the throne by a king.

Absconds. A person who secretly runs away from the law.

Accelerate. :To increase the speed.

Adolescence: Stage between childhood and youth.

Agenda. List of items of business transaction at a meeting.

Aggressor-One who attacks rst.

Alienate. :To turn friends into foes, to estrange.

Alien. One who resides in a country without acquiring citizenship.

Alimony Allowance payable to a wife on judicial separation from her husband.

Altruist-One who is concerned for others.

Amateur. One who does a work for pleasure and not as an occupation.

Ambassador. A diplomatic representative of one country in another.

Ambiguous. Which cannot be interpreted clearly.

Amnesty.-General pardon of o ences.

Anarchist. One who intends to destroy the established government, law and order.

Animate. Any living object.

Anniversary Yearly return of the particular date of an event.

Annual. Event which happens once in a year

Anonymous. A work or a book whose author is not known.

Antidote. A medicine to cure the e ect of poison.

Antonyms. Words having opposite meanings.

Appendix-A supplement added at the end of the book.

Arbitrator. A person selected by disputing parties to settle their di erences.

Aristocracy-A government by the nobles.

Armoury. A place where arms/ammunition are kept.

Ascetic. One who abstains, specially for religious or spiritual reasons, from all forms of
wordly pleasure.Assets. Fund or property available for discharge of debts.

Atheist. One who does not believe in the existence of God. . A public sale of property
conducted by biddings.

Auction sale Auditor One who makes an o cial examination of accounts.

Bachelorhood. The state of being unmarried.

Bankrupt. A person unable to pay debts.

Bellicose. A person who is fond of ghting.

Belligerent. A State involved in war,

Bibliophile. A lover of books or a collector of books.

Biennial.-Event which happens once in two years.

Bigamy-Having two wives or two husbands at the same time-as

Bilingual. One who speaks two languages.

Biography-Life history of a person written by some other person.

Blasphemy. To talk impiously about God/sacred things. Sacrely

Bourgeois. A member of the middle class.

Brittle. A thing that can be easily broken.

Bureaucracy. A government of oppressive and in exible o cials.

Cannibal. Man who eats human esh.

Catalogue. A List of books or articles.

Caveat emptor. Principle that the buyer alone is responsible, if dissatis ed,

Celibacy. The State of being unmarried.

Century. A period of hundred years

. Circumlocution. A round about expression, to express in a verbose


Compound. A process of compromise between two parties.

Connoisseur. Good observer in matters of taste.

Contemporaries. Living in the same age.

Convalescence. Stage of gradual recovery of health after illness.

Cosmopolitan.-One who regards all people as his countrymen.

Counter claim. A claim made by the defendant in his favour against the plainti
Covenant. An agreement to do or not to do a particular thing.

Credible Which can be believed.

Credulous One who easily believes, whatever is told.

Crematory. Place, where dead bodies are cremated (burnt).

Criminal-A person who has been convicted for the o ence.

Curfew. A general order for people to remain indoors. D

Darshani Hundi. A Hundi on which payment can be made at sight.

Debtor-One who is in debt to another

Declaratory suit.-A suit led for the purpose of declaration of title.

Democracy, Governmant where all adult citizens elect their own .


Desertion. Total repudiation of the obligations of marriage.

Detective Whose business is to locate criminala.

Dictator. Ruler who has absolute power to rule,

Diplomat. A person engaged in diplomacy.

Divorce Termination of marriage by the court, thereafter spouses

are free to re-marry.

Drawn-Game/war, where no party wins.

Dynasty-Line of rulers belonging to one family.

E eminate. Feminine in appearence or manner.

Egoist. One who always thinks about his own interest.

Eligible. Quali ed, t to be chosen.

Embezzlement. Illegal use of public fund.

Emigrant. A person who leaves his own country and goes to live in another,

Encyclopedia. Set of books containing every branch of knowledge.

Envoy. One who is sent on a special project.

Epicure. A person with retired tasks esp. in food and drink.

Epic. A long poetic account of the deeds of great heroes.

Epidemic. Same disease among many people in a limited area for a time.
Epidemic. Same disease among many people in a limited area for a time.

Epilogue. A poetry or prose recited at the end of a play.

Epitaph Words inscribed on the grave.

Eradicate. Total removal of an evil or disease etc.

Etymology. The subject which deals with the derivation of words.

Excursion. Short travelling by the people together for pleasure.

Exile. Sending out of a person from his native country.

Export. Dispatching of goods/articles, to another country.

Expungate. Removal of objectionable part of a book.

Extempore. A speech given without preparation.

Extradition. Handing over a fugitive foreign criminal to the properauthorities of his own country when
sought to do so.

Extrovert.-A person interested in everything happening around him. Sociable person.

Eatable. Things which are suitable to eat.

Eccentric-A person whose conduct is not normal.

Foster child. Child brought up by a person other than parents

Fratricide. Killing of one's sister or brother.

French bath.-Bathing nakedly.

French leave. Absent without permission of leave.

Fallible. Liable to make mistake.

Fanatic. A strong believer of religion.

Fastidious. Who cannot be pleased so easily, very careful in matters

of choice of taste.

Fatalist. A person who believes in fate.

Feminist. A supporter of women movement/women's rights.

Foster child. Child brought up by a person other than parents

Genocide. Extermination of a race by mass murder, Geology. Study of the earth's history.

Germicide. A medicine that destroys germs. Glossary. Collection of special words with

Glutton-Who eats too much.

Gregarious Who loves company.

Hawker. One who sells goods by roaming about.

Herbivorous.-Animals which live on herbs. Heterogeneous. Made of di erent kinds.

Hexagon. A plane gure with six sides.

Homicide. Killing of a human being. Homogenous. Of the same kind.

Honorary-Conferred as an honour, unpaid, an o cer for which no salary is paid.

Host. One who entertains a guest.

Human Rights Natural rights necessary for every human being.

Humanitarian.-Person who works for the welfare of human beings.

Hygienist.-Person who is cautious about healthy living.

Iconoclast. One who does not believe in established institutions.

Idolatry. The worship of idols.

Illegal. Not in accordance with law.

Illegible. Which cannot be read out, unclear.

Illicit. A trade or act which is prohibited by law.

Illiterate. One who does not know how to read and write.

Immigrant. A person who goes from one country to another

with the intention to settle down there.

Impostor. One who assumes a false character or title to deceive others.

Impracticable. Incapable of being practiced.

Impromptu. Something said or done without preparation.
Inaccessible. Which cannot be easily approached.
Inaudible. A sound that cannot be heard.
Incest.-Sexual intercourse between near relations.

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