Worksheet For Final Exam

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Worksheet for Final Exam

There are 100 questions: 88 multiple choice questions and 2 select all that apply. Use your textbook as
resource (review skills where applicable).
Dosage calculations there will be 10 problems fill-in blank. (Use your Calculate with Confidence
textbook to do practice problems).

Think about all the skills you learned in lab. Foley catheter, NG insertion, trach care/suctioning, IV
insertion, Medication administration, etc.

Know order of nursing process and what the nursing process involves.
Definitions of medical terms- examples: anuria, pyrexia, dypsnea, etc. – I cannot put them all, but know medical
Dosage calculations (enteral medications and parenteral injections, gtts/min, mL/hr, I & O, weight, teaspoon,
tablespoon, know conversions).
Know landmarks for injections and angles of injection; importance of identifying landmarks.
Know different size syringes and needles used for subq, IM, intradermal.
Drug absorption i.e., Inhalation, IV, Oral, Sublingual, Transdermal.
Medication Administration: mixing insulin, transdermal, ear, eye).
IV insertion; IV complications; know difference between phlebitis and infiltration.
Fluid volume excess (related causes, signs & symptoms, nursing assessments). What does this pt look like
Fluid volume deficit (related causes signs & symptoms, nursing assessments).What does this pt look like
Blood transfusion (administration of blood products) and adverse reactions.
Vital signs (skill): BP, Pulse Ox, Temp, apical pulse. Know normal and abnormal ranges.
Assessment findings of an infected wound. Be able to describe drainage (serous, sanguineous, serous-
sanguineous, purulent).
Infection Control & Prevention: Surgical and Medical Asepsis; Isolation precautions in hospitals.
Sterile Technique & how to maintain a sterile field.
Chain of infection.
Personal protective equipment (PPE).
Pressure Ulcer staging and prevention.
Full thickness wound repair, partial thickness wound repair.
Primary intention and secondary intention healing.
Know difference between constipation, diarrhea, fecal impaction.
Fecal occult testing and instructions to patient prior to testing.
Colostomy/stoma care.
Indwelling catheterization (skill). External catheter (condom catheter) use and application.
Know difference between dysuria, enuresis, urinary frequency, and urinary urgency.
Hygiene (bed bath, mouth conditions, foot conditions).
Restraints – know assessment responsibilities of nurse.
Enteral feeding via G-tube and NG-tube (skill) (as well as medication administration)
Hospital diets.
Transferring clients in bed, bed to chair. What are safety measures?
Nursing priorities if fire occurs in health care setting (know order). What is RACE?
Body mechanics (health care workers)
ROM joint movement. How to perform active and passive ROM.
Fall risk and prevention.
Elastic stockings (TED hose) Use and purpose.
Sleep conditions: sleep apnea, narcolepsy
Pain (different types of pain); Characteristics of pain
Worksheet for Final Exam

Oxygen safety
Suctioning (Trach) skill.
Tracheostomy care (skill). What is an obturator used for? Parts of the trach itself
What is atelectasis. What exercise would you teach your patient to prevent atelectasis?
Lasix (patient teaching)
Pursed lip-breathing teaching
Incentive spirometer patient teaching.
Patient Positioning and purpose of position.

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