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Modern Plato publication

1. What is exceptionality?

a. A condition that deviates from the norm

b. A characteristic that is common among all individuals

c. A physical disability that affects mobility

d. A mental illness that affects cognitive functioning

Answer: a. A condition that deviates from the norm

2. Which of the following is an example of an exceptional condition?

a. Being left-handed

b. Having blue eyes

c. Having a learning disability

d. Being tall

Answer: c. Having a learning disability

3. What is the term used to describe individuals with exceptionalities who require specialized education
and related services?

a. Gifted and talented

b. Exceptional learners

c. Mainstream students

d. Regular education students

Answer: b. Exceptional learners

4. Which of the following is NOT considered an exceptional condition?

a. Autism

b. Deafness

c. Average intelligence

d. Emotional disturbance

Answer: c. Average intelligence

5. Which federal law requires schools to provide a free appropriate public education (FAPE) to students
with disabilities?

a. No Child Left Behind Act

b. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

c. Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

d. Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)

Answer: b. Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)

6. What is the definition of a disability?

a. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities

b. A condition that affects only cognitive functioning

c. A characteristic that is considered abnormal

d. A condition that is easily treatable

Answer: a. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities
7. Which of the following is an example of a physical disability?

a. Dyslexia

b. Autism

c. Cerebral palsy


Answer: c. Cerebral palsy

8. What is the definition of a learning disability?

a. A condition that affects only cognitive functioning

b. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities

c. A condition that affects a person's ability to learn in a typical manner

d. A condition that affects a person's emotional well-being

Answer: c. A condition that affects a person's ability to learn in a typical manner

9. What is the definition of an intellectual disability?

a. A condition that affects only cognitive functioning

b. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities

c. A condition that affects a person's ability to learn in a typical manner

d. A condition that affects a person's emotional well-being

Answer: a. A condition that affects only cognitive functioning

10. Which of the following is an example of an emotional or behavioral disorder?

a. Autism

b. Dyslexia

c. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

d. Conduct disorder

Answer: d. Conduct disorder

11. What is the definition of giftedness?

a. A condition that affects only cognitive functioning

b. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities

c. An exceptional ability or talent in one or more areas

d. A condition that affects a person's emotional well-being

Answer: c. An exceptional ability or talent in one or more areas

12. Which of the following is an example of a talent area in which a student may be gifted?

a. Math

b. Reading

c. Writing

d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

13. What is the definition of a physical impairment?

a. A condition that affects only cognitive functioning

b. A physical condition that substantially limits one or more major life activities

c. A condition that affects a person's ability to learn in a typical manner

d. A condition that affects a person's emotional well-being

Answer: b. A physical condition that substantially limits one or more major life activities

14. What is the definition of a sensory impairment?

a. A condition that affects only cognitive functioning

b. A physical condition that substantially limits one or more major life activities

c. A condition that affects a person's ability to learn in a typical manner

d. A condition that affects a person's senses (e.g., hearing, vision)

Answer: d. A condition that affects a person's senses (e.g., hearing, vision)

15. What is the definition of a communication disorder?

a. A condition that affects only cognitive functioning

b. A physical condition that substantially limits one or more major life activities

c. A condition that affects a person's ability to communicate effectively

d. A condition that affects a person's emotional well-being

Answer: c. A condition that affects a person's ability to communicate effectively

16. Which of the following is an example of a communication disorder?

a. Stuttering

b. Dyslexia
c. Autism

d. Conduct disorder

Answer: a. Stuttering

17. What is the definition of a multiple disability?

a. A condition that affects only cognitive functioning

b. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities

c. Two or more disabilities occurring at the same time

d. A condition that affects a person's emotional well-being

Answer: c. Two or more disabilities occurring at the same time

18. What is the definition of a developmental delay?

a. A condition that affects only cognitive functioning

b. A physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities

c. A delay in one or more areas of development (e.g., language, motor skills)

d. A condition that affects a person's emotional well-being

Answer: c. A delay in one or more areas of development (e.g., language, motor skills)

19. What is the definition of an assistive technology device?

a. Any item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the
functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities

b. Any device used to treat physical or mental impairments

c. Any device used to cure disabilities

d. Any device used to diagnose disabilities

Answer: a. Any item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or
improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities

20. What is the definition of a related service?

a. Any service that is necessary for a student with a disability to benefit from special education

b. Any service provided to students without disabilities

c. Any service provided to gifted and talented students

d. Any service provided to students who are not meeting academic standards

Answer: a. Any service that is necessary for a student with a disability to benefit from special education

1. In what year was the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (now known as IDEA) passed?

a. 1950

b. 1965

c. 1975

d. 1985

Answer: c. 1975

2. What was the purpose of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act?

a. To provide funding for special education programs

b. To ensure that all children with disabilities have access to a free appropriate public education
c. To establish separate schools for children with disabilities

d. To require schools to provide accommodations for students with disabilities

Answer: b. To ensure that all children with disabilities have access to a free appropriate public education

3. Prior to the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, what was the educational experience like for
many students with disabilities?

a. They were excluded from school altogether

b. They were placed in separate schools or classrooms

c. They received no special education services or accommodations

d. They were required to pay for their own education

Answer: c. They received no special education services or accommodations

4. What is the definition of a free appropriate public education (FAPE)?

a. An education that is provided at no cost to the family and meets the unique needs of the student

b. An education that is provided at a reduced cost to the family and meets the unique needs of the

c. An education that is provided at no cost to the family but does not necessarily meet the unique needs
of the student

d. An education that is provided at a reduced cost to the family but does not necessarily meet the
unique needs of the student

Answer: a. An education that is provided at no cost to the family and meets the unique needs of the

5. In what year was the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) passed?
a. 1965

b. 1975

c. 1985

d. 1990

Answer: d. 1990

6. What is the purpose of the Americans with Disabilities Act?

a. To provide funding for special education programs

b. To ensure that all children with disabilities have access to a free appropriate public education

c. To prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life

d. To require schools to provide accommodations for students with disabilities

Answer: c. To prohibit discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life

7. What is the definition of Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act?

a. A law that requires schools to provide accommodations for students with disabilities

b. A law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public life

c. A law that provides funding for special education programs

d. A law that requires schools to provide special education services to students with disabilities

Answer: b. A law that prohibits discrimination against individuals with disabilities in all areas of public

8. What is the definition of an individualized education program (IEP)?

a. A plan that outlines the special education and related services that a student with a disability will

b. A plan that outlines the accommodations that a student with a disability will receive

c. A plan that outlines the academic goals and objectives for a student with a disability

d. A plan that outlines the behavioral interventions that will be used with a student with a disability

Answer: a. A plan that outlines the special education and related services that a student with a disability
will receive

9. Who is involved in the development of an individualized education program (IEP)?

a. The student, parents, teachers, and other relevant school personnel

b. The student and parents only

c. The teachers and other relevant school personnel only

d. The student, parents, and outside experts only

Answer: a. The student, parents, teachers, and other relevant school personnel

10. What is the definition of a least restrictive environment (LRE)?

a. The educational setting that provides the most support and accommodations for a student with a

b. The educational setting that provides the fewest accommodations for a student with a disability

C.Educational setting that is most convenient for the school

d. The educational setting that provides the most opportunities for inclusion with non-disabled peers

Answer: d. The educational setting that provides the most opportunities for inclusion with non-disabled
11. What is the definition of response to intervention (RTI)?

a. A process for identifying students with disabilities

b. A process for providing accommodations to students with disabilities

c. A process for providing early intervention and support to all students who are struggling academically
or behaviorally

d. A process for determining eligibility for special education services

Answer: c. A process for providing early intervention and support to all students who are struggling
academically or behaviorally

12. What is the definition of universal design for learning (UDL)?

a. A framework for designing instruction that is accessible and effective for all students, including those
with disabilities

b. A framework for designing instruction that is only accessible to students with disabilities

c. A framework for designing instruction that is only effective for students with disabilities

d. A framework for designing instruction that is based on individualized education programs (IEPs)

Answer: a. A framework for designing instruction that is accessible and effective for all students,
including those with disabilities

13. What is the definition of assistive technology?

a. Any item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or improve the
functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities

b. Any device used to treat physical or mental impairments

c. Any device used to cure disabilities

d. Any device used to diagnose disabilities

Answer: a. Any item, piece of equipment, or product system that is used to increase, maintain, or
improve the functional capabilities of individuals with disabilities

14. What is the definition of inclusion?

a. The practice of placing students with disabilities in separate classrooms or schools

b. The practice of providing accommodations to students with disabilities

c. The practice of providing equal access and opportunities to all students, including those with

d. The practice of providing individualized education programs (IEPs) to all students

Answer: c. The practice of providing equal access and opportunities to all students, including those with

15. What is the definition of a paraprofessional?

a. A certified teacher who works with students with disabilities

b. A specialist who provides individualized instruction to students with disabilities

c. An assistant who works under the supervision of a certified teacher to provide support to students
with disabilities

d. A therapist who provides services to students with disabilities

Answer: c. An assistant who works under the supervision of a certified teacher to provide support to
students with disabilities

16. What is the definition of a related service provider?

a. A certified teacher who works with students with disabilities

b. A specialist who provides individualized instruction to students with disabilities

c. An assistant who works under the supervision of a certified teacher to provide support to students
with disabilities

d. A professional who provides services to students with disabilities (e.g., speech therapy, occupational

Answer: d. A professional who provides services to students with disabilities (e.g., speech therapy,
occupational therapy)

17. What is the definition of a transition plan?

a. A plan that outlines the accommodations that a student with a disability will receive

b. A plan that outlines the academic goals and objectives for a student with a disability

c. A plan that outlines the behavioral interventions that will be used with a student with a disability

d. A plan that outlines the services and supports that will be provided to help a student with a disability
transition from school to post-school life

Answer: d. A plan that outlines the services and supports that will be pr

ovided to help a student with a disability transition from school to post-school life

18. What is the definition of a 504 plan?

a. A plan that outlines the special education and related services that a student with a disability will

b. A plan that outlines the accommodations that a student with a disability will receive

c. A plan that outlines the academic goals and objectives for a student with a disability

d. A plan that outlines the behavioral interventions that will be used with a student with a disability

Answer: b. A plan that outlines the accommodations that a student with a disability will receive
19. What is the definition of a special education teacher?

a. A teacher who works exclusively with students with disabilities

b. A teacher who has completed specialized training in working with students with disabilities

c. A teacher who provides accommodations to students with disabilities

d. A teacher who provides individualized education programs (IEPs) to all students

Answer: b. A teacher who has completed specialized training in working with students with disabilities

20. What is the definition of a resource room?

a. A separate classroom or school for students with disabilities

b. A classroom in which students with disabilities receive all of their instruction

c. A classroom in which students with disabilities receive additional support and instruction from a
special education teacher

d. A classroom in which students without disabilities receive additional support and instruction from a
regular education teacher

Answer: c. A classroom in which students with disabilities receive additional support and instruction
from a special education teacher

1. What is the definition of a learning disability?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that affects a person's social skills

Answer: b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

2. What is the definition of dyslexia?

a. A specific learning disability that affects reading and related language-based processing skills

b. A specific learning disability that affects writing and related language-based processing skills

c. A specific learning disability that affects math and related language-based processing skills

d. A specific learning disability that affects social skills and communication

Answer: a. A specific learning disability that affects reading and related language-based processing skills

3. What is the definition of dysgraphia?

a. A specific learning disability that affects reading and related language-based processing skills

b. A specific learning disability that affects writing and related language-based processing skills

c. A specific learning disability that affects math and related language-based processing skills

d. A specific learning disability that affects social skills and communication

Answer: b. A specific learning disability that affects writing and related language-based processing skills

4. What is the definition of dyscalculia?

a. A specific learning disability that affects reading and related language-based processing skills

b. A specific learning disability that affects writing and related language-based processing skills

c. A specific learning disability that affects math and related language-based processing skills

d. A specific learning disability that affects social skills and communication

Answer: c. A specific learning disability that affects math and related language-based processing skills
5. What is the definition of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that affects a person's ability to focus, control impulses, and regulate behavior

Answer: d. A condition that affects a person's ability to focus, control impulses, and regulate behavior

6. What is the definition of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that affects a person's social communication and interaction skills, as well as their
behavior and interests

Answer: d. A condition that affects a person's social communication and interaction skills, as well as their
behavior and interests

7. What is the definition of intellectual disability?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that involves significant limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior

Answer: d. A condition that involves significant limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive
8. What is the definition of a speech or language impairment?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that affects a person's ability to communicate effectively through speech or language

Answer: d. A condition that affects a person's ability to communicate effectively through speech or

9. What is the definition of a hearing impairment?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A conditi

on that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that involves a partial or total loss of hearing

Answer: d. A condition that involves a partial or total loss of hearing

10. What is the definition of a visual impairment?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that involves a partial or total loss of vision

Answer: d. A condition that involves a partial or total loss of vision

11. What is the definition of a physical disability?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that affects a person's social skills

Answer: c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

12. What is the definition of a traumatic brain injury (TBI)?

a. An injury to the brain caused by an external force, resulting in impaired cognitive, physical, emotional,
or behavioral functioning

b. An injury to the brain caused by a medical condition, resulting in impaired cognitive, physical,
emotional, or behavioral functioning

c. An injury to the brain caused by exposure to toxic substances, resulting in impaired cognitive, physical,
emotional, or behavioral functioning

d. An injury to the brain caused by a genetic condition, resulting in impaired cognitive, physical,
emotional, or behavioral functioning

Answer: a. An injury to the brain caused by an external force, resulting in impaired cognitive, physical,
emotional, or behavioral functioning

13. What is the definition of a multiple disabilities?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that involves two or more disabilities occurring at the same time, which result in
significant educational needs

Answer: d. A condition that involves two or more disabilities occurring at the same time, which result in
significant educational needs

14. What is the definition of deaf-blindness?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that involves both hearing and visual impairments, resulting in significant educational

Answer: d. A condition that involves both hearing and visual impairments, resulting in significant
educational needs

15. What is the definition of an emotional disturbance?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that involves a persistent and severe emotional or behavioral disorder, resulting in
significant educational needs

Answer: d. A condition that involves a persistent and severe emotional or behavioral disorder, resulting
in significant educational needs

16. What are some common educational needs for students with learning disabilities?
a. Accommodations such as extended time on tests and assignments, specialized instruction in reading,
writing, and math, and assistive technology

b. Accommodations such as specialized instruction in social skills, occupational therapy, and physical

c. Accommodations such as modified curriculum, specialized instruction in science and history, and
assistive technology

d. Accommodations such as specialized instruction in music and art, occupational therapy, and physical

Answer: a. Accommodations such as extended time on tests and assignments, specialized instruction in
reading, writing, and math, and assistive technology

17. What are some com

mon educational needs for students with ADHD?

a. Accommodations such as extended time on tests and assignments, specialized instruction in reading,
writing, and math, and assistive technology

b. Accommodations such as specialized instruction in social skills, occupational therapy, and physical

c. Accommodations such as modified curriculum, specialized instruction in science and history, and
assistive technology

d. Accommodations such as movement breaks, preferential seating, and organizational tools

Answer: d. Accommodations such as movement breaks, preferential seating, and organizational tools

18. What are some common educational needs for students with autism spectrum disorder?

a. Accommodations such as extended time on tests and assignments, specialized instruction in reading,
writing, and math, and assistive technology
b. Accommodations such as specialized instruction in social skills, occupational therapy, and physical

c. Accommodations such as modified curriculum, specialized instruction in science and history, and
assistive technology

d. Accommodations such as visual schedules, social stories, and sensory supports

Answer: d. Accommodations such as visual schedules, social stories, and sensory supports

19. What are some common educational needs for students with physical disabilities?

a. Accommodations such as extended time on tests and assignments, specialized instruction in reading,
writing, and math, and assistive technology

b. Accommodations such as specialized instruction in social skills, occupational therapy, and physical

c. Accommodations such as modified curriculum, specialized instruction in science and history, and
assistive technology

d. Accommodations such as accessible facilities, assistive technology, and physical accommodations

(e.g., wheelchair ramps)

Answer: d. Accommodations such as accessible facilities, assistive technology, and physical

accommodations (e.g., wheelchair ramps)

20. What are some common educational needs for students with emotional disturbances?

a. Accommodations such as extended time on tests and assignments, specialized instruction in reading,
writing, and math, and assistive technology

b. Accommodations such as specialized instruction in social skills, occupational therapy, and physical

c. Accommodations such as modified curriculum, specialized instruction in science and history, and
assistive technology

d. Accommodations such as counseling services, behavior intervention plans, and social-emotional

learning supports
Answer: d. Accommodations such as counseling services, behavior intervention plans, and social-
emotional learning supports

1. What is the definition of a learning disability?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that affects a person's social skills

Answer: b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

2. What is the definition of dyslexia?

a. A specific learning disability that affects reading and related language-based processing skills

b. A specific learning disability that affects writing and related language-based processing skills

c. A specific learning disability that affects math and related language-based processing skills

d. A specific learning disability that affects social skills and communication

Answer: a. A specific learning disability that affects reading and related language-based processing skills

3. What is the definition of dysgraphia?

a. A specific learning disability that affects reading and related language-based processing skills

b. A specific learning disability that affects writing and related language-based processing skills

c. A specific learning disability that affects math and related language-based processing skills

d. A specific learning disability that affects social skills and communication

Answer: b. A specific learning disability that affects writing and related language-based processing skills

4. What is the definition of dyscalculia?

a. A specific learning disability that affects reading and related language-based processing skills

b. A specific learning disability that affects writing and related language-based processing skills

c. A specific learning disability that affects math and related language-based processing skills

d. A specific learning disability that affects social skills and communication

Answer: c. A specific learning disability that affects math and related language-based processing skills

5. What is the definition of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that affects a person's ability to focus, control impulses, and regulate behavior

Answer: d. A condition that affects a person's ability to focus, control impulses, and regulate behavior

6. What is the definition of autism spectrum disorder (ASD)?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that affects a person's social communication and interaction skills, as well as their
behavior and interests
Answer: d. A condition that affects a person's social communication and interaction skills, as well as their
behavior and interests

7. What is the definition of intellectual disability?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that involves significant limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior

Answer: d. A condition that involves significant limitations in intellectual functioning and adaptive

8. What is the definition of a speech or language impairment?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that affects a person's ability to communicate effectively through speech or language

Answer: d. A condition that affects a person's ability to communicate effectively through speech or

9. What is the definition of a hearing impairment?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A conditi

on that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that involves a partial or total loss of hearing

Answer: d. A condition that involves a partial or total loss of hearing

10. What is the definition of a visual impairment?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that involves a partial or total loss of vision

Answer: d. A condition that involves a partial or total loss of vision

11. What is the definition of a physical disability?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that affects a person's social skills

Answer: c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

12. What is the definition of a traumatic brain injury (TBI)?

a. An injury to the brain caused by an external force, resulting in impaired cognitive, physical, emotional,
or behavioral functioning

b. An injury to the brain caused by a medical condition, resulting in impaired cognitive, physical,
emotional, or behavioral functioning

c. An injury to the brain caused by exposure to toxic substances, resulting in impaired cognitive, physical,
emotional, or behavioral functioning
d. An injury to the brain caused by a genetic condition, resulting in impaired cognitive, physical,
emotional, or behavioral functioning

Answer: a. An injury to the brain caused by an external force, resulting in impaired cognitive, physical,
emotional, or behavioral functioning

13. What is the definition of a multiple disabilities?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that involves two or more disabilities occurring at the same time, which result in
significant educational needs

Answer: d. A condition that involves two or more disabilities occurring at the same time, which result in
significant educational needs

14. What is the definition of deaf-blindness?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that involves both hearing and visual impairments, resulting in significant educational

Answer: d. A condition that involves both hearing and visual impairments, resulting in significant
educational needs

15. What is the definition of an emotional disturbance?

a. A condition that affects a person's ability to understand or use language

b. A condition that affects a person's ability to read, write, or do math

c. A condition that affects a person's physical abilities

d. A condition that involves a persistent and severe emotional or behavioral disorder, resulting in
significant educational needs

Answer: d. A condition that involves a persistent and severe emotional or behavioral disorder, resulting
in significant educational needs

16. What are some common educational needs for students with learning disabilities?

a. Accommodations such as extended time on tests and assignments, specialized instruction in reading,
writing, and math, and assistive technology

b. Accommodations such as specialized instruction in social skills, occupational therapy, and physical

c. Accommodations such as modified curriculum, specialized instruction in science and history, and
assistive technology

d. Accommodations such as specialized instruction in music and art, occupational therapy, and physical

Answer: a. Accommodations such as extended time on tests and assignments, specialized instruction in
reading, writing, and math, and assistive technology

17. What are some com

mon educational needs for students with ADHD?

a. Accommodations such as extended time on tests and assignments, specialized instruction in reading,
writing, and math, and assistive technology

b. Accommodations such as specialized instruction in social skills, occupational therapy, and physical
c. Accommodations such as modified curriculum, specialized instruction in science and history, and
assistive technology

d. Accommodations such as movement breaks, preferential seating, and organizational tools

Answer: d. Accommodations such as movement breaks, preferential seating, and organizational tools

18. What are some common educational needs for students with autism spectrum disorder?

a. Accommodations such as extended time on tests and assignments, specialized instruction in reading,
writing, and math, and assistive technology

b. Accommodations such as specialized instruction in social skills, occupational therapy, and physical

c. Accommodations such as modified curriculum, specialized instruction in science and history, and
assistive technology

d. Accommodations such as visual schedules, social stories, and sensory supports

Answer: d. Accommodations such as visual schedules, social stories, and sensory supports

19. What are some common educational needs for students with physical disabilities?

a. Accommodations such as extended time on tests and assignments, specialized instruction in reading,
writing, and math, and assistive technology

b. Accommodations such as specialized instruction in social skills, occupational therapy, and physical

c. Accommodations such as modified curriculum, specialized instruction in science and history, and
assistive technology

d. Accommodations such as accessible facilities, assistive technology

1. What is the definition of inclusive education?

a. A type of education that only includes students with disabilities

b. A type of education that includes all students, regardless of ability or background

c. A type of education that focuses on academic achievement over social and emotional development

d. A type of education that emphasizes competition and individual achievement

Answer: b. A type of education that includes all students, regardless of ability or background

2. What is the goal of inclusive education?

a. To provide separate education for students with disabilities

b. To focus only on academic achievement

c. To create an environment where all students feel valued and supported

d. To prioritize competition and individual achievement over collaboration and community building

Answer: c. To create an environment where all students feel valued and supported

3. What are some benefits of inclusive education?

a. Improved academic outcomes for students with disabilities

b. Increased social skills and empathy for all students

c. Greater acceptance and understanding of diversity

d. All of the above

Answer: d. All of the above

4. What is the role of the teacher in inclusive education?

a. To provide separate instruction for students with disabilities

b. To create a collaborative and supportive classroom environment for all students

c. To focus solely on academic achievement

d. To prioritize competition and individual achievement over community building

Answer: b. To create a collaborative and supportive classroom environment for all students

5. What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?

a. A set of principles for designing accessible products and environments

b. A teaching approach that emphasizes individualized instruction

c. A method of teaching that focuses solely on academic achievement

d. A type of curriculum that excludes students with disabilities

Answer: a. A set of principles for designing accessible products and environments

6. What are the three main principles of UDL?

a. Multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement

b. Individualized instruction, assessment, and curriculum

c. Competition, achievement, and performance

d. Segregation, exclusion, and discrimination

Answer: a. Multiple means of representation, action and expression, and engagement

7. What is differentiated instruction?

a. A teaching approach that provides the same instruction to all students

b. A teaching approach that provides individualized instruction based on student needs and abilities

c. A type of curriculum that excludes students with disabilities

d. A method of teaching that focuses solely on academic achievement

Answer: b. A teaching approach that provides individualized instruction based on student needs and

8. What is co-teaching?

a. A teaching approach that involves separate instruction for students with disabilities

b. A teaching approach that involves collaboration between a general education teacher and a special
education teacher

c. A type of curriculum that excludes students with disabilities

d. A method of teaching that focuses solely on academic achievement

Answer: b. A teaching approach that involves collaboration between a general education teacher and a
special education teacher

9. What is peer tutoring?

a. A teaching approach that involves separate instruction for students with disabilities

b. A teaching approach that involves collaboration between a general education teacher and a special
education teacher

c. A method of teaching that focuses solely on academic achievement

d. A teaching approach that involves students working together to support each other's learning

Answer: d. A teaching approach that involves students working together to support each other's

10. What is assistive technology?

a. Technology designed to help individuals with disabilities perform tasks that might otherwise be
difficult or impossible
b. Technology designed to replace traditional teaching methods

c. Technology designed to exclude individuals with disabilities from educational set


d. Technology designed to prioritize competition and individual achievement over community building

Answer: a. Technology designed to help individuals with disabilities perform tasks that might otherwise
be difficult or impossible

11. What is a 504 plan?

a. A legal document that outlines accommodations and supports for students with disabilities

b. A type of curriculum that excludes students with disabilities

c. A method of teaching that focuses solely on academic achievement

d. A teaching approach that involves separate instruction for students with disabilities

Answer: a. A legal document that outlines accommodations and supports for students with disabilities

12. What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?

a. A legal document that outlines accommodations and supports for students with disabilities

b. A type of curriculum that excludes students with disabilities

c. A method of teaching that focuses solely on academic achievement

d. A teaching approach that involves separate instruction for students with disabilities

Answer: a. A legal document that outlines accommodations and supports for students with disabilities

13. What is the role of parents in inclusive education?

a. To advocate for their child's needs and rights

b. To provide separate instruction for their child with disabilities

c. To prioritize academic achievement over social and emotional development

d. To exclude their child from educational settings

Answer: a. To advocate for their child's needs and rights

14. What is the role of peers in inclusive education?

a. To exclude students with disabilities from educational settings

b. To compete with each other for academic achievement

c. To work together to support each other's learning and development

d. To provide separate instruction for students with disabilities

Answer: c. To work together to support each other's learning and development

15. What is the ultimate goal of inclusive education?

a. To provide separate education for students with disabilities

b. To focus solely on academic achievement

c. To create an environment where all students feel valued and supported

d. To prioritize competition and individual achievement over collaboration and community building

Answer: c. To create an environment where all students feel valued and supported

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