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Degree Vital Values Worth



The value of good conduct:

We can say many things, we can talk all we want, but when we put the
teachings of Jesus into practice we demonstrate that we are sons and
daughters of God. The Bible says “those who believe in God are engaged
in doing good.” Do we believe in God? Do we do good? It is important to
learn to believe in God and do good.

Dear Student Manager:

These instructions are so that they can help the student in taking the class and putting the
learning into practice. In second grade, it is important that an adult read the questions to the
child and let them express themselves.

Let's explore the topic!

1 . With the toys, tell the following story. You can give them
any names you want.
2. “Carlitos plays soccer on the school team. He is a striker and likes to
practice at all times. Every day Carlitos is with the ball, practicing outside
his house. The team's coach wants Carlitos to play in the next game
against his biggest rival, but Carlitos has to practice taking penalties. It's
not good for that. However, his coach gives him some tips on taking
penalties and gives him time to practice. In the big game, Carlitos has to
take a penalty. Now, is it better for Carlitos to listen to his coach, or not?
3. “Maria has a final exam on Wednesday. In class the teacher tells them
which topics are included in the exam to study them. At night, María starts
studying. What topics are you going to study, those that your teacher told
you about or others? Is it better for María to listen to her teacher?
4. “Jesus is the son of God and knows everything. Jesus always knows
what is best. He tells the children how to behave well, now, is it better to
listen to him? Because?"

Due to the global situation, these classes are provided for public school students
who work with student books. They are not for any religious organization.
2nd Grade Vital Values with Jesus

What does Jesus is also in

Annex T'
Jesus came back to life! He lives! It
also teaches us how to live.
Click on the photo to see a short
video about Jesus.

Or, you can read Saint lucas

it 24:1-12 and
in the Bible at: 24:36-53
How many of these questions
can you answer about the story of Jesus?
How long was Jesus dead?
Then what happened to Jesus?
Now where does Jesus live?
The disciples changed a lot when they met Jesus. What was Pedro like
Peter changed a lot when he met Jesus and listened to his teachings. He
repented and learned to love God and the people in his life.
Did you learn from Jesus to do good and seek peace?
Did you learn to obey God?
Did you learn not to fight?
Did you learn to trust God and have peace?
After Jesus went to the Father and I saw him no more, did the disciples
return to what they were before?

Book of Vital Values

with Jesus
Complete page 17 of your book,
Vital Values with Jesus.
Option 1 : You have the book.
Paint the drawing of Jesus.

Option 2 :
In a

Due to the global situation, these classes are provided for public school students
who work with student books. They are not for any religious organization.
2nd Grade Vital Values with Jesus
notebook or blank sheet of paper, make a drawing of the resurrection of

Due to the global situation, these classes are provided for public school students
who work with student books. They are not for any religious organization.
2nd Grade Vital Values with Jesus

“Thank you Jesus for being alive and for the Spirit
Holy who is always with us. Thank you
for Your teachings. We love you God!”

“We remember that Jesus died and after 3 days, he resurrected. Jesus
went to the Father
heaven, and commanded the Holy Spirit to live in us. We have noticed
how Peter
and the other disciples changed their lives when they met Jesus. Before
meeting him
They were sinners, living their own lives without knowing God. After
to Jesus, they learned many things, how to love God, help others,
do not fight, etc. Jesus and his teachings change lives, and the people
who do it
"They know they don't continue with their bad behavior, they have a new
way of living."

Student's book!

Complete page 16 of your book, Vital Values

with Jesus.

Option 1 : You have the book.

Option 2 : You have a notebook or

blank sheet of paper to illustrate or
describe some of these values studied:
creation, obedience, sharing, kindness,
love, peace, forgiveness, hope.


They do good and are not afraid of anything.

1 Peter 3:6

Due to the global situation, these classes are provided for public school students
who work with student books. They are not for any religious organization.
2nd Grade Vital Values with Jesus
He (God) has created us in Christ Jesus to do good works...

Ephesians 2:10

Annex #1: Saint Luke 24:1-12 and 24:36-53

But on the first day of the week they returned to the tomb very early,
carrying the perfumes they had prepared. When they arrived, they found
that the stone that covered the tomb was not in place; and they entered,
but did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. They didn't know what to think
of this, when suddenly they saw two men standing next to them, dressed in
bright clothes. Full of fear, they bowed to the ground; but those men told
—Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here, but is
risen. Remember what he told them when he was still in Galilee: that the
Son of Man had to be delivered into the hands of sinners, that he would be
crucified, and that on the third day he would rise again.
Then they remembered the words of Jesus, and upon returning from the
tomb they told all this to the eleven apostles and everyone else. Those who
brought the news to the apostles were Mary Magdalene, Joan, Mary
mother of James, and the other women. But what they said seemed crazy
to the apostles, and they did not want to believe them. ----------
They were still talking about these things, when Jesus stood among them
and greeted them, saying, "Peace be with you."
They were very scared, thinking they were seeing a spirit. But Jesus said
to them, "Why are you afraid?" Why do you have those doubts in your
heart? Look at my hands and my feet. I'm myself. Touch me and see: a
spirit has no flesh or bones, as you see I have.
When he told them this, he showed them his hands and feet. But since
they did not quite believe it, because of the joy and amazement they felt,
Jesus asked them: - Do you have anything to eat here?
They gave him a piece of roasted fish, and he accepted it and ate it in their
presence. Then he said to them: “What has happened to me is what I
announced to you when I was still with you: that everything written about
me in the law of Moses, in the books of the prophets, and in the psalms
would be fulfilled.
Then he made them understand the Scriptures, and said to them:—It is
written that the Messiah must die, and rise again on the third day, and that
in his name it will be announced to all the nations that turn to God, so that
he may forgive them their sins. sins. Starting from Jerusalem, you must
bear witness to these things. And I will send upon you what my Father
promised. But you stay here, in the city of Jerusalem, until you receive the
power that comes from heaven.

Due to the global situation, these classes are provided for public school students
who work with student books. They are not for any religious organization.
2nd Grade Vital Values with Jesus
Then Jesus led them out of the city to Bethany, and raising his hands he
blessed them. And while he blessed them, he departed from them and was
taken up to heaven. They, after worshiping him, returned to Jerusalem very
happy. And they were always in the temple, praising God.

Due to the global situation, these classes are provided for public school students
who work with student books. They are not for any religious organization.
Degree Vital Values Worth



What have we learned so far?

Jesus died on the cross and was resurrected on the third day.
The lives of Peter
meet Jesus and listen to his teachings. and the other
disciples were
changed by

• The disciples did not return to the same behavior as before...

From the

We show that we believe in God by always doing good. What does

this text mean to you?

Those who believe in God are busy doing

the good Titus 3:8
1. On a white sheet of paper, write “ THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN GOD ” and on another, write “
THEY ARE IN DOING GOOD ” in large letters.
2. Request the help of 2 people from your family. Each person holds one of the sheets in front of
their face. Stand in front of the student
3. The person with the sheet that says, “ THOSE WHO
BELIEVE IN GOD ,” stands firm, while the other person bows.
4. Read the first page aloud, “THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN

Due to the global situation, these classes are provided for public school students
who work with student books. They are not for any religious organization.
2nd Grade Vital Values with Jesus GOOD CONDUCT
5. Immediately, the person crouches down and the student reads the second sheet aloud, “THEY
6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 up to several times.

Due to the global situation, these classes are provided for public school students
who work with student books. They are not for any religious organization.
Degree Vital Values Worth

• Believe in God?
• We learn good things about Jesus that we didn't know before. What have we learned about Jesus
• Is it very important to obey God?
• Since God teaches us to help others and share, should we do it?
• We learned from Jesus' teachings that it is bad to fight, should we obey him and not fight?
• Jesus taught us to love others and be kind to them, should we do it?
• How can we love God with all our heart, all our strength, all our soul, and all our mind?
• And we also saw how Jesus died and was resurrected. Why should we ask forgiveness for the bad
things we do?
• Have we learned much from the teachings of Jesus?
• Since we know, should we continue doing these things we have learned from Jesus?
• What do you remember about the following things you learned during the previous seven
lessons? Mention what each one means to you.
- God created everything and created us as valuable people (see lesson 1)
- Obedience God (see lesson 2) (see
- Treat everyone with kindness lesson 3) (see lesson
- Share
4) (see lesson 5) (see
- love God
lesson 6) (see lesson
- Do not repay anyone evil for evil
7) (see lesson 8)
- Jesus died to forgive our sins
- Jesus resurrected three days later

• We can get closer to God because He forgave us and because of Him

we behave well.

Due to the global situation, these classes are provided for public school students
who work with student books. They are not for any religious organization.
2nd Grade Vital Values with Jesus
Student's book! GOOD CONDUCT

Complete the 8M craft from your book, Vital Values with Jesus.
Option 1 : You have the book. Find pages 1, 2, 3 and 4 of the craft that are in the center of the
student book with the number 8M.
Option 2 : You have a blank sheet of paper to make a calendar, representing one
of the following values per day, or box. Add the biblical text to each value.
Monday - Creation : You formed me with your own hands. Job 10:8
Tuesday - Obedience to God : It is our duty to obey God. Acts 5:29 Wednesday -
Kindness : To have to be kind... 1 Corinthians 13:4
Thursday - Share : Don't stop helping... Exodus 23:5
Friday - Love : God is love. 1 John 4:8 Saturday - Be a Peacemaker : Do not repay anyone evil for
evil. Romans 12:17 Sunday - Forgiveness : He is the one who forgives all my wrongdoings. Psalm

1. Paint and cut out all the pieces. It is recommended to reinforce them with recycled cardboard.
2. Fold the base, from page 4, on the dotted lines and glue the fin to the other end to make a triangle.
3. Punch a hole in the gray circles on each calendar card.
4. Put the cards in order, starting with the cover and ending with the blank card, and put two wool loops
in the holes.

5. Open the first card and place it on top of the base. Each day the cards are turned over to see the value
and the biblical text that corresponds to the day.

“After dying on a cross, Jesus was resurrected

on the third day. The disciples continued to obey the teachings of Jesus
after he went to Heavenly Father. We must also obey
doing what Jesus teaches us. Our actions show others that
“We are children of God and His presence, The Holy Spirit, is always with us.”
“Thank you Jesus for Your teachings. Help me to always remember them and
obey them. You are good and we love you God! tobo

Due to the global situation, these classes are provided for public school students
who work with student books. They are not for any religious organization.

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