Quality of Life Monograph

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Professional Academic Law School



Presented by : ESCOBAR CASO , Bernardino


Cycle : XI – 2019 II

Subject : Thesis Workshop I

teacher : Ramiro Valdivia Rodríguez

Date : Tacna, October 2019


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I thank God for giving me life, health and his

eternal blessing,

I thank my family, who have always remained

with me in the most difficult moments.

I thank my teachers for their unconditional

support in my professional training.


José Carlos Mariátegui Private University of Moquegua Tacna headquarters

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QUALITY OF LIFE..............................................................................................6

1.- Concept of quality of life:............................................................................6

2.- Definitions:...................................................................................................6

3.- Concept of well-being:.................................................................................7

4.- Factors that intervene in the quality of life:..................................................7

4.2.- Environmental factors...........................................................................8

4.3.- Relationship factors:..............................................................................8

4.4.- Government policies:.............................................................................8

5.- Components of Quality of Life (Flanagan ):................................................8

6.- What is health-related quality of life?..............................................................9

7.- Aspects of Health-Related Quality of Life...................................................9

8.- How do you improve the quality of life?...................................................10

8.1.- Self-care:.............................................................................................10

8.2.- Healthy lifestyles:................................................................................10

9.- Conclusions:...............................................................................................13

BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES....................................................................14

José Carlos Mariátegui Private University of Moquegua Tacna headquarters

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This work was specially prepared for the comprehensive development of

the Research Workshop I course, at the Professional Academic School of Law
MARIATEGUI” Tacna headquarters.

The objectives set to be developed are:

 Conceptualize Quality of Life

 What is well-being
 Factors that intervene in the quality of Life
 Determine its relationship with health
 How you can improve the quality of life

The quality of life in individuals has at least two dimensions: the

subjective or perceptual vision and an objective analysis of health. In turn,
quality of life is a multidimensional concept that has received multiple
definitions. Consequently, there are no single criteria to define it; Over time,
attempts have been made to measure it through various instruments, mainly
questionnaires. The ideal in this measurement is that it meets pre-established
methodological requirements and adapts to the cultural context of each
individual. Various factors modify a person's quality of life, especially in chronic
diseases, so it is important to know the treatment and prognosis of a given

José Carlos Mariátegui Private University of Moquegua Tacna headquarters

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Keywords: Wellbeing, health, longevity, lifestyle.


According to the World Health Organization - WHO (2010) “Quality of life

is the perception that the individual has of his place of existence, in the context
of the culture and value system in which he lives and in relation to his
objectives, his expectations, his norms, his concerns. It is a very broad concept
that is influenced in a complex way by the physical health of the subject, his
psychological state, his level of independence, his social relationships, as well
as his relationship with the essential elements of his environment.

Although it is true that there are 3 main types of dimensions by which the
quality of life is supported (Physical dimension, psychological dimension, and
Social dimension), it is also true that it depends a lot on the interpretation or
concept that each individual has of each one. of these dimensions as set out in
the WHO definition. (Mariani, 2010)

For some years now, Peru has shown strong growth in its economy; the
feeling of quality of life does not match this bonanza. According to the latest
study by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) “Quality of life, beyond
the facts”, Peru obtains a 5.3 on a scale of 1 to 10 in the evaluation of life
satisfaction. (Quispe, 2009)

José Carlos Mariátegui Private University of Moquegua Tacna headquarters

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1.- Concept of quality of life:

Quality of life is a concept that refers to various levels of generalization,

ranging from society, community, to the physical and mental aspects, therefore,
the meaning of quality of life is complex, since it has definitions that range from
sociology. , to science, politics, medicine, development studies, etc.

Quality of life is evaluated by analyzing five different areas. Physical well-

being (with concepts such as health, security, material well-being (referring to
income, belongings, housing, transportation, etc.), social well-being (personal
relationships, friendships, family, community), development (productivity,
contribution, education) and emotional well-being (self-esteem, mindset,
emotional intelligence, religion, spirituality). (Wikipedia, 2019)

2.- Definitions:

Mc. María Antonieta Galván(2018) Quality of life is the result of a

constant interaction between economic and social factors, individual needs,
emotional freedom, ecological environments, health conditions - illness, both
individually and socially.

Haydee Otero(1998) Quality of Life is a multivariate concept, which

includes Physical, Psychological, Social and Economic determinants.

David Condori (2016) maintains that Quality of life is a concept used to

evaluate the general social well-being of individuals and societies.

Myrna Rivas(2001) indicates that defining quality of life is not an easy

task; the definitions that have been given are more a reflection of the
professional orientation and areas of interest of the different authors (Richart

José Carlos Mariátegui Private University of Moquegua Tacna headquarters

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1993). Authors such as Borthwick-Duffy (1992) and Felce and Perry (1995)
have summarized the main conceptualizations around “quality of life” in four,
which are as follows:

a) Quality of a person's living conditions.

b) The satisfaction experienced by the person with these vital conditions.
c) The combination of objective and subjective components, that is, the
quality of a person's living conditions together with the satisfaction they
d) The combination of living conditions and personal satisfaction weighted
by the scale of personal values, aspirations and expectations.

3.- Concept of well-being:

Well-being refers to that state or situation in which satisfaction and

happiness dominate. But also, popularly, the word Wellbeing is often used to
refer to the state or situation of those people who are in a good position in
economic matters, which in terms of common language is also called living a
comfortable life, without any type of pressure. economic.

From what has been mentioned, then, it is clear that the term well-being
refers to those issues, such as money, health, leisure time and strong emotional
ties, among others, and that yes or yes they will be needed and will contribute
so that a person can live good. (Ucha, 2009)

4.- Factors that intervene in the quality of life:

4.1.- Material factors

Material factors are the resources that one has:

 Disposable income
 Position in the labor market
 Health,
 Education level, etc.

José Carlos Mariátegui Private University of Moquegua Tacna headquarters

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Many authors assume a cause-effect relationship between resources and

living conditions: the more and better resources one has, the greater the
probability of a good quality of life. (Delgado, 2015)

4.2.- Environmental factors

Environmental factors are neighborhood/community characteristics that

can influence quality of life, such as:

Presence and access to services, degree of security and crime,

transportation and mobilization, ability to use new technologies that make life

Also, the characteristics of the home are relevant in determining the

quality of living conditions.

4.3.- Relationship factors:

 They include relationships with family, friends and social networks.

 Integration into social and religious organizations, free time, and social
role after retirement from economic activity are factors that can affect
quality of life at advanced ages.
 When family plays a central role in the lives of older adults, friends,
neighbors, and other support networks may play a modest role.

4.4.- Government policies:

 Quality of life should not only be considered taking into consideration the
perspective of individuals, but also the social perspective must be
 The quality of life and well-being of older adults depends partially or
totally on existing policies. (Delgado, 2015)

5.- Components of Quality of Life (Flanagan ):

 Material comfort

José Carlos Mariátegui Private University of Moquegua Tacna headquarters

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 Personal health and safety

 Family relationships
 Children, Grandchildren
 Marital relationship
 Learning
 Understanding of self
 Job
 Creative self-expression
 Help the others
 Participation in public affairs
 Socialization
 Rest activities
 Recreational activities

6.- What is health-related quality of life?

 It is related to the impact of the disease and treatment on daily

 Physical, emotional and social well-being after diagnosis and treatment
 The impact of perceived health on an individual's ability to lead a
satisfying life.

7.- Aspects of Health-Related Quality of Life

 Physical functioning
 Emotional and cognitive functioning
 Social functioning
 Functional role
 Perception of general health and well-being
 Future projects
 Symptoms (specific to the disease).

José Carlos Mariátegui Private University of Moquegua Tacna headquarters

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8.- How do you improve the quality of life?

8.1.- Self-care:

 It is voluntarily taking care of one's own health.

 It is a behavior that is learned in society.
 Self-esteem is essential in self-care, valuing yourself positively.

8.1.1.- Importance of self-care:

 It is maintaining good health, preventing it and recognizing the disease

early, actively participating in its comprehensive health recovery.
 Self-care requires people to take responsibility for their health and the
consequences of the actions they take.
 Recognize that a behavior (Exm. Smoking) is directly responsible for the
disease (chronic pulmonary disease) and can lead them to reorient the
role they assume in their health care. (Delgado, 2015)

8.2.- Healthy lifestyles:

8.2.1.- Physical activity:

 Physical activity is the physical exercises planned for each person

progressively, daily or every other day, to maintain the strength of the
muscles and bones.
 Physical activity is good at any age. “Very old” and “very weak” are not
sufficient reasons to prohibit physical activity. Your doctor can talk to you
and tell you if you are fit to exercise, and why it is important.

8.2.2.- Importance of physical activity:

 Strengthens bones and muscles.

 It allows a feeling of well-being and reduces sadness,
stress and anxiety.
 Reduces fat (cholesterol) and blood sugar.
 Helps you sleep better and more relaxed.
 Improves memory capacity, attention and

José Carlos Mariátegui Private University of Moquegua Tacna headquarters

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 Improves heart function and blood circulation.

8.2.3.- Healthy food and nutrition:

One of the best ways to give your body the nutrition it needs is to eat a
variety of foods and drinks with adequate nutrient content every day. Good
nutrition promotes and maintains health, delaying some aging changes,
reducing the frequency of some diseases.

 It is a basic and fundamental process to maintain good health.

 Nutrition at all ages is very important. Factors involved in nutrition:

 Education.
 The changes of aging.
 Decreased saliva, which causes problems in chewing
and swallowing food.
 Denture alteration.
 Eating habits.
 the state of health.

8.2.4.- harmful habits: alcohol consumption:

Avoid the consumption of alcoholic beverages because they cause

problems in the body and behavior. They also cause:

 Falls.
 Memory alteration.
 Confusion.
 Malnutrition.
 Anxiety.
 Tiredness and inability to care for oneself,
 Aggressiveness
 Personal abandonment.
 Depression.

José Carlos Mariátegui Private University of Moquegua Tacna headquarters

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 Sleep disorders.
 Unstable balance.
 It causes health problems when alcohol and
medicine are combined. Behaviors that may indicate problems with alcohol :

 Drink to calm your nerves.

 To forget worries or reduce depression.
 Lying about drinking habits.
 Drinking alone, increasing the frequency, and hurting yourself when you
do. During periods when people do not drink frequently they become
irritable, resentful, aggressive, foolish, etc.
 Prolonged alcohol consumption can cause stroke, cardiac arrhythmia,
liver cirrhosis, and intellectual decline.
 The older adult drinker runs the risk of having health problems due to the
reactions that occur when alcohol and medicine are combined. These
reactions include dangerous effects on judgment or discernment,
slowness of reactions and alertness; in addition to lack of coordination. TOBACCO CONSUMPTION:

 Smoking is a disease. It is a form of dependency.

 Nicotine is responsible for addiction.
 Cancer is additionally caused by substances that arise from combustion.
Ex. cancers of the lung, larynx, bladder and others.

Passive smokers who live with active smokers are also at risk of suffering
from these diseases. Quitting smoking can have unexpected benefits in a short
time. Many people have done it. Evidence shows that “it is never too late to quit
smoking.” (Delgado, 2015) BODY HYGIENE:

Cleanliness and personal grooming show a very pleasant image of

people and make them feel better about themselves.
José Carlos Mariátegui Private University of Moquegua Tacna headquarters
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 The bath helps remove impurities from the skin, hydrates it and provides
some relaxation. Care should be taken with sudden changes in
temperature when leaving the bathroom.
 Body hygiene begins with daily bathing, preferably with toilet soap.
 Avoid very hot or very cold water.
 Wash your hair with mild shampoo two or three times a week.
 Shave very carefully every day avoiding cuts.
 Dry your entire body very gently with a towel, making sure that the folds
are dry.
 It is healthy to apply moisturizing cream or oil all over your body after
bathing, especially on your feet where there are calluses and/or cracks.
 Brush or comb your hair carefully every day to stimulate hair circulation.
 Nails should be cut at a right angle to prevent embedding. If this cannot
be done by the same person, they should be assisted and preferably cut
them after the bath when they are soaked.
 The most important change of clothing is underwear.
 Wear loose clothing that is easy to put on and take off, preferably with
zippers, zippers or large buttons and according to the season, tastes and
 Wear comfortable shoes with non-slip soles, avoid high heels, platforms
and flying soles.

9.- Conclusions:

1. Quality of life is evaluated by analyzing five different areas. Physical well-

being (with concepts such as health, security, material well-being
(referring to income, belongings, housing, transportation, etc.), social
well-being (personal relationships, friendships, family, community),
development (productivity, contribution, education) and emotional well-
being (self-esteem, mindset, emotional intelligence, religion, spirituality).
José Carlos Mariátegui Private University of Moquegua Tacna headquarters
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2. Well-being refers to that state or situation in which satisfaction and

happiness dominate. But also, popularly, the word Wellbeing is often
used to refer to the state or situation of those people who are in a good
position in economic matters, which in terms of common language is also
called living a comfortable life, without any type of pressure. economic.
3. One of the best ways to give your body the nutrition it needs is to eat a
variety of foods and drinks with adequate nutrient content every day.
Good nutrition promotes and maintains health, delaying some aging
changes, reducing the frequency of some diseases.
4. Physical activity is good at any age. “Very old” and “very weak” are not
sufficient reasons to prohibit physical activity. Your doctor can talk to you
and tell you if you are fit to exercise, and about the importance


Condori, D. (21 de Octubre de 2016). CALIDAD DE VIDA Y DESARROLLO

SOSTENIBLE. Obtenido de https://tareafacilcom.blogspot.com/2016/10/calidad-

Delgado, T. (16 de Julio de 2015). Monografia de calidad de vida. Obtenido de


Galván Bonilla, M. A. (2018). Ques es Calidad de Vida? Obtenido de


Mariani, G. (19 de Marzo de 2010). ENSAYO: Calidad de vida y Desarrollo

Sustentable. Obtenido de

José Carlos Mariátegui Private University of Moquegua Tacna headquarters

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Otero, H. (01 de Enero de 1998). Calidad de vida enfermedad. Obtenido de


Quispe, M. (30 de Mayo de 2009). BID: Sensación de calidad de vida en el Perú no es

muy alta. Obtenido de https://larepublica.pe/economia/400938-bid-sensacion-de-

Rivas, M. (01 de Marzo de 2001). Calidad de vida, indicadores de calidad de vida y la

educación. Obtenido de

Ucha, F. (01 de Agosto de 2009). Definición de Bienestar. Obtenido de


Universal, E. (31 de Agosto de 2015). Calidad de Vida a Nivel Mundial. Obtenido de


Wikipedia. (28 de Setiembre de 2019). Calidad de Vida. Obtenido de


José Carlos Mariátegui Private University of Moquegua Tacna headquarters

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