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Ind|an Automob||e Industry An Introduct|on

8eglnnlng from Lhe era when Lhere were only a few car varleLles ln lndlan markeL Lhe
auLomoblle lndusLry has come up a long way wlLh a dlverse array of cars nowadays A number
of companles are domlnaLlng Lhe lndlan auLomoblle lndusLry Loday lndla ls home Lo a vlbranL
auLomoblle of more Lhan 40 mllllon vehlcles lL has been one of Lhe few worldwlde whlch saw
growlng passenger car sales durlng Lhe recesslon of Lhe pasL Lwo years ln facL ln 200910 lL has
recorded lLs hlghesL volumes ever
When Lalklng abouL Lop auLomoblle companles one name LhaL would come ln mosL of our
mlnds ls MaruLl Suzukl and Lhls company has conslsLenLly been Lhe leader ln Lhe auLomoblle
lndusLry ln lndla 1he auLomoLlve lndusLry ls one of Lhe key drlvers of lndla's economy
accounLlng for around 4 percenL of lndla's Cu and over 200000 [obs
Some lnLeresLlng facLs
lndlan AuLo lndusLry ls Lhe
O argesL 1hree Wheeler MarkeL ln Lhe World
O Second largesL 1wo Wheeler MarkeL ln Lhe World
O ourLh largesL assenger vehlcle MarkeL ln Asla
O ourLh largesL 1racLor MarkeL ln Lhe World
O lfLh largesL Commerclal vehlcle MarkeL ln Lhe World
AL presenL Llme lndlan auLomoblle lndusLry ls maklng a ma[or conLrlbuLlon ln lncreaslng Lhe
counLrys Cu by 9 every year new helghLs have been scaled by Lhe lndusLry ln Lhe year
2010 ln !anuary 2010 LoLal auLomoblle sales ln Lhe domesLlc markeL reached 1114137 unlLs
Lhe flgures shows an lncremenL of 449 compared Lo Lhe sales unlLs of 768698 ln Lhe same
perlod lasL year Annually Lhe lndlan auLomoblle lndusLry ls growlng aL an average raLe of 30
and marklng lLself as one of Lhe fasLesL growlng lndusLrles ln lndla Accordlng Lo Lhe new ?ork
1lmes reporLs several auLomoblle companles llke Pyundal MoLors nlssan 1oyoLa volkswagen
and Suzukl have expanded Lhelr manufacLurlng faclllLles owlng Lo lndlas sLrong englneerlng
base and experLlse ln Lhe manufacLurlng of lowcosL fuelefflclenL cars
1he followlng sLaLlsLlcs explalns Lhe markeL share of dlfferenL vehlcles ln Lhe lndlan auLomoblle
lndusLry 1hls daLa ls valld for Lhe lndlan domesLlc markeL only
assenger vehlcles 1386
Commerclal vehlcles 432
1hree Wheelers 338
1wo Wheelers 7623
1he producLlon daLa for Aprll 2011 shows producLlon growLh of 2028 percenL over Lhe same
perlod lasL year 1he lndusLry produced 1626673 vehlcles ln Aprll 2011 as agalnsL 1332334 ln
Aprll 2010 1he Cverall growLh ln domesLlc sales ln Lhe monLh of Aprll 2011 was 2280 percenL
over same perlod lasL year assenger vehlcles segmenL grew aL 1400 percenL durlng Aprll
2011 over Lhe same monLh lasL year
Introduct|on to Marut| Suzuk| Ind|a L|m|ted
Cne of Lhe counLry's largesL car manufacLurers MaruLl Suzukl has been rlghLly crowned as one
of Lhe klngs ln Lhe lndlan car lndusLry whlch conLlnues shlne on lndlan roads even Loday
MaruLl Suzukl lndla lmlLed (MSl formerly MaruLl udyog lmlLed) a subsldlary of Suzukl MoLor
CorporaLlon of !apan ls lndlas largesL passenger car company accounLlng for ma[orlLy of Lhe
domesLlc car markeL
MaruLl Suzukl lndla lmlLed ls leadlng Lhe passenger car segmenL ln Lhe auLomoblle lndusLry ln
lndla for qulLe a longer number of years 1he company began lLs [ourney ln Lhe year 1981 wlLh
lLs name as MaruLl udyog lmlLed and Lhe company began Lo aLLracL Lhe markeL when lL
lnLroduced lLs popular fourwheeler model MaruLl 800 lL goL lLs presenL name ln Lhe year 2007
ln flscal 200910 MaruLl Suzukl became Lhe only lndlan company Lo manufacLure and sell Cne
Mllllon cars ln a year 1he company has a sales neLwork of 802 cenLres ln 333 Lowns and clLles
and provldes servlce supporL Lo cusLomers aL 2740 workshops ln over 1333 Lowns and clLles
(as on March 31 2010) 1he company ls focused on rapldly expandlng Lhe sales and servlce
furLher across Lhe counLry lL has one of Lhe largesL servlce neLworks among all auLomoblle
companles ln lndla
Introduct|on to 1ata Motors L|m|ted
1aLa MoLors lmlLed ls lndla's largesL auLomoblle company wlLh consolldaLed revenues of
8s123133 crores (uSu 27 bllllon) ln 201011 lL ls Lhe leader ln commerclal vehlcles ln each
segmenL and among Lhe Lop Lhree ln passenger vehlcles wlLh wlnnlng producLs ln Lhe compacL
mldslze car and uLlllLy vehlcle segmenLs 1he company ls Lhe worlds fourLh largesL Lruck
manufacLurer and Lhe worlds Lhlrd largesL bus manufacLurer
LsLabllshed ln 1943 1aLa MoLors presence lndeed cuLs across Lhe lengLh and breadLh of lndla
Cver 4 mllllon 1aLa vehlcles ply on lndlan roads slnce Lhe flrsL rolled ouL ln 1934 1aLa MoLors
Lhe flrsL company from lndlas englneerlng secLor Lo be llsLed ln Lhe new ?ork SLock Lxchange
(SepLember 2004) has also emerged as an lnLernaLlonal auLomoblle company
lL was 1aLa MoLors whlch developed Lhe flrsL lndlgenously developed lghL Commerclal
vehlcle lndla's flrsL SporLs uLlllLy vehlcle and ln 1998 Lhe 1aLa lndlca lndlas flrsL fully
lndlgenous passenger car WlLhln Lwo years of launch 1aLa lndlca became lndlas largesL selllng
car ln lLs segmenL

Introduct|on to Mah|ndra Mah|ndra
Mahlndra Mahlndra lmlLed ls Lhe flagshlp company of Lhe Mahlndra Croup a mulLlnaLlonal
conglomeraLe based ln Mumbal lndla Mahlndra Mahlndra ls a ma[or auLomoblle
manufacLurer of uLlllLy vehlcles passenger cars plckups commerclal vehlcles and Lwo
wheelers lLs LracLors are sold on slx conLlnenLs MM made lLs enLry lnLo Lhe passenger car
segmenL wlLh Lhe ogan ln Aprll 2007 under Lhe Mahlndra 8enaulL [olnL venLure
ln 1947 Mahlndra and Mahlndra lnLroduced lndla Lo Lhe uLlllLy vehlcle More Lhan 63 years
laLer lL's sLlll lndlas premler uLlllLy vehlcle (uv) company ln addlLlon Lo maklng groundbreaklng
uvs llke Lhe Scorplo and 8olero Mahlndra offers cars plckups and commerclal vehlcles LhaL
are rugged rellable envlronmenLally frlendly and fuelefflclenL
WlLh over 39633 unlLs over all four wheelers of Mahlndra Mahlndra Ld Lhe car
manufacLurer has shown lLs hlghesL ever growLh ln !uly Lhls year A 41 percenL overall and 42
percenL domesLlc sales growLh wlLh 37323 unlLs compared Lo 26303 unlLs ln !uly 2010 1hls
year Mahlndra verlLo recorded a phenomenal 117 percenL growLh wlLh 1630 unlLs compared
Lo 732 unlLs ln Lhe prevlous year 1he passenger vehlcle segmenL showed an overall growLh of
33 percenL havlng sold 17312 unlLs Lhls year

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