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AI or Artificial Intelligence is booming in the rapidly developing era.

We as humans are always occupied with some work, and most of it is

related to our workplaces. In the same way, even when we are
home, we are unable to give time to our close ones. These problems
can be solved with our project ‘Reinvent AI’. Our project aims to
make simple things which people take hours to do, complete in
minutes. It aims to manage people’s work while they are away.
The following are the 2 points on which you would be very pleased
to use our AI: -
1. Privacy
We all have been using Google and WhatsApp for quite a time.
These multi-national companies have leaked our personal data
many times. For example – Google did it in 2011 and WhatsApp
did it recently in 2020. We trust these multi-national companies
even though they have been proved our trust towards them as
wrong. So, why not use an AI which will rest in your phone, use
your phone, and do everything insider your phone and not
transmit any information out of our devices. Let’s use Google for
this example. Try saying ‘Hey Google’, it will listen to you. By
seeing this, we can say that Google is always listening to you. So,
why should you trust it? Maybe you are talking about something
private, and Google is listening to it. You cannot do anything in
such a case if it already listened to it. So, why not use the AI which
does not transmit any information out of your phone until you tell
it to do the same.
2. Making your life better
Besides maintaining your privacy, it will do your daily work and
make your lives easy. Here, we have Mr. R.S. Pandey Sir with us,
he is a teacher and must do a lot of work and besides that he is
asked doubts by children on WhatsApp. In such a case, he has
almost no time left for himself. So, in such cases our fully
developed AI will answer doubts asked by questions the way Mr.
R.S. Pandey generally answers. Besides those, the lines of code are
easy to understand as it has been coded using one of the latest
coding languages – ‘Python.’
Thus, our AI does the work without creating privacy issues. Thus, it
is a perfect fit for the rapidly developing era.

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