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In the city of Guatemala on the twenty-fifth day of November of the year two thousand and

twenty, at eleven hours and thirty minutes, I: RAFAEL ANTONIO SILVA VELASQUEZ , Notary,

established in my professional office located at fifteen (15) street, six dash eighty and three (6-

83), from zone one (1), of the Municipality of Guatemala, Department of Guatemala, I am

requested by Mrs. GLEIDY SARAÍ MEJÍA SARCEÑO DE ORTEGA , who says she is thirty-

seven years old, married , housewife, Guatemalan, of this address, who identifies herself with the

Personal Identification Document and Unique Identification Code -CUI- number, one thousand

nine hundred ninety-eight, fifty-one thousand two hundred forty-two, zero five hundred thirteen

( 1998 51242 0513) issued by the National Registry of Persons (RENAP) of the Republic of

Guatemala.; who acts in the exercise of parental authority and legal representation of his minor

son named PABLO VALENTIN ACABAL MEJIA , which he certifies with the Birth Certification

with Registration Data number two thousand four hundred and eighty-six, ninety-eight thousand

four hundred and forty-three , zero one hundred one (2486984430101) issued by the Civil

Registrar of Persons of the National Registry of Persons of the Municipality of Guatemala,

Department of Guatemala; who requires my notarial services in order to process, initiate and


minor son identified above; proceeding as follows: FIRST: . Mrs. GLEIDY SARAÍ MEJÍA

SARCEÑO DE ORTEGA , declares under oath of law and aware of the penalties related to the

crime of perjury and false testimony and thus offers to do so during this document; states that his

name is as written, that he has the personal identification data written down; and that his son

PABLO VALENTIN ACABAL MEJIA was born on the fifteenth day of April of the year two

thousand twelve; As of this date, he is eight years old, so he is a minor and the registration data

recorded according to the birth certification already listed in this document correspond to him; and

that he requires my professional services so that, in the exercise of parental authority and legal

representation of his minor son named PABLO VALENTIN ACABAL MEJIA, in his name and in
accordance with the provisions of the Civil Code and Decree fifty-fifty, four script seventy-seven

of the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala, the VOLUNTARY EXTRAJUDICIAL NAME

CHANGE PROCESS of the minor PABLO VALENTIN ACABAL MEJIA is processed, as stated

in the birth certification with Registration Data number two thousand four hundred and eighty-six,

ninety and eight thousand four hundred and forty-three, zero one hundred and one

(2486984430101), by the Civil Registrar of Persons of the National Registry of Persons of the

Municipality of Guatemala; The applicant requests the NAME CHANGE of her already identified

minor son, to that of PABLO VALENTIN ORTEGA MEJIA ; for reasons of family coexistence,

and because this is the one with which he has been presenting himself to society and other

relationships. SECOND: For this purpose, the applicant presents to me and offers the following

means of proof: a) Her own statement in which she informs about the reasons why she requests

the name change; b) Documents: Consists of the Birth Certification with Registration Data

number two thousand four hundred and eighty-six, ninety-eight thousand four hundred and forty-

three, zero one hundred and one (2486984430101), by the Civil Registrar of Persons of the

National Registry of the Persons of the Municipality of Guatemala, Department of Guatemala,

dated November twenty-four, two thousand and twenty. THIRD: By virtue of the above, the

applicant requests that: a) The quality with which she acts based on the accompanied document

be recognized; b) That the extrajudicial voluntary proceedings to change the name of their minor

child are considered to have begun; c) By presenting the document already identified; d) Upon

receipt of the information on the case; e) That the edicts required by law be prepared in the

official newspaper and in another with greater circulation; f) That in due course the resolution that

corresponds by law is issued, agreeing to the change of name from PABLO VALENTIN

ACABAL MEJIA to PABLO VALENTIN ORTEGA MEJIA , ordering the final publication and

modification in the Civil Registry of Persons of the National Registry of Persons of the

Municipality of Guatemala, Department of Guatemala. Having nothing more to record, I finish this
notarial act in the same place and date, thirty minutes after its beginning, which is contained on

two sheets of bond paper, the first printed on its front and back sides, and the second printed only

on the front; to which I attach a fiscal stamp of fifty cents per sheet and a notarial stamp of ten

quetzales. I read in its entirety what was written to the requesting party, and being well aware of

its content, purpose, validity and other legal effects, accepts, ratifies and signs it. ATTEST.

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