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The preparation of the TFG Proposal involves: a) carrying out the tasks detailed below; b) fill out this
document in accordance with the instructions included therein; c) deliver a zip file that contains this duly
completed Proposal document and the two articles that you have selected in your bibliographic search,
electronically through the link provided for this purpose in the general virtual course of the subject and within
the deadlines indicated there. Proposals received after the set deadline or delivered by means other than
the aLF platform will not be endorsed.
Remember that to complete this Proposal document (as well as later for the development of the work) you
must take into account that the TFG consists of an original project, that citations and references must be
made following APA standards and that plagiarism is a serious offense. which may lead to academic
sanctions. Likewise, it must be considered that the wording of the proposal must conform to the academic
record and that correct spelling and grammar of Spanish must be used.

Please read each section below carefully and complete all required information. Once you have completed
the entire document, you will have completed the preparation of your TFG Proposal.


You must include all the requested information


Email address (UNED node essential):

Telephone number: 607247578

What interests you about this line of TFG?

Since 1985, I have dedicated myself to Teaching as a vocational activity, and now more intensely, as a work
activity. I am a teacher of Support Classes for Primary, ESO, High School and University students, and I have
encountered a great diversity of personalities, which fundamentally determine the motivation for study and the
individual way of learning. My students (in need of school reinforcement) find in extracurricular classes,
through reviewing the subject and carrying out specific activities and exercises, “homework” (requested by
their teacher, or by me), an essential tool to be able to successfully face their subjects. These “extra”
activities are what allow them to assimilate the subject
In all of them, the same pattern is repeated that prevents them from successfully carrying out the assigned
problems in the first instance. This pattern is the same in almost all (if not all) subjects: they do not fully
understand what is asked of them in the problem statements. They have a reading comprehension problem.
My starting hypothesis is that they do not dedicate enough time to reading the statement, since this task is
the one that entails maximum cognitive effort, much more so if there are language barriers (they do not
understand the Spanish words well), or derived barriers. of inadequate presentation of information
My opinion based on my experience is that the exercises are necessary to fix the information, which is called
“assimilation”, according to Piaget. This assimilation occurs when the student faces, individually, the
information and not only understands it but memorizes it.

Although there are students who, just through exposure in the classroom, are already able to assimilate the
information and remember it, the vast majority of students achieve this assimilation in a process of repeating
the observation of the subject, in their place of study.
The importance of requesting homework from students is crucial if the aim is for there to be “learning” of the
subject that has been taught in class. Therefore, personal work is fundamental in learning teaching subjects.


The workload to be requested is the “adjustment” variable, and the adjustment depends on the difficulty of the
subject, the age of the student (teaching plastic arts is not the same as linear calculus), and the grade. of
cognitive development thereof, and in any case, observing, as a whole, all the subjects taught in each
academic year. Another important variable is the “homework format.” In the era of technology, homework
could be presented in a “technological format”, which is an attractive format, easy to use, and with a high
impact on the assimilation process and prepares students for a professional future in which they are going to
My TFG is about the effectiveness and influence of the homework format, to achieve a double objective: to
ensure that the student is motivated to complete them and to achieve the specific objective they pursue.
In my classes I am using interactive computer activities, with children from Second and Third grade, to learn
the subjects of Mathematics, Natural Sciences and Reading. These interactive computer activities are the
favorites of my students, when choosing between paper and the computer, since it allows them to repeat the
answer, gives them a wide margin of autonomy, and ensures a moment of fun. In any case, online activities
represent, for them, something new and outside the routine of conventional learning. Some of these
applications have the characteristic that they adapt to the development of the student and propose degrees of
difficulty that vary according to their performance. These specific applications make use of Artificial
Intelligence (hereinafter AI)
My TFG will be focused on investigating the impact (positive/negative) of carrying out reinforcement activities
(homework), based on technological applications, that make use of AI, on the learning and development of
the reading comprehension ability of mathematical problems in THIRD ESO students

Please indicate in what order you had requested this line: In order first

Indicate the number of credits of the Degree already passed: 258

Are you studying the Degree in Psychology with the option of Honors? (Mark with crosses).
None Educational Clinic Social Work and

x x

What other subjects are you taking in the current semester?: - Only the TFG

Is this the first time you have enrolled in the TFG? NO If the answer is negative, tell what your previous
experience has been like:

In the 2016-2017 academic year, I appeared in the September call with a TFG proposal that did not have the
approval of the tutor. With considerable uncertainty that what I was doing was on the right path, I presented
my TFG and it did not pass the filter.

In the extraordinary call in December I dedicated a lot of time to it, maintaining the same theme and taking
into account the indications of errors from my previous work in September. However, the “Introductory”
exhibition of the TFG was not well put together and I did not achieve a satisfactory project either. In this new
call I am going to try to propose an Innovative Research Project on the usefulness of AI applications in


Indicate with a cross the call in which you expect to present your TFG:
Ordinary X Extraordinary

Have you passed the following subjects? If this is the case, indicate the course and the grade obtained.
Subject Yes/No/In progress Course Qualification
Developmental Psychology I YEAH 2013/2014 5,2
Developmental Psychology II YEAH 2014/2015 5,4
Psychology of the education YEAH 2014/2015 7,1
Introduction to data analysis YEAH 2014/2015 8
Research foundations YEAH 2013/2014 7,2
Research Designs and Data Analysis YEAH 2014/2015 8,4
Developmental alterations and functional diversity YEAH 2015/2016 9,3
Instructional Psychology YEAH 2015/2016 5,5
Learning difficulties NO
Academic and professional guidance YEAH 2015/2016 7,5
Oral and Written Language Acquisition YEAH 2016/2017 9
Applied Social Psychology YEAH 2015/2016 7,8
External internships YEAH 2016/2017 7,3


2.1. The required materials and the first research questions
It is important that you take into account from the beginning an issue that often goes unnoticed by some
students: Scientific articles are not read or studied in the same way as manuals or notes for a subject to
prepare for an exam. When we read scientific publications we usually do so in search of certain information,
sometimes that information can be very specific (a procedure to evaluate a dependent variable, a type of
design, tools to analyze data, the relationship between two theoretical concepts, etc. ). The essential thing
about reading the mandatory works of this line is to obtain a general idea of the field on which you are going
to work - not to learn them by heart - and to begin to formulate the first research questions.

List below the questions that the required readings raised in your mind and include a justification for each of
them. Add as many questions as necessary.

Formulation of question 1: How do attention processes affect the development of the reading ability of
mathematical problem statements?

Justification : In carrying out mathematical problems, the understanding of the statements plays a
predominant role, in such a way that it is not possible to solve the problem without having understood it
(except in the cases of “Arithmetic Symbolic Transcription”). The process of reading comprehension of
mathematical problems is divided into two (reading comprehension of the statement, and mathematical
comprehension of the statement), both of which are linked to the basic processes of attention. Attention is the
starting point since it allows us to capture the stimulus from outside, and then interpret it (that is, understand

Formulation of question 2: What manages to increase the level of attention of the students? The proposal
for “interactive” homework or the effect of parental pressure, or is it both?

Justification : Attention processes are linked to the stimulus. The greater the importance of the stimulus, the
higher the level of attention. On the other hand, motivation processes are influenced by the meaning that
each person gives to the events that surround them: the interest that parents show to their children in their
duties arouses greater motivation in them to carry them out. Both effects act in synergy to achieve the
completion of school tasks, both inside and outside the classroom.

Formulation of question 3: Could online tools, which are used to request specific school homework, help in
improving the reading ability of the statements of mathematical problems of primary and secondary school
students, since being online, do they improve care?

Justification : Activities that are online allow the student to enter an area outside the routine of school books.
Novelty increases the level of attention, and therefore, supposedly, the ability to understand will be improved.

Formulation of question 4: Online applications that are used to implement school homework, which present
the student with learning based on continuous challenge, - making use of concepts such as “gamification”
and that implement AI algorithms - that include activities presented in stages, within a continuous process of
improvement and individual improvement, from one level to another, could these applications improve
motivation for learning and, in addition, could they increase abilities such as reading comprehension of the
statements of math problems?


Rationale : The better the attention the student pays to the task, the greater the probability that he will
complete it (completeness) and the better the results will be derived from it. If the environment presented in
homework is sufficiently motivating (for example: friendly, playful, interactive, and challenging environments),
the better the results obtained will be.

2.2. Your bibliographic search

Based on the questions that have arisen after working on the required readings, you must carry out your own
bibliographic search in order to begin to delimit the topic of your work. It is very important to pay special
attention to issues such as problems to be solved, aspects to be explored in depth, or processes on which
more research would be necessary, since this is the type of information that will make it easier for you to ask
the question or questions to the people. who intends to respond with his TFG. By asking the right questions,
the process of reviewing the results of the bibliographic search will allow us to better define the study problem
of the TFG itself.
How to define your research question? Reviewing the references that result from the search, the following
questions should be asked: what aspects are being debated? What is considered resolved and what is not?
What lines of work are suggested for the future? What issues are proposed as topics on which it would be
necessary to delve deeper or gather more information? What is the breadth and generality of the issues
covered in these scientific publications? Asking yourself these questions with several of the articles compiled
from your search in mind can help you clarify many doubts about the subject of the Proposal.
It should be noted that the bibliographic search is not a one-time activity, but a process that involves many
searches, each time more refined, as more precise descriptors are found and progress is made in the
delimitation and justification of the research problem. At this point in the course, and after carrying out a
recursive process in your bibliographic search, you must select a minimum of two articles that contribute to
the preparation of your Proposal, either because they provide help to the theoretical or methodological
justification of the project, or because they present background information. of research close to the problem
you intend to study. Furthermore, although you must continue to advance on it later, you must be clear about
your research topic and the specific questions you want to answer.
The bibliographic search must be carried out through LINCEO, a search system provided by the UNED
Library. It must be carried out taking into account a series of restrictions. Specifically, the works to be
searched will be dated after January 1, 2005, using the restriction: “Academic and reviewed by experts” (see
“Search limits” in Linceo); Likewise, the search will be limited to “magazine articles” (see “content type” in the
“Search limits” menu in Linceo). It is advisable to activate the “full text online” option in order to avoid painful
disappointments, such as not being able to consult a work that is very promising, or having to search for it in
another university library, with the consequent loss of time. To these restrictions you must add any other
restrictions established by the tutor of your line.
In all cases, the descriptors or keywords for the search must be terms in English. Because? The answer is
simple: whether we like it or not, the main scientific journals in our field are in English, whoever consults these
journals has updated information prepared by the best scientists in our field; However, and again, whether we
like it or not, if we limit ourselves to consulting journals in Spanish, we cannot ensure either the updating, the
impact of the publication, or the superior quality of the works presented. There are good publications in
Spanish, but the vast majority are in English - even those made by Spanish-speaking researchers - and the
more specific the topic of the search is, the more powerful the difference is between one another.

How has your literature search process been?

How many searches have you done so far?
What difficulties have you encountered?
1. I have found too many articles, so many that it would be impossible to review them all in the limited
2. Sometimes I have not found the article in the UNED database


What modifications have you introduced?

1. I have restricted the search by adding more descriptors or limiting the publication time.
2. I have searched directly on the Internet, through search engines like Google.

Report, below, the results of the most advanced bibliographic search that you have up to the moment of
submitting your Proposal
Indicate the descriptors (key words) entered in the search engine
A Reading comprehension process
A Teach reading comprehension
A Schoolwork
A Computer applications to improve reading comprehension
To Artificial Intelligence
A Processes of reading comprehension of mathematical problems
A Improving reading comprehension of mathematical problems
A Primary education
A Secondary education
To Descartes Program
A Solving mathematical problems
Artificial Intelligence
A Reading comprehension
A Maths problems solving
Primary school
A Secondary school

Why have you selected these descriptors? Explain your answer

Because I am interested in applications that allow the improvement of reading comprehension of the
statements of mathematics problems, at the primary and secondary levels. I have found many applications
and there are no studies that show that they are better than conventional homework. I would like to do a
comparative study between the benefits in the development of reading skills that are obtained with the
use of applications and without the use of applications. I will extend the study to the comparison , from a
motivational point of view, between the request for conventional homework (from a book) or the request for
homework using online applications.

Search criteria
1st. I have searched for articles in both English and Spanish, starting first with those that explain the reading
comprehension process.
2nd. Next, I searched for articles that reflected the activities and tasks carried out by teachers to teach
reading comprehension.
3rd. Subsequently, I have searched for material related to the resolution of mathematical problems in the
teaching field and its relationship with the reading comprehension of statements.
4th. Finally, I have searched for material related to the teaching ICT tools used to develop the students'
reading competence (the literal reading competence of texts and narratives and that of mathematical

Have you added restrictions to your search? Which is it? Because?

“Academic and peer-reviewed”
“full text online”


“magazine articles”
“publication after 2005”
I have added these restrictions because they are required in the TFG and because my topic is only reflected
in relatively recent articles.

Selected articles :
Include complete references following APA format for the two articles you have selected from your search.
Justify why you have selected each of these articles. Include in your explanation the contribution they make
to the formulation of your project, what is the most relevant information you have obtained from them and
what questions reading has raised in you.
Reference 1

Beltrán Campos, S., & Repetto Talavera, E. (2006). Training strategies in respect to reading comprehension
based on the formulation of arithmetical problems: Empirical study with primary school pupils.Revista
Española De Orientación y Psychopedagogy (v.17,

Justification: It is the key article for my research since it becomes a model for the preparation of my TFG. In
this article I have been able to discover methods for evaluating reading comprehension of mathematical
statements, as well as how to approach the problem of statistical analysis of data. It also briefly explains the
cognitive and metacognitive processes involved in the reading comprehension of mathematical statements.

Questions: In the article they talk about an Educational Program: “Understanding and Learning in the
Classroom Program ”, whose reference is in a book by Repetto, from 2001. This Educational Program is
outside my time scope of study, so it is likely that it no longer has much validity in the current technological
context of Teaching Centers.

Reference 2

María Teresa LLAMAZARES PRIETO, GARCÍA, I. R., & SERRADELL, C. b. (2013). Learning to understand:
Reading comprehension activities and strategies in classrooms. Spanish Journal of Pedagogy, 71(255), 309-

Justification: this article gives me a vision of the activities and school tasks that teachers carry out to teach
reading comprehension to their students. It also briefly explains the processes involved in reading
comprehension of literary and narrative texts.

Questions: How can the cognitive processes of reading literary texts be extrapolated to the processes carried
out in reading mathematical problem statements? What teaching activities are carried out to teach
understanding of mathematical problem statements?

How are you going to continue the bibliographic search?


What descriptors will you use in your next search? Because?

1st. I think I have to continue searching and studying more on the topic of the mental processes of reading
comprehension. Therefore, I will use more specific descriptors of the processes involved in the reading
comprehension of mathematical statements. I am interested in delving into the learning and assimilation
processes since they constitute the key to the design of teaching tasks and activities aimed at teaching
science subjects (mathematics, physics, chemistry).
2nd. I will carry out a more intensive study of the multitude of computer applications, in the Play Store, both
for computers and tablets, for the implementation of mathematics homework. Above all, those that offer a free
1-month trial version.


The work carried out in your bibliographic search must lead to the selection of the research topic for your
TFG. Only then can your Proposal be adequately argued and have interest and relevance in the field of

Please remember that the work must consist of research or intervention projects, as stipulated by your tutor,
and that the chosen topic must fall within the specific option of the line. It is not acceptable to propose
theoretical reviews for the TFG. Obviously, it must be based on the review carried out based on its
bibliographic search, but the objective of this review is to justify and contextualize the proposed research.
Appealing to the reviewed scientific literature will also contribute to substantiating the interest and originality
of the study to be carried out, as well as its potential contribution to the field. Pay special attention to this.

The work proposed in the Proposal must also be viable. One of the problems that can arise in the selection of
the topic is to propose proposals that, either due to their generality or due to the breadth of what they intend
to cover, are unviable for a TFG. It is necessary to be aware of the dimension of the task; just because a topic
has scientific interest or relevance does not automatically make it an appropriate topic for a TFG.

Provisional title of the TFG

It must be clear and concise, accurately denoting the content of the proposal. In addition, it must be adjusted
both to the assigned line of work and to the topic that will be proposed later.

Homework for training reading comprehension of the arithmetic problem statement: An empirical study of the
effectiveness of the use of online tools with secondary education students

From the formulation of the work topic it must be clear what is going to be done.

Precisely formulate the research question or questions that you intend to answer with your TFG.
For the specific area of mathematical problem statements:
1. How effective are the online tools for requesting homework that aim to improve reading
comprehension of mathematical problem statements?
2. What degree of motivation do these tools elicit, measured as the level of completeness of duties or
complete completion of them?
3. What is the comparison of these tools with conventional tools, measured as effectiveness in the
degree of advancement/improvement in reading comprehension and in the degree of motivation to
4. What improvement do tools focused on completing homework that make use of Artificial Intelligence
provide, measured as the degree of progress/improvement in reading comprehension and the
degree of motivation to use it?

The reason for the proposed project must be argued, what is the interest in doing it, its scientific relevance, its
viability. Furthermore, the argument must be based on the reviewed scientific literature. Be careful!: It is not
about declaring that the proposed topic is interesting or the study is viable, that must be deduced from the
approach. For example, feasibility means that you should be able to carry out the project; You, with your
resources and your knowledge, without a research team or the financing of a supranational organization for


the coming decades. Likewise, it should be able to do so within a reasonable time: say within a maximum
period of two years.

Justify your topic and your research questions using the reviewed articles (both the mandatory ones and
those that are the product of your bibliographic search). Argue the interest of the proposal, its originality, its
viability and its potential contribution to the field of work. Again, don't forget to include references cited using
APA format.
1st. One of the pending subjects of the Spanish Educational system and in light of the data reflected by the
PISA reports is the low performance of students in solving mathematical problems. One of the problems that
students encounter is when it comes to understanding what is asked of them in the problem statements.
Therefore, adequate training in this capacity is important.
2nd. The request for homework that encourages the development of reading ability is essential, not only to
allow a correct interpretation of mathematical problems but also to achieve the resolution of any problem in
any science discipline.
3rd. A good way to enhance the development of any capacity is with practice. And this is not only achieved
inside the classrooms, but also outside them. Therefore, it is a common routine for teachers at School
Centers to request tasks to do at home. It is a way to lengthen class hours and enhance the development of
skills that require, or are better learned, with repetition of study.
4th. Students do not feel motivated to complete their homework. This is where the teaching system must
come into play, proposing interesting, motivating, and exciting tasks to students so that the student can find
sufficient motivation to complete the requested tasks and, by doing so, ultimately achieve good performance.
in the capacities that are intended to be developed
5th. With the advancement of online technologies, a multitude of online applications have been generated
that aim to stimulate the student. Many of these applications emulate the tasks that are requested in a
conventional way (textbook activities), others propose to the student activities that adapt to their evolution,
and that represent a challenge, a motivating challenge in the content, which It adds to the spectacular
computer design that manages to recreate a scenario and environment similar to computer games. The task
becomes something playful.
6th. The aim is to measure the true effectiveness of this type of online proposals and tools, using an empirical
study in groups of Secondary students.
7th. A comparative study will be carried out between several Homework Programs designed to measure the
degree of motivation and effectiveness in the objective (develop the ability to read comprehension of
mathematical problems).
• Program 1: “Conventional Duties”. Program based on conventional school homework. They are
problems selected from the specific textbook that students carry during the academic year.
• Program 2: “Conventional online homework”. Program based on homework making use of interactive
online tools, with proposals for general tasks for all students. The computer program chosen will be
of the INTERMATIA type or another similar one.
• Program 3: “AI online homework”. Program based on homework using interactive online tools, with
task proposals adapted to each student (based on Artificial Intelligence). The computer program
chosen will be SMARTICK or any other similar one.

Specific objectives and preliminary hypotheses

Based on the research questions and the delimitation and justification of the topic, the objectives that would
be pursued by carrying out the study must be stated: What do you want to achieve? The objectives must be
specific, reflecting what could be achieved by carrying out the project, not an ideal on an unattainable
horizon. Linked to the objectives, hypotheses must be formulated: What do we expect to find? The
hypotheses must clearly reflect the forecasts.



Clearly and concisely present the specific objectives of the study. They must correspond to the topic
formulated and the justification provided.

- From three representative groups of third-year secondary school students, and after subjecting them to a 1-
month homework training based on the programs described above: “conventional homework”, “conventional
online homework”, “IA online homework”, obtain Variation in the development of reading ability for
mathematical problem statements

- From three representative samples of third-year secondary school students, and after subjecting them to a 1-
month homework training based on the programs described above: “conventional homework”, “conventional
online homework”, “IA online homework”, obtain the degree of involvement or motivation in completing
the assigned duties (adherence to the program)

Raise your hypotheses referring to precise expectations that take into account the selected variables.
Remember that objectives and hypotheses must be congruent with each other.

- Hypothesis 1. The % of students who complete their homework in conventional formats is significantly
lower than the % of students who complete their homework in online formats

- Hypothesis 2. The % of students who complete their homework in AI online formats is significantly higher
than the % of students who complete their homework in conventional online format

- Hypothesis 3. The results of the application of tests to measure the development of reading comprehension
of mathematical statements favor the use of online homework formats, and among these, the results obtained
by the program that makes use of AI are significantly superior to other formats

Materials and methods

It should be detailed how the study would be carried out, the sample, the characteristics of the participants,
what techniques or methods would be used, the materials that would be needed and what procedure would
be used to collect and analyze the data. Remember that the methods and materials are at the service of
achieving the objectives and contrasting the hypotheses.

As much as possible at this point in the development of the task, the sample as well as the characteristics of
the population with which the study would be carried out should be detailed. Likewise, it must indicate the
independent and dependent variables of the study and present in a preliminary, but reasoned manner, the
materials, and the techniques and methods that would be used, both for data collection and for its analysis.

The population to which the sample of each program belongs corresponds to third-year ESO students from
the Community of Madrid, within the same 2017-2018 school year. The process that is carried out is
intentional. The sample is divided into 75 students for each of the applied programs : “conventional
homework”, “conventional online homework”, “IA online homework”, and constitute the groups: G1, G2, G3,
respectively. G1 is established as a reference group, or Control Group

Each program will be applied with the teacher's previous instructions in the classroom. The goal is for
students to know how to register correctly in the assigned online applications to complete their homework.

The application of the programs will be carried out for 1 month , with an assignment of homework of
mathematical problems 3 times/week (we will call this “ session ”).


The Teacher will select, in each session, the specific homework assignments in both Program 1 and Program
2. In the case of Program 3, it is the application itself that will select the most appropriate activities for each of
the students participating in the study.

Online programs:
Registration of some of the proposed applications will entail some cost: in the case of INTERMATIA, it will be
€250; in the case of SMARTICK, it will be €2,500. In both cases, prices can be adjusted if global
subscriptions are requested as a Teaching Center. Both apps provide teacher access to monitor homework

A more intensive study of the multitude of applications in the Play Store will be carried out, in order to select
other free applications

A PRE-TEST test and another POST-TEST will be carried out after the end of the three months.

Measurement variables:
- The independent variable is the application of each program
- The dependent variables are:
To measure the development of reading ability:
Reading Comprehension of the Verbal Statement of the Arithmetic Problem Reading Comprehension
of Calculation Resolution of arithmetic problems Reasoning and Memory
To measure the degree of adherence to the program (motivation) Degree of motivation

Measuring instruments:
To measure the development of reading ability:
1st. The battery of psychopedagogical tests EVALUA
2nd. ACL tests for assessing reading comprehension
3rd. The CLEVPA Reading Comprehension Questionnaire
To measure the degree of adherence to the program (motivation)
4th. The % of students who complete the assigned homework

Data analysis:
1st. To check the homogeneity of the Independent Groups, a t test will be performed for three independent
samples, and the p value will be adjusted by the Bonferroni method.

2nd. To carry out the data analysis, hypothesis contrasts will be carried out with each of the dependent
variables of the study. The study will be carried out with a contrast of means using a t test for independent
groups (G1 and G2), (G1 and G3), (G2 and G3)

3rd. In the event that significant “unexpected” differences were detected between the experimental groups,
which could affect the results after the application of the programs, an Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) will
be carried out, taking the degree of reading comprehension as the dependent variable. (CLEVPA) and as a
covariate, that variable in which significant differences between the groups have been perceived, a priori.

Following APA standards, include all references cited in the Proposal (also those already included in the
bibliographic search section).

Backhoff Escudero, E., Sanchez Moguel, A., Peon Zapata, M., & Andrade Munoz, E. (2010).
Reading comprehension and mathematical skills of basic education students in Mexico: 2000 2005. Electronic Journal of
Educational Research, 12 (1)


Beltrán Campos, S., & Repetto Talavera, E. (2006). Training strategies in respect to reading comprehension based
on the formulation of arithmetical problems: Empirical study with primary school pupils. Spanish Journal of Guidance
and Psychopedagogy (v.17,

Berrocoso, J. V., María del Carmen Garrido Arroyo, & Sánchez, R. F. (2010). teaching and learning with
technologies: A theoretical model for good educational practices with ICT teaching and learning with technology: A
theoretical model for good educational practices with ICT. Educational Theory: Education and Culture in the Information
Society, 11(1), 203-229.

Jesús Alonso & María del Mar Mateos (2014) Reading comprehension: Models training and assessment, Infancy and
Learning, 8:31-32, 5-19, DOI: 10.1080/02103702.1985.10822082

La, L., Wang, N., & Zhou, D. (2015). Improving reading comprehension step by step using online boost text
readability classification system. Neural Computing and Applications, 26 (4), 929-939. 10.1007/s00521-014-1770-2
Paritosh, P., & Marcus, G. (2016). Toward a comprehension challenge, using crowdsourcing as a tool. AI Magazine,
37 (1), 23.

Valle, A., Pan, I., Regueiro, B., Suarez, N., Tuero, E., & Nunes, A. R. (2015). Predicting approach to homework in
primary school students/Predicting approach to homework in primary school students. Psychothema, 27 (4), 334.

Dongo M., A. (2008). Piaget's learning theory and its consequences for educational praxis. Journal of Research in
Psychology, 11(1), 167-181.

Woolf, B. Q. (2009;2008;). Building intelligent interactive tutors: Student-centered strategies for revolutionizing e-
learning . Amsterdam;Boston;: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers/Elsevier.

Koedinger, K. R., Anderson, J. R., Hadley, W. H., & Mark, M. TO. (1997). Intelligent tutoring goes to school in the big
city. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education (IJAIED), 8, 30-43.

Koedinger, K. R., & Aleven, V. (2016). An interview reflection on “Intelligent tutoring goes to school in the big city.”
International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 26(1), 13-24. 10.1007/s40593- 015-0082-8

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