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Table of Contents Great Artists of the Italian Renaissance Great Artists of the Italian Renaissance Part | ‘Scope: “This course of 6 lest intedces the tof he allan Renasance—the Profesor Biogrephy Soe och ht asthe genesis net SO ens of Wester at. Ts sare will Comeeiortitieintor 1 tnt ow about 00 0 abut 82. The aguapeassciated mah he Ine Mile Apes ban toe replaced with abel new ste rund the Lecture One aly nthe Renan. 4 es began toe ep o 2 abet = ‘einige 15 ce, she chosen eau eps he chon Untere Tre From Gate w Remsen nner 8 in conte caer of Sora Vint sn Raps whi ckofeing Lecture Three Breech and ter a Freee nn 12 thera sh msl thle inh 15208 The dats, href cover lector Four Dona at Li ls ROD. nnn HO the at hstoreal prods cron calla is Ely Renaisanc and he Hh Lecture Five Maaco 2 = Cand Firretehise Sin er RES “The focus wl once ad moth ly, ith cetal Hy considered : fs nea of mpage ast ad south couse makes leat Lecture Seven Fra Angsc nd Fra Flip Lin 30 the rong cons wee ht repos The yo rene cena ly lector ight The Speci nnn 37 vaste plas of the Renuisane an the cation of ment fs ining Lestare Nine Donatello an Pads 2 rome a mounts Rare hog en sone und i was pene EE eee eae aaa Sprace mcs emtanganrtte occ cairn tt Lecture Eleven Pho dl Francosca—togen fhe ‘cowl eo te lod Nokes ay had mar cies ih tong Tre Cros 0 ‘navi wadions, pty Pad, fr he ral of Donal o work athe Lectre Twelve Past of Life a Renan Fn 53 pilztinnge sic of San Anton an Ma the cour ofthe Ete fay Tanto. Beer heienrese Veni, dominating the nothon the Aaa, was th brace of asin — : “ Is radon wench never eed iographical Noes Sti util lne drat From Masai t Raphi fom Darl to Milango, rom Peo della Fracsca to Leonard a Vin and fom Givane Belo Titan. ve a TP ‘isn are wee bra ane cc treated ayn 15 Cenury thon many compsrabl plea eet ine hstory of ato this ‘ourse we wl ook a some grea ensemble of world-renowned a sch she Brancaced Chapel n Porene or the Sistine Caplin Rome ar at ingle masterpiece, such at Ti's Assumption of he Virgin or Bonicell's Primavera No later Wester art can be discuss without reference ode Haan Renaissance is rediscovery ofthe achievements of las antigay, and its ‘own atic ventions. Above all, canon of Beaty was esublished—v ‘ary varitont that served ass for centuries. Huaris—an heal synthesis ‘ot aman nlligece, ign, and pial vgee—wasthe bass for that canon. ‘The pinings sculptures and buldngs ofthe Renasancecontinuc to astonish ts by he amonies of drawing, cole, ad proportion an in hi embodiment ft hamenis As already noted his course wil conclude atthe Begining of he 1230s withthe Protest Refoation athe hepnnings of the Catholic Counce Reformation, when radlell tw polical and social codons brought with them aradialy new a Cong Lined Pest {C200 Te Thing Campy Line Paetip 1 Aste ie soggests,nost ofthe lcs ae om nv ait, reser in roughly erooolgicl ode, ad he epson the syle and corte of thei Paimings and sclprres Essel semen of the poles, ssa, nd Inlictaa lew in which the arts worked il Be imeduced throughout tbe lestues, bu this ot primarily «cour on these subjects Thee an ‘ero eratre onthe cviivaion of the Renasance, which the Diblograpiy can only uggs. Te att centered approach of the curses, haps, lg unlshionable hese dys. But n these ahistorical etre, Ine iid ime divas achive Between at and history, a wil dominate 'egimsng in Florence i the late Gothic perio, into which he Funding ait ‘ofthe Renaissance wer born we look a ach ats as Lorenzo Ghibe, whose Sipe is divided tween Gothic ad Renaksance. Filippo Brinelech nd ‘ims are he principal funders ofthe Renaissance syle. Architecture ‘ly beyond the seope ofthese cts, ul the early Rens in Florence ‘anno be property unersiood witout ooking at Brueleshs uli. ‘When his dom forthe cathedral was corp xound 1434, "sng above the ‘skies ample to cover ith is shadow all he Tuscn people” (wrote Lace Batista Alber te primacy ofthe “avo modern manner” wes established The infsence of Domes scupure was unequaled before that of Michelangelo, “The pees punier ofthe eatly Remlsance, Masui, i sted in two Iecaes,nwhich hei albo compared to Git the reat “proto Renaissance’ miter of entry er One etre sJvotad othe Branacsi Chapel, one ‘the ment nln works of European siting. More than 0 ast re include these ects. Here, we wil antipte only the mon famous, The gests ati of mi-centry, Piro della Francesca, did fot morkn Florence, and deed is fame was established onl inthe 20" etuy, We wl loo athe work of andl the ged scalp betwexm Dello and Michelangelo, Boticelh, whose wistful grace gave way wo angus expession, fr stahed n tuo estures. The ronal of atists whose ‘ams ar, for mn. syaomyous wih te Reaisance wll be examined in ‘ven etre, Leonard, Micholngso, and Raphael re ast ofthe High ‘Renuisanc, and he ilace and fame basses wane rem thi day wo ‘Our tans 6 nortbern ali by way of Urbino, which offers ws mmcrocosmof the cultured Retassanee city-state. There th at nd Ising ‘rere honored by a professional solder whose sal dukedom festered Femaable achievements Further arth, in Pad and Mant, we wl ok the famous frescoes of Andrea Mantegna. Venice the proud soir felt in fthrn, Artic Hay, wil he focus of ight lectres,hepnning With ‘Byzantine ascend prs in atchicetare and decoration The selt-eflexive racer of ticity, whose daly ile and pu spaces were oof pie, ‘nl be observed in war by Carpaccio and Gentle Belin. Te ioduton of {hel medium ito Haan aiming wil be sted inthe pivotal short career of “Antonsllo da Messina visor to Veni, ad th long case of Govan 2 on Te Teg Copy ina Paeip Belin he ist of he great Venti masters of the Renaissance rom CGiovans workshop came a generation of important ass who defined the ‘Venetian High Renaissance. They included Gewore, whose ew saving pings, al are, ler the development of Weserm art and Titan who bended the achievement of Gorgon, cena lan paling, and is own ‘olriaisgeivs ino spe of ining beauty and six decals of inflaeaial at. {We hae alle othe enous pola and religious ipheavals in Kay using the carly 16 century tht dap the eal ome ofthe High Rennsance, The lng later cases of Michelangelo an Tn can aly be touchol on ase snare the couse of Renassnce a frm 140 0 shout 1520: Tire were no the only Hives apd eters hat colied wth the much hanged werd of post Reformation ns Ths, Bally, We wl ook bie at {he arate melon that itored the historical one swirling daring the remainder ofthat centr. ‘0200 Te Thing Cry Line Paneig Lecture One ltaly and the Renaissance Scope: Renaiszance means rein,” For mos peopl, the Nistor period that ears this name viuly synonymous ith Hal That fee the rebith tht s meant is te ebin ofthe ancient past of Gree ad "Rome andthe Taian pena contains abundant pysical evidence of ‘he Roman Empire. Even before le moder sense of ir, is seuenes ofa glerious past of plea ed cultural ity hath bees ‘rd by inssions of Goths and Vandals was pat of te callctive comeiauness. The period tween the Roman Epi and the Renaissance soon eume wo be called simply the Mile As, and its atts egaey disparaged as "Goh" This inroductry lecture ‘xamines the more complex really of Malis cultural developer using the 14 cemtry We ust mo omit Dane (1268-1321) and Patch (1504-1374, bth eal fim Florace, to whow cla ‘nity owes an cnormous db. Dan's Divine Come has eon sid to ‘ave ivented Talan axa major language, to which Perarch's omnes _rily cone. Petrarch also work fr the Halon political ui ‘Spied toby Cola Reni. 1313-13S8) whone woops expelled the bles from Rome in 1348, Rin invited represents fom the any ciysaes to Rome to deus unfcton; alhough the effort Fad i enforced the sees of Kalin clr uy Hamano, pilsophical, ierary, and ats idcal,wen hand in ‘hand with his eb, empasiing he gary and poe of man and Inspiring cur tis athe creation an at at elected the forms and ies ofthe classical wel. I would be a mistake, however, vosingly equate human with wcuaixm. Although Perch oer Platonic thought aan lleraive fo the Christian synthesis of ath reason called scolacm), Renaissance cet enined permeate ih gion In pining. Gioto (1266167-1337 evolved a pro Renaissance ye in conta ote prevailing lat- Gothic se, Bt his impact was et sor decade afer Bis death by one ofthe great atastrophes of ecordehisory—the Black Death, the plague. Physical ‘Keimation fred spit crish and a choice exrome penitence oF selFindalgence. An on the whole, eresed to a severe medieval, even Byzantine, sil for most ofthe soon hal ofthe contry, Perhaps the leading art in Florence mho reese thi harsh, pote ile ae Andrea Orcagna painter sulpto, and architect. Although ts charter ‘hanged arse atiy and prone continued unabated, Outline 1. Werus fist define Renaissance then lace it geographically and 4 (©2004 Te Thing Campy Line Pateip 1 troanogically. |AL-Rensissance="rebia.” tithe mame given © a ajo period of European civilization. snot priya tle nme, though ‘ned in tha way. Hal isthe is ab pacpal cain ofthe Renaissance. 1. That was because the ret clastic wadion othe Roman Republic and Ronan Epic had lefts phyical evidence shveughout ly 2 Dest the centres ice the deine an fl of the Reman nie during which th achicverents of ancient Rome (a hose of Greece, whose culation nurtured ard was then abscbed by the Romane) wore nepected, an warnes ofthe classical past had never entirely vanished, “The “memory” ofthe wifi politica wold a the single language of the Roman Eri ss als ating o be reviiid 1. tly, a me thik off, acreation of oer nsionalism apd fess Ahan 150 years ld. 2. Unit about 1300, aly was loosely related collection of i sil Ths decentralized condition was th nor in Western rope in the long meal prion ‘A. Thelate 13 cemiry winessd a ensciousness (mong the ‘lace cases) ofthe collective past a lage elt nity. "ingusteand hs cultral unity 0ed an enormous debt ‘Dane's Divine Comedy and Pevach's somes ster By common agree tesinning ofthe 1 the 16 em [Ac The Renaissance in Illy id wo aise suddenly athe beginning of the 15° centry ina sigh city, yet asin Forence thai ook Acepest ot, Humans, with ts empha om sical angi and ‘ects, ws hey component ofthe Renaissance, ad phitsonbes. ‘ners, artists, an ttesmen al played oes. Ther shared ideals ed to ‘nied culture 1B. Also important were the rediscovery ond iransiton of ancient ext and {developing sno of hie athe moder sense tv Renisance is att have begun pear the enue continued unl aout he hid decade of IL Proto Renisance: The Remaistanc ia at ight well have begun with Giowo dt Bonde (Coll 1266167 Florence 1337). He work in Asis a the fous hie of Saint Francs, i Florence owily in Roms, bt is ‘fowningachievemem isthe esc cycle inthe Arena Chaplin Pa 1308). A. Tounderstand Giono's inmvatons guts ok lhe prevailing Iae-Gotie en painting, Onc of he meet pra pir of the time was Deo, bm Sina car Fence, BL. The characteristics of Gio at ar simplicig claniy pomefl fem,

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