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Process that takes place in a person-to-person relationship between a Its objective is basically therapeutic and the  It is a relationship of personal, direct and individual help .
an individual disturbed by problems he cannot handle alone and a intervention arises at the request of the person who It is a dyadic model in which two basic agents intervene: the
professional whose training and experience qualify him to help has a problem and works according to the most classic guidance and guidance professional. And it is asymmetrical.
CLINICAL others reach solutions for various types of personal difficulties phases of the clinic: demand, diagnosis, intervention It has a reactive and therapeutic remedial character.
and follow-up, which is why it presents an important The basic technique of the model is the interview
parallel with the medical model.

It is a model similar to the clinical model in the way it works, since in Solve a problem posed a priori.  It has a public and social character.
both, the intervention occurs with the intention of solving a Problem The service model supports group intervention.  They are services focused on the needs of students with difficulties or at risk
SERVICES posed a priori. However, in the case of the service model, in addition and are aimed at partial nuclei of the population.
to serving people individually, it does so collectively or by working in  They act on problems and not on the contexts that generate them.
general with institutions.  They focus on solving the needs of students with difficulties and at risk
(therapeutic and problem-solving nature).
This model is aimed at the entire educational  The programs are designed and developed taking into account the
Systematic actions, carefully planned, goal-oriented, in response to community with the objective of developing  needs of the center or context.
the educational needs of students, parents and teachers inserted in preventive programs and for the development of  The program is aimed at all students and focuses on the
the reality of a center different capacities, personal, academic and social  group needs.
competencies.  The basic unit of intervention in the school environment is the
 The student is an active agent of his or her own orientation process.
PROGRAMS  Action is taken on the context with a more preventive and
developmental nature.
 How therapeutic.
 Programs are organized by objectives along a continuum
 Temporary.
 Curricular activities are developed through the programs
 specific

 Consultation is a relational model.

 It is a model that enhances information and the training of
A helping process through which teachers, parents, principals, and Its purpose is advice and training and can be  professionals and for professionals.
other important adults in students' lives discuss issues related to approached from various perspectives, such as  It is based on a symmetrical relationship between people or
them with each other. therapeutic, preventive and developmental. professionals with
 similar status
 Three types of agents are involved: consultant-client consultant.
INQUIRIES  The relationship can not only be established with individual people, but
 also with representatives of services, resources and programs.
 Its objective is to help a third party, which can be a person or a group.
 Approach the relationship from different approaches: therapeutic,
 and development.
 The relationship is temporary, not permanent.
 The consultant intervenes indirectly with the client
“This model based on systems and/or self-applicable programs does Places the orientation in a broader scenario than the
not eliminate the figure and functions of the counselor. The context where it is
counselor must be present in the process, playing the role of locates, projecting itself in its entirety to all sectors:
TECHNOLOGICAL consultant, clarifying doubts, solving problems, commenting on some students,
of the information provided and helping the subject in his work of Families, guidance professionals and tutors.
synthesis and reflection. What these systems aim to do is free the It facilitates the exchange of all kinds of information
counselor from informative tasks and leave him more free to carry between those involved in the guiding act.
out his consultation and advisory functions. This model, fully realized,  It grants autonomy to those involved.
can contribute to the development of the functions of guiding
Contribute to the analysis and improvement of Take as a starting point the initial situation of the institution (ideas
CONSTRUCTIVIST The constructivist conception of school learning and teaching teaching and learning processes, taking into account

 of teachers on teaching-learning processes, educational practices and
PSYCHOPEDAGOGI the diversity of users and enhancing the teaching management and organization model).
capacity of centers and teachers.
CAL INTERVENTION  Collaborate with the management team and teaching teams in making
MODEL  decisions that adjust to the objectives set and the characteristics
PSYCHO-  from the center.
PEDAGOGICAL  Promote effectiveness in work meetings, clearly defining the
 responsibility of those involved in the fulfillment of agreements, the
ADVICE  monitoring of the actions initiated and their corresponding
 evaluation and review.
 Establishment of fluid communication networks between the
 educational.
 Have effective documents, with specific indicators that
 allow detecting and carrying out adequate monitoring of students
 and students with learning difficulties

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