Technique For Criminal Investigation Applied To Criminalistics

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Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela.

Ministry of Popular Power for Internal Relations, Justice and Peace.

Ministry of Popular Power for University Education, Science and Technology.
National Experimental Security University.
CICPC National Academy
IV Criminalistics Cohort.
CEFO UNES Catia/ Caracas.

Techniques for Criminal Investigation

applied to Criminalistics.
Evaluation No. 1

Teacher): Students:
Vanessa Rodriguez Jhonnier Lozada.
Yeskatherin Salazar.
Franyer Alvia.
Nerio Gil.
Michell Rangel.

Caracas, May, 2020.


1. Criminal Investigation..........................................................................................................4
2. Evolution of Criminal Investigation :................................................................................4
3. Importance of Criminal Investigation for Criminal Process........................................6
4. Role of the Criminal Investigator :....................................................................................6
Research is a consultation tool for Lawyers, Students, Researchers, Judges and in
general for all citizens who are interested in the topic. The criminal investigation as
part of being a police body according to article 285 of the Organic Code of Criminal
Procedure (COPPI), is suitable or suitable to receive complaints from any person
who has knowledge of the commission of a punishable act, in the same way the
Public Ministry It is also competent to receive it. This methodology has led a
process throughout the government in Venezuela, a transformation and change
that has sought to perfect it and seek to be more humanistic, scientific and
practical, in the development that we will see later the concepts in relation to
Criminal Investigation will be expanded. .

1. Criminal Investigation

Criminal Investigation, for the Law of Scientific Criminal and Criminal

Investigation Bodies (2007), is understood as the set of procedures aimed at the
discovery and scientific verification of the crime, its characteristics, the
identification of its authors or participants, as well as the securing of its active and
passive objects. In this criminal investigation, by order of the law, the principles
relating to human rights and due process must be respected, with express
consideration of the presumption of innocence, the right to liberty, and respect for
established procedures. Criminal activity and investigation will be reserved for third

In that sense, it can be said that an investigation is determined by the

investigation of data or the search for solutions for certain problems. It should be
noted that an investigation, especially at the scientific level, is a systematic process
(information is obtained from a pre-established plan that, once assimilated and
examined, will modify or add knowledge to the existing ones), organized (it is
necessary to specify the details linked to the study) and objective (its conclusions
are not based on a subjective opinion, but on episodes that have previously been
observed and evaluated).

2. Evolution of Criminal Investigation :

Criminal or criminal investigation as it is called in Venezuela has a marked

historical background, within which the following situations can be reflected:

The historical background of criminal investigation shows that before 1974,

in Latin American countries and most European countries, this profession was an
exclusive function of the police and/or judges; In any case, the Prosecutor's Office
was limited to controlling the investigation carried out by the police. Starting in
1974, the former German Federal Republic (Socialist) made a change in its
criminal procedural system, framing the investigation of crimes within its

Accusatory Criminal Procedure System. This German process spread throughout
Latin America and Europe, with the exception of Spain.

For its part, in Venezuela, the investigation of the crime dates back to 1958, it was
institutionalized as a criminal action, on February 20, 1958 while the provisional
president of the Government Board, Rear Admiral Wolfgang Larrazábal, within the
political scheme of the moment, promulgates Decree No. 48 with Force of Law,
which established the legal basis for the creation of a “Specialized Police Corps for
the investigation of Criminal Action crimes.” An organization that would depend on
the Ministry of Justice and was assigned the name “Judicial Police Technical
Corps.” At that time, lawyer Rodolfo Plaza Márquez assumed the direction of this
new criminal investigation body; constituting its structuring and organization
difficult, because the civil political police that preceded it, called National Security
at the time of being dismantled, as a consequence of the overthrow of the
government of General Marcos Pérez Jiménez, did not have an adequate building,
nor an academic institute. for the scientific training of researchers.

Thus, the Technical Corps of the Judicial Police began to operate in a small
location in the center of Caracas located in the Capitol Passage, with only twelve
officials, and the first delegations were created: Chacao, La Guaira and Los
Teques. For the academic training of the personnel to enter to work in the
investigative field and in compliance with what is established in the decree, the first
school was put into operation on August 6, 1958, located between the corners
Principal and Santa Capilla, in the old Guipuzcoan House. Since the 70s and until
the 80s, the Technical Corps of Judicial Police is advancing, becoming one of the
best criminal investigation police forces on a technical-scientific level worldwide,
with a series of resources. But since the 1980s, due to the indifference of the
government agency in charge, a deterioration has occurred with respect to citizen

Currently, the investigation of crimes in Venezuela is a function of the

Scientific, Criminal and Criminal Investigations Corps, CICPC. In this case, the
Organic Code of Criminal Procedure, the National Constitution and the Public

Ministry have proposed mainstreaming principles and values that are based on
guaranteeing the accused a prior trial, due process, the presumption of innocence,
the affirmation of freedom, respect for human dignity, citizen participation, orality,
immediacy, concentration and public judgment. In this sense, the requirements for
the investigation of crimes must aim at the consolidation of these principles in
correspondence with national and international laws referring to the preservation of
human rights; and it is precisely here where the difference between the criminal
and criminological investigation of previous governments should be most evident,
with respect to the proposal within the framework of the Bolivarian society under

3. Importance of Criminal Investigation for Criminal Process

Criminal and criminology investigation is an autonomous discipline whose

purpose is to assist justice through the analysis and application of techniques,
methods and procedures supported by various sciences, which allow it to obtain
information and process it in order to identify the modus operandi and the author of
a crime, to reach knowledge of a truth related to the criminal phenomenon.

Its practice takes place through a methodology based on the scientific

research method; Its stages are: definition and analysis of the demand under
investigation, research design, information collection, information processing,
information analysis and preparation of the expert report.

4. Role of the Criminal Investigator :

 Use judicial mechanisms to order and/or carry out proceedings

 It seeks to establish correlations of tangible and intangible elements, how
the research is being carried out ("probability").

 They formulate hypotheses that are necessarily analyzed and discussed
with the interdisciplinary group.
 Know the human sources, entities and technical-scientific sources that can
complement the information collected.
 They explain the scientific "method" applied to criminal investigation:

A. Use of non-experimental strategies: Interviews, direct observation, talks,

criminal files, statistics, technical-scientific analysis.
B. Use of "experimental" strategies: Reconstruction of the place, elements
(physical site), reconstruction of circumstances (people and
C. Conclusions: Presents the deductions of the research in a logical
manner. (López et al, op.cit, p.65).



the set of procedures aimed at the discovery and

scientific verification of the crime, its characteristics, the
identification of its authors or participants, as well as the
securing of its active and passive objects.


On February 20, a It is one of the security bodies

“Specialized Police that is responsible for solving
Corps for the crimes through the application
investigation of Criminal of techniques, methods and
Action crimes” was
procedures supported by
created on a legal basis.
various sciences.
The Technical Corps of
Judicial Police is
advancing, becoming one
of the best investigative
police forces

It has become one of the

research bodies
recognized both nationally
Present and internationally.

Use NS judicial
They explain the mechanisms to order They formulate
scientific "method" and/or carry out hypotheses that are
applied to criminal proceedings necessarily analyzed
investigation and discussed with the
Know the human sources, interdisciplinary group.
entities and technical-
scientific sources that can
complement the information
collected. 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
1 c R Yo M Yo N TO l Yo Ye T Yo c TO
2 N Yo OR
3 V c T
4 c R Yo M AN N F Q EI
5 T l c Q
6 Q EI l Yo c Yo TO d Ye
TH s
7 AN g g AN Yo
8 R TO R l TO
9 Yo c N Yo
10 T Yo T T
12 N
13 to
14 AN x Q AN R T Yo c Yo TO

1. Auxiliary discipline of criminal law that is 2. Has a qualification to perform the examination
responsible for scientifically demonstrating and of a person or object, whether special knowledge
explaining a crime. or skills in any science, art or craft are required.

4. Synonym of Crime. 5. Procedures aimed at the discovery and

scientific verification of the crime.
6. In charge of surveillance, patrolling and citizen
8. Crime that is being committed or that has just
security throughout the national territory.
been committed, also that the suspect is
persecuted by the police authority, by the victim
14. Practice for the examination of a person or
or by public outcry.
object, or to discover or evaluate an element of
conviction, requires special knowledge or skills in
10. Circumstance of a person having committed
any science.
an action contrary to the law.

13. Scientific police in Venezuela that is

responsible for solving crimes.

14 . Study and examination of the organs, tissues

or bones of a corpse to find out or investigate the
cause of death.

The act of investigation constitutes the administrative activity of procedural
instruction, carried out by the Public Ministry or its auxiliary bodies: Body of
scientific, criminal and criminalistic investigations; by the Criminalistics units and by
other specialized support bodies. Its purpose is the investigation and
demonstration of facts considered criminal, the verification of the state of places,
things, traces and material effects that are of criminalistic interest. This is, as we
said at the beginning, one of the two avenues of investigation that open up when
studying any crime, from violent to “white collar” crimes. While the laboratory
works, the investigators of the corresponding body carry out their own investigation
to reconstruct the events, find witnesses if there are any, investigate the
environment of the victim and the victim themselves and determine suspects. This
criminalistic investigation will be confirmed or refuted by the conclusions of the
criminological investigation.






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