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Proposal for Supporting a Media Project for Afghan Women

1. Executive Summary
Project Title: Empowering Afghan Women through Media Initiatives
Name: Soman Sultani
Client: Max media production
Project Duration: 12 months
Capital: 2300000 Afghani
Objective: To empower Afghan women by supporting women-led and gender-focused media
initiatives. This project will ensure the production and dissemination of gender-responsive
content and provide professional development opportunities for women journalists.
This proposal outlines a comprehensive plan to support women-led and gender-focused media
initiatives in Afghanistan, commissioned by UN Women Afghanistan. The project aims to
address the severe impact of the Taliban takeover on the media sector, which has marginalized
women and limited their media freedoms. By strengthening women's presence in media and
providing professional development opportunities for women journalists, the initiative seeks to
ensure that women's perspectives are publicly reflected and their voices amplified.
The scope of work includes identifying gaps in women-focused media initiatives, developing a
strategic communications plan, organizing capacity-building workshops, producing gender-
responsive content, and assessing the outreach and impact of these efforts. The project will
deliver key outputs, such as an inception report, a communications strategy, professional
development activities, bi-monthly progress reports, and a final comprehensive report
documenting results and lessons learned.
The initiative aims to support Afghan women media workers, improve their professional skills,
and ensure the sustainability and safety of their work. The project is designed to be inclusive,
considering the accessibility challenges and ensuring content is available in Dari, Pashto, and
English. The expected duration of the project is 12 months, with clearly defined deliverables and
target dates. Through this initiative, UN Women Afghanistan seeks to protect and promote the
rights and contributions of Afghan women in the media, fostering gender equality and
empowerment in one of the world's most challenging contexts.
2. Background
Afghan women face significant challenges, including limited access to media and restricted
media freedoms, especially under the current political regime. This project aims to address these
issues by supporting women-led media initiatives, strengthening their professional skills, and
ensuring that women's voices are heard in the public sphere. By doing so, the project contributes
to gender equality and the empowerment of women in Afghanistan.
3. Scope of Work
The project will encompass the following activities:
1. Needs Assessment
To effectively support women-led media initiatives in Afghanistan, it is crucial to identify the
existing gaps that hinder their progress and sustainability. The key gaps include:
1. Lack of Financial Resources:
Women-led media organizations often struggle with limited funding, affecting their ability to
sustain operations and produce quality content.
There is a need for sustainable funding models to ensure long-term viability.
2. Restricted Media Freedom:
The current political environment severely restricts media freedom, particularly for women. This
includes censorship, harassment, and threats against women journalists.
A supportive framework is needed to protect and advocate for the rights of women media
3. Insufficient Training and Capacity Building:
There is a significant gap in professional development opportunities for women journalists.
Many lack access to training in critical areas such as digital security, investigative journalism,
and multimedia storytelling.
Structured training programs are essential to enhance their skills and ensure they can produce
impactful content.
4. Limited Access to Technology:
Women-led media organizations often face challenges in accessing the latest technology and
digital tools, which are vital for modern journalism.
Providing access to technology and training on its use is necessary to bridge this gap.
5. Inadequate Representation:
Women's perspectives and stories are underrepresented in Afghan media. This lack of
representation contributes to a skewed portrayal of societal issues.
Strategies to amplify women’s voices and ensure their stories are told need to be implemented.
.2 Analyze the Existing Media Landscape and the Specific Needs of Women Journalists
To develop a targeted support strategy, it is essential to analyze the current media landscape and
understand the specific needs of women journalists. Key considerations include:
1. Current Media Environment:
The media landscape in Afghanistan is highly volatile, with many independent media outlets
facing closure or severe restrictions.
Women journalists are disproportionately affected by these changes, often being the first to lose
their jobs or face increased harassment.
2. Challenges Faced by Women Journalists:
Safety and Security: Women journalists face significant safety risks, including threats to their
physical security and digital harassment.
Mobility and Access: Cultural and political barriers often restrict women’s mobility, limiting
their access to events, sources, and stories.
Support Networks: There is a lack of robust support networks and professional associations for
women journalists, which is critical for their professional growth and safety.

3. Training and Development Needs:

Digital Security Training: Essential to protect women journalists from cyber threats and ensure
their online presence is secure.
Effective Storytelling: Training in narrative techniques and multimedia journalism to help
women journalists produce compelling and impactful stories.
Media Ethics and Reporting Standards: Ensuring adherence to international journalism standards
and ethical practices.
4. Technological Needs:
Access to modern digital tools and platforms to facilitate high-quality content production and
Training on the use of new technologies, including social media, data journalism, and mobile
The needs assessment reveals critical gaps and challenges faced by women-led media initiatives
and women journalists in Afghanistan. Addressing these gaps requires a comprehensive
approach that includes financial support, capacity building, access to technology, and strong
advocacy for media freedom and journalists’ rights. This foundational understanding will inform
the development of a strategic plan to support and empower Afghan women in the media sector.
2. Strategy Development:
To address the identified gaps and challenges faced by women-led media initiatives in
Afghanistan, a comprehensive strategy needs to be developed. This strategy will outline the steps
and resources required to strengthen and expand women-led media production, ensure
sustainability, and enhance the professional capabilities of women journalists.
2.1 Objectives
1. Empower Women Journalists: Provide targeted training and professional development
opportunities to enhance the skills and capacities of women journalists.
2. Ensure Financial Sustainability: Develop sustainable funding models and financial support
mechanisms for women-led media initiatives.
3. Enhance Media Freedom: Advocate for and protect the rights of women journalists, ensuring a
safe and supportive working environment.
4. Improve Access to Technology: Provide women journalists with access to modern digital tools
and training on their effective use.
5. Amplify Women's Voices: Increase the representation of women’s perspectives and stories in
Afghan media.
2.2 Key Activities and Implementation Plan
1. Training and Capacity Building:
Digital Security Training:
 Organize workshops on digital security to protect women journalists from cyber threats.
 Partner with cybersecurity experts to deliver training sessions.
 Effective Storytelling and Multimedia Journalism:
 Conduct training programs on narrative techniques, multimedia journalism, and
investigative reporting.
2. Financial Support and Sustainability:
Develop Funding Models:
Explore diverse funding sources, including grants, sponsorships, and partnerships with
international organizations.
Create a fund to provide financial assistance to women-led media initiatives.
Budget Management Training:
Provide training on financial planning and budget management for media organizations.
Develop templates and tools for effective financial management.
3. Advocacy and Legal Support:
Establish Support Networks:
Create support networks and professional associations for women journalists.
Facilitate regular meetings and forums for sharing experiences and best practices.
Legal Aid and Advocacy:
Provide legal support to women journalists facing legal challenges.
Advocate for media freedom and the protection of journalists' rights through campaigns and
partnerships with human rights organizations.
4. Access to Technology:
Provision of Digital Tools:
Supply modern digital tools and equipment to women journalists and media organizations.
Offer training on the use of these tools for content production and dissemination.
Technical Support:
Provide ongoing technical support and maintenance for digital tools and equipment.
5. Content Production and Dissemination:
Produce Gender-Responsive Content:
Develop and produce content focusing on women's rights, health, education, entrepreneurship,
and social and political issues.
Ensure content is disseminated through various media platforms, including radio, TV, digital
media, and print.
2.3 Resource Allocation
The following resources are required to implement the strategy:
1. Financial Resources:
Total budget: 2300000Afghani
Allocation for various activities, including training, content production, technology provision,
and advocacy.
2. Human Resources:
 Project Manager: Oversees project implementation and coordination.
 Media Specialists: Conduct training and capacity-building activities.
 Trainers: Provide expertise in digital security, storytelling, and media ethics.
 Legal Advisors: Offer legal support and advocacy.
 Technical Support Staff: Maintain and support digital tools and equipment.
3. Technological Resources:
Digital tools and equipment for content production.
Software and platforms for multimedia journalism and digital security.
2.4 Risk Mitigation Strategy
To ensure the continuity and sustainability of the proposed initiatives, a risk mitigation strategy
is essential:
1. Risk Assessment:
1. Conduct a thorough risk assessment to identify potential challenges and threats.
2. Prioritize risks based on their likelihood and impact.
2. Mitigation Measures:
 Financial Risks:
 Diversify funding sources to reduce dependency on a single donor.
 Implement strict financial controls and regular audits.
 Safety and Security Risks:
 Develop and enforce safety protocols for women journalists.
 Provide digital security training and tools.
 Operational Risks:
 Establish contingency plans to ensure continuity of operations during disruptions.
 Maintain flexible and adaptable project plans.
3. Monitoring and Evaluation:
Implement a robust monitoring and evaluation framework to track progress and impact.
Regularly review and update risk mitigation measures based on ongoing assessments.
2.5 Timeline and Milestones
1. Months 1-2: Inception and Baseline Assessment
 Conduct needs assessment and baseline study.
 Develop inception report and detailed work plan.
2. Months 3-4: Strategy Development
 Develop comprehensive communications strategy and risk mitigation plan.
 Outline resource requirements and timelines.
3. Months 5-8: Capacity Building
Organize and facilitate training sessions and workshops.
Provide mentorship and professional development opportunities.
4. Months 9-12: Content Production and Dissemination
Produce and disseminate gender-responsive content.
Monitor and evaluate the impact of media initiatives.
5. End of Month 12: Final Report
Compile a final report summarizing key results, challenges, lessons learned, and
The proposed strategy aims to address the key gaps and challenges faced by women-led media
initiatives in Afghanistan. By providing targeted support, enhancing professional skills, ensuring
financial sustainability, and advocating for media freedom, this project will significantly
empower Afghan women and amplify their voices in the media landscape. Through
comprehensive planning and effective resource allocation, the project will achieve its objectives
and contribute to gender equality and women's empowerment in Afghanistan.
3. Capacity Building:
Organize and facilitate workshops, training sessions, and mentorship programs.
Provide professional development opportunities in areas such as digital security, effective
storytelling, and media ethics.
4. Content Production and Dissemination:
To effectively support and enhance the visibility of women-led media initiatives in Afghanistan,
a strategic approach to content production and dissemination is essential. This section outlines
the detailed plan for developing, producing, and disseminating gender-responsive and women-
focused content, ensuring that Afghan women's voices and perspectives are prominently featured
in the media landscape.
4.1 Content Development Strategy
4.1.1 Focus Areas:
Women’s Rights: Highlighting legal rights, advocacy, and success stories of women’s
Health and Well-being: Coverage on women’s health issues, reproductive health, mental health,
and wellness.
Education and Skill Development: Promoting education opportunities, vocational training, and
educational achievements of Afghan women.
Entrepreneurship and Economic Empowerment: Showcasing stories of women entrepreneurs,
business development, and economic empowerment initiatives.
Social and Political Issues: Featuring women’s perspectives on social issues, politics, and
participation in peacebuilding and governance.
4.1.2 Content Formats:
Audio and Video Production: Develop radio programs, podcasts, TV segments, and short
Print and Digital Media: Create articles, blogs, info graphics, and e-magazines.
Interactive Content: Develop webinars, live streams, and social media campaigns to engage the
audience actively.
4.2 Production Plan
4.2.1 Production Team:
Project Manager: Oversee content strategy and production schedule.
Content Creators: Writers, videographers, photographers, and editors.
Subject Matter Experts: Specialists in various focus areas (health, law, business, etc.).
Technical Support: IT staff for multimedia production and content management.
4.2.2 Production Schedule:
Monthly Planning Meetings: Coordinate content ideas, schedule production, and set deadlines.
Weekly Production Sessions: Create content, conduct interviews, and shoot footage.
Quality Review: Conduct editorial reviews and finalize content before dissemination.
4.2.3 Technology and Tools:
Software and Equipment: Utilize state-of-the-art cameras, editing software, graphic design tools,
and podcasting equipment.
Content Management System (CMS): Use a CMS to streamline content creation, editing, and
4.3 Dissemination Strategy
4.3.1 Multi-Platform Approach:
- Radio and TV: Air programs on local radio stations and TV channels, ensuring wide reach
across different regions.
- Digital Media: Utilize social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube) and
websites to share content.
- Print Media: Publish articles and stories in local newspapers and magazines.
4.3.2 Outreach and Engagement:
 Community Engagement: Host community events, screenings, and discussions to promote
 Collaborations: Partner with other media outlets, NGOs, and community groups to expand
reach and impact.
 Audience Interaction: Implement feedback mechanisms, such as surveys and social media
polls, to engage the audience and gather insights.
4.3.3 Content Distribution Channels:
Radio and TV Broadcasts: Schedule regular broadcasts on local and national channels.
Online Platforms: Publish content on YouTube, Facebook, and Instagram, utilizing targeted ads
and hashtags to increase visibility.
Print Media: Feature articles and stories in widely read newspapers and magazines.
4.4 Monitoring and Evaluation
4.4.1 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs):
 Content Reach: Track the number of views, listens, shares, and downloads across all
 Audience Engagement: Measure likes, comments, shares, and interactions on social
 Impact Assessment: Conduct surveys and interviews with audiences to assess the impact
and relevance of the content.
4.4.2 Feedback and Improvement:
Audience Feedback: Use online surveys, focus groups, and social media feedback to gather
audience opinions.
Content Analytics: Analyze viewership statistics, engagement rates, and feedback to refine
content strategy.
Regular Reviews: Hold monthly review meetings to assess performance, discuss challenges, and
adjust the strategy as needed.
4.5 Budget Allocation for Content Production and Dissemination

The content production and dissemination strategy is designed to amplify the voices of Afghan
women, highlight their achievements, and address critical issues affecting their lives. By
leveraging diverse media platforms and engaging with the community, this project aims to create
a robust and sustainable media presence that empowers women, promotes gender equality, and
fosters a more inclusive media landscape in Afghanistan. Through continuous monitoring,
feedback, and adaptation, the project will ensure that the content remains impactful, relevant, and
widely accessible.

5. Monitoring and Evaluation:

Assess the outreach and impact of the media initiatives.
Regularly monitor and report on progress.
4. Detailed Work Plan and Timeline
Phase 1: Inception (Month 1-2)
Conduct baseline assessment.
Develop inception report including a detailed work plan, baseline data, risk analysis, and
professional development plan.
Inception report.
Target Date: End of Month 2
Phase 2: Strategy Development (Month 3-4)
Develop a comprehensive communications strategy.
Outline required resources and risk mitigation strategies.
Communications strategy document.
Target Date: End of Month 4
Phase 3: Capacity Building (Month 5-8)
Organize workshops and training sessions.
Provide mentorship and professional development opportunities.
Administer pre- and post-training surveys.
Training materials and session summaries.
Certificates of completion.
Survey results.
Target Date: End of Month 8
Phase 4: Content Production and Dissemination (Month 9-12)
Produce gender-responsive content.
Disseminate content through various media platforms.
Monitor and evaluate the reach and impact.
Bi-monthly progress reports.
Samples of produced content.
Target Date: End of Month 12
5. Budget

6. Staffing Plan and Salaries

The project will employ 10 staff members, with the total annual salary budget of 2,000,000 AFN.
The salary distribution is as follows:

7. Monitoring and Evaluation

Indicators and Targets:
1. Number of Women Media Workers Supported: At least 50 women media workers.
2. Development of a Capacity Building Work plan: 3-4 key learning initiatives.
3. Improved Capabilities: 85% of women media workers reporting improved knowledge and

To ensure that the women media workers in Afghanistan receive substantial and impactful
training that improves their professional capabilities, a structured approach to capacity building
and skills development is necessary. This section outlines the training programs, expected
outcomes, and evaluation methods to achieve and measure the target of 85% of women media
workers reporting improved knowledge and skills.
3.1 Training Programs and Capacity Building Activities
3.1.1 Digital Security Training:
 Objective: Equip women media workers with the knowledge and tools to protect themselves
from cyber threats and ensure their digital safety.
 Content:
 Fundamentals of digital security.
 Identifying and mitigating cyber threats.
 Safe online communication practices.
 Use of encryption and secure tools for data protection.
 Delivery Method: Workshops, online courses, and hands-on training sessions.
3.1.2 Effective Storytelling and Multimedia Journalism:
 Objective: Enhance the storytelling abilities and multimedia production skills of women
 Content:
 Techniques for compelling storytelling.
 Use of multimedia tools (video, audio, photography) in journalism.
 Basics of video editing and podcast production.
 Writing engaging and impactful stories.
 Delivery Method: Interactive workshops, guest lectures by experienced journalists, and
practical assignments.
3.1.3 Media Ethics and Reporting Standards:
 Objective: Foster a strong understanding of ethical journalism and adherence to international
reporting standards.
 Content:
 Principles of media ethics.
 Importance of accuracy, fairness, and accountability in reporting.
 Guidelines for reporting on sensitive issues, including gender-based violence.
 Understanding and countering fake news and misinformation.
 Delivery Method: Seminars, case studies, and discussion groups.
3.1.4 Financial Management and Sustainability:
a. Objective: Provide skills for financial planning, budgeting, and sustainable management of
media initiatives.
b. Content:
c. Basics of financial management.
d. Budgeting and resource allocation.
e. Strategies for financial sustainability and fundraising.
f. Monitoring and reporting financial performance.
g. Delivery Method: Training workshops, practical exercises, and mentorship from financial
3.2 Expected Outcomes
 Enhanced Digital Security: Women media workers will be able to secure their digital
communication and protect sensitive information from cyber threats.
 Improved Storytelling Skills: Journalists will produce more compelling and diverse content,
utilizing multimedia tools effectively.
 Adherence to Ethical Standards: Increased awareness and application of ethical principles in
media reporting.
 Financial Acumen: Media organizations will be better equipped to manage their finances
sustainably and pursue various funding opportunities.
4. Content Disseminated: 100 pieces of gender-responsive content.
5. Outreach Metrics: Specific targets to be determined based on media type and audience.
8. Expected Outputs
1. Inception Report: Detailed work plan, baseline data, and risk mitigation strategies.
2. Communications Strategy: Comprehensive strategy to address gaps and needs in women-led
media initiatives.
3. Capacity Building Initiatives: Workshops, training sessions, and mentorship programs with
documented outcomes.
4. Content Production: 100 pieces of gender-responsive content disseminated through various
media platforms.
5. Progress Reports: Bi-monthly reports on activities, outcomes, and impact.
6. Final Report: Comprehensive report summarizing key results, challenges, lessons learned, and
recommendations for future initiatives.
9. Effectiveness of the Project
This project aims to:
Empower Afghan women by enhancing their skills and presence in the media.
Ensure women's voices and perspectives are represented in public discourse.
Provide professional development opportunities that enable women journalists to produce high-
quality, impactful media content.
Create a sustainable model for women-led media initiatives that can continue beyond the
project's duration.
Contribute to broader gender equality and empowerment goals in Afghanistan by promoting
women's rights and visibility.
This proposal outlines a strategic approach to supporting women-led and gender-focused media
initiatives in Afghanistan. With a budget of 2300000Afghani and a project duration of 12
months, this initiative aims to empower Afghan women, enhance their media presence, and
ensure their voices are heard. By providing comprehensive support and development
opportunities, the project will make a significant impact on the media landscape and contribute
to gender equality in Afghanistan.
The proposed media support project for Afghan women is designed to empower women
journalists and amplify their voices in Afghanistan's media landscape. With a budget of 2300000
Afghani and a 12-month timeline, this initiative comprehensively addresses all necessary
expenses, including transportation, building rent, electricity, food, and employee wages. By
focusing on needs assessment, strategy development, capacity building, and content
dissemination, the project aims to create a significant and sustainable impact.
Key Achievements and Impact:
1. Empowerment of Women Journalists:
Through targeted training programs, 85% of women media workers will report improved
knowledge and skills, enhancing their professional capabilities and confidence.
Empowered women journalists will contribute to a more inclusive and diverse media
environment, representing women's perspectives and stories more prominently.
2. Sustainable Media Initiatives:
The project ensures the sustainability of women-led media initiatives through strategic planning
and risk mitigation measures.
Financial management training will enable media organizations to manage their resources
effectively, ensuring long-term viability.
3. High-Quality, Gender-Responsive Content:
By producing and disseminating content focused on women's rights, health, education, and
entrepreneurship, the project will raise public awareness and engage a broad audience.
Gender-responsive media will challenge stereotypes, promote gender equality, and highlight the
contributions of Afghan women to society.
4. Comprehensive Resource Allocation:
The detailed budgeting ensures that all necessary expenses are covered, enabling smooth and
efficient project implementation.
A dedicated team of 10 employees will work across various departments, ensuring effective
project management and execution.
5. Robust Monitoring and Evaluation:
Systematic monitoring and evaluation will track progress, measure impact, and ensure
continuous improvement of the project.
Regular feedback sessions and longitudinal tracking will provide valuable insights and inform
future initiatives.
In conclusion, this project represents a crucial step towards supporting and strengthening
women-led media initiatives in Afghanistan. By addressing the unique challenges faced by
women journalists and providing them with the necessary tools and resources, we aim to foster a
more equitable media landscape. The successful implementation of this project will not only
enhance the professional skills of women journalists but also ensure their voices are heard,
contributing to the overall empowerment and development of Afghan women. Through careful
planning, execution, and evaluation, we are committed to achieving lasting and meaningful
impact, driving positive change for women in Afghanistan's media sector.

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