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The acronym RV refers, in English, to the “revaluation” of internationally recognized currencies in

relation to the new gold standard, which has already been reintegrated to solve the global debt crisis,
silently, through an international treaty. which will be announced soon. Now in the process of
revaluation of all international currencies, there are some that will be reset and/or past discrepancies in
their marketable value will be resolved. This means that there are some “early basket currencies” that
will make considerable price adjustments, creating dramatic arbitrage opportunities for investors aware
of the Global Financial Reset (GCR). Those early known basket currencies include the Afghan Afghani
(AFA), Indonesian Rupiah (IDR), Vietnamese Dong (VND), Iranian Rial (IRR), Iraqi Dinar (IQD) and Dollar

GESARA is an acronym that refers to the Global Economic Security And Reformation Act, and has been
written and perfected by great minds of the 20th and 21st centuries in order to restore planet Earth.
and humanity on a basis of sustainable governance.

NESARA/GESARA, the KJV and DISCLOSURE are change initiatives led by true brother and sister heroes,
with the purpose of helping humanity free itself from our current condition of slavery to the Cabal that
has persisted for 13,000 years.

A law was passed in the United States in March 2000 and became law in October 2000. This law is called
the National Economic Security and Reform Act (NESARA). All politicians and members of the media are
under a gag order not to speak publicly until it is officially announced. This new law will be enacted first
in the United States and will eventually be implemented in the rest of the world.

The provisions of NESARA have been composed by visionaries who wish to right past wrongs against the
people in the United States. It is supported and inspired by statesmen around the world, as well as
outside the world, as a vision of world peace, freedom and prosperity. The law provides:

1. Forgiveness of all credit card, mortgage, student loan and other bank debts related to illegal banking
and government activities.

2. The dissolution of the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) and the income tax.

3. Creating a flat-rate, non-essential “new items only” sales tax (food, medicine, and all used items will
not be taxed).

4. The increase in benefits for older people.

5. The return of Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters: retrain all judges and lawyers in
Constitutional Law.

6. The provision of new representative elections within constitutional law.

7. Supervision of elections, preventing illegal activities by billionaires and special interest groups.

8. The termination of the Federal Reserve system and beginning of a new US Treasury banking system.

9. The creation of a new US Treasury currency backed by gold, silver and precious metals, ending the
bankruptcy of the US Government. This will initiate global economic reform.

10. The restoration of financial privacy.

11. The cessation of all aggressive military action by the United States government throughout the

12. Leading to peace throughout the world.

13. The release of more than 6,000 patents on suppressed technologies and huge sums of money for
humanitarian purposes.


The IMF will announce the “global gold standard monetary system” once GESARA is announced in the
US. The rest of the remaining fiat currencies will be charged for the gold standard currency. Paper
money will be eliminated and all currencies will be digital in the new financial system.

The goal of The Alliance is to make the transition event simple, smooth and fast. The new financial
system has been online for months and is hosted on a quantum-protected server that cannot be hacked
or accessed without permission.

In particular, the wealth proliferation aspect is actually very stabilizing. People who have new found
wealth in extremis are much more likely to feel able to help their family, their close friends, their fellow
citizens. They are more likely to engage in humanitarian efforts. This is wealth creation.

The RV could verify a shortage of qualified workers. This is part of the wealth generation process, which
will bring higher salaries and wages. That will be reflected in prices, but this will be offset by a drop in
taxes, in some cases up to 80% of the cost price of the final product.

Which would lead to deflation. As prices fall, savings increase for the worker and his or her family. This
creates wealth. Energy costs are also now an important component of the cost mechanism for any
product. Energy costs will also drop as a result of free energy and new technologies.



1 - release of prosperity funds for humanity to free us from debt slavery.

2 - This is the bell of the beginning of the RV and therefore the GCR, which at the same time triggers the
GESARA law, this implies that the new QUANTUM financial system will be based on prosperity for all,
which triggers millions of humanitarian projects for the countries most in need.

It also facilitates 6,000+ patents that we had been denied, including free energy, free health, efficient
education (not obsolete), healthy food and the reconstruction of planet Earth.

3 - Cancellation of all public and private debts, new governments based on meritocracies during a
transition to a new world of light.

4 - Landing of the galactic brothers, they will take us (each one their mentor) to the crystal light
chambers to finish the process of being ready to reinsert ourselves into the new galactic world.

5 - Talks about the true history of humanity and learning about the galactic worlds by ascended masters
(Jesus, Buddha and thousands more)

6 - Our glass houses in Agartha are ready to have everything free, from housing, food, etc.


The Event is the moment of the breakthrough in compression. The breakthrough in compression is when
the light forces above the planet's surface and those below the planet's surface meet in the middle, that
is, at the planet's surface.

I hope we can all agree that there are multitudes of factions supporting light and liberation that exist
within the solar system. The factions that support the light and the liberation of the planet,

Since this elevation is at the level of the galaxy, not just planet Earth. When this happens, this is what we
call The Event.



The acronym RV refers, in English, to the “revaluation” of internationally recognized currencies in

relation to the new gold standard, which has already been reintegrated to solve the global debt crisis,
silently, through an international treaty. which will be announced soon. Now in the process of
revaluation of all international currencies, there are some that will be reset and/or past discrepancies in
their marketable value will be resolved. This means that there are some “early basket currencies” that
will make considerable price adjustments, creating dramatic arbitrage opportunities for investors aware
of the Global Financial Reset (GCR). Those early known basket currencies include the Afghan Afghani
(AFA), Indonesian Rupiah (IDR), Vietnamese Dong (VND), Iranian Rial (IRR), Iraqi Dinar (IQD) and Dollar

GESARA is an acronym that refers to the Global Economic Security And Reformation Act, and has been
written and perfected by great minds of the 20th and 21st centuries in order to restore planet Earth.
and humanity on a basis of sustainable governance.

NESARA/GESARA, the KJV and DISCLOSURE are change initiatives led by true brother and sister heroes,
with the purpose of helping humanity free itself from our current condition of slavery to the Cabal that
has persisted for 13,000 years.

A law was passed in the United States in March 2000 and became law in October 2000. This law is called
the National Economic Security and Reform Act (NESARA). All politicians and members of the media are
under a gag order not to speak publicly until it is officially announced.

This new law will be enacted first in the United States and will eventually be implemented in the rest of
the world.

The provisions of NESARA have been composed by visionaries who wish to right past wrongs against the
people in the United States. It is supported and inspired by statesmen around the world, as well as
outside the world, as a vision of world peace, freedom and prosperity. The law provides:

1. Forgiveness of all credit card, mortgage, student loan and other bank debts related to illegal banking
and government activities.

2. The dissolution of the IRS (Internal Revenue Service) and the income tax.

3. Creating a flat-rate, non-essential “new items only” sales tax (food, medicine, and all used items will
not be taxed).

4. The increase in benefits for older people.

5. The return of Constitutional Law to all courts and legal matters: retrain all judges and lawyers in
Constitutional Law.

6. The provision of new representative elections within constitutional law.

7. Supervision of elections, preventing illegal activities by billionaires and special interest groups.

8. The termination of the Federal Reserve system and beginning of a new US Treasury banking system.

9. The creation of a new US Treasury currency backed by gold, silver and precious metals, ending the
bankruptcy of the US Government. This will initiate global economic reform.

10. The restoration of financial privacy.

11. The cessation of all aggressive military action by the United States government throughout the

12. Leading to peace throughout the world.

13. The release of more than 6,000 patents on suppressed technologies and huge sums of money for
humanitarian purposes.




INTEL - The Plan - Operation Q:

Operation Q was in Phase 5, of the 5 phases to save the economy through a revaluation of the fiat US
dollar into an asset-backed US money/gold through a global currency reset, as well as regaining control
of US political affairs. USA through the restoration of the original Constitution. This includes dissolving
the Federal Reserve and returning American taxpayer money to The People.

Rumored agenda:

- October 1, 2018: The previously designed controlled stock market collapse began.

- November 30, 2018: Accusations served: Bush Jr., Obama, Bill and Hillary Clinton, Pence, Biden...

- December 15, 2018: Mass arrests began.

- December 21, 2018: The US government shutdown began.

- December 21, 2018: Two FEMA prison barges photographed headed to Gitmo (Guantanamo).

- December 24, 2018: Formal launch of VR/GCR by the elders in the new US Treasury. USA By Reno.
- December 28, 2018: Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Barak Obama believed they were arrested.

- December 29, 2018: 1,000 unsealed indictments, including Clinton, Comey, Lynch, Ried...

- December 29, 2018: Seven FEMA prison barges are believed to have headed to Gitmo to contain
people named in 1,000 so far unsealed indictments, including former CIA Director John Brennan, former
President Bill & Hillary Clinton, former FBI Director James Comey, former Senate leader Harry Ried,
former President George Bush Jr., former President Barak Obama, former Vice President Joe Biden and
Vice President Mike Pence.

- December 29, 2018: General Mattis headed to Gitmo to enter the prison.

- December 30, 2018: A new global commercial campaign begins.

- December 31, 2018: Deadline for exchanging Zim (Zimbabwe's currency).

- January 1, 2019: Republic of the United States will be restored.

- January 1, 2019: GESARA will be announced.

- January 1, 2019: central banks will be eliminated.

- January 1, 2019: Fixed tax to be implemented. (possibly a flat tax of 14% and that does not include
second-hand goods – cars, houses, medicines, food…)

- January 2, 2018: Military Courts begin.

- January 2 or 7: General public to begin the exchange.

- April-May 2019: new elections to be held.

- Dates unknown: Martial law enforced, United States Space Command active.

TO. Redemption/Exchange Quotes:

1. The new Quantum financial system has been successfully tested several times. It was fully integrated,
operational and impenetrable, with a mandate that all procedures be transparent.

2. In a recorded December 25 Christmas phone call to troops in Iraq and elsewhere, President Trump
announced that we would see currency reform this week.

3. Pre-launch meetings with the Chinese, UST in Reno, and lead account leaders for the GCR launch
indicated they would become liquid and final goodbyes would be made on Christmas Eve on December
24 when Trump was away of the country in Iraq (a requirement for the RV).

4. By December 28, a final plan and timeline for the GCR had been approved, with paperwork signed
between Wells Fargo and HSBC.

5. The Iraqi Prime Minister accepted President Trump's invitation to visit the White House in
Washington on New Year's Eve, December 31, although Tony said it was January 8.

6. All banks were closed for Saturday. December 29 at 8 pm EST, while the 2019 global business year
began on Sunday. December 30 at 1am EST (10am GST in Dubai).

7. Mon. December 31st appeared to be a deadline for information disclosure to set swap/redeem

8. Zim holders (who could also exchange their currency) had an unknown deadline to start, they would
be contacted by text messages and redeem them at military facilities.
9. Currency holders would use 800#s to make their appointments and exchange them at off-site
locations. Those applying for the highest backscreen rates would be filled before the general public
begins trading around January 2nd or 7th (these dates could have changed).

10. The general public would change at banks before January 2 or 7 (these dates could have changed).

11. Prosperity Packets will be distributed on January 3 or 4 (these dates may have changed).

b. Stock Exchange:

On Friday afternoon, December 28, after three massive buy orders, the Stock Market went on another
wild roller coaster. The Dow Jones index closed down 76 points from the December 27 peak of 800
points. The Stock Market was expected to continue to show radical volatility, so that the massive
amounts of money released during the Global Currency Reset would act as a cover for deliberate market
manipulation designed to crash Stocks and take out large corporate Cabals. , along with your old US
dollar and (fiat financial) system.

c. Restored Republic:

1. Trump made the US U.S. complied with all GESARA requirements so that the Republic of the U.S. USA
be Restored by January 1, as are 209 sovereign nations that wish to participate in the GCR, although
some have not yet achieved this.

2. For the first part of 2019, central banks would be reorganized and announcements would be made
regarding the GESARA Act, the Restored Republic of the USA. USA And a new flat tax system: it would
seem that only 17% applies to newly purchased items, without taxes on food or medicine.

3. Congress was not expected to return on January 3 due to a government shutdown and pending
arrests of at least 1/3, if not more, of the members of Congress named in more than 70,000 sealed

4. Throughout history, the Cabal has been controlling the votes of a large number of politicians through
blackmail of their pedophilia, satanic worship and money laundering activities.
5. These illegal acts were organized through global satanic worship elites who ran an international arms
trafficking, drug trafficking and child exploitation network, called the Ninth Circle Cult of Child Sacrifice,
organized by the Vatican and financed by the British Monarchy through the use of the United States by
the Central Bank. Taxpayer dollars and demanded by various mafias. See:…/pages/…/590/stories.html

6. Thousands would be arrested, although their charges of pedophilia would not necessarily be made
public, and their indictments would show other charges such as treason, fraud, embezzlement,
extortion, sedition and/or murder.

7. On December 29, the first of 70,000 indictments was unsealed, accusing Hillary Clinton and 40 other
global elites such as James Comey and Harry Ried of murder, unlawful prosecution, abuse of power, and
treason against the people of the United States. . USA

d. December 29, 2018 9:50 am ET Hillary Clinton, Unsealed Indictment (Video): (Video) [HRC]'s Verified

1. The unsealed indictment of Hillary Clinton, Case No. 1:16 CV 1490, filed on February 16, 2018 in the
US District Court. U.S., Northern District of New York and served defendants on April 4, 2018 in
connection with the Nevada Bundy Ranch and Hammond cases. 649 pages and 27 videos.

2. Loaded: What appeared to be more than 40 people, including Hillary Clinton, James Comey, Loretta
Lynch, FBI agents, US attorneys, judges, magistrates, state and local police, BLM, and NGO contractors.

3. Charges: Murder, criminal prosecution, abuse of power, treason against the people of the United
States. USA And it was related to Uranium One Deal (Obama, Clinton).

4. The orders to the FBI and local authorities to end the Bundy Ranch case with violence came directly
from the White House (Obama, Clinton).

AND. December 29, 2018 10:32 pm EST 911 Emergency System, Faal: Sorcha Faal - American 911
Emergency System Paralyzed After Message from Chilling Trump

F. December 29, 2018 10:05 pm EST Aircraft Carrier at Gitmo: Navy Sources Say Aircraft Carrier Will
Arrive at Guantanamo Bay
• The NESARA Law was not a hoax but a reality, whose application has been delayed for 18 years since
the 9/11 attack.

• In 2015, the Gesara agreement was secretly signed in Paris to bring the benefits of NESARA to all
countries in the world.

• Gesara will bring global forgiveness of debt and the revelation of the existence of beings from other

• This change was already attempted on September 11, 2001, but was aborted by the self-attack on the
Twin Towers.

• The Fed will go bankrupt the moment 51% of global oil sales are made in yuan, but now it is at 41%

• So far all US presidents who tried to suppress the Fed have been assassinated

Many negative people, especially those trained in Cabal financial systems, have insisted that the
currency revaluation has to be a scam, since it has never happened before, and there might not be
enough money in the world to finance the money flow. that we have described.

We sympathize with your doubts, but they are simply wrong. There is enough wealth to give every man,
woman and child on the planet $100 million or more.

All that was required was the right moment and the highest vibration that would allow compassion,
kindness and great Love to govern the behavior of everyone in power, down to the last family, city and
village. That moment has finally arrived, my dear brothers and sisters.

From our limitless stores within the mountains, beneath the islands, under the sea and in distant hidden
caves, we have provided the gold to every country in the world to make this possible. Every country will
be economically stable, secure in its prosperity, and given the opportunity to leave behind the artificially
created debt that has enslaved everyone.

The new system is here:

We note that we will be your security and you are going to execute on your own, and this is our
suggestion for your system, but you have to do it.” I think that's what the Reno thing is about:
rebranding the global economy honestly and fairly and fairly to everyone at the same time, taking into
account the retribution for all the destruction that has been done to innocent countries like Philippines,
Mexico, South America and Africa.

They have been looted. They must be restored on an equal footing with their brothers in the world. And
then move forward…

"When people begin to receive prosperity, they will begin to wake up very quickly, very quickly"


AUGUST 15, 2019


2019 Disclaimer:

According to sources, the global economic transition is expected to begin this month. Several events will
occur during the global economic transition. The bond market is in the process of collapsing and new
asset-backed bonds are expected to be issued. The US dollar will suddenly devalue and a trade deal with
China will save it. This trade agreement with China was already made behind closed doors but was not
officially signed.

The trade agreement will bind the US. USA To return to the gold standard, which will cause deflation
and therefore return the US dollar. The IMF is expected to announce a new gold treaty after the United
States returns to the gold standard. The last phase of the global economic transition is the complete
dismantling of the fiat financial system. Once the fiat financial system is dismantled, Earth Alliance will
implement a new financial system (backed by gold). All countries will be forced to adopt the gold
standard and all debts will be forgiven. RV is expected to occur before the global economic transition
begins. The implementation of a new financial system (backed by gold) will mark an element of
GESARA's agenda.

NESARA News RV intel "Golden Age"




1.- On Friday the 23rd at 6pm EST/Eastern Time for the first time the Quantum Algorithmic System,
which governs all Global Finance, Including the assets of level 3, level 4a (private groups) and 4b (your
Human Angel that you are not in any private group) were released as a supply to the funds in those
accounts. They are already Integrated at this very moment.

The Instructions were Installed by the Galacticos and Commander Obama.

2.- The G-7 at their summit in Biarritz, France this weekend were given new programs and instructions
on how to proceed given that this coming week there will be News of Agent Orange, who will be
removed from office due to the scandal to be disclosed through Wikileaks.
This will cause a brief global economic collapse that will require a reset strategy called GCR/Global
Currency Reset.

3.- GESARA must be fully Implemented by September 12 in Africa or September 11 at 6pm EST/Eastern
Time. There's not much time left.

4.- If there is no setback, I was informed that starting tomorrow, Monday the 26th, the 800 numbers
and/or Invitations will be dispersed through emails or texts. No one is left behind… NO ONE.

From that moment on you will be an Agent of Change… Expand your Heart… Expand your Mind..Expand
the Communities of this beautiful Planet through Innovation, Creation and Liberation.. You are chosen
from the highest.. of the Almighty.

Get ready, get organized, the moment is here!

The script has been completed Human Angel.

Posted by: Everth Thenansehed


The release of 800 #s for Tier4b (We, the Internet Group) was expected any day now. Historical bond
funds and Super Pachelli were flowing. Certain people, including the military, have already been called
to begin the process of exchange and redemption.

Last weekend, all G7 world leaders agreed to the terms of GESARA and signed a Gold Standard Treaty. In
order to transition to the Gold Standard, the US dollar was expected to fall, causing the IMF to announce
the Gold Standard for all 209 participating nations. The RV would occur before the US dollar fell and
revived the gold/asset backed global economy, under the new Global Financial System.

According to sources, all world leaders in the G7 treaty have agreed to the terms and signed a Gold
Standard Treaty, and the IMF has the responsibility of announcing it.

Just after President Trump took office, the United States Attorney General for the state of Utah, John
Huber, was appointed to investigate allegations of abuse of power and corruption at the highest levels
of the State Department, the FBI and the Department of Justice.

Since then, Huber and his 740 investigators have worked overtime to file more than 100,000 sealed
indictments in federal courts across the country, which were now being gradually unsealed.

The Homeland Security Super Computer in Utah had all of Hillary Clinton's emails and Huber has been
presenting evidence of criminal activity against several high-level government actors before a Utah
Grand Jury.
Huber will soon file charges against Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Deputy Attorney General
Rod Rosenstein, FBI Director James Comey, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, CIA Director John
Brennan, Associate Deputy Director Bruce Ohr, FBI agent Peter Strzok, Director of National Intelligence
James Clapper, Christopher Steele and several other directors of Uranium One, The Clinton Foundation
and Fusion GPS.


NESARA News RV intel "Golden Age"

Last weekend, all G7 world leaders accepted the terms of GESARA and signed a Gold Standard Treaty. To
transition to the Gold Standard, the dollar was expected to fall, causing the IMF to announce the Gold
Standard for the 209 participating nations. The RV would occur before the US dollar fell and revived the
gold/asset backed global economy under the new Global Financial System. 8. Just after President Trump
took office, the United States Attorney General for the state of Utah, John Huber, was appointed to
investigate allegations of abuse of power and corruption at the highest levels of the State Department,
the FBI and the Department of Justice.

9. Since then, Huber and his 740 investigators have worked overtime to file more than 100,000 sealed
indictments in federal courts across the country, which were now gradually being unsealed. The
Homeland Security Super Computer in Utah had all of Hillary Clinton's emails and Huber has been
presenting evidence of criminal activity against several high-level government actors before a Utah
Grand Jury.

10. Huber will soon file charges against Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Chelsea Clinton, Deputy Attorney
General Rod Rosenstein, FBI Director James Comey, FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, CIA Director
John Brennan, Associate Deputy Director Bruce Ohr, FBI agent Peter Strzok, Director of National
Intelligence James Clapper, Christopher Steele and several other directors of Uranium One, The Clinton
Foundation and Fusion GPS. 11. Fired FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe would be among the first to
be charged by Justice Department Inspector General Michael Horowitz. Horowitz also concluded that
four FISA warrants were illegal and had turned them all over to U.S. Attorney General William Barr for
prosecution. 12. This was sent to me today by a trusted contact.

Operation VR Disclosure / INTELLIGENCE ALERT - August 30, 2019!

Economic pressure on China will continue until the Chinese government undergoes reforms to become a
Republic. China will not be included in the gold treaty nor participate in the New Financial System
(backed by gold) until they abandon communism like Russia. If China does not undergo reforms, the
Chinese people will lose faith in their government, causing a revolution. The situation in Hong Kong is
the beginning of the end of communism.

President Trump is using the Emergency Economic Powers Act to continue economic pressure on China.
Meanwhile, the IG report on James Comey was released revealing an even bigger conspiracy. Expect
more documents, reports, and investigations to be released exposing corruption by the Deep State
Cabal. The US dollar is expected to plummet during the DECLAS process, triggering a return to the gold
standard. President Trump will declare a state of emergency to save the US dollar by returning to the
gold standard via executive order. The RV is expected to occur before the US dollar plummets, which is
quickly approaching as the first wave of DECLAS begins.




Excerpts from Zorra programs. Strictly informative! Share to educate those who don't know. Thank you

-Very well, the reason why I wanted to do this program today is because of the amount of information
that is causing a lot of controversy on the internet except on television, of course, and it has to do with
your identification number whether in the of the Birth Certificate or Social Number (as it is called here in
the USA) or Document Number.

Those who are standing will need to sit down because if they don't, they will fall.

Pay close attention since very few know about this and the information I bring you will take you by
surprise. It has to do with Treasury Direct Accounts or as they say in English: Treasury Direct Accounts.
This concerns EVERY person on the Planet.

Many people have been investigating for years and have discovered what it was really about and that

EVERY PERSON BORN ON THIS PLANET receives a Birth certificate that contains a number that is the
identification number. Since this certificate is signed by their parents, they authorize the newborn to be
property of the government WITHOUT KNOWING IT.
That certificate becomes a bonus, transforming it into a “bank note” where an account is opened in your
name without your knowledge. Since the governments were under the command of the Vatican, we
ended up being “property” of it.

When you receive your document number, along with the one on your Birth certificate you can obtain
information about your account. One of these numbers becomes the account number and the other is
the routing or ABA number of the bank as it is known.

To verify, we have searched our own information and there are pages and pages of money available and
who are the people who are connected to my account, that is, who are the ones who have access to it.

There is so much money in them that it can last for generations and generations and it would be
impossible for it to end. In my account there were names of shipping companies, congressmen, stores,
financial institutions, private people, hundreds and thousands of people using the money in them... (the
speaker is Sharon and she is one of the people involved in this investigation who was invited to the

When opening these accounts, they deposit a high amount, I'm not sure, I think it's 1 million (although
what they deposit is not their money either) but from there it begins to grow and accumulate. One of
the people I have connected to my account has access to 4 billion and is only 1 of all the people listed.

I have noticed that the last transaction was in April 2016 and I also know that they use the money in our
accounts to pay for wars.

BITCH: I'm going to give you some advice, don't feel frustration or hatred for what you just discovered.
Those are your blessings and This has to do with NESARA/GESARA and the prosperity packages of Saint
Germain that are mentioned within the points of this law.

That money will be given to every being on the planet under the name of Saint Germain Prosperity
Packages. That's why we tell you that many blessings are coming to you and the money you are going to
receive is countless and endless...and it is imminent.

Note: The Cabal group NO LONGER HAS ACCESS TO THAT MONEY due to an Executive Order signed by
President Trump a year ago. Also Pope Francis signed the Liberation of ALL individuals on Planet Earth to
no longer belong as property of the Vatican in July 2017.
The Prosperity Packages will be distributed to every human being over 21 years of age throughout the
Planet once the NESARA Law is officially announced for the USA and Gesara globally.

When the article mentions ALL…it means ALL. These events that I am mentioning and publishing again
refer to the liberation of the Entire Planet, and not just some countries.


October 11-2018

Message from Dr. Kyre Adept

It seems there is movement at last. According to several sources, the final touches are being applied
now, and it is very likely that we will have the 800 numbers by this weekend or during this weekend, as
there is substantial pressure to get this published before others are made. currency exchanges.

Make sure you have all your documents in order, in a folder, ready to take to the bank. Your bank folder
should contain:

- your real coins (foreign exchange)

- your spreadsheet listing all currencies by currency (e.g. dinar) and by notes (e.g. 189 x 25,000 dinar

- All receipts, including gift letters

- your biography

- your to-do list(s),

- One-page summaries of projects you are interested in.

- documentation about any entity or trust you already have

The exchange person will check the coins you have and ask you what you plan to do with your funds,
especially if you ask for contract or backend fees. Practice your presentation for 3 to 5 minutes out loud
with a friend, so you feel calm and confident under pressure. Remember, YOU may know what you want
to do and why, but this is the banker's first chance to find out who you are and what you plan to do for
the world.

Don't worry if there are no HSBC or Wells Fargo branches near you; There are firm plans to make sure
no one has to drive more than 80 miles to get to a trade-in center, especially if they have Zim. (If you
have Zim, you will almost certainly be dealing with a private bank.)

As soon as the 800 numbers appear, I will send them along with the updated rates. Stay calm and
confident; It really seems like this train is arriving now.

Dr. Kyre Adept: 805.440.5573

Note from Gabi: Remember that this information is a TRANSLATION into Spanish. There is no other
information additional to what the article mentions. Read between the lines, it says: "it is very
likely..."Jane published it because it was received by her as well. If the information is correct, we will
receive the notification.

Stay calm and keep your vibrations high.

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