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SCHOOL YEAR 2020-2021


From 01/07 to 03/26/2021

Training area: Biology Year: 4th Section: All Teacher: Lcda. Alba Lucena

Thematic fabric Practical Activity Recommendation

theoretical Date of delivery
reference. Consult the
traditional 4th year
biology books such
as the Bicentennial
Prepare a
collection, the use of
comparative table on
the Internet is also
Biodiversity in Biodiversity in the
11 /02/ 2021
Venezuela living beings different Biomes of
Xerophilous biomes,
Venezuela and
Paramo biome,
describes in each of
Rainforest biome
them the following
and Mangrove
elements: climate
relative humidity),
relief, type of soil,
predominant flora
and fauna. It must be
presented on a sheet
of bond paper, use a
blue or black pen.
Deliver inside an
identified manila
envelope: Surnames,
names and section.
Thematic fabric Practical Activity Recommendation
theoretical Date of delivery
reference. Consult the
traditional 4th year
Living beings Biodiversity. biology books such
Prepare a poster
forming part of Venezuela: its as the Bicentennial
on the main
nature habitats and mega collection, the use
diversity. of the Internet is 25/02/2021
problems (water,
also suggested .
soil, atmospheric
pollution) of a
national nature.
Emphasize one
from your location.
Use a sheet of
bond paper,
images, colors,
black or blue pen.
Thematic fabric Practical Activity Recommendation
theoretical Date of delivery
Physical and reference.
Anatomical, Draw a conceptual Using any 4-year-
behavioral physiological and map where you old biology book,
characteristics behavioral changes point out the the Bicentenario
shared between that result from importance of collection and the 25/02/2021
family members various natural selection as Internet,
evolutionary an evolutionary investigate natural
mechanisms process, the selection as an
importance of the evolutionary
theory of process, the theory
Darwinism and the of Darwinism and
different types of the types of
evolution: evolution:
Divergent, divergent,
convergent and convergent and
parallel and parallel.
examples of each
Use a sheet of
bond paper and a
black or blue pen.
Thematic fabric Practical Activity Recommendation
theoretical Date of delivery
Behavioral reference.
Environmental Consult the
characteristics changes that traditional 4th year
Develop a timeline
shared among promoted biology books as a
on the evolution of
community evolution bicentennial 11/03/2021
man or
members collection, the use
of the Internet is
Pointing out the
also suggested .
most outstanding
characteristics, you
must place images
referring to the
Thematic fabric Practical Activity Recommendation
theoretical Date of delivery
The evolution and reference.
First links of The use of the
changes suffered humanity Internet is suggested
by our ancestors in (YouTube videos
the community where the 11/03/2021
preparation of a
herbarium is
1-Make a herbarium indicated).
with the different Explain, based on
types of plants you evidence, that the
have at home or in classification of the
the community diversity of
(herbs, shrubs and organisms is built
trees): Describe their over time based on
visual characteristics. taxonomic criteria
2-Make a that allow them to
representative be organized into
drawing of its leaves groups and
and flowers. The subgroups,
herbarium: each type identifying their
of plant must carry a kinship relationships
label with with common
taxonomic, ancestors.
ecological and
geographical data.
You should use a
letter-sized folder
where you file the
information in an
orderly manner. Use
black or blue pen.
Activity Indicators Percentage
• Content (6)
• Spelling and writing
Comparative table (4) 20%
• Organization and
structure (5)
• Purpose and details
• Concordance of the
theme (4)
• clarity of the
Poster information (4) 20%
• images alluding to
Theme 4)
• writing and spelling

• content (4)

Conceptual map
• hierarchy and logic
of concepts (4)

relationship between
content and dates (7)

• readability (3)

• describes evidence (3)


• contains images

Herbal •• related to the topic (4)

writing and spelling
content (4)
• body, structure and
integration (4) 20%
• originality (4)
• writing and spelling

what is it? : The comparative table is an

Comparative table information organizer, which allows identifying
Example: the
Ethics Moral similarities and differences of two or more
objects or events.
Similarities • Similar etymology (Ethos = • Similar etymology (Mores = “custom”) Purpose : Allows you to identify the elements
“custom”) * Regulates behavior based on good or you want to compare. For example; similarities
• Regulates behavior based on right bad and differences of something.
or wrong It also allows you to write the characteristics of
each object or event.
How to do it?:
Differences • It is autonomous, it depends on
• It is heteronomous, it is
• Identify the elements you want to compare.
the Individual
imposed by society
• Indicate the parameters to compare.
• It is later historically, since it
• It is historically prior, since it
• Identify the characteristics of each object or
arises as a reflection on
arises as a religious mandate
• It is exercised unconsciously
• Build statements where the most relevant
• It is exercised consciously
statements of the compared elements are

what is it? The poster is a relevant and

interesting text, with images alluding to the topic
Poster to be discussed, with easy access to reading.
Example: Simple and precise language.
Purpose: It will help you present your ideas in
front of a large number of people by putting your
creativity into play.
How to do it?: you must consider:
From the point of view of the slogan
– You should be as direct as possible, using
simple language, so that it is easy to remember.
– The text must be brief.
– You must be able to prioritize the information,
that is, organize it in order of importance,
synthesizing the ideas.
From the graphic, aesthetic or image point of
– Use a large format space.
– Look for attractive, eye-catching graphic and
typographic forms, for example; different types
– You can use manual or plastic arts techniques.
– Articulate images with the selected texts.
Conceptual map What is it?: The concept map is a diagram that helps
understand a specific topic by visualizing the
relationships between ideas and concepts. Purpose:
Example: Concept maps can help you visualize the
relationships between various concepts and test
your understanding of complex topics thanks to
their visual format.
How is it done?
The following steps must be followed:

• Select. Once the topic or text to be studied

has been chosen, the key concepts and
central ideas must be extracted from it,
which should not be repeated, and a list will
be made of them.

• Group . Then the concepts must be visually

ordered according to proximity or obvious
relationship, forming sets in which some
concept may often be repeated: these will
be the most general concepts.

• Order . Once the sets are obtained, the

concepts within each one will be ordered
from the most general to the most specific,
or from the most abstract to the most
concrete, obtaining a hierarchy.

• Represent . The concepts must then be

drawn, pigeonholing them in ovals, boxes or
any shape that allows them to be better
visualized and the hierarchy understood:

• Connect . The concepts must be

interconnected, through links that may well
be arrows (indicating causality, belonging,

• Find out . Once everything is linked, the

links must be read as if they were
propositions and verify that what they
dictate is true, that is, the meaning of what
we wanted to express through the
conceptual map. If not, the error must be
What is it?: A timeline is a graphical
representation that allows you to see and
Timeline understand time sequences between events.
Purpose: a timeline can help see the evolution
or involution of a process, department,
product or the company itself.
How to do it?:
It is essential to follow some steps:

• Select a topic.

• Select the period you want

represent: the period to be studied can be a
specific day, a year, a decade, a century, the
important thing is that the beginning and
end of the event to be analyzed clearly
appear on the timeline.

• Choose the most relevant aspects or

facts: the timeline is a resource to
visualize and synthesize information.
Therefore, it is most useful to choose
only that information that is relevant
to the topic.

• Use a measure of time: On a timeline

the sections that divide each period
must have the same measure. For
example, if you are going to make a
representation of the most important
events of the year, the timeline can be
divided into months. If it is a historical
period, it can be divided into decades
or centuries.

• The information that gives context to

the timeline should be brief and
specific: for example, year and title of
the event.

• If the timeline is horizontal,

milestones or events begin plotting
from left to right. If it is a vertical line,
from top to bottom.
What is it? A herbarium is a scientific collection of
Herbal dried or herbalized plants. The purpose of the
herbarium is to have a systematized
representation of plant biodiversity in order to
precisely study its presence in a certain geographic
region in time and space.
Purpose: • Learn about local plants or your

• Conserve specimens of endemic and

endangered plants.
• Formally and informally educate people
about the importance and diversity of plants.

How to do it?:
Collect only the specimens that will be

• The collected plants must have leaves in

good condition, since these structures are
what are used to identify the species.

• The number to collect varies according to

the number of plant species (herbs,
shrubs and trees) that are in your

Write down the following data for each
1. Plant number
2. Common name of the plant
3. Name of collector
4. Location where it was collected
5. Collection date: day, month and
6. Indications about the place
(climate, altitude), plant ecology,
color, types of leaves, type of soil,
type of vegetation (forest, jungle,

acahual, etc.).
Use letter-size recycling sheets to place the

collected sample.
Place a label on each sample with the

requested information
Then you should file in a letter size folder to
Biomes of Venezuela. Biomes or bioclimatic zones are divisions of the natural world, based on the organisms
that live in each area, thanks to their adaptation to the environment of the area. In Venezuela we have four
types of biomes:

• Xeric biome: Located in the north and coastal areas of Venezuela, especially in the states of Falcón,
Lara and Anzoátegui. It is characterized by little rainfall, consequently, its vegetation is made up of
cardons, prickly pears and thorns. Fauna : lizards, scorpions, wild rabbits, whitetails, some hawks,

• Paramo biome : It is found at altitudes greater than 3000m above the cloud forests, in the Andes of
the states, Táchira and Mérida to the borders with the state of Lara, and is characterized by low
temperatures from 0° to 13 °. Flora : Frailejón, mosses and lichens. Fauna : golden eagle, black eagle,
Andean condor, frogs and the frontine bear.

• Tropical rainforest biome : Located in the low areas, it never exceeds 500m in height. It is located in
the Orinoco delta, Guayana, south of Lake Maracaibo. Flora: trees over 60m high and sparse bushes:
Fauna : anteater, limpet, otter, puma, sloth, báquiro and many birds such as macaws, parrots,

• Mangrove biome : It is the typical vegetation of tropical and subtropical aquatic zones with
temperatures between 25°-28°. The mangrove is a plant that tolerates high salinity, which is why its
presence in coastal areas, with its aerial roots, favors the formation of islands and protects the coast
from erosion. Fauna : Great diversity of birds such as the heron, the flamingo. Reptiles such as slimes
and alligators and mammals such as monkeys and bats.
Environmental problems. An environmental problem is any alteration that causes imbalance in a given
environment, negatively affecting it. Nowadays the main factor of environmental deterioration is the
unplanned activity of human beings.
These are the current environmental problems:

• Pollution : Neither the land, nor the air, nor the rest of the resources have the same quality as a few
years ago. Greenhouse gases have deteriorated these resources and have forced many people to
abandon activities related to agriculture and natural food production.

• Disappearance of water sources: High temperatures have caused the drought of rivers, lakes,
lagoons and other water sources that for centuries were essential for the survival and development
of entire towns. Many of those that remain are contaminated, as are the oceans and coasts. This
could also explain the progressive abandonment of some areas by millions of families, the expansion
of deserts and the growing migration towards large urban centers. Water is a source of life and

• Deforestation : Every year thousands of kilometers of forests disappear in the world. It is estimated
that, since 1990, more than half of those we see now have been destroyed. In addition, trees die at
an accelerated rate due to air pollution, drying of nearby water sources and sudden changes in
temperature. In very few cases there are alternative programs for planting, repopulating and
protecting arable lands.

• Overexploitation of natural resources : Natural resources will soon be insufficient for the survival of
the people who inhabit the Earth. The overexploitation of resources, irresponsible consumption and
the increase in the world population, which has tripled in the last 60 years and continues to grow at
an accelerated rate, are the main causes of this depletion. The water and energy available will not be
enough to meet such needs. Furthermore, the exploitation of these resources continues in the hands
of companies from developed countries that generate few profits in the places where they extract
them, which increases inequality and forces many people to abandon their place of residence in
search of areas more suitable for exploitation. survival.

• Use of chemical fertilizers and artificial cultivation methods : Droughts, hurricanes and other
environmental phenomena prevent the production and cultivation of food under normal conditions.
In order to amend these effects and multiply production, natural production methods have been
replaced by artificial ones in which the use of chemical substances predominates. These cultivation
methods make food of poorer quality and negatively affect our health and that of the environment,
as they contaminate food, land and air.
Importance of natural selection as an evolutionary process. Natural selection is a phenomenon of evolution
that is defined as the differential reproduction of the genotypes of a biological population. The classic
formulation of natural selection establishes that the conditions of an environment favor or hinder, that is,
they select the reproduction of living organisms according to their peculiarities. Natural selection was
proposed by Darwin as a means to explain biological evolution. This explanation is based on three premises;
The first of them is the trait subject to selection must be heritable. The second maintains that there must be
variability in the trait among individuals in a population. The third premise argues that the variability of the
trait must give rise to differences in survival or reproductive success, causing some newly appeared
characteristics to spread in the population. The accumulation of these changes over generations would
produce all evolutionary phenomena.

In its initial formulation, the theory of evolution by natural selection constitutes the great contribution1 of
Charles Darwin (and, independently, by Alfred Russel Wallace). It was later reformulated in the current
theory of evolution, the modern synthesis. In evolutionary biology it is usually considered the main cause of
the origin of species and their adaptation to the environment.
Importance of the theory of Darwinism. Charles Darwin is one of the key pieces in understanding the
biological evolution of species. Thus, Darwin's Theory is essential within the world of evolutionism, a set of
biological theories that establish that current beings are the result of the evolution of past beings.

While Lamark, a French naturalist born in 1744, was the first to question creationism, the theory by which
the beings on our planet have been created by a supreme being, Darwin went one step further. In addition to
destroying these beliefs, he assured that we were not only living in continuous evolution. Furthermore, he
introduced the term natural selection into evolutionary theories, a concept that today is essential to explain
evolution in the organisms of our planet.
Darwin revolutionized the world with his book The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, which
was published in 1859. That was the first time we could observe his theories, related to this concept of
natural selection.

What is this about natural selection? According to Darwin, natural selection is nothing more than the
variation of species over the years with the sole purpose of adapting to the environment.

It is important to know that this variation must follow certain guidelines. It must be hereditary, so it cannot
be the cause of any mutation. They will simply be traits that, when possessed, favor the survival of a certain
species, and that can subsequently be passed from generation to generation. This is precisely how species
evolve after millions and millions of years.

One of Darwin's most famous examples in his Theory is that of giraffes. In a population of giraffes we would
find specimens with longer necks and legs. However, if a dry season occurs, the short-necked giraffes will be
the first to die, since they are the ones that do not reach the top of the trees, having to share their main food
with the rest of the animals in the area. . Thus, long-necked giraffes have the greatest chance of surviving, let
alone reproducing, so their long neck and legs will be inherited by their offspring.

We find very clear examples today. For example, in the world of health. It is no secret that different viruses
and bacteria are evolving and becoming immune to traditional medicine. This has a lot to do with Darwin's
natural selection. If over the years there are some viruses or bacteria that manage to survive and reproduce,
we will find strains of viruses that are completely resistant to the medications we currently use.
Divergent, convergent and parallel evolution. CONVERGENT EVOLUTION Convergent evolution is the
product of the independent evolution of one or more similar characters that, starting from different ancestral
forms, develop in separate evolutionary lines (independent species) until they converge over time into a
single form.
An example of convergent evolution are butterflies and bats.
DIVERGENT EVOLUTION It occurs when different species originate from a common ancestor, which is why the
organs have the same origin that perform different functions.
An example of divergent evolution is the whale with the orangutans.
PARALLEL EVOLUTION . Sometimes, convergent evolution is distinguished from parallel evolution. As has
been said, in convergent evolution one or more characters start from different ancestral forms, and also
evolve along separate lineages until they converge on the same form. However, in parallel evolution,
although characters may eventually converge, they actually start from the same ancestral form.
Example of parallel evolution: the marsupial bear (above) is the result of an isolated evolution in the
Australasian region; For its part, the anteater (below) evolved in parallel in other habitats occupied by
placentates. Both start from the same ancestral marsupial form.
Changes that promoted the evolution of hominins
About 6 million years ago , the dense forests in Africa began to shrink because the climate
became drier and tree and shrub savannahs began to proliferate. The reduction of forests promoted
greater competition among the hominids that lived there and between them and other living beings:
space, food and other resources decreased and implied the
gum. It is thought that some hominids could not cope with such stress
etitiva, and its populations migrated from the forests to the conquest of new habitats, in the
essavannas ■
Natural selection and geographic isolation are the main mechanisms that influence the
evolution of a species. In their new habitat our ancestors began their active career, to adapt to
the newly colonized spaces. It is not easy to imagine the tions found 5, but the savannahs offer a
different niche that requires physical, physiological and behavioral adaptations that must be
pioneers, since there are no longer large trees for protection against predators; nor is there such
an abundance of seeds and seeds.
Anatomical and physiological modifications in a
species are the result of different mechanisms.
evolutionaryisms, such as mutations and recombinations
genetic tions along with the pressure of natural selection
over time among others.

Bipedality was a transcendental change and one of

the first to appear. Our ancestors from millions of years
ago were no bigger than a chimpanzee and their brains
were similar in size to that of this ape, but they walked
completely upright. two. It is estimated that bipedalism
was an evolutionary advantage because it allowed us to
see further between the tall grasses of the savanna,
locating food and prey. dores. Also, by walking on two
limbs instead of four, less solar radiation was received in
the unprotected savanna environment. It should be noted
Figure 19.2. Finally, our hands were free to carry food, our
hands reached the trees branch 5, stone 5 and the children themselves. Later, it allowed predators to “savanna and
” better. transport and handling of tools. ■
Walking on two feet required changes in the spine , which is no longer straight as in apes but has an
S-shaped curvature, which allows the vertebrae to better support the weight that now falls on them. In the
pelvis, the blades of the iliac bones become wider and shorter, to gain stability when walking, but as a result
the pelvic canal becomes narrower. cha. The latter makes childbirth more difficult and resulted in offspring
whose brain growth must be fill out after birth, so that your head is not so big at birth. An apparent
disadvantage over time became an advantage, because long upbringing stimulates the cognitive and social
development of children, and unites adult groups.
ra is not bluntly
of an ape, losing flexibility. opposable
walkorrun. For its part, the hole through which the spinal cord passes outside the skull (fo ramen
magnum) changes position and moves towards the base of this bone box. Therefore, sim Simply
by looking at the piece of the base of a very old skull you can tell if the individual walked upright or

T ■ ah

Figure 19.2. Bipedality brought changes in the Figure 19.3. Comparison of the skull of a primate, an
vertebral column and the peivis. legs and feet austra lopithecus , and a human being. Bottom view

Ldpo5oDPeudP=..................-EITHER"----'------------- .
from which the evolutionary line of hominins comes, they have opportunistic fleas and the pincer
formed with their fingers is useful to them in the forests. But our ancestors and our hominids
experienced changes in the bones and muscles of their hands, gaining in dexterity over
the millennia, leading to increasing abilities in tool making . tas. It is postulated that the use of
tools could in turn have stimulated the "rebra" expansion, by allowing better nutrition.
my -
The change in diet was important, since the hominins stopped feeding only on fruits, hard
nuts and leathery roots and began to include the consumption of meat, first taking advantage of
carrion and much later also hunting. Meat offered more energy and allowed the development of
larger brains, since the brain is an organ that demands a lot of energy. In our species, the brain has
reached a volume of 1,350 cc, very large in relation to the size of our body. The transformations in
the diet were also involving changes in the shape of the jaw and teeth and in the entire structure of
the face. It is thought that at some point about two and a half millennia ago, a mutation may have
occurred that weakened the jaw muscles and left more room in the face for brain growth. Much
later, perhaps 700,000 years ago, the use The use of fire for cooking further facilitated digestion and
the greater use of meat, tubers and other foods. *

As the size and structure of the brain increased, greater intelligence was enjoyed. The brain did
not grow uniformly, but rather the temporal lobes, where centers for language processing are located
, as well as the prefrontal cortex, developed more. such, moderator of social behavior and involved in
decision-making and strategic thinking . Over time, this translated into greater capacities to organize
into cohesive and stable social groups , with individuals with more powerful thinking, and in this way it
was possible to respond improves the demands of the environment: hunting together, building shelter
spaces, taking care of children. The exercise of all these activities is, in turn, gradually improving
cognitive and communication skills.

Ise's social behavior became increasingly more complex. Among the other extinct and active
primates, stable social groups already exist , especially in the case of the great apes. But the demands
of life on the savannah and the progressive brain development were selectively favoring the greater
ability to organize: for searching for food, caring for birds, defending against predators, etc. This
became increasingly significant and increasingly intense emotional ties were established . It is
noteworthy that Hamo sapiens is the only primate whose female is fertile all year round, which is
believed to have helped the stability of the pair. ja s and the care of the offspring.

Figure i 9.4. These adaptations developed by The First Homines desz tere in a process of dramatic changes. In the
recreation, australopithecines in the savanna

Finally, and it is estimated that much later, at least 700,000 years ago, the appearance of
language generated an increase in interaction capabilities, promoting the use of symbols and symbols.
We do not know precisely when this ability arose but, in relation to oral language, which is the most
important, the changes in the structure of the face and neck of our ancestors were moving the larynx
downwards, which allows the vocal cords to produce sounds. varied. Also favorable was a higher
palate vault. Simultaneously, areas specialized in language within the brain developed.

It is clear that the hominization process was gradual and the precise order of the developments
completed is unknown. However, in a dynamic and interactive way each of these traits allowed change
over millions of years, until reaching Homo sapiens sapier. Since 1829, when the bones of what was
known much later to be ancient ur were found. hominid, we have been making progress in the discovery
and study of remains and traces of the trajectory of our group on Earth. Nowadays, it is even possible to
analyze the AD of some of these vestiges of our ancestors and other hominins; as well as compare the
nuclear and mitochondrial DNA of different current human populations and try to trace • evolutionary
trajectory. It is a work where archaeology, genetics, physical anthropology, stratigraphy, among other
disciplines, intervene in an effort to tell the story that takes us to where we are today.

Here I leave the link of the page for those who have easy access to the internet, you can see it

Note : The only means of communication between the students and the teacher will be the
coordinator. Refrain from making calls or sending WhatsApp to the teacher's personal
number. Thank you.

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