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Starting a business

Starting your own business sounds like an amazing idea (after all, you can be your own
boss) and it can definitely give you lots of advantages in the future and in your career.
Unfortunately, it’s not as easy as it may look on paper. After all, if you’re just getting started,
you don’t have enough money to fund your business and, the truth is, there are a lot of
resources that need to be invested to actually reach your idea of success. So, the question
is, what’s the best possible way to get the money so that your business can grow and, after
a while, also generate some profit? That’s the question I asked myself when I first decided to
be an entrepreneur, and, after some research, I think there are 3 main good ways to do this.

The first idea depends a lot on your relationship with your parents. I mean, there’s always
the option to ask your relatives for money but this will come, as expected, with some ups and
downs. A good thing is that you know and trust the people who help you and, legally, there
won’t be any problems. However, a downside of this suggestion is that this way you’re
involving your family a lot and they might want to have control over some decisions you want
to make.

Secondly, if it’s not a huge amount, I think that borrowing the money from a bank is a good
idea. This gives you the independence to run your company how you want, without anyone
being able to intervene. On the other hand, it is a very big risk to take if you need a big
amount of money, as it can lead to you being in an overwhelming debt.

Lastly, an interesting approach to this matter would be finding a sponsor or an investor that
agrees to invest in your project because they see potential and a good chance of success.
The reason why this seems like a good solution is that besides getting your money, you have
someone who can guide you on your path, someone that also has knowledge in running a
business and experience in marketing and improving a company’s image, status and
reliability. An argument against this idea would be that the people who decide to invest
usually also expect to get a share of your company in exchange for their money. However,
this procent is negotiable and you still end up with lots of benefits.

So, taking everything into consideration, I think the best solution for me is to find an investor
that agrees with my principles and that can also guide me when I’m stuck. After all, if they
became so successful, they must know something that I still need to find out.

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