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Johanna Argandoña Acosta

Natalia Fernandez Fernandez
Karla Leandro Villarreal
Veronica Pachas Ramirez


Carmen Quiñones


International Trade
Centralized Organizational Structure of the
Northern Cookie Company






To successfully enter the international market through export, we are considering
three basic areas such as Logistics Management to get the products to the
destination country at the lowest cost, in a timely and safe manner, the Commercial
Management to know what strategies to use and obtaining thus successes in
exports and Administrative and Financial Management.

As the maximum unit responsible for the planning, organization and results of the
efficient company, it is responsible for the different areas of the company and their
coordination, as well as performing analysis functions of the environment in which
the entity operates and propose courses of action at a higher level.
The company will have a General Manager who will be the Legal Representative of
the Company and will be in charge of the direction and administration of the
company's social businesses abroad. The general manager of the company has to
work on three axes: One is the strategic one, that is, what is the vision that the
company has within the next few years in this new market such as India, which has
to be aligned with the group's strategy. Secondly, an executive level that implies
that all operational tasks are carried out, with a certain degree of control but with
an important degree of decentralization so that daily operations at the execution
and decision level are as efficient as possible. And a fundamental issue, aligning
with the company's strategies and policies. As a representative of the company,
the manager must become familiar with the culture of the market to be exported in
order to make future investments and recognition of the company since he would
create the image of the company. Your main tasks to perform would be:
 Responsible for targeted revenue
 Develop market strategy
 Management of sales strategy, planning, tactics and budget items
 Creation and maintenance of the distribution network
 Daily management of office staff
Likewise, the profile of every manager who will be responsible for controlling the
exports of GN COOKIES to India must have a high cultural level and sensitivity to
deal with future buyers in that market; be creative, innovative and skilled
negotiator; master foreign languages; have an optimal academic background, be
accustomed to risk, have leadership capacity, commercial seriousness, a high
sense of control and flexibility; know the market and product, international
contracts, administrative procedures for foreign trade, international finance,
logistics, the methodology of alliances and conversions, and be an expert in
computer science.
 Represent a long-term vision
 Condition and mark the philosophy and culture of the company
 If it is necessary to take into consideration the fact that it is reinventing the
business model because it has entered into decline, it will do so.
2. LOGISTICS DIRECTION: In logistics to be able to export cookies, the strategies
that mark the innovation of processes in a competitive manner can be the

 Reduce inventories through a system of hierarchical distribution centers to

satisfy customer service levels (destination country INDIA).
 Develop innovative alternatives for processing orders and serving our
 Processing of orders in batches since it is necessary for there to be greater
expansion in shipments.
 Develop processes and operations to satisfy the requirements of standards
and policies given in the destination country, which is India.
 Introduce innovations in new technologies and information in logistics,
carrying out specialized systems that are responsible for better control of the
products that are going to be exported.
 Outsource operations through logistics operators with fleets dedicated
exclusively to the arrival of orders placed from the company until their arrival
at their destination.
 Have a good transportation plan that allows the company's products (cookies)
to travel through distribution efficiently and at the lowest possible cost. This
would help increase the company's competitiveness compared to others.
 To carry out a good logistics strategy, it is necessary to take into account the
logistics costs related to the export of GN cookies. When calculating the
export price, it is not enough to include the cost of the product and the cost of
shipping to the final destination (India), but you must keep in mind a series of
factors that can influence the success of the San Jorge company, both for
customer service and profit margins for the company itself; That is why it is
advisable to follow the logistics costs.
 Another logistics strategy would be to work with a customs agency to facilitate
the procedures and serve as a link for us as an exporting company, there are
also government institutions related to exports and means of transportation.
 Another strategy is logistical innovations, a key element for competitiveness
in foreign trade.
 To strategically enter international markets, we as an export company have to
ensure that we deliver the correct order, meet the specifications and quality
requested by the importer, adjusting to the agreed times. This is achieved
with good logistical performance and allows it to reach a high degree of
competitiveness, thus allowing:
- Optimize the company's export process
- Avoid paying fines or surcharges by transport companies.
- Obtain new purchase orders, based on good performance.
- Maintain a good relationship with our main client which is INDIA.
- Build a good image with the client; That is to say, as an exporter of GN
cookies, we are considered a reliable, capable and professional importer.


Regarding marketing to be able to export cookies, the strategies that mark the
innovation of processes in a competitive manner can be the following:
 The first sales strategy that we are going to use to be more competitive in
the foreign market is to adapt the cookie by giving it certain characteristics,
functions, improvements or uses to change the design, presentation and
packaging, thus giving a new look to traditional cookies.
 Customer service is perhaps one of the fundamental branches of every
business, which is why we want to establish the attraction strategy to
conquer our new market through trained executives, promotions and
 Anticipate customer requirements, be an efficient company before, during
and after the commercial transaction.
 Advise the client about our services so that they see a great willingness in
our work. This advice will in turn be accompanied by kindness, empathy and
 Forget about discussing with customers , for example if customers have a
problem we have to solve it from the beginning. Whether it is necessary to
deliver the product again or refund the money to convert them into loyal
 Decide that the product is a unique experience for the consumer,
demonstrating that we offer a cookie with high quality at the time of its
preparation, flavor and presentation.
 Make a name in the Indian market as a company that presents a product
with a diversity of flavors, its own design, a product for the whole family and
that can be consumed on any occasion.
 To offer maximum quality, the fastest and most effective step we will take
will be to abide by quality standards and display an ISO envelope next to the
name of the company or product. This implies that clients obtain a quality
guarantee of the product and/or service, and serves to equate the company
with other older companies within the same market.
 Establish a successful product in order to achieve a word-of-mouth
recommendation strategy and make the product look impeccable and
satisfactory so that the customer only has words of praise for it, and is
dedicated to promoting it within their circle of friends and acquaintances.
 Be innovative by applying fresh ideas to the pre-existing Indian market, to
become a leader, setting the course with cookies that did not exist before (or
reinventing what already existed).
 The channel that we will use will be a retail client in charge of distributing
our product to restaurants, hotels, supermarkets, mini-supermarkets and
self-service stores.
 Having the best design on the market, the design points to the subjectivity of
the clients, who desire a product due to its aesthetics without disrespecting
the Indian inhabitant, taking into account their habits and customs.
 As a marketing strategy, the use of social networks, such as Facebook,
Twitter or YouTube, was chosen, especially since our target audience is
made up of young people.


The financial strategies used for the export of our GN cookies, in this case to
the country of India, are directly related to obtaining the necessary resources
for the financing of operations and to the allocation of investment alternatives
that contribute to the achievement of the objectives of the plan, both in the short
and long term.
The financial strategies proposed in the short term are based on the following:
 The company's current financing, called current liabilities, is made up of
spontaneous sources (accounts and bills payable, wages, salaries, taxes
and other withholdings derived from the normal functioning of the entity),
as well as bank and non-bank sources ( represented by the credits that
companies receive from banks and other organizations), which reports a
financial cost that, depending on the source, is presented explicitly or
 Spontaneous sources generally do not present an explicit financial cost;
However, its use provides the company with financing that, if not
exploited, would force it to turn to sources that do have an explicit
financial cost.
 On the other hand, banking sources present an explicit cost that is
nothing more than the interest that these institutions require for the
financing they provide. Now, it is not only about the interest, but it is also
important to evaluate other collateral costs such as commissions, and
the requirement of compensatory balances that immobilize part of the
financing, being fundamental for the evaluation of these sources the
calculation of the effective rate that includes the effect of all the costs
associated with obtaining it.
 We have to highlight that the criteria for defining current financing
strategies point towards the selection of those sources that, properly
combined with the risk-return relationship adopted by the company,
provide the lowest total financial cost.
 Efficient cash management is the result of the strategies adopted in
relation to accounts receivable, inventories and payments, which
contribute to maintaining the company's liquidity.

The financial strategies proposed in the long term are based on the following:
 The investment generally responds to the need to expand the business
as a result of the fact that demand is already greater than supply. In this
case we are talking about the export that is planned to be made to India.
We have to say that alternatives must also be taken into account.
increasing existing assets or replacing them with more modern and
efficient ones.
 In the future, the possibility of external growth can be evaluated, which
would entail strategies of eliminating competitors, generally through
mergers and/or horizontal acquisitions, that is, of the same nature of
business; as a result of the need to eliminate barriers with clients and
suppliers, seeking greater control in these cases through mergers and/or
vertical acquisitions, that is, different natures of business but that ensure
the corresponding production - distribution chain.
 We have to highlight that the strategies with respect to the financial
structure point directly towards the greater or lesser financial risk of the
company, so in practice, on many occasions more or less risky
strategies are adopted that lead to greater or lesser debt.
 Obviously, operating with external financing is cheaper, but with its
increase the risk increases and in turn the so-called insolvency costs
increase, but it is the safest and most convenient way for all types of
business and even more so if it is international.

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