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Iquique Baseball and Softball Association

Sports Project “Baseball, present and future”

The Sports project of the Iquique Baseball and Softball Association aims to regulate and
project sports activity in the community in its entire spectrum. The history that baseball has
had with our city and with Chile since 1931 is known.

For this reason we have organized ourselves into a group that aims to rescue sports values
and project baseball activities in the short, medium, and long term.

General objective
Improve the quality of life associated with physical activity through sports practice,
generating spaces for family recreation, developing fundamental values of responsibility,
perseverance, honesty and teamwork.

Specific objectives
1) Generate recreational activities of common interest.
2) Offer spaces for interaction between players.
3) Generate skills through theoretical and practical instruction.
4) Promote the practice of baseball in the school, youth and adult community.
5) Promote improvement and control initiatives in the Association's technical-
administrative processes.
6) Improve information and interaction channels between athletes, leaders and the

The target market of this project is the entire community, emphasizing minor and youth

The participation of former players who provide experience and management for the better
development of the initiatives is also considered.
Iquique Baseball and Softball Association

This project will be developed in the city of Iquique, mainly in the sports facilities intended
for this purpose are those located in the Tadeo Haenke Sports Complex, without prejudice
to the above, activities may be developed in other sports venues as appropriate to the
general planning of each activity.

The Sports Project “Baseball, present and future” includes all the cooperative, competitive
and recreational possibilities that open up to the athlete a wide range of options for the
constructive occupation of leisure time, participating in the improvement of their abilities. In
this context, conceptual models, skills and procedures will be worked on.

To implement the different tasks and fulfill the objectives, it is necessary to work with an
interdisciplinary team of professionals who ensure the proper development of each activity.
It is vital to empower collaborators who implement their own seals aligned with the
objectives of the Association.

The commissions must work with achievable and measurable objectives, generate periodic
reports that allow the activities to be socialized and dynamically evaluated, thereby making
adjustments in a conducive and informed manner. The commissions to be formed are the

• Minor Branch, intended for the management and promotion of the children's
branches of
the different schools in the community.
• Youth Branch , intended for the management and promotion of youth branches
adults, they are generally the continuation of the minor branch.
• PR , intended for the dissemination and connection of the Association with
• Selections , intended for the specific preparation of athletes for
represent the city in regional, national and international competitions.
Iquique Baseball and Softball Association

Organization chart
The functionality of the different positions is determined by the number of collaborators who
join the project, always leaving the possibility of modifying its structure to achieve
continuous improvement.

Organization chart

Specific activities (to meet specific objectives)

1) Obj. Generate recreational activities of common interest
a) Activity: Coordinate meetings with the sports managers of each school to prepare
a list of those interested in playing Baseball.
b) Resources: Flayers, coordinator, court, sports materials, website, etc.
c) Responsible: Technical Director
d) Measurement: Satisfaction survey
2) Obj. Offer spaces for interaction between players.
a) Activity: Start a campaign to improve infrastructure through contributions and/or

donations from private individuals linked to baseball, with a strong social


Iquique Baseball and Softball Association

b) Resources: according to the plan to be developed.

c) Responsible: Board of Directors (RRPP)
d) Measurement: Satisfaction survey.
3) Obj. Generate skills through theoretical and practical instruction.
a) Activity: Training of monitors and coaches dedicated to learning baseball in schools
and neighborhood associations.
b) Resources: Training courses, sports equipment.
c) Responsible: Technical Director
d) Measurement: Periodic controls and evaluations.
4) Obj. Promote the practice of baseball in the school, youth and adult community.
a) Activity: Implement a formal registration instrument, which allows establishing a
personal sports profile that supports an action network that favors the interests of
the Club and its members, based on information technologies.
b) Resources: Website
c) Responsible: PR Commission
d) Measurement: Final Report
5) Obj. Promote existing improvement and control initiatives.
a) Activity: Deliver an induction document showing the necessary and sufficient
information to establish the Club's good practices, offering a more expeditious
channel of communication and interaction between the parties.
b) Resources: paper, photocopies, website.
c) Responsible: PR Commission
d) Measurement: Satisfaction survey.
6) Obj. Improve information and interaction channels.
a) Activity: Installation of information files, activation of the OIRS (Office of
Information, Complaints and Suggestions)
b) Resources: File, stationery, photocopies, website, OIRS book
c) Responsible: Administrator, PR Commission
d) Measurement: Satisfaction survey.

Gantt chart
For the correct execution of the project, it is vital to have a schedule for each of the
activities with their characteristics; they must also be shown in a schedule that allows for
periodic monitoring and detects possible disturbances in their development (Annex 1).
Iquique Baseball and Softball Association


The details of the income and expenses are shown in Annex 2.

A final report will be written that will report on the level of achievement of each stated
objective, adjustments and unforeseen events, such as the conclusions of the surveys


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