UK - Bahasa Inggris Perkantoran - Bernadette Faustina Quinn Nadwinda Nugroho

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kalimat sapaan, ramah tamah, meminta maaf, dan perpisahan

Quinn : Hi, are you a new employee? I’m Peter, from the Digital Marketing division.
Sara : Oh, hi. Yeah, I’m a new employee. Greetings, Peter. My name is Hana.
Quinn : What is your position in this company?
Sara : I’m a copywriter here.
Quinn : Wow, what a coincidence! I’m the SEO here. We are in the same division.
Sara : Really? I hope that we can work well together.
Quinn : I hope so, by the way, it is our lunch time, want to have lunch with me?
Sara : Oh sure, do we have canteen here?
Quinn : Yes we have, and it always serves the best and delicious food!
Sara : What kind of food do they have?
Quinn : They have indonesian, italian, japanese, and chinese food, we can choose as
much as we want and it is free for employee like us.
Sara : Wow, that’s sounds good. I’m really happy and grateful to join this company.
Quinn : Me too
Sara : Well, if you don’t mind, i want to ask more about maybe our task ini
marketing division. Is it hard to do our tasks?
Quinn : Well, we have a kindhearted head of division. There is no seniority in our
division, so simply i tis not hard and all the other staffs also helpful to one another.
Sara : Great to hear that.
Quinn : Well, now let’s have lunch downfloor.
Sara : Okay, let’s go, i’m hungry already.
-After lunch-
Henry : Hey Quinn, do you have a minute? I’d like to run an idea by you
Quinn : Sure, Henry. What’s on your mind?
Henry : I’ve been thinking about ways to improve our customer service
process, and I came up with an idea to implement a live chat feature on our
Quinn : That sounds like a great idea, Henry. It could definitely enhance
our customer experience.
Henry : Thanks, Quinn. I’ve already drafted a proposal outlining the
implementation plan and potential benefits.
Quinn : That’s impressive. I think you’re onto something here. Have you
considered how it might impact our workload?
Henry : Yes, I’ve thought about that. I believe with proper training and
efficient management, we can handle the increased volume effectively.
Quinn : Sounds like you’ve thought this through thoroughly. I fully
support your idea, Henry.
Henry : Thank you, Quinn. I appreciate your feedback and support.
Quinn : No problem at all. Let me know if you need any assistance moving
forward with it.
Henry : Will do. Thanks again, Quinn.
Quinn : By the way, i want to introduce you to our new co-worker here,
this is Sara, our new copywriter.
Henry : Oh hi Sara, I’m henry, i hope we can be a great colleagues.
Sara : Hi Henry, thank you.
Quinn : Henry, I really sorry, I think I and Sara have to back now, cause
our division will have a meeting in 15 minutes.
Henry : Oh that’s okay, see you after work Quinn.
Quinn : Okay, see you!

2. melaporkan status pekerjaan kepada atasan!

The boss is sitting at his messy desk, looking at his computer screen seriously. I, as his
subordinate, entered his room a little tense. I knocked on the door and entered the room.]

Me: "Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to discuss the project I'm working on?"

Boss: *Lifts head from his computer screen* "Oh, of course. Please sit down."

[I sit in a chair in front of the boss's desk, trying to organize my words as best as possible
before starting to speak.]

Me: "Thank you, sir. I would like to give you an update regarding a project I am working
on, a software development project for our client. We have successfully completed the
design and requirements analysis phase, and currently the team is focusing on the
development phase."

Boss: *Nods* "Okay, continue."

Me: "During the design phase, we were able to identify some technical challenges that we
might face. However, the team has worked well together to find the right solution and
avoid potential delays to the project schedule."

Boss: "Good, I'm glad to hear that. How's the schedule going?"

Me: "The project schedule is progressing as planned. We managed to complete several

key milestones on time, and we are currently on track to complete the development phase
according to the established schedule."

Boss: "Are there any particular risks or issues that need attention?"

Me: "At this time, we are not facing any major issues that could hinder the progress of the
project. However, there are some potential risks that need to be monitored, especially
related to integration between complex software modules. The team has prepared
mitigation plans to address these risks."

Boss: "I understand. What about the quality of the team's work?"
Me: "The quality of the team's work remains our top priority. We have carried out regular
trials to ensure that the products we develop meet established quality standards. In
addition, we also implement automated testing practices to speed up the testing process
and ensure device stability soft."

Boss: "Sounds good. Is there anything else I need to know?"

Me: "Nothing else at the moment, sir. I will continue to monitor the progress of this
project and let you know if there are any significant changes. If you have any additional
suggestions or input, I would appreciate it."

Boss: "Thanks for the report. Keep up the hard work, and feel free to contact me if you
need additional help."

Me: "Thank you, sir. I will continue to give my best in this project."

[After talking with the boss, I felt relieved that my report was well received. I left with
renewed enthusiasm to continue working hard and completing the project successfully.]
3. meminta informasi, mengatur janji, dan mengkonfirmasi janji
Mark: “Hello, this is Mark Thompson, owner of “Gourmet Delights” restaurant. May I
speak with Mr. Harris from Harris Meat Supplies?”
Harris: “Of course, Mr. Thompson. This is Mr. Harris. How may I help you?”
Mark: “Mr. Harris, we’ve been quite pleased with the quality of meat we’ve been
receiving from your company. However, I wanted to discuss our upcoming orders and
explore some new options.”
Harris: ”I’m glad to hear that, Mr. Thompson. We always strive for quality. What specific
changes or additions are you considering?”
Mark: ”Well, we’re looking to introduce a new dish on our menu that requires a different
cut of beef. I was wondering if you could provide some recommendations and pricing for
premium cuts suitable for grilling.”
Harris: ”Absolutely, Mr. Thompson. We have a variety of prime cuts that I believe would
work well for your new dish. I can email you our product catalog and pricing details for
your review.”
Mark: ”That sounds great, Mr. Harris. Additionally, we’re aiming to increase our overall
order for next month due to growing demand. Can we discuss any potential discounts or
incentives for a higher volume order?”
Harris: ”Certainly, Mr. Thompson. We value your business, and we can certainly work
out a competitive pricing structure for increased volume. Let’s schedule a meeting to go
over the details and tailor a package that suits your needs.”
Mark: ”That sounds perfect, Mr. Harris. Could we arrange a meeting later this week at
our restaurant to finalize the details? I’m available on Thursday morning.”
Harris: ”Thursday morning works for me as well. Let’s say 11 AM. I’ll make a note of it
and send you a calendar invitation.”
Mark: ”Thank you, Mr. Harris. I appreciate your flexibility. Looking forward to our
continued partnership.”
Harris: ”Likewise, Mr. Thompson. Have a wonderful day.”

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