TPM2 - Bahasa Inggris Perkantoran - Bernadette Faustina Quinn Nadwinda Nugroho

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50 Words

No Word Meaning No Word Meaning

1 Good Morning Selamat pagi 26 Consensus Kesepakatan
2 Good Afternoon Selamat siang 27 Budget Anggaran
3 Good Evening Selamat sore 28 Department Divisi
4 Weekend Akhir pekan 29 Finalize Finalisasi
5 Problem Masalah 30 Project Projek
6 Bag Tas 31 Strategy Strategi
7 Co-worker Rekan kerja 32 Complete Menyelesaikan
8 Sit Duduk 33 Concerns Kekhawatiran
9 Name Nama 34 Ongoing Sedang berlangsung
10 Meeting Pertemuan 35 First Pertama
11 Arrive Tiba 36 Several Beberapa
12 Team Tim 37 Attention Perhatian
13 Lead Memimpin 38 Require Memerlukan
14 Leader Pemimpin 39 Quick Cepat
15 Join Bergabung 40 Provide Menyediakan
16 Welcoming Menyambut 41 Updates Pembaruan
17 Begin Memulai 42 Latest Terakhir
18 Introduce Memperkenalkan 43 Give Memberi
19 Guest Tamu 44 Send Mengirim
20 Speaker Pembicara 45 Receive Menerima
21 Schedule Jadwal 46 Short Pendek / singkat
22 Full Penuh 47 Cooperation Kerja sama
23 Discuss Berdiskusi 48 Coordination Koordinasi
24 Performance Penampilan 49 Focus Fokus
25 Purpose Tujuan 50 Policy Kebijakan
2. Short email

Bandung, June 26, 2024

To :
Subject : Birthday Invitation

Dear, Mrs. Faustina,

I hope this letter finds you in the best health and spirits. I am writing to extend a Gala Dinner
invitation to you for our 20th birthday celebration which will be held on:

Date : Saturday, 21-12-2024

Time : 19.00 – 21.00 pm
Venue : Hotel Mulia Senayan, Jakarta Pusat
Dc : Monochrome

I am eagerly looking forward to celebrating ours special day with you and creating lasting
memories together.

Thankyou and I hope to see you there.

Warmest regards,
Winan’s Corp.

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