TPM1 - Bahasa Inggris Perkantoran - Bernadette Faustina Quinn Nadwinda Nugroho

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TPM1_Bahasa Inggris Perkantoran_Bernadette Faustina Quinn Nadwinda Nugroho

1. 50 Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris

No Word Meaning No Word Meaning
1 Competitor Lawan bisnis 26 Payroll Penghitungan gaji
2 Overtime Lembur 27 Layoff PHK
3 Invoice Kwitansi Bayar 28 Department Departemen
4 Feedback Timbal balik 29 Accounting Akuntansi
5 Training Pelatihan 30 Customer Service Layanan Pelanggan
6 Meeting Rapat 31 Marketing Pemasaran
7 Annual Leave Cuti 32 Product Pengembangan
Development produk
8 Headquarter Kantor pusat 33 Quality Control Kontrol kualitas
9 Resign Mengundurkan 34 Employer Pemberi kerja
10 Weekly Sync Rapat mingguan 35 Employee Pekerja
11 Monthly Report Laporan bulanan 36 Recruiter Perekrut
12 Workflow Alur kerja 37 Recruitment Perekrutan
13 Task Tugas 38 Staff Karyawan
14 Peer Review Penilaian rekan 39 Founder Pendiri
15 Self Review Penilaian diri 40 Shareholder Pemegang saham
16 Performance Penilaian rutin 41 Director Direktur
17 Remote Jarak jauh 42 Vice Director Wakil Direktur
18 Turnover Pergantian 43 Manager Manajer
19 Conversion Konversi 44 Head of Kepala departemen
20 Revenue Pendapatan 45 Accountant Akuntan
21 Profit Keuntungan 46 Assistant Asisten
22 Funding Pengumpulan 47 Co-worker Rekan kerja
23 Brief Deck Informasi singkat 48 Receptionist Resepsionis
24 Timeline Target waktu 49 Intern Pemagang
25 Payday Hari gajian 50 Trainer Pelatih

2. Narasi Percakapan
Caca : Hello Good Morning, i am Caca, your new co-worker. Sorry to bother, can i ask you
some questions about my job here?
Boo : Oh hi Caca, i’ve heard about you from our manager, you’re a new accountant right?
Caca : Yes i am, i need you to teach me some jobs because i don’t know much about this
Boo : Oh sure, what do you want to know?
Caca : Who is our head of department?
Boo : He is Gaol
Caca : What kind of person is he?
Boo : Well, he dicipline. When he gave us some tasks, he always mention the timeline.
Caca : Is he rude?
Boo : Well, not really.
Caca : How about the culture in this company?
Boo : Well we have some reviews every year. There are self review, peer review, and self
Caca : Wow that’s a lot.
Boo : Yep, but it maintains our good relationship with others in this company.
Caca : Wow, that’s great.

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