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Authorization form for the use of the interview

- This authorization refers to audio and/or audiovisual recordings and their

corresponding transcriptions, which will be deposited in the Archive of the
Oral History Program, of the Library Research Institute, Faculty of Philosophy
and Letters, University of Buenos Aires. This file is intended for cultural,
educational and scientific purposes.

- I hereby state that my participation in the interview(s) is voluntary and I am

aware and consent that I will not receive financial compensation of any nature
in exchange.
I authorize the inclusion of the interview, carried out on the
day ....................................... ....... in ………………........................................... ..
by ............................................... .................................................. ......... under the
following conditions:
1) Conditions of use:
 Cultural, scientific and/or educational purposes..........
2) Consultation conditions:
 No restrictions: ..........
 With reservations: ..........
3) The interview can be consulted by:
 PHO members……..
 Other researchers…….
 General public ...........
4) Conditions of publication:
 Total publication.......... Partial.......... %
 Publication in audiovisual support……..
 Audio publication……..
 Publication of the written transcript….…

5) The interview can be used in:

•Scientific Publications ..........
•Non-scientific publications..........
•Classes with students...........
6) The interview can be broadcast on the Internet ...........
7) The interview cannot be consulted until within .......... (.....) years
8) Use of Identity: Own .......... Pseudonym ................................................. ...
9) Other conditions (specify) …………………………................................. ........

• Name and surname of the interviewee:

…………………………………………………. .. ............................................................
DNI No. ............................................
Contact address:.............................................. .................................................. .....
Signature:................................................ .

 Interviewer's name and surname: ........................................... ........................

DNI No. ............................................
Contact address:.............................................. .................................................. .....
Signature:................................................ .

In ................................................. .... on the …... days of the month

of ............................. of 20........ A copy of this authorization is delivered to the

For inquiries regarding the archive: Oral History Program, Library Research Institute, Faculty of
Philosophy and Letters, University of Buenos Aires. Address: Puán 480, 4th floor, Autonomous
City of Buenos Aires. Mail:

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