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Social behavior

Social behavior can be defined as the set of behavioral patterns that organize the
relationship between the individuals that make up a group, its mode of action, as a
whole, with respect to the environment in which it lives, with a purpose of
character. which makes it one of the essential keys to the evolutionary process, as
it is constantly subject to the variation of selective criteria and, therefore, to the
direct selectors of change.

We could say that social behaviors are those that are related to the components of
the social system, included in these:

 Work-related behaviors, whether searching, fulfilling, generating and

maintaining sources of work.
 Behaviors related to money, obtaining, saving, spending and administration
of the economic system.
 Behaviors related to the environment, pollution, care of ecosystems,
relationship with nature from the urban environment.
 Behaviors related to the social well-being of others, including health ,
education, quality of life.
 Lifestyles, including the tendency towards materialism, spiritualism,
dedication to science, art, sports, correct human relations, recreation,
lifestyles derived from opulence and lifestyles derived from lack.

Social behaviors or behaviors imply cohesion with other human beings in relation
to the areas or subsystems into which society can be divided for its study and
understanding of that cohesion between human beings, which in general terms has
a variable pattern but which behaves cyclically. In all the component systems of
society, a dynamic of interaction occurs and from this cyclical dynamic, forces are
generated that produce an impact on us and the environment.

It is a complex phenomenon carried out first by the family and then by educational
institutions, which results from an adequate balance of normative and nutritional
parental functions [...] We call nutritive those primary functions that tend to the
immediate satisfaction of the needs of the children. children: food, love, shelter,
etc., which are, in general, gratifying for both: parents and children, symbiotic,
generating attachment and essential for survival at least during the period of
childhood dependency.


Kroeber and Kluckhohn state that “culture consists of patterns, explicit or implicit,
of and for behavior acquired and transmitted through symbols, constituting the
distinctive achievement of human groups, including their representation in artifacts;
“The essential core of culture consists of traditional ideas and their values.” They
point out 6 types of definitions:

 Descriptive

 Psychological

 Historical

 Structural

 Regulations


The word prejudice comes etymologically from the Latin “praeiudicium”, an origin
that it shares with the word prejudice, from which it was later distinguished to mean
a material or moral damage or impairment that someone (a natural or legal person)
may suffer, in response to which request judicially and in civil proceedings,
financial compensation, if applicable.
Social group:
A social group is one that is formed between a set of individuals that shows a
certain degree of cohesion and who play certain roles within a society.

An essential characteristic of a social group is that its members have a common

distinctive trait or a sense of belonging, which refers to interests, values, lineage,
ethnic origin or kinship.

Change of group norms.

Every group builds norms to regulate its operation. These rules can be agreed
upon by all or imposed by one of the members (authoritarian leader). To the extent
that the norms are debated by the group, and/or constructed, their acceptance by
its members is facilitated. The leader of a group can provide the basic rules of
operation, explaining the reason for these rules.

Social conflict

Social conflict is a highly complex problem in which social groups, institutions or

the government intervene, which have different points of view, which generates a
situation of dispute that can end in violent events.


The concept of attitude is widely used in the field of psychology , in which attitudes
cannot be considered as particular issues, but rather must be understood within a
social and temporal context.

Attitudes are acquired and learned throughout life and acquire a direction towards
a certain goal. This differentiates it from biological characteristics, such as sleep or

Formation of attitudes.
There are several explanations for how attitudes are formed, although in general
there is a fair consensus that they are learned and not innate.

Zajonc proposed the simple exposure theory, according to which by prolonged

exposure to a particular attitude object we may develop a positive attitude toward
it, as we gain more information about it over time. For example, it is easy for you to
end up liking a song that you hear repeatedly on the subway or on the radio, or that
over time you end up liking a person who you are initially indifferent to.

Characteristics of attitudes.

 Attitudes are predisposed to spontaneous change and innate flexibility.

 Attitudes are the main driving force of influence in relation to responses to
stimuli and the behaviors adopted.
 Attitudes can respond to multiple situations, therefore they are said to be
 Attitudes are acquired through experience and obtaining knowledge in each
event that makes up an individual's life. In this way, attitudes influence the
different behaviors that the subject adopts.

Components of attitudes.
The attitude is made up of three essential components:

 Behavioral element . Firstly, this element refers to the way in which

emotions or thoughts are expressed.
 Emotional element . Secondly, this element refers to the feelings that each
person has.
 Cognitive element . Lastly, this element refers to what the individual thinks.
Change of attitudes.

Changing our attitude is the only way to achieve new desired experiences,
because the world depends on our actions and decisions, we all have the ability to
fulfill any dream, to do so, we need to set goals with enormous seriousness, if we
take life very lukewarm way, we will notice that the years pass without any change.

Cognitive dissonance.

In psychology, the term cognitive dissonance refers to the psychological discomfort

or internal tension that we perceive when a personal belief is challenged by
incompatible or contradictory new information, or when our beliefs conflict with our
behavior. When we perceive the incompatibility of two simultaneous ideas about
the same aspect, we tend to ignore the new information to reduce the mental
conflict. Or when faced with a manifest incongruity, we are motivated to look for
new ideas that fit our beliefs and attitudes to configure a certain internal coherence.
The greater the psychological discomfort, the greater the desire to reduce cognitive

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