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? Ibrahim Salim Roll-17 Um-12 | Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 01 . Define Menstruation with its phases? What are the menstrual abnormalities? 2. Enumerate the differences between complete and incomplete abortion? . What is CIN? Mention its types with treatment. 4. Mention the Hormonal contraceptives? What is the mode of action of JIUCD? . A 42 year old lady, para 2+0, admitted with complaints of progressive menorrhagia for last | year. On examination, the uterus is 16 weeks size and firm in consistency, we w a. What is your probable diagnosis? b. How will you confirm the diagnosis? What is your treatment plan? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 02 . Define Ovulation. How will you diagnose ovulation clinically? Nv . What is abortion? Mention the causes of Ist trimester abortion. w - Enumerate the risk factors of Ca Cervix. How can we prevent Ca Cervix? i - Tell the indications of total abdominal hysterectomy. wn . A 25 year old lady came to you with a complaint of missing thread of CU-T for 2 days. a. What are the underlying causes of missing thread? b. How will you find it out? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 03 1. What is puberty? What are the disorders of puberty? 2. Define ectopic pregnancy with types. Mention the predisposing factors? 3, What are the abnormal vaginal discharges? Mention the difference between moniliasis and trichomoniasis. 4, What are the types of hysterectomy? Indications of total abdominal hysterectomy? me to you with H/O induced abortion 10 5, A 25 year old lady cai complaints of fever, lower abdominal days back. Now she c pain and P/V offensive discharge. a. What is your diagnosis? b. How will you manage the case? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 04 1. How does a case of molar pregnancy present to you? 2. Define metrorrhagia. What are the underlying causes of it? 3. Define menopause. What are the common post menopausal symptoms? 4. What are the complications of vaginal hysterectomy? 5. A55 yr old lady presented to you with H/O post coital bleeding with per vaginal dirty brown discharge. On P/V examination, cervix shows a growth and bleeds on touch. a. What is your diagnosis? How will you confirm it? b. What are the treatment modalities? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 05 - Define dysmenorrhea with types. Mention the causes of secondary dysmenorrhea. 2. What is septic abortion? Tell the complications of it? 3. How does a case of Ca Cervix present to you? 4. Mention the indications of D&C operation. What are the complications of this operation? 5. A 25 year old lady came to you with 6 weeks amenorrhea and severe lower abdominal pain. On examination, you found her severely anaemic, her BP is 80/50 mm of hg, pulse rate is 120 beats/min. a. What is your diagnosis? b. How will you manage her? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (VAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 06 . Define subfertility/Infertility. What are the female factors of subfertility/Infertility? 2. Name the epithelial tumors of the ovary. How does a case of benign ovarian tumor present to you? 3. What is GTD? Classify GIN. Mention the complications of Hydatidiform mole. 4, What are the non-contraceptive benefits of OCP use? 5. A 20yr old lady presented to you with curdy white per vaginal discharge with pruritus for 2 days. a. What is your diagnosis? b. How will you treat the patient? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 07 - Define menorrhagia. Name some clinical conditions which cause menorrhagia? - Mention the defense mechanism of the female genital tract? - Enumerate the predisposing factors of genital prolapse. - What is OCP? Mention the mechanism of its action? Ak WN - A 30 year old lady para 1+0 came with a palpable lump in the lower abdomen with severe pain. a) What is your clinical diagnosis? b) How will you manage this patient? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 08 - Define abortion? What are the causes of 2nd trimester abortion? BS How does a case of fibroid uterus present to you? - What is HSG? What are the indications of it? > w - Name the genital tract fistula, Enumerate the etiological factors of vesicovaginal fistula, a - A 16 year old girl presented to you with cyclical lower abdominal pain with retention of uri been established. On examination, is found at the introitus, ine. Her menarche has not »2 bluish bulged membrane a. What is your diagnosis? b. How will you treat her? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 09 1. Define ovulation. Mention the causes of anovulation. 2. Mention the signs and symptoms of missed abortion. 3. What are the common cervical pathologes. How will you investigate cervical pathology? 4, What are Hormonal contraceptives? Mention the complications of [UCD. 5, A 50 year old lady presented to you with lump in the lower abdomen, anorexia and dyspepsia. On examination, lump is solid with restricted mobility. a. What is your diagnosis? b. How will you treat the patient? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 10 - Define Endometriosis with types. What are the common sites of it? - Mention the differences between benign and malignant ovarian tumors. we - What is MHT (Menopausal hormone therapy)? Mention the tisk of MHT. 4. What is colposcopy? What are the indications of colposcopy in gynecological practice? 5. A 22 yr old lady came to you with 8 weeks pregnancy with slight per vaginal bleeding. a. What is your diagnosis? b. How will you treat the patient? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: if 1. Define amenorrhea with types. Mention the cause of physiological amenorrhea. 2. Mention the germ cell tumors of the ovary. What are the findings of malignant ovarian tumors during operation? 3. Define Endometriosis and types. What are the clinical features of endometriosis? 4, What is MR? What are the complications of it? 5. A 25 yr old lady came to you with an inability to conceive in spite of unprotected coitus for 3 years. a. What is your diagnosis? b. What are the investigations you want to do? en w wn cs Pp Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 12 - Define Ectopic Pregnancy. What are the common sites of it? Mention the different types of hormonal Contraceptives? Mention the contraindications of UCD? - Define AUB? What are the underlying causes of it? - Mention the components which are removed in Wertheim's Operation? What are the complications of this operation? - A 25 year old lady presented to you with H/O continuous dribbling of urine per vagina. - What is your diagnosis and treatment? . Mention the post operative care? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 13 1. Define primary amenorrhea. What are the underlying causes of it? 2. Classify fibroid uterus. Mention the common associated factor’s of fibroid uterus with complications. 3. What do you mean by screening? What are the screening tests available for Ca Cervix? 4, What are the complications of laparoscopic operation? 5. A 35 yr old lady is presented to you with complaints of fever, lower abdominal pain, per vaginal discharge and dyspareunia. a, What is your probable diagnosis? b. What are the sequel of PID? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (JAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 14 1. Define PID. What are the sequels of PID? 2. Define AUB. What is the newer classification of AUB? 3. What are the cardinal features of Ca Cervix? Mention the complications and cause of death in Ca Cervix, 4. Mention the complications of TAH. 5. An 18 yr old girl came to you with obesity, abnormal hair growth and oligomenorrhea, a. What is PCOS and its consequences? b. How will you confirm the diagnosis? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 15 1. Define Menorrhagia. Mention some clinical condition where you get it? 2. Mention the cervical pathology found in the gynecology department? 3. Name the endoscopic surgeries which are practiced in the field of gynecology? 4. What are the non-neoplastic cysts of the ovary? Mention the complications of ovarian tumors. 5. A patient presents with 16 weeks of amenorthoea with decreased signs and symptoms of pregnancy. On examination her height of the uterus is less than the period of gestation, a) What is your probable diagnosis? b) How will you manage this patient? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 16 1, Define dysmenorrhea. Mention the clinical differences between primary and secondary dysmenorrhea 2. What are the sex cord stromal tumors of the ovary? Mention the complications of ovarian tumor. we . Define genitourinary fistula with types. How can you diagnose a case of V.V.F. S . Name the vaginal route operations. Mention the contraindications of VH. on - A50 yr old lady came to you with something coming down per vagina and difficulty in micturition. a. What is your diagnosis? b. How will you treat her? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 17 1. Enumerate the gonadal steroid hormones. Mention the sites of production with physiological action. 2. What are the causes of bleeding in early pregnancy? How will you confirm your diagnosis? 3, Mention the true supports of the uterus. What are the complications of genital prolapse? 4. Classify the contraceptive methods. 5, A 25 yr old lady presented to you with high rise of Beta-HCG and irregular per P/V bleeding. She had a history of molar pregnancy 3 months back. a. What is your diagnosis? b. How will you treat the patient? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 18 - Mention the defense mechanism of vagina. What are the Causes of vaginitis? 2. Define abortion. Mention the differences between threatened and incomplete abortion 3. Define postmenopausal bleeding. Mention the common causes of P.M.B. a - What are the uses of USG in gynecological practice? wn - A 30 yr old lady presented to you with a cystic lump in the lower abdomen which moves in all directions. a. What will be your diagnosis? s . How will you treat the patient? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaccolopy - What is an ovarian cycle? Mention the components of the ovarian cycle. 2. Mention the differences between benign and malignant ovarian tumor w - Define Subfertility/Infertility. Mention the parameters of semen analysis. 4. What is Myomectomy? What Are the Prerequisites of myomectomy operation? 5. A 45 years old parous lady presented to you with irr excessive per vaginal bleeding. USG reveals a bulky uterus. a) What is your probable diagnosis? b) How will you treat the patient? Uttara Adhunik Medical College (UAMC) Department of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Subject: Gynaecology Card no: 20 - Define missed abortion. Mention the presenting features of missed abortion? 2. Detne Adenomyosis. Mention the presenting features with treatment w . Enumerate the associated factors of fibroid uterus. What are the complications of fibroid uterus? 4. Enumerate the permanent contraceptives. Mention the complications of IUCD. wn A 20yes old lady came to you with severe lower abdominal pain, fever and vomiting. On examination, abdomen was tense and tender USG of lower abdomen revealed moderate sized cystic lump in ovary a) What is your diagnosis? b) What will be the treatment of the patient?

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