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Adicción a las nuevas tecnologías y redes sociales en jóvenes

Instituto tecnológico de Chihuahua II


Addiction to technologies and social networks
The topic to be discussed in the following essay helps us understand that today's
youth has some problem with addiction to technology; being clearer, to social
According to the information sources in which the information was consulted, it is
found that of 98% of adolescents, 3% to 6% are addicted to ICT.
ICT helps us simplify our daily activities; They make it easier and faster. Thanks to
this speed, young people are attracted and spend more time on their cell phones
and other devices; sometimes, involving the user, making them put aside their
activities or falling into procrastination.
The motivation of young people to have the newest cell phone, or laptop,
computer, etc., is to have more space for more entertainment and other
applications that help facilitate their activities.
Many of the risk factors are the search for new sensations among youth, creating
new, increasingly dangerous challenges, contacting unknown people, etc. And
although the number of adolescents who fall into the risk range is few, it continues
to grow.
Even so, there are people more vulnerable than others regarding addictions.
In some cases it is about personality, problems in your personal life, or even
disorders that cause this vulnerability to grow.
To conclude, ICT addiction is a worrying factor among youth, because it includes
its risks, even considering its pros. Considering that the cons are few, they are
stronger than its good part.
We should all take the signs we are given in order to help avoid any problem of any
Any kind of addiction creates psychological problems, including ICT addiction. The
help of therapists may be recommended to manage this kind of problem.
Instituto tecnológico de Chihuahua II

Use and abuse of new technologies
Francisco Javier Morales Muñoz | Team No. 3
Use and abuse of new technologies.
Thanks to the analysis of the document used to support the selected topic, we
were able to realize that the estimates or even predictions that we had made over
time were mostly correct, because as we already know, technologies came to bring
about a change, both for good and bad, and it is this part that our investigation
focuses on, the bad.

From a medical point of view, this situation is alarming, because technologies have
managed to occupy the position of a necessity in our lives and not that of a support
tool, as it should be. According to Ángeles Gonzales I. Abuse of these can
become a complete addiction, completely distorting the use that should be given to
these tools. And I quote, “From a biological point of view, it has been seen that
these behavioral addictions act through neuronal receptors and neurotransmission
systems very similar to those that generate addiction to toxic drugs.”

As read in the previous paragraph, when circumstances go beyond our control and
are treated as additions to substances, then our alarms must go off, since in these
cases specialized medical treatment is needed.

In conclusion, behavioral addictions usually attack anyone who allows themselves

to be seduced as much as those who abuse technologies in several areas
(internet, mobile phones, video games, video game consoles, role-playing games,
and of course television) and treatment is necessary. to act at the moment or if the
case is different and can be acted upon sooner, prevention and moderation of their
use is best.
Chihuahua Technological Institute II

University Students and Social Networks

Daniel Eduardo Peregrino Lettuce | Team No. 3


Social networks.
Are college students addicted to social media?

University students are people who study at a higher level, in the vast majority of
We have tools, such as cell phones, laptops, computers and other devices in
Among many things, we can enter social networks, but is it an addiction that we
have with social networks?
Do young university students really know that they are addicted to social

But before answering these questions, what is a social network? Social networks
are internet sites that are
formed by communities with common interests (friendship, work, personal tastes,
social activities) and these
They allow us to get in touch with our friends and family.

Social networks have given us a new vision of different aspects of our lives, one
of them being
addictions, and the ease of communicating. In a study carried out with university
students from Granada, Seville
Málaga and Córdoba, in Spain, were trying to find out if students were
considered addicted to social networks.
The result of this research was that some do not feel addicted to the Internet or
social networks, and that
Women have a greater distance from social networks.
The researchers, according to the results obtained, say that Spanish students
are not addicted to social networks,
in his opinion. However, Spanish students have a lot of presence on social
networks, generally on Facebook
and Twitter, although many of them have special accounts for job searches.

In my opinion, social networks are already an important part of the society in
which we live, however, we know
that we are increasingly addicted to social networks and that it influences us
more and more, we can see that in the
Most of the time we deny our addiction to social media, even when we know we
spend too much time on it.
in these. Finally, it should be noted that there are many people who use the
internet for productive things,
for example, research, to read, to perform actions related to work and school, so
we can
To say that social networks or the internet are not bad, but rather the use we give
to these tools.

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